Heart Of Diamonds



Corruption at the highest levels of government, greed in the church, and brutality among warring factions make the Congo a very dangerous place for television journalist Valerie Grey. Amid the bloody violence of that country's endless civil war, Grey uncovers a deadly diamond-smuggling scheme that reaches from the heart of the Congo to the White House by way of a famous American televangelist. Aided by an altruistic doctor, Grey is pursued by the soldiers of the country's dictator, the mercenaries of the mine's owner, and the rebels seeking control of the country. HEART OF DIAMONDS is a fast-paced tale of ambition, avarice, betrayal, and love.


  • Heart Of Diamonds 03

    17/02/2010 Duration: 28min

    Valerie interviews Congolese President Moshe Messime at his palace in the capital city of Kinshasa, then survives a mortar attack with her producer, Nancy and videographer, Bobby.

  • Heart Of Diamonds 02

    17/02/2010 Duration: 23min

    In New York, TV journalist Valerie Grey loses a promotion to anchor the MBS-TV Evening News and complains to her lover David Powell about the way it was handled. To bury her troubles, she decides to go to the Congo to cover its war.

  • Heart Of Diamonds 01

    17/02/2010 Duration: 32min

    In the small diamond-mining village of Mai-Munene, Dr. Jaime Talon treats boy soldier Christophe, a victim of the Congo’s civil war, and hears yet another story of the war’s depredations. As he finishes, a Congolese army convoy brings missionary Thomas Alben to the village to oversee the diamond mine.

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