Ruth Institute Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 682:41:01
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Making Marriage Cool -- Standing up for Traditional Marriage


  • President Biden’s Equality Act: The Cost is Childhood

    26/04/2022 Duration: 15min

    President Biden’s Equality Act: The Cost is Childhood Originally published March 3, 2022, by Issues, Etc. Republished April 26th, 2022 by Ruth Institute.   In today’s episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Issues, etc. Dr. Erin Brewer, cofounder of Advocates Protecting Children and author of the books, Always Erin and Trans-ing Our Children speaks of President Biden’s Equality Act which will force LGBT issues on children. Dr. Brewer is a close friend of the Ruth Institute and has been featured on Ruth Institute’s Dr. J Show multiple times and was invited to speak at last year’s Summit for Survivors in Lake Charles. Dr. J Show no. 1 Dr. J Show no. 2 Dr. Brewer explains that Biden’s push for accepting people, so called, “born in the wrong body” seems almost as if a religion to him. She gets into some of the gory details of what these gender-confused youths experience by taking cross-sex hormones, mutilating their bodies, and never being happy with their self-image. Because of their age, they retar

  • Ideological Imperialism: Necessary Evil of the Sexual State

    25/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    Originally published April 7, 2022, at Driving Home the Faith. Republished by Ruth Institute on April 25, 2022   In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Fr. Rob Jack’s show on Sacred Heart Radio, Driving Home the Faith. Here he interviews Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse. They discuss many hot button topics that you are sure to want to hear. Of note, they consider the recent confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and the irony of her appointment: President Biden announced he’d be appointing a woman, but the woman he appointed can’t even define what a woman is. Dr. Morse offers for our consideration Justice Jackson’s previous track record on child pornography and the exporters of it. You’ll probably not hear about that one in the news so be sure to hear Dr. Morse talk about this. Dr. Morse explains how a redefinition of childhood had to take place in order for the Sexual Revolution to advance its agenda of separating sex from babies and consequently babies from parents a

  • US Foreign Aid Policy – The Sexual State in Action

    07/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    Originally published March 3, 2022 by Driving Home the Faith. Republished by Ruth Institute April 6, 2022   Dr. Morse discusses many various topics today including the striking down of the Women’s Reproductive Health Act in the senate, the U.S. trying to force abortions on the Dominican Republic, and the Kissinger-Nixon foreign policy. Dr. Morse highlights the destructive force of the “Population Bomb” myth which, unlike the short-lived success of the Ebola scare, successfully convinced people that there are too many people in the world. Dr. Morse explains that this idea has led to U.S. foreign aid often having “strings attached”: no U.S. aid if you don’t accept LGBT, etc., etc. She points to the Philippines as an example of this subversive maltreatment who are now being heavily pressured to accept ‘no-fault divorce’. Also, the recent happenings in Russia and Ukraine have not escaped Ruth Institute’s glance. Russia is below replacement fertility, and they are an aging people. The Ukraine poses a path for sol

  • No Gay Gene – Follow the Science Cardinal Hollerich!

    29/03/2022 Duration: 20min

    Originally aired Feb. 24, 2022 on Fr. Rob Jack’s radio show, Driving Home the Faith Republished March 29, 2022   In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Dr. Morse’ interview on Fr. Rob Jack’s radio show, Driving Home the Faith. Here Dr. Morse speaks on the Catholic Church’s teaching on Traditional Christian Sexual Ethics and how it is sorely needed in these times. Luxembourg Cardinal, Jean-Claude Hollerich, recently announced, “The sociological-scientific foundation of [Catholic] teaching [on homosexuality] is no longer correct.” Dr. Morse asks what science is he following. Promoters of LGBT lifestyle often act as if science has proven their worldview, but when pressed to divulge the scientific proof they can’t prove any of their talking points. If you examine every one of their implied claims, every one of them is refuted by science. Dr. Morse also examines the historical battle for truth. The menacing attacks from the elites in power against the faithful truth speakers of the day is no

  • Faith Hakesley offers Healing for Victims of Sexual Abuse

    02/03/2022 Duration: 18min

    Originally aired January 17, 2022 Republished March 2, 2022 by Ruth Institute with permission In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we listen to a dear associate of the Ruth Institute, Faith Hakesley. Faith Hakesley offers healing for victims of sexual abuse with her powerful book “Glimmers of Grace: Moments of Peace and Healing Following Sexual Abuse” Faith, a survivor of sexual abuse, speaks on Ladies of Another View on BEK TV. Faith shares her tragic story of dealing with being sexually abused at the hands of a newly ordained priest. She relates the pain and suffering she experienced and the effects it had on her relationships with family and friends. Faith also describes how the tragic early death of her brother led to her finally telling her parents the truth. Perhaps the most important part of this interview is the advice Faith offers to those who have been abused and to those who are helping abuse victims. You will want to listen to hear the full details.

  • Sam Brinton Appointment - Dr. Jennifer Morse with Fr. Rob Jack on Driving home the Faith - Feb. 17, 2022

    02/03/2022 Duration: 16min

    Originally aired February 17, 2022 Published March 2, 2022 Taken from “Driving Home the Faith” with Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we listen to Dr. Morse discussing with Fr. Rob Jack the recent appointment of Sam Brinton to the Office of Nuclear Energy. Amongst various aspects, Dr. Morse describes that some members of the federal government use appointments to flex the sexual revolution’s muscles. Passing away are the days when the best person is chosen on account of merit. Also, Dr. Morse speaks of her interview with Susan Constantine, forensic body-language expert, who appeared on the Dr. J Show and spoke at the Summit for Survivors 2021. She teaches about duping delight and how Sam Brinton’s story of torture in conversion therapy is almost certainly false. This same false story is being used to ban sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) across the nation. Additionally, Morse mentions Fr. Paul Sullins research which examines statistics from the Williams I

  • No Health Risks Allowed… Unless they are Risks to Sexual Health

    24/02/2022 Duration: 19min

    Originally aired August 17, 2021 Republished (with permission) February 24, 2022 In today’s episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Dr. Morse’s interview with Ladies of Another View on BEK Tv. Dr. Morse makes a keen observation in today’s episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast. She observes that New York law makers and city officials consider going house to house to forcibly coerce COVID vaccinations. Yet, California decriminalizes knowingly spreading HIV/AIDS in sexual encounters. You can’t take a risk of contracting or spreading COVID by remaining unvaccinated. However, you can be lied to by a sexual partner, contract an incurable disease, and denied justice in prosecuting the perpetrator. Why? Because no health risks are allowed…. unless they are risks to your sexual health. America is quickly becoming no longer a government of the constitution but a government of agencies. Congress passes off law-making power to agencies, which are non-elected and unaccountable, while congress sits back and do

  • Children Need Their Parents - Dr. Jennifer Morse on Strong Women Podcast

    11/02/2022 Duration: 57min

    Air Date: Feb 10, 2021 Published: Feb. 11, 2022 In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we listen to Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse who is interviewed by Erin Kunkle and Sarah Stonestreet on their show, the Strong Women Podcast sponsored by the Colson Center. Dr. Morse explains her upbringing, family history, and what the Ruth Institute is and its mission in the fight against the Sexual Revolution. She describes being the mother of two – one biological, the other by adoption – and having the ability to conduct informal controlled experiments because of this difference. She talks of developmental milestones, such as playing peek-a-boo, that were experienced differently between her two children. All of these interactions taught her firmly that children need their parents. Dr. Morse explains that if a child misses a developmental window, it is a lot of work to go back later and try to fix. A child only has one year to be one year old; only one year to be two years old, etc. Her adopted son missed a lot of deve

  • China’s One Child Policy: Increases Demand for Women, Doesn’t Increase Wellbeing of Women

    11/02/2022 Duration: 13min

    In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to Sacred Heart Radio’s show, Driving Home the Faith with Fr. Rob Jack. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse discusses China’s One Child Policy and the bleak demographic winter that looms in the future. Dr. Morse relates that perhaps it is absolute power wielded by a few which has corrupted the government of China. “They get off on bossing people around and we have to account for that in the human condition, that some governmental policies are driven by corrupt persons who want to exercise their might.” [paraphrase] The age old maxim comes to mind: absolute power corrupts absolutely. Dr. Morse adds that China fell for the overpopulation myth, hook, line, and sinker, with its own citizens turning on each other and reporting on non-conforming neighbors. China assembled somewhere around one million persons into the birth control police, conveniently named, Family Planning Police. This was the largest, non-military police force in the world at the time. [1980s] Many

  • Jennifer Morse on Capital Record with David Bahnsen

    09/02/2022 Duration: 50min

    In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we find Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse on the Capital Record Podcast published by National Review. She is interviewed by David Bahnsen. Dr. Morse tells her journey from an economist to a defender of the family, becoming a mother herself of two children. Dr. Morse describes what she learned early on as a mother: children need a relationship with their parents in order to build a conscience and be able to socialize properly with the outside world. And this has major effects on the economy. The people that keep contracts and promises and who are honest in the economy must come from somewhere – the family. A child without love cannot do even the most basic things in society. Is free enterprise and the family mutually exclusive? Are they really unrelated? Dr. Morse invites the listeners to consider that the family reproduces itself whereas the Sexual Revolution is sterile. She highlights that the Sexual Revolution is a war against nature. The fact that men and women are di

  • Dr. Jennifer Morse on the World Prayer Network with Pastor Jim Garlow

    02/02/2022 Duration: 54min

    In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we find ourselves tuning in to the World Prayer Network, run by Pastor Jim Garlow. Dr. Morse speaks on the vision and mission of the Ruth Institute. Dr. Morse explains: the vision of the Ruth Institute is that every child be welcomed into life in a loving home with his or her own father and mother married to each other excepting for an unavoidable tragedy. And she adds that the mission of the Ruth Institute is to equip Christians to defend traditional Christian sexual ethics by providing sound sociological and scientific information, expertise, carefully reasoned arguments, as well as compelling stories from witnesses and survivors. She invites everyone to check out the two talks she gave in Wichita, Kansas at the Eighth Day Symposium. Dr. Morse then begins an abbreviated version of those two talks. For the full talks, see here: Among other things, Dr. Mor

  • Supporting Marriage with Fr. Paul Sullins

    20/01/2022 Duration: 22min

    In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio. Here Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D speaks on the decline of marriage and the abysmal fertility rates of American culture, even amongst conservatives. Father Sullins explains marriage is a pre-governmental, transcendent institution being founded in the Garden of Eden. Yet, despite this glorious aspect, it has suffered major blows within the past 7 decades. As he highlights in this podcast, inhumanity amongst young people has advanced to its heights, and this is largely because of advanced technology and social media. This inhumanity has led to the decline of young persons meeting and marrying each other. This phenomenon also operates concurrently with what sociologists call the Advanced Specialization of Modernity: that all of the functions in society that used to be grouped together have been differentiated and parceled out from each other. All of the goods and functions of marriage have come to operate independentl

  • Insulting Jackie Robinson (and women's sports)

    18/01/2022 Duration: 18min

    (January 18, 2022) Dr J is once again a guest of Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio's Driving Home the Faith.  They're discussing the ongoing situation at the University of Pennsylvania where Will / Lia Thomas, born biologically male, is beating all of the women's swim times and comparing himself to Jackie Robinson.

  • Pedophilia from the Beginning - Dr. Jennifer Morse, Wichita, KS

    15/01/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute, in this episode takes us to Wichita, Kansas, to the Eighth Day Institute Conference. Here she delivers a powerful talk that describes how pedophilia became key to the Sexual Revolution. She speaks of how the destruction of the family was central to the Sexual Revolution succeeding. She explains that many early proponents of the Sexual Revolution advocated for children to have active sex lives and thus had to redefine childhood. She calls to action all people of faith and goodwill to unite and firmly oppose the Sexual Revolution and its agents in the State and in the Church. Access the PowerPoint Slides from our website:

  • Understanding the Sexual Revolution - Dr. Jennifer Morse

    14/01/2022 Duration: 01h24min

    Understanding the Sexual Revolution – Eighth Day Books Institute, Wichita, Kansas – Jan 14, 2022 In this episode of the Ruth Institute podcast, Dr. Morse explains the mission and goal of the Ruth Institute. She is here heard giving her talk titled, “Understanding the Sexual Revolution”. Dr. Morse gave this talk at the Eighth Day Books Conference in Wichita, Kansas. She explains that the Church’s traditional teachings on the moral law can be defended at the highest levels. She teaches a core principle that all advocates of the family must defend, namely, that every child needs his or her father and mother in the home married to each other, excepting, of course, for an unavoidable tragedy. Hear Dr. Morse talk about hot button topics like Feminism, Gender Ideology, and Sex-Ed for children. She explains the contraception explosion of the 20th century and asks the question whether the Birth Control Pill really changed the culture or was it the persons promoting it? She offers practical advice for those who wish to

  • Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement

    13/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    (January 13, 2022) Katy Faust of Them Before Us is a guest of Kathleen Benfield on American Family Association of New Orleans's The Current Word. They're discussing children's right to be known and loved by their mother and father. When adult desires undermine these rights, children are harmed.

  • Parenting, Pets, and Pope Francis

    12/01/2022 Duration: 19min

    (January 12, 2022) Dr J is once again a guest of Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio's Driving Home the Faith. They're discussing Pope Francis' recent statements on people who opt out of parenthood and adopt pets instead and the flack he's taking from his usual supporters about it. Come check out the Ruth Institute in person in Wichita this weekend, where Dr J is speaking on "Understanding and Combatting the Sexual Revolution." We'll also be at Students for Life America in Washington, weekend.

  • Suspicious timing on "COVID" regulations

    06/01/2022 Duration: 19min

    (January 6, 2022) Dr J is once again a guest of Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio's Driving Home the Faith. They're discussing Washington, D.C.'s new gathering regulations--announced 2 days before Christmas, and to go into effect not for the immediate post-holiday surge but a few weeks later, conveniently right before the annual March for Life midway through January.

  • A Recent Statement by Pope Francis on Children, Pets and a Demographic Winter – Don Feder

    02/01/2022 Duration: 11min

    In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we listen in to the Issues, Etc. podcast with Todd. Mr. Don Feder, Director of the Demographic Winter Resource Center of the Ruth Institute, discusses recent comments made on Children, Pets, and Demographic Winter by the Pope. Stay tuned to hear eye opening stats about Japan and China’s fertility rates. What disasters can result from a declining population? Is it more selfless to have little or no children at all because of the strain it will put the world’s resources? Don explains.

  • 2021: Year-End Review

    23/12/2021 Duration: 18min

    (December 23, 2021) Dr J is once again a guest of Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio's Driving Home the Faith, where it's the year-in-review edition: past and anticipated rulings from the Supreme Court, sex ed and curriculum issues proving decisive in Virginia elections, flood aftermath, and more. Coming up next month the Ruth Institute will be participating in and exhibiting at the March for Life Expo and the Students for Life convention later in January. Stay tuned!

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