Preston Smiles's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 113:33:25
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The Voice of a Generation


  • Love from Bali

    04/08/2016 Duration: 01min
  • Ralph Smart (infinite waters) on manifesting

    04/08/2016 Duration: 02min

    This was an impromptu session with Ralph Smart about being the space for manifestation to occur

  • 5 ways to OVERCOME FEAR

    04/07/2016 Duration: 10min

    What's up, yo! Preston Smiles here. Make sure you go to because I got some magical juicy stuff that I'll only release through email. Today's transmission, "Five Ways to Overcome Fear and Master Personal Freedom". In 2005, I started surfing and I was good, not that great. I decided to go on this trip with my buddy, Josh, to a surf break called Tarantulas. Now, out the gate, I should have known that this was going to be an issue with a surf break called Tarantulas. We get there and it's beautiful and the waves are crashing and at this point, remember that I had only surfed just a little bit and maybe the biggest wave I had ever surfed was 5 feet. From the beach break, it looks like everything I had ever surfed. We get out there, we strapped on our wet suit. We paddled out and as I get closer, I'm like, "Josh, these waves are bigger than like they looked back there." He's like, "Yeah, it's probably 6 to 10 feet today," which is actually really big and it was heavy. We get out there and I'm shak

  • Opinions don't matter - SHOW ME

    04/07/2016 Duration: 55h00s

    What's up, y'all? Preston Smiles here. I want to remind us all today that the world is not changed by opinions, the world is changed by example. A lot of people have a lot to say about politics, about how we should live, who you should date, all kinds of stuff. I want to remind us all to stop talking so much and to live by example, to show instead of talk. Yes, you speak what you seek, but don't speak it too much. Just show people. Be the embodiment of the stuff you talk about. That's the game-changer. People respect people who say they're going to do something and then fulfill it, then embody it. That's it, y'all. I love you guys so much. I am, we are, #lovesvoice is going down in a beautiful, major way.

  • Life is RESPONDING to your FREQUENCY

    04/07/2016 Duration: 03min

    What’s up you all, Preston Smiles here. Make sure you go to because I release stuff there that I only release through email. Today’s transmission: The universe is not happening to you it’s responding to you. I’m going to say that again, the universe (God, Buddha, Allah, Krishna) whatever name is on the door for you is not happening to you it’s responding to you. It’s responding to your energetic frequency. That means that you get to stop every time you get knocked down. You get to stop running back to the thing that knocked you down. That means letting go of these old patterns and unfollowing people in real life … Unfollowing people in real life. That means getting a squad, getting a family, getting a crew, that gets and sees who and what you are. That means loving when you’re ready not when you’re lonely. That means not swiping through Tinder when you feel lonely. Not swiping through all these dating apps trying to hook up. Guys, the universe is not happening to you it’s responding to you.

  • What you 'KNOW' is getting in your way

    04/07/2016 Duration: 03min

    It's not what you don't know that gets in the way of your success. It's what you do know that isn't true that gets in the way of you manifesting and living a life of your dreams. What we think we know is really just someone else's opinion about the subject matter, IE, right now I'm in Africa and for the longest time all I saw was commercials with babies with flies on their face and scenes of war and things of that nature and as of recently the Ebola scare, right. When it came time for me to come here everybody including myself based on their opinions started getting a little afraid. Now that I'm here I am experiencing what I would deem the most welcoming beautiful people I have ever experienced in my life. You see for at least 10 years I've had the dream of coming to Africa and what's gotten in my way is what I knew about Africa, what I knew about India. Now I want you to apply this to your own life. Right now you know too much about that dream of yours that you want to accomplish. You know that you have to g

  • It's OK to not be ok

    04/07/2016 Duration: 03min

    Trying to get rid of the pain only magnifies it. Guys, it is okay not to be okay. One of the things that I want to nail home for all of us is that we live in a society where we try to hurry up and fix things. We try to hurry up and get out of things and that works in many places. It’s great that our reptilian brain fixes things and creates buildings and cars and all of these things but it does not work when it comes to personal development. It does not work when it comes to healing your life and living life at a 10. Now, take this ride with me for a second. Imagine and I know you’ll never probably ever have this happen but just go there with me. Imagine that you’re stuck in quick sand and there’s no trees, no ropes, nobody there to come and save you. What do you do? Most humans, myself included before I really got what I’m explaining, will try to struggle their way out. “Help, let me out of here. I’m dying.” The thing about quick sand is that the more you struggle the further you go down. The more you try to

  • How are you spending your time

    04/07/2016 Duration: 01min

    This was a spur of the moment conversation between Alexi Panos and Infinite waters Ralph Smart about the importance of how we use our time.

  • How to get over hard times - Troubled waters

    06/06/2016 Duration: 02min

    This video is about how to get over hard, painful times.

  • 5 WAYS to make the holidays AMAZING

    06/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    How to make your thanksgiving and christmas amazing.

  • You're not responsible for other people's happiness

    06/06/2016 Duration: 01min

    This video is a reminder that you're not responsible for other people's happiness.

  • What went right today

    06/06/2016 Duration: 02min

    In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, it's easy to focus on what's not working. But my question to you is what went right today?

  • How to RESPOND vs REACTING to negative people

    06/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    This video is about the difference of REACTING vs RESPONDING.

  • A big question I ask myself daily

    06/06/2016 Duration: 57h00s

    This video is about challenging the stories we all hold on to.

  • Do you own you things or do they own you

    06/06/2016 Duration: 02min

    Choose but don't want. This video is about remembering what's most important in our lives, and not getting obsessed with materials.

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