Inspired Leadership Podcast With Ron R. Kelleher



Helping to equip, enable, and encourage Christian leaders to be the powerful, inspired leaders God intends us to be.


  • IL #568: Will You Surrender to God? Three Important Questions to Ask Yourself

    08/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    Surrendering to God: Easier Said Than Done? We often hear about the power of surrendering to God, but in practice, it's a struggle, isn't it? The story of Moses and his staff in Exodus 4 challenges our modern-day leadership perceptions. In Reality: Moses' staff was more than a tool; it symbolized his identity, income, and influence. When he surrendered it to God, it became a conduit for miracles. Today, this calls for us to rethink what surrender truly means in our lives and leadership. Reframe Your Leadership with Surrender: ·      Rethink Your Identity ·      Trust God with Your Wealth ·      Yield Your Influence ·      Embrace Faith Over Control ·      Seek Divine Purpose in Leadership Conclusion: Surrender isn't about losing who we are or what we have; it's about transforming them for a higher purpose. Ready to let go and let God lead your 2024 journey? #LeadershipSurrender #FaithInAction #MosesStaff #ChristianLeadership

  • IL #567: From Gideon's Fleece to 2024: Embracing Challenges with Faith

    01/01/2024 Duration: 08min

    In this enlightening episode of our series, we delve into the compelling story of Gideon, a biblical figure whose journey of doubt, faith, and divine intervention offers a mirror to our contemporary struggles as leaders. As we usher in 2024, we explore how Gideon's request for a sign – the famous 'fleece' – is more than an ancient tale but a meaningful symbol for seeking God's guidance in an era of complex decisions and moral ambiguities. Join us as we draw parallels between Gideon's challenges and our own, learning how to lead with conviction and faith in a world that often echoes the uncertainties and demands faced by Gideon. Whether you're grappling with leadership burdens or seeking divine clarity in your decisions, this episode provides a thought-provoking perspective, encouraging us to embrace the new year with the spirit of Gideon – filled with courage, faith, and an unwavering trust in God's plan.

  • IL #566: Awaken the Spirit of Christmas with "0 Come O Come Emanuel"

    30/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    Join us in a special episode where we delve into the profound legacy of 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.' This beloved Christmas hymn is not just a festive melody; it's a narrative rich in history and spirituality. We'll explore its origins from ancient 'O Antiphons' to its transformation into a cherished carol, discuss its deep theological meanings, and reflect on how its timeless message resonates in the hearts of believers today. Whether you're a leader in business, government, or religion or simply seeking a deeper understanding of Christmas, this episode invites you to rediscover the wonder of Emmanuel - God with us. Tune in to celebrate and be inspired by the hymn that has echoed through the ages, capturing the essence of Christmas in every note.

  • IL #565: Enduring Adversity in Leadership: Six Lessons from Job's Perseverance

    18/12/2023 Duration: 08min

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the ancient but ever-relevant story of Job, extracting critical lessons for today's leaders. Whether facing professional setbacks or personal tribulations, Job's unwavering faith and resilience offer a blueprint for navigating life's storms. In This Episode: Job's Trials: Explore the rapid succession of losses and physical afflictions that tested Job's faith. Misguided Counsel: Learn how Job handled advice from friends that was well-intentioned but flawed. Faith and Integrity: Discover how Job's steadfast faith and integrity guided him through his darkest hours. Divine Response: Understand how Job's encounter with God brought new perspectives and restoration. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to build resilience and maintain faith in times of adversity. Job's journey teaches us to embrace vulnerability, seek deeper understanding, and trust in eventual restoration.  

  • IL #564:From Exile to Influence: Harnessing Faith for Business Success

    11/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    Are you navigating the complex intersections of faith and modern business? Feeling like you're in a spiritual exile amid today's secular world? Join us in our latest episode as we venture through 'Business Babylon' and explore how biblical wisdom can empower Christian business leaders to transform challenges into divine opportunities. What's Inside This Episode: The Spiritual Exile: Many of us feel like strangers in a world driven by values contrary to the Word of God. But what if this isn't a setback but a setup for greater influence? Timeless Wisdom: We delve deep into the stories of Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Esther, Mordecai, and Paul - leaders who, despite their exile, were mightily used by God. Their stories are not just ancient tales; they reflect our struggles and triumphs in today's business world. Transformative Insights: Discover how to embrace your role as an ambassador for Christ in the 'exile' of the modern-day business landscape. We discuss practical ways to live out your faith, maintain integrity,

  • IL #563: Four Ways Christian Leaders Can Impact Culture for Good

    04/12/2023 Duration: 07min

    Unlock the secrets to becoming a Christian leader who doesn’t just navigate culture but actively transforms it. Join us as we reveal four powerful ways faith-driven business leaders impact culture for good.

  • IL #562: 4 Lessons from Ezekiel on Leading with Ethical Conduct and Moral Responsibility

    27/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    Explore the intriguing intersection of faith and leadership in business. Uncover the timeless wisdom of Ezekiel 33:1-9 and how it illuminates the path to ethical and purpose-driven leadership. 

  • IL #561: Four Inspiring Thanksgiving Reflections for Christian Business Leaders

    20/11/2023 Duration: 06min

    Delve into Thanksgiving Reflections: Discover how a centuries-old hymn can illuminate our gratitude and guide today’s leadership journey.

  • IL #560: Is Productivity or Fruitfulness More Important in Your Work?

    13/11/2023 Duration: 09min

    From Output to Outcome: The Christian Perspective on the Deep Connection Between Productivity and Fruitfulness.

  • IL #559: Biblical Wisdom for Christian Business Leaders

    06/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    Embark on the captivating journey of Balaam and Barak, uncovering how their enduring lessons can revolutionize your approach to Christian leadership in the ever-evolving realm of business. 

  • IL #558: Building Trust in Leadership: A Christian Lens on Competency, Consistency, and Character

    30/10/2023 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever wondered what distinguishes exceptional Christian leaders from the rest? Dive deep into the transformative triad of trust in leadership: Competency, Consistency, and Character. Discover the Biblical backbone of each and embark on a journey to leave a Christ-centered legacy.

  • IL #557: 7 Biblical Leadership Insights for Christian Business Leaders

    23/10/2023 Duration: 09min

    Guiding a business is more than strategy—it’s a calling. Dive deep into ancient biblical lessons, learning how Gedaliah’s story speaks volumes to the challenges Christian business leaders face today.

  • IL #556: Transform Your Leadership Style: Insights for Today’s Christian Business Leaders

    16/10/2023 Duration: 08min

    Discover how iconic figures like Moses and Jesus exemplify transactional and transformational styles, offering actionable insights tailored for today's Christian business leaders.

  • IL #555: Master the Socratic Method to Unlock your Leadership Ptential

    09/10/2023 Duration: 09min

    Blending Biblical Insight with Ancient Philosophy: Unravel the art of questioning practiced by Jesus and Socrates and its profound impact on modern leadership.

  • IL #554: 5 Woes of Isaiah: Warnings for Today’s Christian Business Leaders

    02/10/2023 Duration: 08min

    Discover the timeless wisdom of Isaiah’s ‘woes’ and their striking relevance for Christian business leaders today. Uncover the dangers of greed, moral relativism, and arrogance in the marketplace and learn how to navigate the path of godly leadership for transformative impact.

  • IL #553: 5 Biblical Leaders Who Prove the Power of Seeking Help

    25/09/2023 Duration: 06min

    Embrace the power of vulnerability and discover the profound strength in seeking help with this exploration of biblical leaders who offer valuable insights on the importance of seeking assistance, acknowledging our limitations, and transforming challenges into opportunities.

  • IL #552: Are You a Faithful Steward? How Business Leaders Can Make a Lasting Impact

    18/09/2023 Duration: 09min

    Discover the transformative power of a faithful steward in the corporate world! Uncover timeless biblical wisdom that empowers business leaders to master the art of time management, financial discipline, and resource utilization. 

  • IL #551: 5 Biblical Heroes Who Overcame Fear to Become Great Leaders

    11/09/2023 Duration: 05min

    Are fear and apprehension holding you back from your God-given mission? See how biblical figures like Moses, Jonah, and Peter overcame their fears to fulfill divine tasks. 

  • IL #550: Why Lot's Story is Crucial for Understanding Credibility in Leadership

    04/09/2023 Duration: 07min

    Explore the correlation between credibility in leadership and effective message delivery through the lens of Genesis 19. Find out why Lot's warning fell on deaf ears and what modern leaders can learn from this.

  • IL #549: Why Focusing on Becoming, Not Achieving, is the Key to Christian Leadership

    28/08/2023 Duration: 10min

    Explore why God values who you become on earth far more than what you do, and learn how prioritizing personal growth and character development can revolutionize your leadership impact.

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