Matthew (2013)

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 182:28:43
  • More information



True stories of the lives of famous people quickly move to the top of the best sellers' charts. Listen to this series about the engrossing story of the life of Christ as told by a once-hated tax collector, Matthew. See how his emphasis is on Christ as the promised Messianic king. Find out about the not-to-be-missed practical ways this gospel can impact your life.


  • 127 - Regret, Sorrow, Repentance, and Belief [b]

    10/07/2016 Duration: 55min

    Is it necessary to feel sorry for your sins in order to be saved? Listen to this lesson to see how remorse and regret can lead to repentance or a change of mind, but that they are not necessary for salvation. Find out that the only condition in Scripture for salvation is faith alone in Christ alone. After salvation, the end goal of our life is spiritual growth, not feeling sorry about inning and then continuing to sin.

  • 126 - History, Liberty, Freedom, Hope [b]

    03/07/2016 Duration: 01h33s

    Why do we celebrate Independence Day when most in our country no longer cherish their independence but are willing to depend on the government for their needs? Hear a clear explanation for the significance of July 4th. See how the Bible emphasizes remembering the past. Hear how this country was begun on the basis of Judeo-Christian principles that it no longer adheres to. Find out that the path we are on leads to disaster but there is hope that is based on turning to God. Dr. Dean discusses a six-point action plan. See parallels between Israel at the time Jesus lived on Earth and the United States today and how both nations lost their focus on God.

  • 125 - Judgment on Israel [b]

    26/06/2016 Duration: 51min

    How does Christianity differ from other world religions? Listen to this lesson to learn that all religions say mankind must do something to gain God’s approval, while Christianity teaches that God, in grace, does everything and man only has to trust in Jesus Christ. Hear how the religious leaders of Israel came into conflict with Jesus and tried to set a trap for Him. Learn that He turned the trap back on them. Also includes seven points on Replacement theology and how it can lead to anti-Semitism.

  • 124 - Judgment on the Fig Tree [b]

    19/06/2016 Duration: 48min

    Will God grant anything we ask for in prayer as long as we believe enough? Listen to this lesson to see that this promise is for a future time. The kingdom Jesus offered Israel is being postponed because they have rejected Him as Messiah, but there will come a day when the human race will rule over the earth as God intended. As Christians we are to use the opportunity we have now to grow to spiritual maturity so we can rule and reign with Christ.

  • 123 - Cleansing the Temple [b]

    12/06/2016 Duration: 50min

    Men rushing around. Sheep bleating and doves cooing as money is changing hands. Jesus enters and takes total control of the chaos, turning over the money changers’ tables, scattering their profits, and releasing the lambs. Listen to this lesson to learn why Jesus is cleansing the Temple and how the religious leaders react. View detailed drawings of the Temple and find out that in the Church Age Christians’ bodies are a temple and are cleansed by confession of sin. The book on the Temple that Dr. Dean mentioned during this Bible class is available from Rose Publishing: Rose Guide to the Temple by Dr. Randall Price.

  • 122 - The Peaceful King Arrives [b]

    05/06/2016 Duration: 53min

    Riding into Jerusalem on a donkey seems a strange entrance for the Messiah. Listen to this lesson to learn that this event was part of a split fulfillment of a prophecy in Zechariah. See that Jesus did not enter as a conquering king on a horse but as a peaceful king being presented for acceptance by the people. Find out that instead of seeing two comings of the Messiah in the Scripture, the rabbis thought there were two different Messiahs. Hear the remarkable prophecy in Daniel 9 which laid out an exact time frame of events to come. Be assured that everything is unfolding today exactly according to God’s plan and we can trust completely in it.

  • 121 - The Chief Cornerstone [b]

    29/05/2016 Duration: 54min

    What part should history play in our lives? Listen to this message to learn that it is often through history that we can appreciate what God has done for us. See how the crowds singing Psalm 118:26 were praising what God had done for their nation. Find out that this is a type of what Christ accomplished on the cross for all of us. Learn the historical significance of the “stone that the builders rejected” and how Jesus applied it to Himself as the Messiah. Hear eight comparisons between Psalm 118 and Matthew 21. In our own lives, we need to realize that only God can resolve our personal and national problems when we trust in Him.

  • 120 - Trust Only in God [b]

    22/05/2016 Duration: 01h18min

    What should the people of a nation do when God delivers them from severe trouble? Listen to this lesson to see how Israel gave thanks for their deliverance in Psalm 118. Find out this is a Messianic psalm that was sung by a community being led to the Temple Mount by a religious leader. Hear how the word “Jehovah” came to be invented. See the five elements of thanksgiving. Apply this to your own life by realizing that when you’re in a fix or a tight place God is going to take care of you as He has promised in His Word.

  • 119 - Give Thanks for God's Deliverance [a]

    15/05/2016 Duration: 44min

    What happened during the last week before Jesus was crucified on the cross? Listen to this lesson to gain an overview of these events and how they were prophesied and recorded in the Old Testament many years earlier. Go to one of these passages in Psalm 118. Find out why it is called a Hallel psalm and the meaning of the word hallelujah. While this psalm refers to a historical event, the New Testament applies this to God’s messianic plan of redemption. In times of difficulty in your own life, see the importance of giving public thanks for what God has done for you.

  • 118 - Jesus and the Blind Men [b]

    24/04/2016 Duration: 50min

    Imagine that you are blind and poor and sitting in filthy rags on the side of the road when Jesus is passing by. The crowds try to shush you from calling out because you’re just a nobody. Listen to this lesson to see Jesus’ great love and compassion to the most undesirable as He stops and calls them. Find out the miracle He performed. See the significance of the blind men calling Jesus the Son of David and how only the Messiah could give sight to the blind. Learn that Jesus came to give light to all of us and we only have to trust Him to understand that light. During this class Dr. Dean referenced Joel Kramer's (of blog entitled Passover—Led Like a Lamb. While you're on his site, also view The Sacrifice video for additional information. Another video related to today's class: Note: If you downloaded the MP3 file prior to 8:30 PM CDT on Sunday night, you may need to redownload the file due to a technical error.

  • 117 - Disciples, Evaluation, Rewards [b]

    17/04/2016 Duration: 51min

    Is following Jesus the same as believing in Jesus? Listen to this lesson to learn the differences between salvation and the rewards that may be earned by believers. See that you can lose rewards but you can never lose your salvation once you believe in Christ. Learn the meaning of the two categories of inheritance and see that there are consequences for believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ who do not confess their sins and walk by means of the Holy Spirit.

  • 116 - Believers, Followers, and Disciples [a]

    10/04/2016 Duration: 46min

    What does it mean to be a disciple? Are all believers disciples? Did Jesus invent the word? Listen to this lesson to learn the answers to these questions and more. Find out how the Gospel of John is focused on evangelism and the word “believe” is included eighty-five times. Is following Jesus another word for becoming a Christian or is it a challenge for someone who is already a believer to advance to a higher standard? If you have believed in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, will you accept the challenge to become a disciple, a student and follower of Jesus. or are you content staying in “spiritual diapers”?

  • 115 - The Baptism of the Cup [b]

    03/04/2016 Duration: 53min

    What in the world is the baptism of the cup? If you have only one idea of baptism, listen to this lesson to learn that there are eight different kinds of baptism in the Bible, three of which involve water, and five are dry. See that the cup of baptism refers to what is in the cup. Find out that when Jesus referred to the drinking of His cup, He is talking about His suffering on the Cross. Since none of us will die on a cross, understand that it refers to the unjust suffering that is part of the spiritual life of all believers. We need to ask ourselves how we handle unjust suffering.

  • 114 - The Last Shall Be First [b]

    20/03/2016 Duration: 51min

    Me first! Notice me! Is that your attitude? Listen to this lesson to hear that Jesus made it plain that if you want to be first, you have to serve others. See how this relates to humility and submission to God’s authority. Hear about four attributes in Philippians 2 that are true and result in regarding others as more important than ourselves. Instead of thinking solely about what we want, focus on obedience to God and the needs of others.

  • 113 - The Suffering Son of Man [b]

    13/03/2016 Duration: 41min

    Are you seeking to be important and admired by others? Listen to this lesson to learn that life is not about our plans or our ambitions but about serving God. Find out four things about Christ’s telling His disciples He would go to Jerusalem and die. See that not all of Jesus’ suffering is redemptive and we will suffer also. Understand that the most common title for Christ is the Son of Man and that it emphasizes His humanity but not at the exclusion of His divinity.

  • 112 - The First Will Be Last [b]

    06/03/2016 Duration: 51min

    When a believer dies, the biggest question is whether they have stored up treasure in Heaven. Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus’ emphasis is on our service to God and not how much status or things we acquired on earth. See how the parable about the landowner is saying that we can trust God’s generosity for rewards for our obedience to God. Understand the meaning of “many who are first will be last” and the “evil eye” reference. Ask yourself if you are willing to serve the Lord out of grace orientation, knowing that God will deal with you on the basis of His goodness.

  • 111 - Treasure in Heaven [b]

    28/02/2016 Duration: 48min

    Is how you live evidence of whether or not you’re going to Heaven? Listen to this lesson to see the difference between being saved by faith alone in Christ alone and being saved from the power of sin in your post-salvation life. Find out why Jesus set up a condition for the rich young ruler to have treasure in Heaven. Learn the meaning of trying to put a camel through the eye of a needle. Examine your own life and see if there is something keeping you from storing up treasure in Heaven.

  • 110 - Having Eternal Life [b]

    21/02/2016 Duration: 51min

    Do we have to become like a little child or sell everything we own and give to the poor in order to go to Heaven? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus is not dealing with going to Heaven but rather, He is talking about serving in the future kingdom of Heaven. Hear some of the positions taken by commentators on what the rich young ruler was seeking. Find out Jesus’ response to the questions and how it involves treasure in Heaven. The challenge for us as believers is to follow Jesus as His disciples so we can glorify God.

  • 109 - Forgiveness, Status, and Entering the Kingdom [a]

    14/02/2016 Duration: 50min

    Why is it important to know the context of a Bible passage? Listen to this lesson to hear eleven reasons why we need to understand that Matthew is emphasizing Jesus teaching His disciples how to follow Him. Find out what part forgiveness plays in this passage and the fact that children had no status in their culture. If you decide you want to follow Jesus as His disciple, keep in mind that you must forgive others and not worry about your own importance.

  • 108 - The Priority of Marriage [b]

    07/02/2016 Duration: 48min

    Is marriage a covenant that is permanent and cannot be broken? Listen to this lesson to learn that marriage involves the marriage partners transferring their loyalty to each other. Learn the high standards for marriage dictated by God. Find out if infidelity mandates divorce and what happens when someone dislikes or hates their spouse. Learn the important exception clause and find out if there are other exceptions. See that in the Church Age Christians are to forgive one another and do all they can to work out their marriage problems while accepting that it is not always possible.

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