Matthew (2013)

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 182:28:43
  • More information



True stories of the lives of famous people quickly move to the top of the best sellers' charts. Listen to this series about the engrossing story of the life of Christ as told by a once-hated tax collector, Matthew. See how his emphasis is on Christ as the promised Messianic king. Find out about the not-to-be-missed practical ways this gospel can impact your life.


  • 87 - Deceitful Hearts [b]

    02/08/2015 Duration: 01h56s

    Do you know someone who seems perfect and never sins? Listen to this lesson to learn that the Bible says everyone is born with a sin nature and everyone sins. Find out that what you think can be as wrong as what you do. Hear about the three enemies of the Christian and how to defeat them. Learn that its not a sin to be tempted but it becomes a sin when you give in to the temptation. See the three-point solution to our sin nature and learn that only God can fulfill the longings of the human heart.

  • 86 - Broken Cisterns [b]

    26/07/2015 Duration: 57min

    Did you know Christianity is not a religion? Listen to this lesson to learn how it differs from all the religions of the world. Find out that we are always inclined to seek some man-made authority over God’s Word. See that our temptation is to substitute that which gives us no true happiness for what makes us happy at the moment. Now is the time to look into your own life and see what is approved by God. Find out the meaning of broken cisterns and don’t just go through the motions of being religious.

  • 85 - Defiled Hearts: The EVIL of Religion [b]

    19/07/2015 Duration: 54min

    How’s your heart these days? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus isn’t talking about our physical heart but a more serious major heart defect called Adam’s original sin. Find out who the Pharisees were and how Jesus angered them by pointing out their arrogance as they tried to fool others without really obeying God. Understand how Jesus told them they were not honoring their father and mother. Reality check! Do you obey God’s Word or are you trying to impress others with how religious you are?

  • 84 - Faith, Not Fear [b]

    12/07/2015 Duration: 49min

    Do you push the panic button when you’re frightened? Listen to this lesson to learn that all of us have fears but God comes to us with the ultimate solution. See that God often directs us into situations that make us fear for our finances, our health, our freedom, and even our life. His purpose is to teach us that we can’t solve our problems but we need to see that God is the One who is always with us sustaining us. Hear about Jesus walking on the water in the storm and see that Peter was able to walk on water with Him until he looked down and saw the raging seas. Find out about a number of passages in the Scripture that show us how to handle our fears and see that when we learn the lessons in our tests, often the Lord ends them.

  • 83 - Christ Supplies the Resources [b]

    28/06/2015 Duration: 56min

    If we want to love everyone as Jesus commanded, do we have to approve of things we believe are wrong? Listen to this lesson to learn six principles on how we can reach those who are resistant to God’s truth. While we recognize that we are insufficient to meet many obstacles we face in life, see that God provides what we need today just as Jesus fed the five thousand with two fish and five loaves of bread. As we focus on God’s mission for our life, recognize that we are not to be conformed to this world or pressured into giving up what we believe.

  • 82 - Opposition and Persecution [b]

    21/06/2015 Duration: 58min

    Lopping off someone’s head is not a new way to dispose of an enemy. Listen to this lesson to hear about the grisly beheading of John the Baptist for pointing out truths from the Word of God. Hear about the convoluted and sordid history of the Herod family during the time when Christ was upon this earth. Gain an understanding of why those who scoff at God want to rid the world of Christians and see what our attitude toward being persecuted for standing up for what we believe should be. During the class, Dr. Dean mentioned Dr. Andy Woods' blog. You can read it at

  • 81 - Why People Reject Jesus [b]

    14/06/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Have you ever noticed that it’s sometimes hard for your family to recognize your best points? Listen to this lesson to see how Jesus’ hometown rejected Him. Even though they were astonished at His teaching, they scoffed at His wisdom and miracles. See Jesus’ response to this rejection and His illustrations from the lives of Elijah and Elisha. See why Jesus, although fully divine, had to be human so He could die in our place and be our Savior. Find out six reasons why people reject Jesus today.

  • 80 - Mysteries of the Kingdom: The End of History [b]

    07/06/2015 Duration: 51min

    Why did Jesus say some of His parables were like the kingdom of heaven? Listen to this lesson to see that Jesus is revealing new information that was not a part of the Old Testament prophecies about the kingdom. See that these parables talk about a time when Satan is active so it has to be before Satan is cast into the Abyss. Hear the features of this intervening time between when Jesus ascended to heaven and His future Second Coming. In light of the judgment that Jesus reveals is coming, remember that now is the time to prepare by trusting Christ as your Savior and then growing spiritually to be prepared to rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom.

  • 79 - Mysteries of the Kingdom: Intervening Age [b]

    24/05/2015 Duration: 55min

    If you like to unravel cryptic stories, you’re sure to love the parables of Jesus. Listen to this lesson to see how Jesus explained these parables to His followers while those who didn’t believe Him could not understand them. Find out the clues He gave those who were interested in decoding these truths. Gain an understanding of seven of the parables and see the importance of the size of the mustard seed. Hear the principle of blessing by association and its historical significance. Understand that if you’re interested in knowing the truth about God’s redemptive plan and purpose for the human race, you will have an opportunity to hear and believe it.

  • 78 - Mysteries of the Kingdom; Parable of the Soils [b]

    17/05/2015 Duration: 54min

    What’s a parable? An intriguing little story to get people’s attention? Or one designed to conceal the truth from some and reveal it to others? Listen to this lesson to find out all about Jesus’ parables and their purpose. Gain an understanding of what the kingdom is and why it could no longer come because the king had been rejected. Find out that what Jesus talked about in the parables had never been revealed before. Hear what the Parable of the Soils in both Matthew and Luke means and ask yourself which soil your life is. Apply the importance of making right decisions starting with trusting Christ as your Savior.

  • 77 - Last Chance; Whosoever Will [b]

    10/05/2015 Duration: 45min

    None of us want to hear that we’ve had our last chance and there are no “do-overs”. Listen to this lesson to hear that Jesus pronounced this judgment on the nation of Israel and told the leaders that the kingdom was not going to be given to them at that time. See that Jesus then turned His ministry to Gentiles in preparation for the Church Age. See why the Pharisees’ request for a sign was not legitimate. Understand that those who trust in Jesus become His real family.

  • 76 - The Unforgivable Sin [b]

    03/05/2015 Duration: 56min

    Can you do something so awful that God won’t ever forgive you? Listen to this lesson to learn about the unforgivable sin. Find out that when Jesus pronounced this judgment He was talking to the religious leaders of Israel who were plotting to kill Him. See what blasphemy or the “sin of the high hand” is and that it was punishable in time. Learn that people who have trusted in Christ never need worry about committing an unforgivable sin but should make a decision to be on God’s side and get involved in God’s plan and purpose for their life.

  • 75 - Lord of the Sabbath [b]

    26/04/2015 Duration: 51min

    Jesus spoiled the fun of the religious leaders trying to catch Him in blasphemy when He answered them with events from the Old Testament. See how He skillfully debunked their interpretations of the Mosaic Law and shocked them when He said He was Lord of the Sabbath, a title for God. Learn the comparison between the healing of the withered hand by Jesus and that of Jereboam in ancient Israel. Accept the challenge of the Sabbath rest for believers in the Church Age who have an opportunity to live in obedience to God’s Word now so they can enter into true rest and rewards in eternity.

  • 74 - Two Sabbath Controversies [b]

    19/04/2015 Duration: 53min

    When the religious leaders of Israel “played the flute” they expected Jesus to dance to their tune. Listen to this lesson to find out how the Pharisees developed a visceral hatred for Jesus as He challenged their interpretation of the Mosaic Law. Understand why His seeming disregard for the Sabbath intensified their anger. Gain a comprehensive overview of the Sabbath, its origin, significance, and how it represents rest and trust in God. See that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and that by application, we can set aside time to concentrate on all God has done for us.

  • 73 - I Will Give You Rest [b]

    12/04/2015 Duration: 43min

    Do you have some favorite Bible verses? Many would choose Matthew 11:28-30 for Jesus’ promises of rest and comfort. Listen to this lesson to see there is much more to this, including a two-fold invitation. See what “taking my yoke” means and its connection to submission to God. Understand the meanings of belief and faith. Accept the warning for those who reject Christ and refuse to walk in obedience.

  • 72 - Was the Messiah to be Divine? [b]

    29/03/2015 Duration: 57min

    Are you a fool? The Bible teaches that a fool is someone who has turned their back on God and worships something or someone else. Christians, on the other hand, are described as foolish, weak, base, and despised but they have accepted Christ as their Savior. God gives grace to the humble ones but the arrogant ones who reject Christ are at war with God. Jesus’ claim to be God when He was here on earth made the Pharisees hate Him and want to kill Him. Learn about seven Old Testament passages that prophesied that the Messiah would be God.

  • 71 - Degrees of Punishment [b]

    22/03/2015 Duration: 49min

    Are there degrees of punishment for unbelievers in the Lake of Fire just as there are degrees of rewards for believers? Listen to this lesson to see that no one is sent to the Lake of Fire for their sins but rather on the basis of whether or not they accepted Christ’s death in their place on the Cross. Find out the meaning of Jesus’s words when He mentioned Tyre and Sidon in Matthew 11 and when He condemned the hypocritical Pharisees. Realize that as believers we need to grow to spiritual maturity and obey God’s Word so we will glorify the Lord in time and receive maximum rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

  • 70 - Eternal Judgment [c]

    15/03/2015 Duration: 57min

    Does the Bible teach that there is never-ending punishment for unbelievers? Or, is this something a loving God would never permit? Listen to this lesson to learn about the ultimate judgment for people who do not accept Christ as their Savior. Find out what Annihilationism and Universalism teach on this subject. See the differences between Hades, Sheol, and Hell. Find out that the Lake of Fire was created in the past for the devil and his angels. Understand the importance of the essence of God in order to see how God’s Justice and Love are compatible. Gain a clear view of the horrors of the Lake of Fire to motivate you to tell others of God’s solution for sin which is faith in Christ’s work on the cross.

  • 69 - Reaction, Rejection, Condemnation [b]

    08/03/2015 Duration: 01h07min

    Reality check: Are people basically good or basically evil? What you think about this determines what you believe about many things, including your view of the role of government. Listen to this lesson to learn that the Bible teaches that everyone in born into this world with a sin nature and is in need of redemption. Find out what Jesus meant by “this generation”. See that the Jewish leaders and the people during Jesus’ time on earth increasingly began to reject His message about the kingdom of God. Accept the challenge to study and apply the truth of God’s Word in order to grow spiritually and not just be a “Sunday-only” Christian.

  • 68 - The Road to Rejection [b]

    22/02/2015 Duration: 44min

    “All rise!” PIcture yourself in a courtroom where Matthew is presenting a case to prove that Jesus fulfills all the requirements of the Messiah. Find out if John the Baptist was Elijah and why Jesus called him the greatest of all the Old Testament prophets. See what Jesus means when He talks about the kingdom of heaven suffering violence. Understand that how you define where you’re headed will determine the decisions you make today. Consider if you are willing to take a stand that no matter what comes, you’re going to stick with the plan of God for your life.

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