Matthew (2013)

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 182:28:43
  • More information



True stories of the lives of famous people quickly move to the top of the best sellers' charts. Listen to this series about the engrossing story of the life of Christ as told by a once-hated tax collector, Matthew. See how his emphasis is on Christ as the promised Messianic king. Find out about the not-to-be-missed practical ways this gospel can impact your life.


  • 47 - The Works of the Messiah [a]

    24/08/2014 Duration: 55min

    If you appreciate true accounts about famous people, you'll enjoy the wealth of information Matthew offers about the life of Jesus Christ. Listen to this lesson to learn how Christ fulfilled what was prophesied in the Old Testament about the coming Messiah. Gain an overview of the significance of the order Matthew chose to list Jesus' miracles. Understand the appeal Jesus made to His followers to become disciples and how He detailed the cost involved. See that for us, as well as for the people who lived in that day, discipleship means being willing to sacrifice everything, including our comfort and our security. The mobile app that Dr. Dean mentioned at the beginning of the class is called and is available for free from the Apple Apps Store or Google Play Store. It offers the spoken Bible in over 800 languages.

  • 46 - Life Choices: Which Righteousness? Which Gate? Which Fruit? Which House? [b]

    10/08/2014 Duration: 35min

    Now that you've been hearing the Sermon on the Mount taught for many weeks, what's your attitude toward it? Are you as astonished as the people were in Jesus' day? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus is warning about the foundation upon which our faith is built. Is it a strong foundation based on God's Word or is it no more than shifting sands based on our own foolishness? See how every day we are making decisions, many with unintended consequences, and that our challenge is to make right choices based on what Jesus taught.

  • 45 - Judgment [b]

    03/08/2014 Duration: 56min

    Hey, don't miss out on eternal rewards. Sure, it's great to know you've accepted Christ as your Savior and are on your way to heaven but remember, salvation is free but rewards are earned. Listen to this lesson to learn that after salvation our life should be built on obedience to God's Word and practicing the spiritual skills in order to experience the fullness of blessing in the Millennial Kingdom. See the distinction between the judging of Church Age believers and Old Testament believers. Accept we all have daily choices to make whether we're going to live for ourselves or going to live for the Lord.

  • 44 - Which Path? [b]

    27/07/2014 Duration: 49min

    Shall I do this or that? Should I go here or there? So many choices. Listen to this lesson to learn about choosing between two gates, one that almost everyone likes and the other that few choose. Understand that the gate we choose determines first our eternal destiny and then many daily choices determine our quality of life after salvation. Find out who Jesus is referring to when He talks about false prophets being like wolves in sheep's clothing and that the fruits He is talking about are the words of the false prophets which lead people astray.

  • 43 - The Power of Persistent Prayer [b]

    20/07/2014 Duration: 49min

    "Dad, may I have a fish?" When your child asks that, do you hand him a snake? Hardly! Listen to this lesson to learn why Jesus says this when teaching His disciples about prayer. See how true, genuine prayer is an expression of humility and how lack of prayer in our life points out our arrogance. Hear examples of prayer in the Old Testament and why God sometimes answers "No" to prayers. Accept the challenge of persistent prayer in your own spiritual life, both alone and in prayer meetings.

  • 42 - Condemning Others [b]

    13/07/2014 Duration: 44min

    "I'm okay but you're not so great." Is that the way you feel sometimes? Listen to this lesson to learn that we are to confess our flaws and failures in humility and dependence on God before we point out others' weaknesses. Learn about self righteousness and the arrogance cycle. Understand that while we are to evaluate others we are not to be hypocrites and try to set everyone else straight. Accept that when we decide others need to be punished, we will receive discipline in the same manner.

  • 41 - Judging Others [b]

    06/07/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    Do you usually think the best about other people? Or are you quick to point out how stupid someone is? Listen to this lesson to learn that in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus emphasizes that our relationship with God is what matters most. Then being kind, generous, and gracious to others will follow. Understand how our life is connected to unseen spiritual warfare and that what we do matters. As an added bonus, enjoy a review of the faith of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and see how pastors during the early days of this country helped us gain our freedom.

  • 40 - Worry? A Waste of Time [b]

    29/06/2014 Duration: 45min

    "Don't worry. Be happy!" It's easy enough to sing this little song but what happens when you wake up in the middle of the night and worries come swarming into your mind like buzzing bees? Listen to this lesson to understand that God is in control of your life. Since He's already done the greatest thing for us by sending His Son to die for our sins, it's no problem for Him to take care of what we need to eat, what we need to wear, and all the other details of life. See how worry is a sin and a sign that we lack faith in God. Be aware that memorizing God's Word is a great antidote to worry. The hymnal Dr. Dean mentioned in today's worship service, "Making Melody. Popular Choruses and Hymns that Bless, Endure, and Honor the Lord" is available at

  • 39 - Priorities and Money [b]

    22/06/2014 Duration: 55min

    "Ahoy, mate. Bring out the treasure map." Who wouldn't like to stumble over a treasure map that led to great riches? Listen to this lesson to learn that the Bible reveals where to find real treasure and how we can store it in a totally secure place. Learn what our attitude toward money should be and how we need to avoid finding our happiness in what we own. Let your generosity and use of money reveal your life's priorities as you realize that all of our resources are from God.

  • 38 - Forgiveness [b]

    15/06/2014 Duration: 47min

    "Forgive him? You don't know what you're asking. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven." Listen to this lesson to see that believers can't expect to be forgiven by God for what they've done wrong when they're refusing to forgive others. Learn about four categories of forgiveness and how Christ died for the sins of all mankind but that forgiveness is only applied when someone trusts in Christ as their Savior. Learn how many times Jesus taught that we should forgive others and see that at times there are consequences to our sins even when we're forgiven.

  • 37 - Kingdom Prayer [b]

    08/06/2014 Duration: 43min

    Are we living in the kingdom of God now or are we still looking forward to it? Listen to this lesson to learn how the Bible describes the 1,000 year literal reign of Christ on this earth at His triumphal second coming. According to Scripture see that when the kingdom is here we will see God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Understand that God's name will be hallowed by all people in the future kingdom. Conclude that believers today are to ask God to meet their daily needs and understand the very real danger of Satan enticing us to sin.

  • 36 - Pattern for Prayer [b]

    01/06/2014 Duration: 47min

    "Our Father in Heaven, halloed be Your Name." How many times have we uttered those words in unison with others without really knowing what they mean? Listen to this lesson to learn what Jesus taught His disciples about prayer. Learn the many different titles that have been given to this prayer and about its three distinct sections. See the connection between trespasses and debts. Find out what application, if any, the prayer has for us today.

  • 35 - Deed and Motivation [b]

    25/05/2014 Duration: 56min

    "Hey! Look at me! Blow on that trumpet! Tell everyone I just dropped a lot in the offering plate." Listen to this lesson to learn how Jesus told His disciples to give, not just the act but the motivation behind the act. Notice what He promises about rewards. Understand how praying should be offered in private, never to show off what great prayer warriors we are. Find out the meaning and value of fasting. Affirm that God looks at the heart of each of us and that it's not what we do but why we do it that counts.

  • 34 - Love and Righteousness [b]

    18/05/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    If we only love those who love us, then how are we Christians any different from others? Listen to this lesson to learn what Jesus taught His disciples about the importance of love in the Sermon on the Mount. Inquire about two types of love in the Bible and see that loving our neighbor includes our enemies and those who treat us cruelly. Examine the positive and beneficial actions we can take to show our love for others. Understand that it is impossible to love others this way by our own efforts. Accept that this love comes as a by-product of a life spent walking by means of the Holy Spirit and learning and applying God's Word.

  • 33 - Grace Orientation [b]

    11/05/2014 Duration: 40min

    Okay, so you socked someone and knocked out their tooth. Should your punishment be to have one of your teeth knocked out? Listen to this lesson to learn what the Bible means when it says "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." Investigate the meaning of some common idioms and figures of speech. Understand the concept of retribution. See how we are to act when someone is mistreating us personally. Be ready to respond joyfully and treat others in grace and generosity just as God treats us in grace.

  • 32 - Swearing Oaths; Slapping Cheeks [b]

    04/05/2014 Duration: 50min

    What's your knee-jerk reaction when you think of someone slapping you on the cheek? Listen to this lesson to see what Jesus meant when He told His disciples to "turn the other cheek". Understand the law of retribution and the figures of speech Jesus uses in this passage. See how you should not use God's name or something in nature to convince others that you are telling the truth. Learn the importance of grace orientation when dealing with evil people just as Christ "turned the other cheek" when He died on the cross for sinners.

  • 31 - Adultery and Divorce [b]

    27/04/2014 Duration: 55min

    Lust. Sexual immorality. Faithfulness in marriage. Does Biblical teaching about these make you squirm uncomfortably? Listen to this lesson to see how Jesus once again sets a higher standard than the Pharisees and scribes by focusing on what we think rather than what we do. See the meaning of "plucking out your right eye" and "cutting off your right hand". On the issue of divorce, notice how Jesus points out that we should think of marriage in terms of a lifelong commitment. Learn some Biblical reasons for divorce and remarriage and how when we make wrong decisions, God's grace still forgives us. Realize that personal righteousness is a heart matter, not a matter of rule-keeping.

  • 30 - Murder and Mental Attitude Sins [b]

    13/04/2014 Duration: 42min

    Like being zapped by a bolt of lightning, the religious leaders of Jesus' day were shocked by what He was teaching His disciples in the Sermon on the Mount. Not only did these Pharisees try to obey all the Law but they had invented rules about the rules. See how Jesus ignored their human righteousness and taught that it's possible to commit murder in our hearts by having unjust anger at people and calling them insulting names. Understand that he was pointing out to them that only He could fulfill the Law and live a perfect life. Accept the importance of believers' settling grievances with others quickly instead of letting them fester so our prayers will be answered.

  • 29 - Are You in Danger of Hell? [b]

    06/04/2014 Duration: 46min

    What did Jesus mean when He talked about hell fire in the Sermon on the Mount? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus was talking to His disciples and referring to a place in Jerusalem, the Valley of Hinnom, which is Gehenna in Greek. Learn the vile and degrading history of the valley. See how it is not a symbol for fiery destruction but of a nation's spiritual failure. Allow this lesson to infiltrate your thinking so you can see the seriousness of the Christian life and avoid loss of rewards and shame at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

  • 28 - What Kind of Righteousness? [b]

    30/03/2014 Duration: 41min

    Must I be good to be a Christian? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus told His disciples in the Sermon on the Mount that the kind of righteousness the religious Pharisees demanded was not what He was talking about. Neither was Jesus referring to how you had to be good to be saved but instead, He was talking about spiritual growth after we have been justified. See how He taught that the character qualities we need to rule in the coming Kingdom of heaven are a result of walking according to the light of God's Word, and not by trying to be good.

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