Realife Columbus, North Highland Church, Columbus Ga



We are Realife Student Ministries of Columbus GA. Reach Engage Advance Lead


  • For The Valley- Compassion

    15/09/2017 Duration: 31min

    Difficult situations should not discourage us from making a difference. Struggles should help us feel for the problems others are going through. Jesus wants to do the miraculous in our lives but he also wants us to be a miracle for others! Partnering with Jesus and growing in Compassion for others is the key to being the miracle!

  • For The Valley- Feel Again

    13/09/2017 Duration: 29min

    As a church and as a student ministry, we want to be know by what we are for more so than what we are against. This Podcast will help us feel the needs that surround us on a regular basis. At Realife Columbus we are For The Valley...we won't walk by on the other side and do nothing.

  • 3D- Out of the Fire

    29/08/2017 Duration: 26min

    Realife exists to help you add depth to a shallow lifestyle! A key to not living a shallow life is to be intentionally connected and engaged in Christian Community. This is an encouraging message! Get plugged into what God is doing at Realife Columbus!

  • Seeing God in the Unseen

    29/08/2017 Duration: 34min

    New Seasons of life can be confusing. Knowing you are loved by God does not necessarily prevent confusion in life. God is at work in your life even when things get Confusing or frustrating. Let this message encourage you to see God at work in the unseen areas of your life!

  • Summer Vibes: Fight or Flight Week 1

    30/05/2017 Duration: 17s

    If we are not fighting for something we are surrendering to everything. This week will motivate you to get in the fight for your faith because Good things in life are worth fighting for!

  • Live Mas: Friends that Love

    08/05/2017 Duration: 28min

    Jesus said there is no greater expression of Love, than to lay down your life for your friends. One of the best ways you can Live More, is by Loving others the way God wants us to.

  • Live Mas: From Fear to Faith

    27/04/2017 Duration: 28min

    A big reason we do not get more out of life, is because we allow fear to control us. God can turn impossible pain into tremendous power! God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!

  • Live Mas: Second Chances

    24/04/2017 Duration: 31min

    We are so grateful that God is a God who offers us second chances. If you are in a place in life where you need a second chance, this message is for you! Get ready to be encouraged to start over with the second chance only Jesus can offer us!

  • Live Mas: Dare to Believe for More Life

    18/04/2017 Duration: 36min

    How we respond to the storms of life will determine if we Live More or not. The last thing the enemy of our soul wants is for us to Live More. Stepping above our storms is possible! Step out in faith and Live More!

  • Clutch: When It Matters Most

    16/03/2017 Duration: 30min

    As we enter into Spring Break season, we have to realize that we are defined by what we don't do. Daniel and his friends refused to defile themselves at the King's table, and they were ten times better than anyone they were compared to. God is calling a generation to say no this spring break, and be ten times better!

  • Fake Love Week 3- Fake Love for Yourself

    27/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Your Relationship with yourself will effect every aspect of your life. Jesus loves us enough to die for us, we should love ourselves enough to live for Him! Jesus has forgiven you, so it is time to forgive yourself. This message will give you the inspiration to Love yourself again!

  • Fake Love Week 2- Pieces

    17/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    This week our First Lady, Jubilee Criswell, preaches about love from a female perspective! The Love Chapter in 1 Corinthians 13 shares more about what Love is not than what Real Love is. Fake Love is broken, Real Love exists, and if we begin to commit to true love and turn away from fake love, what we thought we have lost forever can be restored!

  • Fake Love Week 1

    17/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    All of us desire real love, but all of us are daily effected by fake love. This weeks podcast will teach us how fake love is a byproduct of a broken heart. The good news is God can heal a broken heart and empower you to have real love for yourself and those around you!

  • Streaks Week 2- Environment

    23/01/2017 Duration: 37min


  • Streaks Week 1- Distractions

    17/01/2017 Duration: 28min

    If every day you are sending God some love and Getting something from Him in His word…We can say with confidence this year will be the best year of your life. Distractions end Streaks more than anything else.

  • The Spirit of Christmas- Nothing is Impossible

    05/12/2016 Duration: 27min

    Christmas is a season of celebrating the supernatural! Jesus Christ was born through his mother Mary being Over Shadowed by the Holy Spirit. God wants to use your life to change the world forever as well!

  • This is Revival- Revival of Regret

    23/11/2016 Duration: 33min

    All of us make mistakes. Your mistakes can be revived by the power of Jesus Christ! This podcast will inspire you to stop looking back at your regrets and focus on your future!

  • This Is Revival- Prayer

    10/11/2016 Duration: 31min

    Any Significant Move of God Begins with the Power of Prayer! It is not a matter of IF a move of God is coming...We are the move of God!

  • American Horror Story- Pride and Greed

    07/11/2016 Duration: 32min

    So many are faced with bulling and ridicule at school. The pride that makes us think we are better than someone else because of our gifts, talents and abilities is misplaced. God elevates the humble and brings low the proud. The greed to do whatever it takes to be affirmed and popular at the expense of others is creating an American Horror Story in our schools.

  • American Horror Story- Lust

    27/10/2016 Duration: 34min

    The American Horror Story is a Generation of young people who think they are in love but the reality is they are in Lust. This powerful message inspires us to live for a profound future of purity and true love.

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