Trans Resister Radio



Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.


  • Russian Invasion and Putin Fans, AoT#346

    28/02/2022 Duration: 56min

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine is discussed here. Moving forward, who in America will continue supporting Putin and how will they pull it off?  Topics include: Russian invasion of Ukraine, Nordstream 2, Germany, China, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, NATO, Trump, MAGA support of Putin, sanctions, tariffs, propaganda, psychology, strength, authoritarianism, fascism, Joe Biden, Steven Wright, Sean Penn, Anonymous hackers, Catch Me If You Can, cyber warfare, weapons industry booming

  • Uploading Around Death, AoT#345

    21/02/2022 Duration: 58min

    Will uploaded human clones yearn for death, but have no means to achieve it? These are the thoughts that arise when imagining transhuman futures.  Topics include: Putin protect Russia in metaverse, ads on websites, transhumanism, philosophy, religion, occult, uploading consciousness to machine, fear of death, eternal life, dominant minority, stake holders, money as means to power, Anthony Levandowski, Heaven’s Gate cult, creation overtake the creator, nostalgia as escape, knowing what you believe, average person yearns for death

  • Aaron Franz guest on The Ochelli Effect, Feb 9, 2022

    21/02/2022 Duration: 01h21s

    Chuck had Aaron back on The Ochelli Effect for the first time in quite a long time to talk a bit about transhumanism, and more.  topics include: Chuck decided to try and focus on the technocratic topics that interest Aaron during the conversation.  

  • Secret Societies and Martial Arts, AoT#344

    15/02/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    There have been many and varied secret societies, the world over, throughout history. Martial arts certainly have ties to occult concepts and groups.  Topics include: secret societies, fraternal orders, Freemasonry, Victoria BC, revolution in China, martial arts, Kung Fu, Bruce Lee, revealing secrets, monks, language and cultural barriers between East and West, Asian history, globalization, meditation, ideals, psychology, Quigley, Knights of Malta, fortifications and alchemy, Rhodes, Assassins, ninjas, intelligence agencies

  • Plastic Silicone Synthesized World, AoT#343

    08/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    Technological progress has created ecological disaster, and now we hope that it will do the opposite.  Topics include: Revolve book news, petroleum based products, plastic, DuPont family, chemicals, profit motive, MIC, micro plastics, pollution, ecological disaster, impossible to know long term effects, using technology to fix problems from technology, planetary timescales, transhumanism as answer, mind uploading, virtual reality, augmented reality, computing power, social media evolving into metaverse, data mining, surveillance

  • Nerds Can Be Irrational, AoT#342

    25/01/2022 Duration: 58min

    Scientism is all the rage these days as we drift further and further away from a forgotten past.  Topics include: live callers, transferring memories, controlling bodies across the world, Ai, machine learning, AGI, transhumanism, prehistory, myth, history of consciousness, nerds are cool, Nimrod, hubris, scientific method, Francis Bacon, secret societies, updating theories, technique, technological progress, historical figureheads as icons of the work of fraternal orders, science born out of mystic philosophy and alchemy, astronomy and astrology, caught up in details, marketing, irrationality of reality, strength of emotional impulse, aloe mites, pesticides, scientism

  • Revivicor My Soul, AoT#341

    17/01/2022 Duration: 58min

    Anyone who is sick of it all, come listen to this podcast and join Aaron in saying FTW.  Topics include: appearances on other shows, Patreon, transhumanist agenda, nothing makes sense, average person’s viewpoint, charade of politics, no winning Covid situation, Trump supporters will follow him to any end, insurrection, coup, January 6, constantly changing story, Biden a total lame duck, 2024 election, crime, Robocop, Detroit, Martine Rothblatt’s Pig Heart Revival, genetic engineering, United Therapeutics, Revivicor, Soylent Green, Matrix Resurrections, Keanu Reeves, Alex Jones

  • Learning Differently on Christmas Eve, AoT#340

    27/12/2021 Duration: 59min

    This episode of The Age of Transitions is Christmas Eve special of sorts. Recorded live, Aaron continues the Ochelli Radio Network book giveaway trivia game.  Topics include: Aaron in a cardboard box, Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution, projecting the future, trivia game for free book, the conspiracy theorist mind, conspiracy theory ideas believed by large portion of the population, learning process, problems with US school system, alternative facts, do your own research, Judeo Christian mind punishment of itself, job training, Transformers and Go Bots, cannabis dispensaries, Revolve: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood, shipping costs, USPS secrets, Minoans, Labyrinth myth, Dark Crystal Netflix series, train AI with massive data sets, artificial celebrities and influencers, virtual worlds, secret societies use of figureheads, video games transitioning to virtual reality, augmented reality, the next Google Glass, autonomous vehicles, metaverse

  • Walking Away From Work, AoT#339

    20/12/2021 Duration: 01h26s

    We are at a point in time where it makes total sense to walk away from your job. Not simply locally, but globally, this phenomenon has arisen. Where do we go from here? topics include: Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution, the Great Resignation, Laying Flat movement China, going to work no longer provides any security, medical insurance scam, medical industry, anomie, indifference no longer an option, anti union training at work, working from home, living in virtual reality, left and right interpretations of events, crime rates rising, distracted by squirrel, cameras on public servants, unemployment benefits easily taken away, TikTok, mustard seed symbolism, intangible realm of ideas, consciousness, science, Prometheus

  • Math Properties of Street Savants, AoT#338

    13/12/2021 Duration: 59min

    Have you ever spoken to someone on the street who sees words as numbers? Both Aaron and Chuck have, and in this show they talk about some of their memories meeting such real world characters.  Topics include: Ochelli Radio Network new shows, Christopher Walken, Elvis sighting stories in 80s, talking to people on the street, words as numbers, Guitar Man, synchronicity, math, music, carrying video camera around town, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, MKULTRA, savant mind, creation myths and the instantiation of Time, Saturn, life and death, sound, Jordan Maxwell

  • Political Divides Wearing Thin, AoT#337

    06/12/2021 Duration: 58min

    Aaron talks to callers Jimmy and Kent about divisive media.  Topics include: divide and conquer, political divide, strong opinions, media, cable news networks, Bill O’Reilly, anger, feeding two wolves, Joe Rogan, Dennis Miller, Sarah Palin Jr, Ron Paul, merge of fringe and mainstream right-wing politics, market dynamics, YouTubers same as politicians, TV characters, Green Day, Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution coming soon

  • Black Hole Mysticism, The Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast #045

    30/11/2021 Duration: 02min

    We are waging war upon ourselves to no end. Now more than ever, but the du jour divisive topics can take a back seat to the old standby of Science vs Religion. If the two sides of this argument took a moment to reflect, they might see that their supposed rival is a bit like they are.  topics include: vacation holiday time, reading, divide and conquer, science, religion, astronomy, space, black holes, supermassive black holes, suns, occult religion, light and darkness, meditation

  • Cyber Security War On Terror Upgrade, AoT#336

    11/11/2021 Duration: 58min

    We keep getting told how vulnerable we are to cyber attacks. This seems to be the build up to a coming shift in Cold War 2.0, which will put priority into this sphere only after actual cyber attacks happen.  Topics include: books, independent media landscape, Cold War 2.0, China, artificial intelligence, data, converging technologies, DIU, Silicon Valley and MIC, tech industry, DoD, defense spending, NSCAI, slow speed of defense contracts, rapid pace of tech development, privacy, War on Terror, post 9/11 world, national security, Anduril, old special interests, cyber security, cyber terrorism, false flags, internet, media convergence, social media history, Boomerbook, conspiracy culture gone mainstream on social media, identity politics, Ai in stock market, virtualization of everyday life, metaverse, billionaires living out childhood fantasies

  • Communist Metaverse Surveillance Ai, AoT#335

    02/11/2021 Duration: 59min

    Facebook has rebranded in their pursuit of building the metaverse. While hilarious, this is also incredibly troubling as we can clearly see the reality of the virtual world being constructed all around us.  Topics include: Facebook rebrand to Meta, metaverse, virtual worlds, technology companies, Mark Zuckerberg, Google, internal document leaks, big data, machine learning, surveillance capitalism, information as a product, narrow artificial intelligence, surveillance,  AGI, Singularity religion, Peter Thiel, Palantir, Communist totalitarian technology, facial recognition, intelligence agencies, cryptocurrency, Libertarian ideology, hypocrisy, government funding for tech, China, post 9/11 world, update to War on Terror, homegrown extremists, cyber threats, China’s massive wasteful public works projects, retail store of the future, augmented reality, experience design, smartphone integrated with store, virtual reality, stores like game arcades, Fourth Industrial Revolution, pandemic shopping boom, sustainabilit

  • Enter the Metaverse, AoT#334

    25/10/2021 Duration: 56min

    The metaverse is upon us. Born out of MMO gaming, e-commerce and social media, this latest iteration of virtual reality is sure to be the next big thing.  Topics include: listeners comments, escaping rabbit holes, metaverse, virtual worlds, MMO games, online culture, evolution of technology and communications, convergence, social media, Facebook, Second Life occult symbolism, gaming, knowledge of coding not necessary when platforms have advance user interface, Generation Z not actually tech literate, Jimmy James, transhumanism, uploading consciousness to a machine, surreal problems with emerging technologies, machine learning, Abba band virtual concerts, symbolism of the seasons, working remotely, many online personas, living through IT, virtual travel, Ai will take over creation of new IT in future, human loss of control over creation, automation, possibility of machine empathy, reactionary forces that will happen in face of Ai advancement, technology perfects itself, Paris Hilton, inability to forget anythi

  • Not So Crazy After All, AoT#333

    22/10/2021 Duration: 59min

    Talking about crazy things sometimes gives off the impression that the speaker, is themself, crazy.  Topics include: interconnected system, crazy talk, Revolve book, converging technology, guest spots on radio shows, networking with other media producers, ACR, consistent book sales, self publishing, investment of time, impacting public discourse, art, global supply chain issues, vehicle market, inflation, war, factions within deep state, politicians

  • Gravitar Coming Soon, AoT#332

    03/10/2021 Duration: 56min

    Finishing up the Portuguese version of Revolve has Aaron reflecting on a few of his creative projects over the years.  Topics include: Portuguese version of Revolve, writing, creative projects, ADDTV video, Aaron is Jeff Censored

  • Book Notes, MindWar, The Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast clip #043

    03/10/2021 Duration: 02min

    Aaron talks a bit about Michael A. Aquino, and his book MindWar. A self-published book that has surprisingly not garnered much attention, MindWar reads very much like your standard fare conspiracy oriented paperback. topics include: Left-hand Path occultism, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, Stephen Flowers, propaganda, PSYOP, psychological operations, US Army, titles of nobility, mystique, General Paul E Vallely, QAnon, Fox News, mind, logic, consciousness, subconscious mind, electromagnetic fields, technetronics, fringe topics, conspiracy culture, JFK assassination, Iraq wars, Jose Delgado, Persinger's God Helmet, spectrum of light, hypnosis, magic, mentalism, flaming sword symbolism, original form of Tai Chi deadly, Civil Affairs, ParaPolitics, false flag terrorism

  • We Almost Forgot, AoT#331

    20/09/2021 Duration: 58min

    The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 was a chance for a popularly redeemed George W. Bush to give a speech. He took the opportunity to remind us of a few things concerning terrorism.  Topics include: Bookshop dot org affiliate links, alternative to Amazon, Amazon Factory Towns, new fulfillment center in Mexico, George W Bush speech at Shanksville 9/11 20th anniversary, patriotic fervor, terrorism, homegrown extremists, lone wolf, Patriot Act and other loss of civil liberties, War on Terror, Donald Trump useful idiot, propaganda, long term narratives, private medical records, world government, nationalist strain in current discourse, new Cold War narrative, NRA benefit from gun control laws, gun safety classes

  • Daniel Pinchbeck interview, Vaccine Internal Debate, AoT#330

    14/09/2021 Duration: 58min

    Author Daniel Pinchbeck is the guest on this episode of The Age of Transition. Discussion centers around his recent article about Covid 19 vaccines.  Topics include: books, From Vacillation to Vaccination, vaccines, healthcare, making informed decisions, intense political divide, warranted mistrust of authority, Schizotypal Personality Disorder, biotech, capitalism, Delta Variant, MIC

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