Pathways To Wealth With Chris Dunn



In Pathways To Wealth, Chris Dunn brings you actionable strategies for increasing your income, building your wealth, and creating more time-freedom. This podcast draws from the wisdom of some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, investors, traders, and innovators.Here you'll discover new and time-tested pathways for building a sustainable lifestyle business, trading the financial markets, investing in real estate, building a startup, investing internationally, raising capital, marketing online, and much more!Chris Dunn built his first multi-million dollar company at age 25 and continues to build wealth with his wife as they travel around the world. He has been involved with over 1,600 real estate transactions, traveled to over 100 countries, has 12+ years financial market trading experience, and is an active angel investor.Start your own pathway to wealth with these valuable interviews and lessons!


  • PTW 038: Wealth Building Strategies For Entrepreneurs With Garrett Gunderson

    08/02/2016 Duration: 43min

    Garrett Gunderson is the founder of wealth factory, a NYT bestselling author, and helped thousands of business owners create efficient wealth building strategies. Little did I know before this interview that Garrett and I both got our start in the car detailing business, then moved into the financial services industry. I love Garrett's outlook on life, true wealth, and entrepreneurship. He's a brilliant guy that has built an impressive network of A – players.

  • PTW 037: The Obstacle Is The Way By Ryan Holiday (Book Review & Summary)

    05/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    Often times, things can stand in our way that we CAN'T control. In this book review "The Obstacle Is The Way" By Ryan Holidaywe learn how we CAN control how we perceive and respond to what happens to us using these 3 keys - perception, action, and will.

  • PTW 036: Top Startup Lessons With Derek Andersen Of

    01/02/2016 Duration: 44min

    Derek Andersen is the CEO of, who has a mission to educate every entrepreneur in the world. That’s a huge mission, and they’re crushing it in 175 cities! He’s also done a great job of getting all the heavy hitters in the tech startup, venture capital, and entrepreneur space to speak.

  • PTW 035: The 10X Rule By Grant Cardone

    29/01/2016 Duration: 30min

    The 10X rule by Grant Cardone shows us how to define correct goals, estimate effort needed, determine how to approach projects, and determine how much action to take. In order to master the 10X rule you must do two things.. Adjust your thinking to dream about things that seem unimaginable and understand how much effort and thought is required to succeed.

  • PTW 034: How I Made 60% In 3 Days With This Altcoin

    27/01/2016 Duration: 13min

    Over the past couple of years, most of my trading has been focused on swing trading Bitcoin... And I've done really well sticking to what I do best - waiting for the big moves, and playing the opposite side of the mass majority of people. However, I recently did something kind of weird... I traded an altcoin. Why? Well, I've kept my eye on Altcoins recently after Mike Hearn left Bitcoin in cry-baby fashion. Unfortunately, some people got scared off by Mike's Bitcoin obituary, but I could see exactly what happened.

  • PTW 033: How to Leverage Your Relationships to Make Money as a Super-Connector

    25/01/2016 Duration: 55min

    David Gonzalez is one of the most connected guys I know  in the “internet marketing” space… He regularly meets with seven and eight-figure online entrepreneurs, and has built his business around connecting influential, wealthy people - in a cool way. I really appreciate how transparent Dave is in this interview - He doesn’t try to puff up his ego by only talking about success. Instead, he talks about how he bounced back from his darkest moment.

  • PTW 032: Mind Hacking - How To Change Your Mind For Good In 21 Days

    22/01/2016 Duration: 21min

    Mind hacking is about overcoming your mental limitations and to master your mind is to master your life. In this book review “Mind Hacking” by the author Sir John Hargrave we’ll talk about how you can analyze, imagine and reprogram your mind.

  • PTW 031: Stop Chasing Success & Start Living It

    20/01/2016 Duration: 13min

    I get dozens of emails every day asking for advice - How do I build a business? How do I make money and travel? How can I learn to trade? How do I invest in real estate? These are all great questions, but sometimes I can tell the person's focus is on the wrong place - getting the money. Some people think that if they can get more money, they'll be happier... Maybe you've caught yourself saying something like, "I'd be happy if I could just win that damn lottery." That was the thought process of millions of Americans that flocked to buy lottery tickets and drive the jackpot to a record high of $1.5 billion. People were spending insane amounts of money hoping and praying they'd beat the 1 in 292 million odds. But the truth is very few people could handle a windfall of millions of dollars... After all, 70% of lottery winners go broke within 7 years.

  • PTW 030: How To Become A High-Paid Speaker Leveraging Your Weaknesses With Dave Rendall

    19/01/2016 Duration: 51min

    I first met Dave in 2010 when he came to speak at one of my bootcamps. His incredible stage presence and successful speaking business inspired me to reach out and have him share his pathway to wealth on the show. Dave travels more than any other speaker I know, as he’s in demand across 6 continents every year. He also has an impressive story how he went from doing free talks to charging over $10,000 per speech.

  • PTW 029: Zero To One By Peter Thiel (Book Review & Summary)

    15/01/2016 Duration: 21min

    Zero To One is required reading for entrepreneurs from Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal. In this book review and summary we look at the main theme of the book, and the 3 keys you should pull out of the book. This book is worth a deep dive, and Chris Dunn's goal is to give you the most important points up front.

  • PTW 028: How To Replace Your Income With An Online Business With John Rampton

    11/01/2016 Duration: 38min

    John Rampton is a serial entrepreneur, top writer for major publications like Entrepreneur Magazine, and got his start from humble beginnings. For anyone looking to replace their income and build an online business, John’s story is very inspiring. He started hustling and blogging, which allowed him to triple his day job’s income, and lead to a life-long entrepreneurial journey…

  • PTW 027: One Simple Idea By Stephen Key (Book Review & Summary)

    07/01/2016 Duration: 15min

    One Simple Idea is a great primer for anyone looking to invent, patent, create, and sell products! Stephen Key knocked this book out of the part with proven pathways for finding a marketable idea, protecting it, and bringing your product to market.

  • PTW 026: How To Succeed In A World Full Of Struggling Entrepreneurs

    06/01/2016 Duration: 21min

    As much as we hear about entrepreneurs who risk everything and succeed, there are also many who are still struggling and have yet to make it. Some will quit before they ever do. Our world is full of struggling entrepreneurs and it’s essential that you learn how to work smart so that you can beat the odds.

  • PTW 025: The Keys To Inventing Top-Selling Products With Stephen Key

    30/12/2015 Duration: 42min

    Stephen Key is the author of One Simple Idea, founder of InventRight, inventor of dozens of popular products, and mentor to Tim Ferriss. This interview is PACKED with knowledge to help anyone with a simple idea turn it into a potentially wildly profitable product. I love Stephen’s openness and willingness to help, which shines through his students’ many success stories.

  • PTW 024: How To Finally Take Charge of Your Financial Future

    29/12/2015 Duration: 22min

    After I left Corporate America in my early 20's to pursue entrepreneurship, I accumulated about $95,000 of debt. My credit card debt was depressing. At one point it got so bad that I would hide my credit card bills in my bottom desk drawer so I didn't have to think about it... But there was always that subconscious nagging feeling that something wasn't right. I was ignoring the reality of my finances. Instead of facing reality and changing my situation, all I wanted to do was hide from it. Then one day I made a decision... I decided that I was going to take charge of my financial future, which meant getting out of debt, creating multiple income streams, and building wealth. Within the span of about 18 months, I built a seven-figure business, started to destroy my debt, and got out from under the depression of hiding from reality. In this episode, I'm going to show you how you CAN take charge of your financial future. But only if you are willing to do what it takes.

  • PTW 023: From Gardener To Trader To Venture Capitalist With Jon Bassett

    28/12/2015 Duration: 30min

    In this episode of Pathways To Wealth I’m interviewing Jon Bassett who’s the Managing Director for Nextgen Angels in Austin, Texas. Jon has an extensive background as a trader, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and now helps run one of the fastest growing angel investor networks in the nation. This interview is great for anyone interesting in entrepreneurship, early-stage startup investing, or trading.

  • PTW 022: 3 Best Real Estate Investing Strategies

    22/12/2015 Duration: 28min

    When it comes to real estate investing, there are many different ways to earn income and build wealth, but I would like to cover what I believe are the three best real estate investing strategies; wholesaling, fix and flip, and owner financing. I've done many deals over the years, and these 3 strategies are the most common. Unfortunately, late night infomercial gurus make people believe that they have some proprietary magic formula to do profitable deals, but here's the reality about real estate: There are only a handful of ways to structure a deal. Anyone can learn how in a few hours. The real profit in real estate is made by hustling and creating solutions for motivated sellers. That's it. No magic sauce. Just good old hard work and problem-solving.

  • PTW 021: Hacking Your Education With Dale Stephens Of

    21/12/2015 Duration: 23min

    Dale Stephens was frustrated with his freshmen college experience, so he decided to start his own alternative path to education. After investing several years building his personal brand, he founded, a company that provides Gap Year programs for young adults who want to drive their own education, explore and make a splash in the world. They’ve been doubling their customer base year-over-year for a few years, and are in high-growth mode!Dale also wrote “Hacking Your Education”, which is a collection of how dozens of people have hacked their educations to create incredible opportunities from alternative paths.

  • PTW 020: The $100 Startup By Chris Guillebeau (Book Review & Summary)

    17/12/2015 Duration: 13min

    We’re kicking off a new series in Pathways To Wealth called “Book of the Week”. Every week, I'm doing a review and summary of a book that can help you move towards true wealth. To kick this series off, we’re going to be starting by talking about the $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau. Chris and I have pretty similar backgrounds. Chris has actually traveled to every country in the world, I've traveled to close to 100, and a lot of his philosophies that are in his book at very similar to mine.

  • PTW 019: 18 Secrets of Highly Successful Millionaires

    17/12/2015 Duration: 19min

    Over the years I've had the opportunity to "pick the brains" of many high-performance people... And I've found 18 secrets that successful millionaires have in common. Many of us love watching shows like Shark Tank and the Secret Millionaire and dreaming about being a millionaire one day. When you hear millionaires speak, they often come from humble backgrounds and somehow they don’t seem that different from the average person. What secrets did they learn that made them millionaires and how can we apply these secrets into our own lives?

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