G*m*s Magazine Podcast Channel



The Podcast for G*M*S Magazine Podcast Channel. Your podcasting channel for all your tabletop gaming goodness!


  • The Boardgame Review Room: Fleet and expansions!

    18/05/2014 Duration: 26min

    This is no secret: Michael Chamberlain takes this game to bed just like you take a teddy bear. Seriously. He *loves* this game more than I can tell. Funnily enough, this is a game that plenty of people dismissed before it even funded in Kickstarter because of the theme: you have to create your fishing fleet and make money with it. And that sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. I mean, it is because the game mechanics are actually pretty simple and extremely elegant, but there is so much depth to this game that you’ll be able to play time and time again and never be bored. And now that the expansions are out and in the hands of the backers, have they done it right and actually added to the game? Well, we’re going to find out! Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Interview Room: 12 Realms with Alexander Argyropoulos

    18/05/2014 Duration: 35min

    Recently we reviewed 12 Realms in the Boardgame Review room and somehow we managed to dislike it. A combination of expectations not being met, mechanics we didn’t like, length of time we didn’t expect… It didn’t sit down well with us. And yet a lot of people love it, so we thought we might have got it wrong somehow. That and we really like Mage Company. We like Wrong Chemistry and we like the owners. They are good guys. So we couldn’t just give the game a bad review and not ask what was going and what did the originators of the game made of our review. Rather than doing it for our own benefit, we invited Alexander to come to the podcast and have an interview to discuss the reasons why we didn’t like the game. And he agreed! Hope you enjoy this interview, and I will say from the offset that Alexander was absolutely fantastic. Can’t thank him enough!

  • The Boardgame Interview Room: UK Games Expo Organisers

    13/05/2014 Duration: 49min

    The UK Games Expo has become the flagship of gaming conventions in the UK. From its unassuming beginnings less than a decade ago, it is quickly turning into the perfect mix of GenCon and Spiel at a smaller scale but just as fun and well organised. Since I’m the one organising the panels, you’d be forgiven for thinking I am biased, I am; so I thought it’d be a good idea to interview the two main men behind the whole thing, Richard Denning and Tony Hyams so you can actually find out for yourselves why this convention is so damn cool: Because it’s organised by seriously good people and that comes across. So, without further ado, please make yourselves comfortable for this interview and get your suitcases ready because I am hoping to see you all (or as many as possible) at the Expo. Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Lewis & Clarke

    13/05/2014 Duration: 24min

    This podcast episode is a good one. Mainly because the game is a very, very good one. Seriously good. Lewis & Clark is the product of French designer Cedrick Chaboussit, who presented the game to Ludonaute and they didn’t waste a second in getting the game out there. With lovely artwork, terrific components and a gameplay to die for, this game was a hit in every single front. But you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out why we liked it so much! It’ll be worth it, I promise!

  • The Boardgame Review Room–The Agents

    07/05/2014 Duration: 21min

    This card game was funded in Kickstarter with a pretty terrific amount of success in 2013 and it quickly became obvious that expansions were indeed a good idea. So quickly in fact, that Saar Shai, the designer behind the game decided to design expansions and create another Kickstarter that is also currently funding and it’s also being *very* successful. But why? What does this game have that is getting people to want to pay for expansions and make them like it so much? The excellent artwork and quirky production values might have something to do with it. For example the cards are made of plastic and not cardboard and is a game that fits very nicely in a small bag but has enough replayability and depth to stop it from being a light game. However, how does a first play of this game go? Is it enjoyable and easy to grasp? That’s what we’re going to find out in this podcast! Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: 12 Realms

    27/04/2014 Duration: 21min

    Mage Company released 12 Realms in Kickstarter and the game was sold at Spiel 2013 with all the extras that were obtained during the crowd-funding campaign. We also did the unboxing video of this game to give our viewers a precise idea of the components of the game and miniatures and can be seen here. Now we’ve sat down around the table and played the game for the first time. And without going into details I’ll tell you it didn’t go down as we wanted. Bring a first time play we can’t say we got everything right and our opinions and impressions of the game are just indicative of the sort of issues you might find on a first time play. We don’t hold our punches, though and it’s fair to say we weren’t impressed with the game. We’re hoping to soon have the publisher in the podcast for an interview so we can talk about the things we didn’t like about the game and what we might have missed. Meanwhile, hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Interview Room: Frankenstein's Bodies with Andrew Harman

    26/04/2014 Duration: 36min

    Frankenstein is one of the most lovable “monsters” of literature. The nature of its genesis, the helplessness, the unfairness of the time and situation… It’s a truly sad and tragic story. To say that movies, plays, paintings, sculptures and pretty much any art expression you can think of has been used to illustrate and otherwise express what this novel conveys. And that includes games. Latest is Frankenstein’s Bodies, a work by writer and gamer Andrew Harman based on the rather excellent roleplaying game by Iain Lowson, Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein. In this game, you take the role of a promising young doctor and scientist who’s following on the steps of Dr Frankenstein and has to put a body together in order to create the most perfect body you can with the parts available and compete for the Dr’s affections. With a quick and fun gameplay, this game fits the mould very well and now it’s in Kickstarter to raise funds to get a proper production. Here’s my interview with designer and artist

  • The RPG Room: Get out of my hobby!

    23/04/2014 Duration: 50min

    Our hobby has a nasty side sometimes and when it shows its ugly face it is very difficult to roll high enough to save for the trolls. And some trolls don’t go away even if you pour acid or burn them to the ground. That’s what happened recently with a Kickstarter project from Daring Entertainment. The company released a project to fund a FATE based super hero game and some people took it to heart that they didn’t release the game on a “Pay What You Want” basis as well as having to deal with a well known con-man called Josh Hoopes. Things got ugly and when they were on the brink of funding, the project was cancelled. Well… if you’re one of the trolls who influenced this decision, this podcast episode is dedicated to you! If you’re not one of those, I think you’ll find the episode entertaining!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Dig Mars

    19/04/2014 Duration: 16min

    Dig Mars is a quick to play game we found at Spiel 2013. In this game players must turn tiles to reveal value and gather fortunes that will allow them to win the game. A simple gameplay that promises to make it a good game for beginners, the box’ contents have an average production that, although doesn’t blow away, it does what is supposed to and does it well. But is the game any good? Michael and Max had a first play of this game to find out! Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The RPG Interview Room - Legendary games with Rachel Venture and Jason Nelson

    13/04/2014 Duration: 39min

    Legendary Games has been creating Pathfinder material for a while now and they do indeed know what they’re doing. Our very own Endzeitgeist has written numerous reviews of their products and more often than not he’s very complimentary, which is a good sing indeed! It seems that now they’re setting themselves up for something bigger and better than anything they’ve done before and for that they’re in Kickstarter. They have teamed up with Rogue Genius Games, Kobold Press and Dreamscarred Press to create an amazing looking compendium of books to expand on the Pathfinder Mythic rules. Three books, no less. I had the pleasure of interviewing Rachel Ventura and Jason Nelson and got to ask them a lot of questions about the project, their company, their future and a lot more. Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Quantum

    10/04/2014 Duration: 23min

    Quantum is fantastic. Let me say that from the start. I saw this game at Spiel 2013 and spoke to the minds behind Funforge to find out about the game and I was sold pretty much right away. It looked gorgeous, people seemed to be having a great time playing it and it was quick and easy to play. What’s not to like, right? Well, I didn’t really know what wasn’t to like because I hadn’t played it, but now I have, which is what this podcast is all about, so we can tell you about it. Although it’s not without its problems, this game delivers big time and you might (as in should) want to consider getting a copy! Hope you enjoy the episode!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Dungeon Fighter Fire at Will

    03/04/2014 Duration: 20min

    Dungeon Fighter was launched by Cranio Creations to much acclaim for being fiendishly difficult and a ton of fun to play. And silly. It’s very, very silly. This game sees you rolling dice on a strangely shaped board in order to determine if you’ve succeeded to attack monsters that inhabit… yes, you guessed, dungeons. But the way you roll is dictated by different icons that come from decks of cards during the game. I tell you, rolling dice onto a surface when you have to launch them using your elbow, or your nose, or from under the table… That is *not* easy! There’s also an expansion called Fire at Will that was released recently and we thought we’d have a go and find out how it plays and if it adds anything new or worthy to the game. In this episode is our verdict! Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The RPG Interview Room - Terris: Wrought of Copper with Alex Flagg and Logan Boner

    30/03/2014 Duration: 45min

    The Mistborn Adventure Game, published by Crafty Games, took the world created by Brandon Sanderson and turned it into an excellent game. And I mean really, really excellent. Now they’ve come out with a new supplement for the game that explores and expands on the canon of the world and cities for the world. To find out more about this book and what it contains, I spoke to writers Alex Flagg and Logan Boner for a while to find out more. Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Board Game Review room - Relic Runners from Days of Wonder

    28/03/2014 Duration: 22min

    Relic Runners was released at Spiel 2013 by Days of Wonder and I was super keen to take a proper look. Designed by Matthew Dunstan, Relic Runner puts the players in the roles of intrepid treasure hunters who will have to search for treasure and uncover the secrets they need to obtain the relics needed to win the game. A light game with simple mechanics and great components (you wan see the unboxing video here) it’s meant to provide with an entry level game for all the family. Quick and fun too! Michael, Max and myself put this game to its paces and we had a good game and in this episode we tell you all about it! Hope u enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Braggart

    13/03/2014 Duration: 13min

    Braggart is what happens when Michael goes Christmas shopping. He gets games for his friends. In this case for Max, who gleefully and expectantly opened this game with tears in his eyes at the thought of what wonderful time we were going to have playing this cute looking card game. After all Braggart is a very cute looking game and who doesn’t like the idea of bragging about the many adventures and mighty deeds you’ve performed in the name of fame, fortune and glory? And who doesn’t like to mess with your friends and turn their stories into hilarious parodies that’ll ridicule them in front of other adventurers? Exactly. So we sat down and had a go at this game. Hope you enjoy the show!

  • Podcast Episode–The RPG Room with Paco and Jim

    11/03/2014 Duration: 53min

    Once again we’re Jim and I are back ready to talk RPGs to our hearts content and, hopefully to your heart’s satisfaction. Firstly Jim talks about systems that don’t manage to match the rules and the setting. We discuss how to go about choosing a set of rules for your game and when it’s more appropriate to create one’s rules and when choosing an existing set of rules. We talk about my game, Deimonorum and how I’m using the ORE system to get a cinematic setting that an reflect how dangerous everything is and make it flexible enough so people can decide how much risk to add to their actions.  We talk about Wild Talents 2 and The One Ring too! Another topic we tackle is FATE. I (Paco) am having difficulties getting to understand how it’s applied and how it plays with a specific setting, so Jim and I discussed how abstraction in rules can be difficult to get to grips with sometimes. Lastly, Jim decides to have a go at the Marvel RPG game.

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Freedom - The Underground Railroad

    08/03/2014 Duration: 16min

    Slavery has played a horrific role in the history of many countries for a very, very long time. Far from being a thing of the past, slavery is still very present in modern day and efforts to eradicate it continue. Learning from history is probably the best way to understand where we come from and where we’re going. Freedom – The Underground Railroad does exactly that. Taking a massive risk, Academy Games has created a game that explores the efforts to free slaves. The players take on the role of historical Abolitionists who will try to save as many slaves a possible between the 1800’s and the Civil War. A careful balance between raising funds for the cause and moving the slaves from location to location will be the key to save enough slaves and win the game. However every time the slaves are moved, the slave catchers will be alerted and will capture the slaves to send them back into slavery. The game has received a great deal of praise and we were very curious to find out how it worked and if it re

  • The RPG Interview Room: Mindjammer with Sarah Newton

    02/03/2014 Duration: 01h12min

    I have been looking forward to seeing Mindjammer for a long time. The Space Opera game that will probably set a new precedent for future sci-fi games is finally almost here and I am seriously looking forward to seeing what Sarah Newton is going to bless our gaming shelves with. I came accross Mindjammer years ago when Sarah Newton published her first novel. I read it in a lot less time than I was expecting and it already gave me all I needed. Great characters, great technology, believable settings in an incredible way… the formula was there. I never looked into the first edition of the game, Mindjammer, the only reason that the second one was coming and, knowing Sarah, it was bound to be a lot better than the first. Now that the game is in pre-order, I had to interview the author and find out even more about this fantastic setting. But before we talked about Mindjammer, we also talked about Monsters & Magic, a new take on the Old School type of games that truly and genuinely take the old rules

  • The Boardgame Interview Room: Mage Company and Hoyuk

    02/03/2014 Duration: 35min

    Mage Company, the guys behind Wrong Chemistry and 12 Realms, have now gone to Kickstarter to fund their latest game, Hoyuk, a game in which you take on the role of a human 10,000 years ago trying to erect a village. Although Hoyuk was released in 2006 as a print and play, the game has been reworked to be produced as a physical product and bring it onto the table. As always, I was very curious about how they’re doing this and what plans they have for the game, so I got together with our friends from Mage Company to ask them lots of questions about the game, the new features they’ve brought into the system, the production values they’re aiming for and a lot more. Hope you enjoy the show!

  • The Boardgame Review Room: Dominare

    02/03/2014 Duration: 24min

    Published in 2012 by AEG, Dominare is part of the Tempest series of boardgame that the prolific company has released and that includes Mercante and others. In Dominare you try to gain control of the city of Tempest by spreading your influence through the city and developing a network to control the different areas of the city. Designed by Jim Pinto and with gorgeous artwork by Andrew Hepworth and Jeff Mimmelman, this game is a very promising edition to the series. Michael, Cesare and Max sat down at the table and had a first play at this game. Considering they like deep games with tons of options that make you think time and time again, will this game satisfy the intellectual demand of our intrepid players? Let’s find out!

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