Rational Faith



Sermon feed from the Dewey Church of Christ in Dewey, OK.


  • Overcoming Discouragement – Overcoming Sin With David


    Some of God’s greatest heroes were beset by discouragement, and the guilt of sin. No one is a better example of that than David. How did David move past the guilt of his sin and renew his relationship with God? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on discouragement. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church … Continue reading Overcoming Discouragement – Overcoming Sin With David →

  • Holy Contradictions – The Paradox of Humility


    Humility is almost inherently paradoxical; the more you are aware of it, the less or have or harder it is to maintain. How do we avoid this trap? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on holy contradictions. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on September 1, 2019.)

  • Overcoming Discouragement – Overcoming Fear with Moses


    We continue our series on discouragement by looking at Moses, who was a times a person who struggled with fear. Was God angry at his fear, or was it something else? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on overcoming discouragement, this sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on September 1, 2019.)

  • Overcoming Discouragement – Overcoming Criticism with Paul


    It always hurts when people say negative things about you, even when it is warranted. What is the difference between criticism and admonishment (what we might call “warranted criticism”)? How do we overcome the pain that comes from harsh words? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on overcoming discouragement. This sermon was preached at the Dewey … Continue reading Overcoming Discouragement – Overcoming Criticism with Paul →

  • Holy Contradictions – When You are Weak, then You are Strong


    What did Jesus mean when he told Paul “when you are weak, then you are strong”? What does it mean for us? How can we be strongest when we are weakest? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on holy contradictions. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on August 18, 2019.)

  • Overcoming Discouragement – Overcoming Depression with Elijah


    Elijah experienced the highest of spiritual victories, and the lowest of spiritual discouragement. How did God help him overcome his terrible depression? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on discouragement. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on August 18, 2019.)

  • Holy Contradictions – When Folly is Wisdom


    There are several times in the New Testament that God upends the normal order and says things that are seemingly contradictory. The first: when is folly actually wise? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on holy contradictions. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on August 11, 2019.)

  • Overcoming Discouragement – Examining the Problem


    The Christian walk is a long one, and thus requires endurance. But along the way, there are many things that can lead us into discouragement. What did the churches in Asia face, and what did Jesus say to them? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on discouragement. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of … Continue reading Overcoming Discouragement – Examining the Problem →

  • One Another Christianity – Accountability


    No one likes being accountable to anyone else; we want people to mind their own business! But, God has not left that as an option for His children. Who is accountable to who in the church, and why is it so important? NOTE: the first five minutes of this sermon didn’t get recorded… Click Here … Continue reading One Another Christianity – Accountability →

  • One Another Christianity – Love in Deed and Truth


    Now that we’ve looked at how we should think and feel about one another, what are the practical, concrete ways God expects His children to treat each other? What are some things we should do toward and for one another? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on the social aspect of Christianity. This sermon was preached … Continue reading One Another Christianity – Love in Deed and Truth →

  • One Another Christianity – One Another in Heart and Mind


    How we treat one another begins in the heart and in the mind. How should we think and feel about our fellow Christians? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on the social aspect of Christianity. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on July 14, 2019.)

  • One Another Christianity – What Destroys One Another


    What sorts of attitudes or behaviors destroys Christian unity, and how can we avoid them? What things does God hate to see in the fellowship of His children? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on the social aspect of Christianity. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on July 7, 2019.)

  • One Another Christianity – The Need for Each Other


    Too many people want to isolate themselves from others in their walk with God. But God is not silent about the need for fellowship and socialness in the lives of His people. Why do we need anyone else? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on the social aspect of Christianity. This sermon was preached at the … Continue reading One Another Christianity – The Need for Each Other →

  • The Ten Commandments – Do Not Covet


    What does it mean to covet, and why did God command Israel not to do it? What is the difference between coveting and being jealous, or is there a difference at all? How does this command apply today? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on the Ten Commandments. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church … Continue reading The Ten Commandments – Do Not Covet →

  • Biblical Finances – Stewardship


    “Stewardship” is one of the most common idea in the Bible relating to money. What is a steward? Why does God talk about the idea so much? And what separates a good steward from a bad one? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on money in the Bible. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church … Continue reading Biblical Finances – Stewardship →

  • The Ten Commandments – Do Not Bear False Witness


    What does it mean to “bear false witness”, and how is it different than the generic concept of lying? Why does God use more specific words in the command, what what should that mean for us? Click Here to Listen. (Yep, we missed another recording. Sorry. Preaching on the Ten Commandments. This sermon was preached … Continue reading The Ten Commandments – Do Not Bear False Witness →

  • Biblical Finances – Money in Proverbs


    If you are going to study money in the Bible, there is probably no greater character to look at than King Solomon. What did he say about money, and what can we learn from his wisdom and folly? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on money in the Bible. This sermon was preached at the Dewey … Continue reading Biblical Finances – Money in Proverbs →

  • The Ten Commandments – Do Not Commit Adultery


    A difficult subject for many, yet this is one of the commands explicitly repeated and expounded upon by Jesus himself. What did Moses say about this, and what did Jesus add? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on the Ten Commandments. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on May 26, 2019.)

  • Biblical Finances – The Love of Money


    As we start our series on money and finances in the Bible, we start with the most basic concepts: what is money, and what do we think and feel about it? Click Here to Listen. (Preaching on money in the Bible. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on May 19, 2019.)

  • The Ten Commandments – Do Not Murder


    Even in English, there are many words we use to describe the act of ending a life, depending on context, intent, and other factors. What is God talking about in this command, and what does Jesus say about it? Click Here to Listen. (NOTE: Two sermons in this series did not get recorded. Sorry. This … Continue reading The Ten Commandments – Do Not Murder →

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