Dr. Jenn Royster



Thursdays at 8 am PT  11  am  ET The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour that explores the spiritual approach to life's challenges as your host Intuitive Counselor Jenn Royster takes you on a journey through the metaphysical world. Listen to guided healing meditations, intuitive reads with callers, and the benefits of connecting to Spirit, the Angels, and your Higher Self. Jenn is passionate about helping others find the answers they are looking for by turning inward, t ...


  • Angel Insights: Leo New Moon Uranus Retrograde and Mars Pluto Align


    The courage to strive for progress, not perfection builds inner strength to overcome anything. - Jenn Royster Angel insights on August 2020 new moon in Leo, Uranus retrograde and the Mars Pluto Square alignment. Well take a peek at several highlighted points for all three of these energies. Then well ask the angels for insights on how we can overcome setbacks the year 2020 has thrown at us, and how can we make the most of the last remaining months of 2020.

  • Angel Insights Lions Gate 88 Intuition Manifesting Heightened


    Were calling on the angels for insights on the August 2020 Lions Gate Portal 88. This is a high vibrational time and has significance in both numerology and astrology. An opportunity to set intentions for healing, intuitive connection with our angels and other dimensions. The heart chakra can finally purge the pain and heal for higher dimensional living. Perfect timing to set intentions for manifesting with great abundance.

  • Angel Insights August 2020: Aquarius Full Moon


    Angel insights for August 2020 highlight a few points of interest. Well find a variety of energy to move us along our journey. From shaking things up we need to release and finding our way to allow things to unfold. Well also sense a smooth shift that rejuvenates us before moving into the last four months of the year. This Aquarius full moon is a cleansing moon.

  • Angel Insights: The Meaning of Comet Neowise


    A new comet was discovered on March 27, 2020. Named after the telescope that spotted it, Neowise and will make its closest approach to earth on July 23, 2020. Well explore the meaning of comets in astrology and ask the angels for insights on the meaning of Neowise and the energies at play. This is a rare once in a lifetime event due to the fact that Neowise has an orbit of 6800 years! 2020 has brought us powerful transformative energies nonstop. What will this comet bring?

  • Angel Insights on New Moon: Align with Your Soul verses Struggle


    Angel insights on the July New Moon encourage us to reflect on how we approach everything in life. Are we aligning with our soul or struggling and working harder than ever before? The year 2020 has been a profound transformative year. We are constantly finding ourselves out of the comfort zone. Aligning verses struggling. What would you rather experience? This energy motivates us to find a better way in everything we set our intentions on.

  • Angel Guidance for July 2020


    The angels bring guidance for July 2020. This month starts off with the final eclipse of the season on July 4-5 which will wrap up what weve been working on since 2018. Life will begin to settle and feel calmer. 2020 has been a major transformative year and now July brings the energy to rejuvenate. A time to recharge ourselves, detox and feel lighter. After all, weve been busy this year. This prepares us for the last part of the year when things begin to ramp up in September. Choose wisely and make the most of this restful opportunity.

  • Angel Insights: Neptune Retrograde Spiritual Awareness Law of Attraction


    Angel insights bring our attention to spiritual awareness and the law of attraction. We are reminded that all the power to shift our reality is in our hands. Neptune Retrograde in Pisces is June 22 - November 29, 2020. Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams, unconditional love, higher dimensions and wishes. Neptune retrograde also brings discernment and seeing things the way they truly are. This is helpful when fine tuning our focus on what we want to attract to our lives. This brings us to a total of 6 planets in retrograde at this time.

  • Angel Insights: Powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse


    Angel insights and the solar eclipse on June 20-21 2020. In the sign of Cancer, this will be the most powerful eclipse of the year. This marks the dawning of infinite possibilities, a new way of life, a new world, a new everything. We have felt the growing pains of this new world. Take a moment to be present, take a deep breath and witness all that youve been through and how things have changed. Big intentions, big ah ha moments, big changes for the better. Its time.

  • Angel Insights Mercury Retrograde: Your Thoughts Intentions and Words Have Power


    Angel insights on the June 2020 Mercury Retrograde arriving June 17. This retrograde in the sign of Cancer will highlight the feeling of all those communications skills. We have opportunity to improve, grow and learn from what we feel when communicating with others and ourselves. This brings opportunity to focus on the power of every thought, our intentions and the words we speak. Law of attraction is all about what we focus on. If we take this time to focus on what we want to attract into our lives, we utilize the gift in a Mercury retrograde.

  • Angel Insights: Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the Great Attractor


    Angel insights on the Sagittarius full moon lunar eclipse. The first eclipse in a series of 3 this year arrives on June 05 2020.A new path emerges through this gateway. New discoveries are waiting as we embark on a very different direction than before. We will feel inspired to clear our thoughts, perspectives and beliefs that are hindering our growth.Interesting note: This eclipse also falls in the same location as the mysterious Great Attractor at 12:12pm Pacific Time. A powerful point of attraction in the Universe.

  • Angel Messages for June 2020


    Angel messages on the upcoming month of June 2020. In astrology June has a busy line up. Several planets in retrograde and two eclipses to name a few. Its a month of change and slowing down thanks to the universe. We are speaking out, claiming our truth and seeking to heal our hearts and emotions.

  • Angel Insights: Scorpio Super Full Moon and Saturn Retrograde


    In this episode, Dr Jenn shares angel insights on the Scorpio super full moon that arrives May 7 bringing a time of healing, cleansing and detoxifying. After all that weve been through so far, this brings a positive energy healing time. This full moon also prepares us for eclipse season. Saturn goes retrograde on May 10 in Capricorn. Time to collect all those lessons and wisdom Saturn offers before it moves back into Aquarius at the end of the year.

  • New Chapter Begins Angel Messages May 2020


    Dr Jenn shares angel messages that support us through yet another big month of transitions. May 2020 is loaded with astrological events. The entire year has been a major transformative year and now we approach a gateway into a new chapter. We start off the month with a major lunar node change which relates to our soul lessons, followed by a super full moon in Scorpio. Then several planets go retrograde, and by the end of the month we approach eclipse season. We may feel overwhelmed by so much change but underneath this energy gentle nudges us to open our hearts, find creative solutions and inspiration.

  • Angel Insights: New Moon and Pluto Retrograde


    Dr Jenn shares angel insights on Taurus new moon and Pluto retrograde. Opportunity to plant new seeds for the future. Taurus New moon arrived on April 22nd and Pluto goes retrograde on April 24-25. Together this line up brings opportunity to slow down, reflect on what weve learned from our past experiences and plant new seeds for the future. As the saying goes, As above, so below. Our inner world mirrors our outer world. Our inner wisdom is where we find our way to building a better future.

  • Angel Insights: Discover New Opportunities in Major Life Changes


    The angels bring insights that inspire us to hang in there during challenging times. We are here to witness and and participate in an evolving new world. The human spirit is a powerful innovative force that will find a solution. Spiritual Awakening is heightened in times of great change. Our inner world is the way to find solutions and new opportunities that will support us moving forward. In astrology, Mars and Uranus are coming together in April 2020 to shake things up. This activates creativity and confidence to discover opportunities amongst a rapidly changing world. Dont doubt the power of the soul. Spiritual awakening is soaring to greater heights now. This is what the soul does best. They are fearless. They are our true selves. Weve got this.

  • Angel Guidance: Major Astrology Cycles April 2020


    The angels bring insights on managing major life changes. April 2020 has a few major astrological cycles worth noting. On April 4, 2020 Jupiter and Pluto will align and bring our focus to abundance, prosperity and fortune. Jupiter is expansive and seeks to find a better way, while Pluto is tearing down the old way and rebirth.On April 7-8, 2020 We have a full moon in Libra. A focus on working together reminds us how connected we truly are. This will be the brightest super moon of the year. We are all in this together. We can do this by doing our part. As an individual, we fuel the collective in strength.

  • Angels Bring Insights for April 2020


    In this episode well take a peak from several metaphysical sources including numerology, astrology, tarot and messages from the angels on the energies and frequency shift as we move into April 2020. Theres quite the transformative shift taking place and were all learning as fast as we can while trying to stay healthy and keep up. The angels bring a comfort like no other in challenging times. We all have something we can learn in the 2020 year, find our inner strength, heal and become part of the solution in a higher consciousness that is evolving quite rapidly. Lets do this together.

  • Energy Healing with the Angels - A Global Event


    Energy Healing is available to everyone. We can reset our energy field and raise our vibration to align with the higher frequency energies flowing in at this time. The angels support us, walk with us, encourage us as we go through historical transformative times. Angels bring hope and compassion in challenging times. We are in the midst of great change and opportunities are aligning to set intentions for a brand new cycle. Within a few days well experience the potent energies of the equinox March 19-20 Sun enters Aries. Then on March 20-21 the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction and then the new moon in Aries on March 24th. You may feel isolated physically, but we are united energetically. The world is moving through this together, we can use togetherness to send energy healing to all the world. You will lift and heal your own energy while simultaneously sending energy healing out to everyone around the world. Join us and the angels for this special episode of healing.

  • Major Game Changer: Energy Shifts Prepare Us for a New Cycle


    March 2020 is a major game changer that brings us the energy we need for transition to a new cycle that arrives later in the month. Virgo Super Full Moon, Mercury stations direct and the keynote energy will be Saturn leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius for the first time since 1991-1994. Saturn brings lessons and gifts to our spiritual awakening. Its time to move on and let a new cycle begin lifting the blocks that set us free. The angels are always with us, ready to keep us positively inspired to make the necessary changes to align with our truth.

  • Angel Guidance Major Energy Shifting in March 2020


    March 2020 brings a major energetic shift. Saturn, the Lord of Karma, will cause a ripple effect as it moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. The angels are ready to stand by our side. They offer guidance and support as we are motivated by Saturn to complete our karmic lessons and move to higher vibrations. Dreams will be heightened. What are they saying to you? Its time to wrap it up and move on.In numerology, March 2020 is a universal number 7. This is a spirituality focus, living your dreams, introspect and being honest with yourself.

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