Authentic Wellness Radio



Interviews with the finest and brightest minds in the health and wellness industries to bring you their wisdom on how to transform your life.


  • #033: The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

    26/07/2015 Duration: 32min

    Overcoming difficulty is always hard - and sometimes we find ourselves at our most resourceful and creative in pushing through obstacles when we're at our most desperate hour. Hal Elrod died for six minutes, broke his pelvis, was put in a coma and told he would never walk again when he woke up (and then dumped by his girlfriend) and got pretty creative with his attempts to continue to pursue his dreams. Like all good thought leaders he created a system - it's called The Miracle Morning and he shares it on this week's edition of RAW Health Radio. We covered: - The Life SAVERS that Hal used to remind himself that results come from self-mastery, not being a victim - The surprising results that come when you dedicate a portion of each day to improving yourself - What to do if you're not a morning person Hosted by David White of RAW Health Movement Sign up today so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #032: The Confidence Coach - Lisa Phillips

    20/07/2015 Duration: 47min

    When we think of 'overcoming our fears' some of the mental images that might be conjured are fire-walking, skydiving and enrolling in a public speaking course. There's nothing wrong with those - but if you don't want to be a lecturer, fire-walker or sky diver then there's probably a bit more we can do for you than that. Lisa Phillips joins me for this week's episode to give us some more soothing and encouraging ways to get outside our comfort zone and turn the volume down on the negative self-talk that we create in our heads (this one involves a tiny bit of fire). We cover: - The proper way to free ourselves from the mental slavery we call self-doubt - Creating a new meaning about your experiences that isn't about you (and how Lisa dealt with her divorce by not making things personal) - What's really going on in the minds of other people whose opinions about us cause self-doubt (spoiler alert: it's likely nothing to do with you) Hosted by David White of RAW Health Movement Sign up today so you'll NEVER

  • #031: Yoga & Meditation - Nicky Arthur

    11/07/2015 Duration: 30min

    Yoga is a funny thing - it's been around for thousands and thousands of years, yet it's been reinvented and rebranded into something almost unrecognisable in the last few decades by the fitness industry. Yoga expert (and one of my very first clients way back when I was a newbie trainer) Nicky Arthur joins me for this week's episode to talk about what yoga actually is, does, and what it looks like when done properly. We cover: - The union of mind/body/soul - How to quieten a busy mind and free yourself from judgement - Nutrition for yoga Hosted by David White of RAW Health Movement Sign up so you'll NEVER misss an episode at

  • #030: Food, Adrenals & Women's Health - Nora Gedgaudas

    02/07/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    You've probably heard about the adrenals before - you might have heard about adrenal fatigue, and some of you might be experiencing symptoms of that while you're reading this.  You haven't heard about the adrenals like this! Nora Gedgaudas, wellness legend and author of Primal Body, Primal Mind joins me this week to talk all things adrenals - and it's an eye-opener. Topics covered include: - How to switch your body from using sugar as a fuel source to fat - How the adrenals disrupt a woman's hormonal system - The ONLY thing you should feel if you fast for 6-7 hours Hosted by David White of RAW Health Movement Sign up so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #029: 7 Steps to Success - Katrena Friel

    18/06/2015 Duration: 51min

    The study of success is one of my favorite things - I'm obsessed with it, and I don't think you can ever do enough of it. This week Katrena Friel, business coach and leader of Intrepreneurs, joins me to give an insight into her 7 steps to success - in the gym, boardroom, or wherever it is that you do what you do. We cover: - Why emotional intelligence is more important than IQ - The importance of NOT being a victim - How to take control of what you can influence and control, and let go of the things that you can't Sign up for updates so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #028: The Blood Type Diet - Dr Robert Brody

    10/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    This week's episode of RAW Health Radio sees me chatting to Dr Robert Brody, ND about one of my favorite topics - individualised nutrition. I've been saying for a really, really long time that there can never be a one-size-fits-all diet - just like there can never be one perfect exercise program for everybody. Dr Brody brings us the inside knowledge on the science behind the concept of why we all need to eat differently. We cover: - What foods do (and don't) work for certain blood types - How people with different blood types will respond to the same stress (and what to do about it) - How our ancestral lineage dictates what will and won't work for us nutritionally Sign up for updates so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #027: Empower Your Body Image - Michelle Powell

    03/06/2015 Duration: 39min

    Body Image - it's something that we all can battle with, but should it actually be a battle? This week Michelle Powell of Vitality Reconnected brings the research of her social experiment to the table with the surprising truth about how other people think and feel about the way we look, and why we shouldn't look at others with envy or jealousy for what they have because it's likely that they look at things WE have with envy or jealousy. We cover: - The real forces that attract others into our lives (it's more about your story than your body!) - Why education and support can make or break your success in health - The importance of not enforcing division, but creating unity, in our support group Sign up for updates so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #026: You Are Your Own Best Doctor - Gina Cloud

    26/05/2015 Duration: 37min

    Gina Cloud - author of W.OM.A.N. A New Definition, speaker and coach - joins me on the show this week to explore the concept of being your own health practitioner rather than handing control over to someone else. We cover: - The Principles of Ginacology - The importance of dancing (not a metaphor - actualy dancing!) - How (and why) to make yourself your top priority Sign up for updates so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #025: Learning from ADD - Katie Maycock

    18/05/2015 Duration: 36min

    What's the link between Michael Phelps, Gluten and doing what you love? Why should we learn from the hyper-fccus (or lack of) in children who struggle at schools? What does it all have to do with ADD? Katie Maycock - Nutritionist,Physiologist and author of the ADD Freedom series - joins me on RAW Health Radio #025 to talk Attention Deficit Disorder, brain function and how we can learn from children suffering from this 'labelled disease'. We cover: - The nutritional genesis of 'brain fog' and an inability to focus - Why doing what you love is far more important than eating right - The impact of traditional educational systems on our ability to learn Sign up for updates so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #024: Self-Acceptance Through Self-Expression - Danimal RawBrah

    04/05/2015 Duration: 30min

    Danimal RawBrah joins me in a power-packed exploration into authenticity in Episode 24. It's been said before that you can't give someone something that you don't personally own, and since every relationship between two people is an expression of LOVE it's crucial to learn to LOVE yourself and create your own authentic excitement around your life so you can geniunely share it with others. We covered: - Featuring your flaws and facing your fears - Why 'your cup must be spilling over' to share real love - How to honour the light you have within you (rather than honour other people's opinions and reactions to you)

  • #19: The Rotation Diet - Jo Rushton

    09/03/2015 Duration: 49min

    Jo Rushton, CHEK Faculty and author of "Rocket Fuel on a Budget", is back on the show to talk about one of the foundation principles of health - variety. It's easy to say "Get more variety in your diet" but that's a particularly useful or actionable pointer. Find out: - What a Training and a Strict Rotation Diet look like - How to go about ROTATING your foods - Why eating the same thing every day can lead to health symptoms - or, in my case, why you might lose your voice Sign up for updates so you'll NEVER miss an episode at

  • #18: Personal Trainers Unveiled - Donal Carr

    26/10/2014 Duration: 53min

    Donal Carr, CHEK Faculty and one of the finest minds in the Australian Health/Fitness industry, joins us on our show this week to discuss Personal Trainers - a role he has been involved in as a trainer himself, an educator and a veteran of the industry. Donal shares with us his thoughts on: - What the difference between a good trainer and a bad trainer is - What changes Donal has seen come in to the industry, and where he sees it heading in the next 20 years - Who Donal thinks the MOST important players in the entire health industry are.

  • #17: Honesty and Spirituality - TMango RawBrah

    18/10/2014 Duration: 40min

    TMango Rawbrah of joins us on RAW Health Radio this week to challenge EVERYTHING you know about being honest! TMango shows us how being healthy is more than just following a fitness and nutrition regime, and that we can USE our minds to our advantage rather than being USED by them. In this interview we cover: - What is spirituality for TMango? - What is honesty and why is it important? - TMango's top tips for an honest, healthy and spiritual life  

  • #16: Nourishing Bone Broth - Kaayla T. Daniel

    05/10/2014 Duration: 35min

    Kaayla T. Daneil, author of 'The Whole Soy Story' and her new book 'Nourishing Broth', Certified Nutritionist and a Director for the Weston A. Price Foundation joins us this week. Her new book - Nourishing Broth - is all about returning to more traditional sources of slow-cooked nutrition such as broths, soups and stocks - as well as the science behind why this food is so good for us. We cover: - What Bone Broth actually is and where it started - The value of organ meats and utilising the whole carcass of an animal - ALL the things you need to know to start making your own Bone Broth right now - it's easier than you think!  

  • #15: Creativity and Health - Dr Cliff Oliver

    21/09/2014 Duration: 43min

    Dr Cliff Oliver of joins us to talk about the CREATIVE mind and why it is so important for our health! Dr Oliver, a man in high demand in the holistic health sphere for his presentations and private practice, runs us through: - What messages we can get from our body that tell us we need to be more creative - How creativity can improve our health - What is means to be creative and use the right-brain, and diferent ways that we can do this - THe link between energy and health - Ways that we can work more creativity into our own lives

  • #14: The MD Emperor Has No Clothes - Dr Peter Glidden ND

    17/09/2014 Duration: 52min

    Dr Peter Glidden, Naturopathic Doctor and author of 'The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everyone Is Sick and I Know Why", joins us for what is likely to be THE MOST controversial show that we will ever do. Dr Glidden's outspoken, but thorougly well researched, book covers the house of cards that is reductionist allopathic medicine, and why WHOLISTIC medicine is the golden standard for curing chronic disease. He runs us through: - The difference between an allopathic and wholistic physician - Why there is NO free market in medicine - a shocking story that extends back to the 1920's - What happens when you try to suppress symptoms with medical drugs - What the makers of Aspirin manufactured in the 1940's and, - Which drug killed 500,000 people in 2004 (and why nobody went to jail)

  • #13: The Fungus Link - Doug Kaufmann

    08/09/2014 Duration: 57min

    This hotly anticipated show sees us joined by Doug Kaufmann of and  author of the groundbreaking book "The Fungus Link". The man who brought awareness of fungal infections at large to the general public shares with us his holistic approach to healing infections, as well as: - What a fungus infection actually is - What the signs and symptoms of such an infection might be - Why we as a society are becoming more susceptible to these tiny disease-causing microbes - Doug's Phase One Diet for healing the body - Lifestyle modifications to support the body's capacity to heal from an infection

  • #12: Lights OUT! w/ TS Wiley

    30/08/2014 Duration: 43min

    TS Wiley of joins us for SLEEP WEEK! Founder of the Wiley Protocol and author of Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival as well as Sex, Lies and Menopause, TS runs us through: - The effects of a GOOD night's sleep upon the body, and what happens when you don't get it. - How and why we are conditioned by nature to sleep in certain rhythms - How sleeping less can make us insulin resistant, sick, tired and OVERWEIGHT

  • #11: Adrenal Fatigue: The Emotions - Louise Thompson

    28/08/2014 Duration: 49min

    Louise Thompson of -  Life Coach, author of "The Busy Woman's Guide to High Energy Happiness", Change Catalyst and Mojo Magician - talks to us about Adrenal Fatigue. Earlier this week we discussed the physiology of this disease with Dr James Wilson, and now Louise takes us into the emotional side of things. Adrenal Fatigue is not something that just 'happens' to us, and quite often our personalities and a feeling of needing to DO EVERYTHING can push our bodies out of balance. Covered in this show: - Why we get Adrenal Fatigue - Where Louise thinks we have created a society and culture of Adrenal Fatigue - How our emotions can dictate our ability to get the most out of each day - Louise's tips for healing this disease - Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

  • #10: Adrenal Fatigue: The Science - Dr James Wilson

    24/08/2014 Duration: 49min

    What is Adrenal Fatigue? This chronic disease, which affects MOST of our population today, is one which can affect our health, quality of life and also our lifespan. Dr James Wilson of, a man with three doctorates and two master's degrees in this very field of science, runs us through: - The signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue - How healing the adrenals can help us with weight loss - What sorts of stress can cause people to become adrenally fatigued - Lifestyle management strategies to reduce fatigue - Dr Wilson's Top 3 Tips for living a healthy life.  

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