Odd Dad Out



Every week Adam Higgins shares personal stories and rants, makes fun of weird news stories and dumb criminals, and features a podcast recommendation for you to check out because it's just too hard to do only one thing. Odd Dad Out: "Normal Is Not My Specialty"


  • Is Anybody There? : ODO 222

    12/07/2022 Duration: 49min

    It's been 5 months since I've been able to sit down behind the mic. So naturally I ramble on about all of the why's. Then get into a mini rant about comedy, I graze over a few things that have happened in the last few months, and I challenge YOU to keep me to my word to be back again next week to talk about the World Taekwondo Championships.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Working With My Hands: ODO 221

    28/02/2022 Duration: 53min

    This week inadvertently became all about working with my hands. From fixing up my late father-in-law's truck, to working in the garden, to my many years of cooking, and even to some degree podcast editing I come to realize that I really just like working with my hands.If you want to buy some Glass Gem Corn cobs or corn seed, reach out to me in any of the methods below.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Popcorn, Potato Attacks, and Pastry Competition: ODO 220

    01/02/2022 Duration: 01h08s

    I'm back from my unplanned annual holiday break and I'm going to try to get back into the old swing of things. More gardening stories, more rants, new movie/ TV/ podcast recommendations, and the return of BS From The News and the Jackass of the Week.Check out some of my recent Glass Gem Corn harvest and more on my Instagram-BS From The News--Man Beaten With Frying Pan After Refusing Potatoeshttps://www.kbtx.com/2022/01/27/man-beaten-with-metal-skillet-after-declining-an-offer-potatoes-police-say/-Olympics Considering Pillow Fighting In The Pentathalon.https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1118481/pillow-fighting-modern-pentathlon-games-JACKASS OF THE WEEK-Former Bank CEO Claims $280,000 Spent At Strip Clubs Was Business Expensehttps://vancouversun.com/news/world/former-banking-ceo-says-220000-spent-at-strip-clubs-a-business-expense/wcm/f9a0638f-1112-4add-86b7-f3b2d96d6c95-TV Recommendation-School Of Chocolate (Netflix)https://www.netflix.com/title/81207686Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd

  • My Harrowing Tale Of Interstate Travel: ODO 219

    02/12/2021 Duration: 45min

    Last weekend I had the opportunity to go on a little solo trip back to Texas to retrieve my late father in-law's truck along with some assorted other items. The drive back home could have gone a little smoother... Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • French Fried Vodka & (Fall) Spring Cleaning: ODO 218

    16/11/2021 Duration: 55min

    Leave me a voicemail: (516) 636-7631https://odddadoutpodcast.com/french-fried-vodka--fall-spring-cleaning-odo-218This week we started the daunting task of deep cleaning our entire house. Can you tell I'm excited? In the news, I've got a very unlucky fisherman, and a brand new vodka from a rather unusual source. Plus, a full update on our fall/winter garden.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Another ER Trip and An Unfortunate Paranormal Activity: ODO 217

    06/11/2021 Duration: 58min

    When it rains it pours. Barely 2 days after getting home from the hospital from our last adventure, I had to rush our dog to the emergency vet, not once but twice in two days.I also offer my less than stellar thoughts on "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" on Paramount+.Leave me a voicemail: (516) 636-7631Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • One Long Trip To The Hospital: ODO 216

    30/10/2021 Duration: 56min

    No news this week. Just telling the long complicated story of how my son broke his arm this week and the days long process of getting him patched up. From a tumble in taekwondo class, to visiting two separate emergency rooms, to finally needing surgery to get everything put back together, it was a very long couple of days.Leave me a voicemail: (516) 636-7631Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Lost In The Woods: ODO 215

    23/10/2021 Duration: 53min

    Another week of sounding different, but this time I think it's from my new allergy meds. And in typical "me" style, I have a really long meandering story about our latest camping trip, getting lost hiking multiple times, and being sick that technically does relate to that first point. Speaking of lost in the woods, my one news story is about a criminal who did just that, and ended up needing a police rescue. Leave me a voicemail: (516) 636-7631Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Too Much Talk About Genitals: ODO 214

    13/10/2021 Duration: 47min

    This week is a weird one. I'm not gonna lie. After some health talk, I get into our recent TV habits, including the new Hulu series "Only Murders In The Building." I give a brief garden update, and a heads up on our upcoming fall camping trip. Then the news takes an unexpected turn into the world of genital manipulation and I just can't seem to escape. Not even when I get into how Skrillex's music can repel mosquitos. Did I mention it got weird? I'm pretty sure I mentioned it got weird...Leave me a voicemail: (516) 636-7631Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Singin' In The Car Voice: ODO 213

    08/10/2021 Duration: 48min

    I'm sounding a little different this week on account of spending my drive home from work singing my head off to "The Commitments" soundtrack. I expand on a blog post I wrote this week about my difficulty recording the podcast recently. Plus, a return of the news featuring a suspicious social media post and a crafty artist. And a big announcement about myself and the next season of "The Rise Of King Asilas."Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A Trip To The Theater and Other ODO Type Randomness: ODO 212

    19/09/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    I discuss the installation of our new solar panel system, provide a garden update including another round trimming the mesquite, I give my super lazy fried chicken recipe, and share my feelings after seeing Hamilton! live.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Iced Coffee, Alfredo, and More Dental Drama: ODO 211

    17/08/2021 Duration: 57min

    Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)-Another one of my boys knocked out a couple of his teeth. At least they were baby teeth this time.-My garden is pretty empty other than a mantis that I relocated to my strawberry patch.-And I give you a couple really simple recipes for caramel iced coffee, and my grilled chicken alfredo.Promo: Your Brain On Factshttp://yourbrainonfacts.com/Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Stuck In School Traffic: ODO 210

    07/08/2021 Duration: 50min

    Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)The boys are back to school, and to say that after school traffic was a nightmare is being disrespectful to nightmares.Also, I recently purchased "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild" and holy crap this game is amazing.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Summer Vacation 2021: ODO 209

    28/07/2021 Duration: 49min

    Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)I'm back from our annual road trip to visit our Texas family, and here's how things went.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Work Work Work... :ODO 208

    05/07/2021 Duration: 57min

    Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)It's been a few weeks, but I'm back. What have I been doing this whole time? Working mostly. Lots of looooonnnnng nights at work. And I got some new toys to "play" with including a steam cleaner, a wood chipper, and a pressure washer. But even with that stuff, it's still really just one form of work or another.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sorry If I Broke Your Brain: ODO 207

    10/06/2021 Duration: 49min

    Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)I don't even know what happened this week.I started out talking about my boys being in Summer school and playing games. I sidetracked into playing sports in school when I was a kid. Veered into teaching my boys taekwondo. I also taught them about how mosquitos spread malaria via a very odd ice cream metaphor. I realized that beyond potty training, nobody teaches you squat about parenting. And I think I landed on an existential crisis. I'm sorry if I broke your brain too trying to follow this.Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Counterfeit Vaseline and Llama Marshmallows: ODO 206

    02/06/2021 Duration: 37min

    Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)A week full of silliness. We've got weaponized pizza, counterfeit vaseline, and llama shaped marshmallows. Also, big surprise, Nestle food isn't very healthy.-Counterfeit Vaseline In Dubaihttps://gulfnews.com/uae/crime/dubai-customs-foil-bid-to-smuggle-fake-vaseline-worth-dh400000-1.79303481-Florida Man Assaults Daughter With Pizzahttps://www.folkspaper.com/topic/florida-man-arrested-after-allegedly-attacking-his-adult-daughter-with-pizza-5708544886177792.html-Internal Memo Says Most Nestle Food Isn't Healthyhttps://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/nestl%C3%A9-document-says-majority-of-its-food-portfolio-is-unhealthy/46664032Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutBuy Me A Coffeehttp://buymeacoffee.com/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • ADHD Gardening Moments: ODO 205

    27/05/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    *This episode is brought to you by "Coffee." When you just need to stay up for 2 more hours. "Coffee" Go to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/odddadout to buy me a coffee and keep me awake, because sleep is overrated anyway.This week I have a, longer than planned, garden update, a mini rant about "autism" and "ADHD being umbrella terms, and a landscaping whoopsie that is a result of my own ADHD tendencies. Plus, I pontificate on the lurking thoughts about quitting this show in order to start any number of other podcast ideas. And in an impromptu podcast recommendation, And I briefly discuss "Succotash: The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast." https://succotash.libsyn.com/Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutDonate on Patreonhttp://patreon.com/join/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.c

  • A Little Show About Little Things: ODO 204

    13/05/2021 Duration: 36min

    I'm a little lower energy this week. Just a bit tired so I keep things short for once. But "holy mashed potatoes Batman!" I actually have a general theme this week. It's all about the little things that have dominated my life this week. Starting with flowers on my pumpkins and watermelons going into my very first successfully grown potatoes, and ending with our new kitten. A little show full of little thingsLeave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad Outhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/odddadoutDonate on Patreonhttp://patreon.com/join/odddadoutFollow Along on Social athttps://www.twitter.com/odddadout/https://www.facebook.com/odddadout/https://www.instagram.com/odddadout Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • ODO 203: How Did I Even Get Here?

    06/05/2021 Duration: 59min

    It's another one of those, train of thought falling off the tracks, kind of weeks.What I can tell you is that my brain goes all over the place with topics and thoughts. What I can't tell you is how exactly I got from where I started to where I ended up. I know I talked about fixing up my office and my wife's job. Somehow I got into the various responsibilities of my pets. I think I touch on my content production schedule, my existence as a walking series of contradictions, and something about my "regular" job. I know there's more in there, and I know there is some sort of logical thread that strings point A to point Q somehow, but I can't tell you what that is in a logical fashion. It's just another silly night for my brain. But I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the tagline for this podcast is "Normal is not my specialty." Just saying...Also, I was featured on episode 250 of the "Succotash" podcast."Celebrating 10 years this year, Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, was launched with the idea of promoting

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