Health & Wellbeing Podcast



Alison's Health & Wellbeing Podcast: Discussions on various health conditions, health tips and nutrition from a Naturopathic perspective. Sometimes it's just me, sometimes I'm interviewing guests. I hope to share with you information on health and wellbeing with the aim to empower and educate. I am a Clinical Naturopath based in NSW, Australia. Contact me on Facebook or via my website All information is general and not a specific recommendation that replaces consulting with a practitioner. Please talk to your healthcare practitioner before undertaking any changes to your treatment regime.Intro music is Flutter by Jahzzar


  • #33 Mastitis with Women's Physio Brooke Hile

    29/11/2018 Duration: 34min

    #33 Mastitis with Women's Physio Brooke Hile by Alison Mitchell

  • #32 Medicinal Mushrooms

    07/11/2018 Duration: 54min

    Jeff Chilton is an expert in Medicinal Mushrooms. He joins me on the podcast to talk about all things medicine mushrooms. What they are, what they can be used for, why he chooses to grow his mushrooms organically in China, and why quality is so important. He talks about some of the quality issues that we face in choosing medicinal mushroom supplements, and shares a trick that we can do at home to tell if our mushroom supplements are quality or not.

  • #31 Coconut Oil

    24/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    Are you a little confused about whether coconut oil is actually good for you or not? I don’t blame you, there’s so much conflicting information about there, some information says it’s bad for you and some says that it’s the magic cure for weight loss and brain issues, among other things. Well you don’t have to be confused anymore. I have done the hard work for you and sifted through papers and papers of research on coconut oil to bring you a balanced perspective. I get my nerd on discuss the available research in relation to every claim that’s been made about coconut oil that I can think of. I also get even deeper into my nerd form and talk about the composition of coconut oil, the different types of fatty acids it contains and what these do. Podcast Breakdown 0:00 Intro 2:12 How research on coconut oil can be confusing as the type of coconut oil makes a big difference, and how research on nutrition has a few issues we need to take into consideration when applying the information to our lives. 3:50 Tradit

  • #30 Fibromyalgia

    20/09/2018 Duration: 13min

    #30 Fibromyalgia by Alison Mitchell

  • #29 Pelvic Floor Tightness and Hypertonicity

    22/08/2018 Duration: 24min

    Pelvic floor tightness, pelvic floor dysfunction, or hypertonicity of the vagina is when the muscles of the pelvic floor are too tight. This can cause pelvic pain for women that just doesn't seem to make sense. They might experience pain during intercourse (vaginismus), pain in relation to going to the toilet (1s and 2s), IBS and period pain that doesn't get better with other treatment. These issues can be due to a tightness in one of the muscles of the pelvic floor, something which a women's physiotherapist is able to help with. In this episode I chat with women's physio Brooke Hile @thingsdownthere about all things related to pelvic hypertonicity. Get in touch with Brooke: Instagram: @thingsdownthere Brooke's booking page:

  • #28 Caring for Mama

    12/05/2018 Duration: 52min

    The fourth trimester is a period of time after the birth of the baby that many don't know about. This period of time is technically classed as the 6 weeks after the birth of baby, however as you will learn this period can actually extend for almost a year after birth. During this time the new parents can be under a lot of physical and mental stress. I had the privilege to interview the wonderful Kathleen Murphy from Mama Care Health about the importance of the fourth trimester and care of the new mother. In a time where the focus is all on the newborn baby, the new parents can often get neglected in care. This is exacerbated by being in a culture where asking for help is often seen as weakness, particularly when we have spent the last decade or so of our lives establishing ourselves as strong, independent people. In this episode we talk about the services Kathleen provides through MamaCare, and how and why we need more focus on the care and support of the mother during this period. Get in Contact with Kath

  • #27 Chronic Pain & Inflammation - Part 2

    27/04/2018 Duration: 53min

    Part 2 of the Chronic Pain & Inflammation series, covering what natural methods can be helpful. In this episode I discuss herbal medicine, nutrition (diet and supplementation) for dealing with pain, as well as the techniques to support the mental aspect of pain. Most people will experience pain at some stage in their lives, however for some this pain can be chronic, at times severe. Many people struggle with the side effects of conventional pain medications, and turn to natural medicine for support. Herbal medicine and food can be used to assist in the management of pain conditions, both in addressing the underlying cause of pain conditions, and in providing some pain relief. Get in contact:

  • #26 Chronic Pain & Inflammation - Part 1

    19/03/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    Most people will experience pain at some stage in their lives, however for some this pain can be chronic, at times severe. Many people struggle with the side effects of conventional pain medications, and turn to natural medicine for support. Herbal medicine and food can be used to assist in the management of pain conditions, both in addressing the underlying cause of pain conditions, and in providing some pain relief. In this podcast Alison will be talking about the underlying issues that feed into chronic pain and inflammation. Some topics that will be covered include: What is Pain? What is the difference between acute and chronic pain? Understanding chronic pain. Causes of chronic pain: These include diet and lifestyle, Biological make up (including genetics), Gut health, Hormones, Environment, Chronic Infections, and the Mind. Get in contact:

  • The Anxious and Sick Merry-Go-Round with Kimberly Vucurovic - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #25

    25/01/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Some of you may feel frustrated, if you feel like you are doing all the right things but your health issues don’t seem to be resolving. Every one of you are individuals and have individual reasons for why you are stuck. However, if you suffer from a tendency to be anxious this may be the reason you aren’t resolving your health issues. Research shows that if you have anxiety you are highly likely to also have thyroid disease, respiratory disease, gastrointestinal disease, arthritis, migraine headaches and allergic conditions. I’ve invited my next guest here today to talk to you about the link between anxiety and health issues. Kimberly Charlotte Vucurovic is a psychology trained clinical naturopath who specialises in treating anxiety related health issues. She has worked in the field of natural medicine for 18 years. She runs a busy practice, is an academic lecturer at Endeavour College of Natural Health and is continuing her research by currently completing an Honours in Psychology. www.nat

  • Medical Marijuana - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #24 with guest Dr Rachna Patel

    18/12/2016 Duration: 44min

    Heath & Wellbeing Podcast #24 Interview with Medical Marijuana expert Dr Rachna Patel. You can connect with Dr Patel here: Her Youtube – Commonly asked questions: Dr Patel's Facebook page:

  • Menopause Take 2 - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #23

    29/10/2016 Duration: 42min

    Join Naturopaths Alison Mitchell and Laura Yen who discuss all things menopause. Topics covered include: what is menopause and what is happening in the body during this time, natural ways to reduce menopausal symptoms such as herbs and diet, reducing the impact of menopause on heart health and bones in later years. This is a re-recording of an earlier podcast on menopause which had sound quality issues. Natural Menopause Facebook Group - Join to get updates about our future e-course Book for exercise and bone health mentioned was Strong Women, Strong Bones

  • Interview With Therese Kerr From The Divine Company - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #22

    28/06/2016 Duration: 35min

    Health & Wellbeing Podcast #22 Interview with Therese Kerr from The Divine Company If I asked you to go into your cupboard and examine the labels of all your beauty products, I bet you wouldn't be able to tell me much about the ingredients. And that's fair enough, I wouldn't have either. And possibly, like me a while ago, you may have assumed that there was a good amount of safety testing that took place to ensure these products we used were safe. But the extent that most testing goes to is to see whether the product will give you a skin irritation, not whether that chemical will interfere with your hormonal and immune health. But if you look close enough, it's possible you will encounter a chemical that does much more harm than good. Chemicals which are classed as Obesogens, Neuro Developmental toxins, Endocrine disrupting toxins, reproductive disrupting toxins, developmental disrupting toxins, Teratogens (synthetic chemicals suspected to cause birth defects), Immunotoxins, and Carcinogens can all be foun

  • 21 - Interview With Lee Holmes, Author Of Eat Right For Your Shape (Supercharged Food)

    26/04/2016 Duration: 18min

    I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the beautiful and inspiring Lee Holmes, creater of Supercharged Food. Lee has created several amazing recipe books and her blog has always been a source of inspiration for my dinners. I am so keen to share her new book with you, it is filled with delightful recipes and an easy to read guide of Ayurvedic lifestyle practices. In this podcast Lee talks about her trip to India which inspired her recipes for this book and how her eating style has changed over the years. We also chat about intermittent fasting, some ayurvedic principles and Lee explains how we can balance our health by eating to suit our dosha. About Lee: Lee Holmes holds an Advanced Certificate in Food and Nutrition and is a certified holistic health coach (IIN), yoga teacher, wholefoods chef and bestselling author of the Supercharged Food series, which includes Eat Your Way To Good Health; Eat Yourself Beautiful; Eat Clean, Green and Vegetarian; Heal Your Gut; and Supercharged Food for Kids. She is a c

  • #20 Sleep - Health & Wellbeing Podcast, with guest Laura Yen

    07/04/2016 Duration: 41min

    A Naturopath's Approach to Sleep Sydney based Naturopaths Alison Mitchell and Laura Yen talk about the problems that can affect sleep, sleep cycles and why sleep is so important. Also, ways you can improve your sleep naturally. Health & Wellbeing Podcast #20 with naturopaths Alison Mitchell and Laura Yen (Burton) 0:00 Intro and disclaimer. 1:07 Some sleep statistics and the connection between sleep problems and depression. 2:04 What is insomnia? 3:02 Sleep cycles 06:04 Why sleep is important 07:00 Biphasic sleep, or segmented sleep. 7:50 How can sleep problems affect our health? 9:57 Lack of sleep can affect your ability to think clearly, and getting a good night sleep is very important for students. 10:30 Are phones in the bedroom affecting sleep health? 12:28 Sleep deprivation can worsen inflammation and affect gut flora 13:00 Causes of sleep issues: light, shift work, artificial light, noise, temperature, sleeping environment 17:04 Earthing 17:55 Light affects dopamine which can affect insulin signallin

  • Naturopathic Approach To Acne - Health & Wellbeing Podcast # 19

    14/03/2016 Duration: 31min

    Naturopath's view of Acne Health & Wellbeing Podcast Episode #19 Sydney based Naturopaths Alison Mitchell and Hayley Stockbridge discuss their approach to helping people with acne. Podcast Breakdown: 0:00 Intro and disclaimer 0:40 Meet Hayley 1:24 What's going on in someone who has acne? 2:40 Why do some people get acne and some don't? 3:52 Hormonal acne 6:43 Adult onset acne 7:34 The meaning behind the location of acne 8:55 Keratosis pilaris 9:20 Foods that can cause acne 13:20 Conventional treatments for acne and some issues with them 16:40 Naturopathic treatment for acne when coming off the pill 18:25 Topical treatment that Hayley recommends for acne. MooGoo Acne Cleansing Cream - 19:35 Essential oils for acne 20:30 Clay masks 21:00 Moisturisers and oils 22:40 Scar treatment 22:55 Nutrients for acne 25:26 Herbs for acne 28:45 The benefit of a wholefood, plant heavy diet for acne 29:30 Anti-inflammatory foods for acne 30:33 How to get in contact with Hayley

  • A Naturopath's Approach to Eczema - Health & Wellbeing Podcast Episode #18

    13/01/2016 Duration: 27min

    Health & Wellbeing Podcast #18 with guest Hayley Stockbridge In this episode Hayley and I discuss our approach to treating eczema from a naturopathic perspective. We talk about the link between gut health and eczema; a nutritional approach to eczema such as nutritional supplements, diet change and looking at food intolerances; herbal medicine for eczema; what topical treatments we recommend; how stress affects eczema, and more. Hayley practices at Manly on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and in Stanmore in Sydney’s Inner West. Her major focus is always educating her patients to live healthier and happier lives. She treats women, men and children of all ages and a wide variety of health issues such as weight loss, digestive problems, anxiety/stress, fertility, hormone imbalances, food intolerances and headaches. You can also connect with Hayley on Facebook and Instagram. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here:

  • #17 A Naturopath's Approach To Diet - Health & Wellbeing Podcast

    16/12/2015 Duration: 44min

    A Naturopath's Approach to Diet Health & Wellbeing Podcast #17 with naturopaths Alison Mitchell and Laura Yen (Burton) We chat about our approach to healthy eating which is based on naturopathic principles. We discuss things such as a whole food diet, our opinion on the paleo diet and the key principles we recommend for healthy eating. Laura and Alison are naturopaths based in Sydney, Australia. Podcast Breakdown: 0:00 Intro and disclaimer 0:44 Welcome 1:33 The importance of an individualised diet 2:45 Diet wars and fad diets 3:56 The 80/20 rule 6:16 A Healthy diet shouldn't be about deprivation, rather learning to prepare and enjoying whole foods 8:14 Whole food diet 10:13 Processed foods 13:30 Fruit and juice 17:30 Calorie counting 18:55 Eat for health rather than weight loss and the importance of micronutrients 21:40 Antioxidants and other beneficial chemicals in food, herbs and spices 25:45 Wisdom from traditional diets 27:23 Anti-nutrient chemicals in food and how to minimise their impact on our dige

  • Adrenal Fatigue Part 2 - What To Do About It. Health & Wellbeing Podcast #16

    02/12/2015 Duration: 42min

    Adrenal Fatigue: Part 2 - What to do about it Health & Wellbeing Podcast Episode #16 with naturopaths Alison Mitchell and Lisa Costa Bir 0:00 Intro and Disclaimer 2:00 The stages of Adrenal Fatigue based on tests and how that affects it's treatment 3:05 Lifestyle recommendations for Adrenal Fatigue Stages 3:58 Over-exercising could be stopping you losing weight and recovering properly 5:54 When it's lack of activity that starts the fatigue 8:00 Using herbs to support your ability to cope with training for an event 8:57 What sort of exercise to do if you have Adrenal Fatigue 12:10 Stage 3 Adrenal Fatigue misconceptions 14:22 Diet for Adrenal Fatigue: Balanced blood sugar levels, wholefoods. adequate protein, nutrient dense diet, to snack or not to snack, caffeine. 17:10 Food intolerances and Adrenal fatigue 17:53 Reducing sugar 18:05 Keeping your gut healthy, fermented foods, gelatin, prebiotics 19:00 Seaweed 19:10 Sleep 24:30 Vitamin C 26:57 Magnesium 29:03 B Vitamins 30:40 Nutrient depletors 30:58 Adequate

  • Adrenal Fatigue- Part 1. Health & Wellbeing Podcast #15 With Guest Lisa Costa Bir

    21/11/2015 Duration: 30min

    Adrenal Fatigue – Part 2 Health and Wellbeing Podcast Episode #16 with guest Lisa Costa Bir In this episode Lisa and I continue our chat about Adrenal Fatigue, and this time we’re talking what to do about it. If you experience adrenal fatigue there is a lot that can be done about it. In this episode we give you some guidance about the strategies that may need to be put in place, such as diet change, adjusting exercise levels, improving sleep, and what herbs we love for adrenal fatigue. The thing about adrenal fatigue is that it’s not a straight forward condition. So while employing these strategies will help, it may be necessary to consult a practitioner who can help you work out the more complicated drivers of your condition. Podcast Breakdown 0:00 Intro and Disclaimer 2:00 The stages of Adrenal Fatigue based on tests and how that affects it’s treatment 3:05 Lifestyle recommendations for Adrenal Fatigue Stages 3:58 Over-exercising could be stopping you losing weight and recovering properly 5:54 When it’s

  • #14 Nutrients For Optimal Thyroid Health

    14/11/2015 Duration: 15min

    Did you know that your thyroid needs vitamins and minerals to work properly? And that thyroid medication needs to be converted in the body to work optimally, and vitamins and minerals are used in this process? And it's not just the most well known thyroid nutrients iodine, selenium and tyrosine that you need, but also iron, among others. Iron deficiency in particular can worsen thyroid problems, but interestingly thyroid problems can contribute towards an iron deficiency. Read more about the relationship iron has with thyroid health, testing for iron deficiency and more here:

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