Jim Duke Perspective

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 286:26:03
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Jim Duke Perspective is a weekly show discussing Conspiracy Theories and Exposing the New World Order agenda. We also analyze Alternative News related to a conspiratorial perspective, from a Christian view. We discuss Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Secret Government projects, the Supernatural and occult, End Times prophecy, Signs of the Times, and share biblical insight. Features special guests periodically. Information going beyond the mainstream and your Sunday morning sermon. Airs LIVE Sundays at 7pm EST.


  • The Secret Agenda of War, WEF Great Reset and Communism

    22/05/2022 Duration: 45min

    War has a purpose for the Elite. After seeing the secret papers of the Secret Societies, Carroll Quigley exposed their agenda for Socialism, only he thought it such a good plan it should be made public. Norman Dodd, head of the Reese Committee told that he was told by the Foundations their secret intent to change the culture of society for Collectivism (Globalism). His secretary witnessed the minutes of the meetings of the Carnegie Endowment. We share that information.

  • James Perloff: Ukraine Propaganda, WEF Psychopaths Control the Future

    16/05/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    James Perloff returns to discuss his articles on Ukraine: Behind Wall of propaganda, and on the WEF psychopaths who control the future.His articles are found athttps://jamesperloff.net/ukraine-behind-the-wall-of-propaganda/https://jamesperloff.net/will-psychopaths-control-the-future-klaus-schwab-yuval-noah-harari-and-the-world-economic-forum/

  • Roe v Wade, Disinformation Agency, Elon Musk with Julius Rhinehart and Bare Hayes

    08/05/2022 Duration: 01h25min

    My friends Julius Rhinehart and Bare Hayes join Darrin and I as "Rational VOICES in a world of conspiracy" to discuss the topics on the table. Roe V WadeDisinformation Agency of the Ministry of Truth Governance BoardElon Musk taking over TwitterThe Cabal vaccine NarrativeBiden handing U.S. Sovereignty over to the U.N. W.H.O.Julius and Bare can both be found on Facebook and have a YouTube presence.

  • How The Illuminati Opposed Christianity

    01/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    In this episode I explain the antics of the Illuminati and how they subdued Proestant Christianity to those unaware. Much of this was from a source called "The Bavarian Illuminati" in which an author in the early 1900s collected the last known documents of the writings of the Illuminati.NOTE: As a correction, I mentioned those who do not recognize Christ in them as related to 2Cor 11, but it should be 2Cor 13:5.

  • The Viral Delusion with Mike Wallach

    24/04/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Many of us suspected the virus narrative to be a fabrication. Mike Wallach is a film producer who presented a documentary series tracking the truth behind the narrative with doctors who chased paper trails for the truth.His film can be found at https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io

  • Early Church Compared to the Modern Church w/Guest Phil Baker

    17/04/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    In this episode we compare the early church with the modern church. Our guest Phil Baker has examined the aspects of the early church and gives us insight on the character of the early believers and how they contrast with today's modern church. This brings into the question the need for reform.Phil S. Baker is an author of a couple of books, podcast host of "Reclaiming the Faith, and musician for his own music. His website is https://philsbaker.com/. Phil's podcast Reclaiming the Faith can be found at https://reclaimingthefaith.podbean.com

  • Conspiracy Vs Theory

    10/04/2022 Duration: 55min

    This is the first show of our 7th season. We highlight some of the coming scheduled guests and segments for the next year. We refresh on our focus and reiterate the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy with examples of each. Also how to verify facts, confirm info, and gain credibility for your information.

  • The Great Narrative Related to Think Tank Groups

    03/04/2022 Duration: 52min

    We know about the "Great Reset." Now Klaus Schwab refers to the "Great Narrative" to diffuse suspicion that conspiracy theorists and truthers have brought attention to. We examine this agenda with the economic implications, as well as the Think Tank agencies involved to steer society into the 4 centers of powers to consolidate into a Centralized Bank for One World Government using digital currency and the Internet.

  • Biden For the New World Order

    27/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Biden announced how things are shifting (deliberately so) and that there is going to be w New World Order, and that we (America) is going to lead it. What Biden is not saying is that the new World Order is an older plan already drafted and that he is not going to lead it (he can't lead himself to his own sock drawer). The agenda is already set, and it is a totalitarian One World Government.America was the site of the New Atlantis according to Francis Bacon, and that thought continued by the Masonic founders. The New World Order was stamped on the dollar bill as a statement of the goal of the Elite of the United States.See my article https://jimdukeperspective.com/the-great-seal-origin-and-its-meaning/We explain this plan and what it means with the Great Reset.

  • What is Spirituality?

    20/03/2022 Duration: 56min

    Spirituality is defined differently to groups. Some claim a self-determined identity of spirituality having a sense of acknowledging God without admitting they actually have a relationship with a personal God. Others claim their spirituality is an inward awareness to divinity within and that they become one with the Universal Mind, a force of divinity one had came from and now re-enters. Christians believe spirituality is not of oneself, but a connection with God through Jesus Christ after indwelled with the Holy Spirit. We go through these narratives to dissect the truth, or at least what we think is truth in the Relativism of life.

  • Great Reset Dangerous Man / WOKE Movement

    13/03/2022 Duration: 56min

    We know the Director/Founder of the WEF is Klaus Schwab. but there is one more dangerous than him giving advice. We will share what he plans and how they use crisis to lead us into their agenda. The economic crisis they claim is a necessity for the Great Reset was devised by them in the first place.The WOKE Movement claims to equalize races, but it fuels Political Correct reminding of oppression and putting blame on others in an attempt to right wrongs. However, it is just another ploy of the Socialist Marxist agenda.

  • Who are the Good Guys in this War?

    06/03/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    War has stirred much emotion and spewed many opinions dividing over the issue of the Russia/Ukraine conflict. What caused it? We tend to take sides over who is more right in fighting, or defending, according to the perception or bias you choose. Either way can we point to the good guy in all this? All sides have corrupt intent. We go over this ethical discussion to weight the claims as to whom has a more legit reason. Or maybe not...Here is The WHO Constitution mentioned:https://apps.who.int/gb/bd/pdf_files/BD_49th-en.pdf#page=6

  • The Real Issue Between Russia and Ukraine / COVID Updates / CDC Loosens Mask Restrictions

    28/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    The conflict between Russia and Ukraine; and also with NATO and the U.S., continues. We are told by one side Putin is a tyrant madman, but his side says Russia is merely defending its safety as NATO is creeping in around them along the borders through neighboring countries. Who do we believe? We provide analysis.CDC loosens its restrictions in new guidelines that lightens up on mask mandates in 70% of conditions. They haven't admitted masks were not effective as alt media is falsely reporting, just that the current condition of cases dropping have contributed to their decision... as well as SOCIAL MOOD.COVID problems as reports out that vaccines have been causing variants as well as SARS-like symptoms. The CDC admits PCR test swabs may have gotten in the hands of DNA collection agencies.Despite denial, mRNA genome therapy may have altered your DNA according to experts.Here is a link to a claimed detox process if you had taken the "vaccine."https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid

  • Wars and Rumors of War of the Illuminati

    20/02/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Russia threatens war on Ukraine which some warn could be the start of WWIII. Wars and rumors of war continue as the Illuminati strategize their world domination. We discuss the Illuminati plan and proof that their hand have been in wars since the French Revolution. The Illuminati PlotValidity of the letter from Albert Pike to Mzzini outlining three world warsPlanned Wars from papers and declaration of the IlluminatiZionist State of IsraelProphecy of Matthew 24, Daniel 7, Daniel 9, Revelation, and end time scenario; are we there yet? We will go over some of the end time systems.

  • Facebook Dangers

    13/02/2022 Duration: 55min

    Many rely on this social media platform and the world is now accustomed to it. Those who don't have it may be cautious, but considered primitive, even out of touch. Access to computer and hand-held devices made it available to every person, child, and dog. Is this purposeful to occupy our lives and use our algorithms to dictate our thoughts? Have people become bold and arrogant using this virtual avatar as a front?We also look at news items:Does Biden program provide crack pipes to addicts?https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/politics/2022/02/09/free-crack-pipes-biden-administration-opiod-overdose-harm-reduction/6718519001/https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/grants/pdf/fy22-harm-reduction-nofo.pdfCIA has been collecting data on citizenshttps://www.cia.gov/static/34f5a3c711c31feea907e20a67ba09b2/OPCL-Haines-Burns-Wyden-Heinrich-April-2021.pdfBob Saget death not accidentalhttps://www.theblaze.com/video/bob-multiple-skull-fractures

  • Unconstitutional Socialist Mandates

    06/02/2022 Duration: 53min

    Socialists use any excuse for unconstitutional policies. Mandates threatened by Biden and NY Gov Kathy Hochul prove to be examples of overstepping your Executive Office to issue unenforceable mandates upon the people. Both were turned down by Supreme Court rulings, but it doesn't prevent Socialists from trying.However, we don't mean to feed in with the Left/Right paradigm facade, so don't mistake this for a Democrat vs Republican opposition, because both parties are different sides of the same Oligarchy coin. The International Bankers and their Illuminati ways control both parties.

  • Joe Rogan / Drug Addiction

    30/01/2022 Duration: 55min

    Joe Rogan is under attack as he is threatened by performers for his stance on vaccines. Whether Rogan is controlled or not, this does slap in the face those of us who agree with him that vaccine mandates and the push for Big Pharma remedy is an agenda. Drug use tends to lead to drug abuse. Drug addiction is drug worship. We talk about the aspects of addiction and why some programs are not remedies hosted by Christians.

  • 5G Heads Blowing / AI Interface

    23/01/2022 Duration: 51min

    5G rolled out and many anticipate heads blowing up by spontaneous combustion as they were in Israel when it was rolled out. Only thing is proof has been limited to a video claiming this conclusion is from 5g. We debunk some of the claims as we examine the potential real dangers of 5G. AI technology is pushing for interface connectivity to your brain. Will they hack your brain? They cannot read your thoughts, but the technology datelining your input, watching you on devices, and monitoring algorithms gives the quantum computer enough information to make probable predictions about what you are thinking.

  • Pentagon, CIA Hollywood / Australia COVID Issues

    09/01/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    The Pentagon and CIA feed movie producers info for storylines that serve as propaganda. Australia is having difficulty with COVID rules and threat to the unvaxxed. News that Boosters may be causing harm. Biden's vaccine mandate still pushing through OSHA. We end the episode with suggestions of alternative remedies for COVID and to reverse the harm of vaccines (if the methods are effective).

  • Ghislaine Maxwell and Aleister Crowley

    03/01/2022 Duration: 57min

    It seems like a far reaching connection made, but hear me out. I share similarities with them and the illuminati who use sexual abuse for enticement and bribery, as well as Elite rituals.We also give a COVID update with statements from Dr Robert Malone who helped developed the mRNA vaccination process, CDC admits arbitrary regulations, and how Omicron may be imaginary.

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