Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Creating Word Of Mouth - Episode 071

    17/12/2014 Duration: 24min

    Episode 071 – Occasionally Great Podcast   How do you create a show that people remember? My theory is simple. If you want word-of-mouth do things worth talking about.   That particular phrase is one I learned from Seth Godin. However, I learned that theory years and years ago.   Learning From Radio When I started in radio 25 years ago, my goal was to make every break a home run. Creating a show that creates buzz appears to be a daunting task.   A typical radio show is four hours. With an average of four talk breaks or bits an hour, a daily show would include sixteen bits a show. At three minutes a bit for a morning show, we talking about 48 minutes of material. That would roughly equal to an average podcast.   After a few years in radio, I realized that creating sixteen different pieces of content that are stellar and buzz-worthy is nearly impossible on a regular basis. It is also unnecessary. Your listener will not remember all sixteen things you do on the show this week.   People remember one big thing. Cr

  • Podcast Interview Resources - Episode 070

    10/12/2014 Duration: 27min

    Episode 070 – Podcast Interview Resources   Two e-mails came in recently that might help you with your content. This week I would like to share a few podcast interview resources, to help you create better podcast interviews. We will also review the benefits of an outside perspective.   The first e-mail comes from Josh.   Hi Erik, Really enjoying the show. Question. I've been interviewed on many different podcasts and I'm amazed how often I'm asked identical questions to those asked of every other guest that appears on their show. I understand as podcasters, there's always so much work to do. The research required and creating unique questions can be a scheduling challenge - but this feels so lazy to me to just rely on a one-size-fits-all approach. When I think of some of the best interviewers I know, I can't imagine they would *ever* do this. In addition to your podcast, coaching, and resources, are there any books you would recommend for how to be an awesome interviewer? I'd love to recommend them to many of

  • Thankful Podcast - Episode 069

    04/12/2014 Duration: 23min

    Thankful Podcast – Episode 069   We celebrated Thanksgiving here in the United States last week. It is a wonderful time of year when we step back and give thanks for all we have. This week, I would like to share a few things for which I am thankful with the hope that I might help you discover some inspiration. Three years ago, I began my journey to help podcasters refine their art. I was not sure where I was headed. I only knew that I wanted to follow my passion. Podcasting wasn't my original passion. It was architecture. From the time I was 12, I knew I wanted to be an architect. Through middle school and high school, my classes led me down that path. While getting my college degree in architecture, after working two years as a draftsman, I found my way into radio. The architecture degree required a few electives. My younger brother worked at a radio station and also with me as a disc jockey. I thought radio sounded like an entertaining elective. The class was Broadcasting For The Non-Major. The class led me

  • Why Pay For Podcast Feedback - Episode 068

    19/11/2014 Duration: 27min

    Why Pay For Feedback – Episode 068   Why would you ever pay for feedback? Can't you get that for free from most of your fans/listeners/family?   I was reading the comments on a blog post the other. As a disclaimer, I rarely do this. Most trolls that comment on blog posts do so anonymously. They are rarely knowledgable about the subject. And they typically offer little constructive criticism.   We discussed the trolls in episode 051 “Why I Ignore Podcast Critics”.   This particular blog post was in reference to a colleague. The commenter questioned why anyone would ever pay for feedback (coaching) when they could get plenty of it for free.   This misguided individual obviously doesn't understand the value of coaching.   Believing your listener can give you quality feedback on your podcast is like believing David Ortiz, home run leader of the Boston Red Sox, can get feedback on his hitting from the guy with a Bud Light in his hand sitting three rows up behind the on deck circle. Is Tiger Woods getting advice on

  • The Magic Of Know, Like And Trust - Episode 067

    12/11/2014 Duration: 24min

    The Magic of Know, Like And Trust - Episode 067   It never ceases to astonish me how our podcasts create friendships with people we have never met. My family and I were at a hockey game a few weeks ago. A couple came up to us and started chatting about the game as if they knew us. We had a great conversation with them as if we had been good friends for years. When the couple moved on, my wife was a little irritated with me when she asked why I didn't introduce her. I told her I didn't know who they were. These people knew me from being on the radio. I am part of their lives on a daily basis. I share things with them everyday on my show. These people feel like they know me and we are good friends even though we have never met. This happens all of the time. As podcasters and broadcasters, we have a strange friendship with our listeners. That friendship give us influence. How can we develop those friendships with our podcast?   Here are five tips.   1. Reveal Things Reveal things about yourself on your show as

  • Podcast Interview and Co-Host Tips - Episode 066

    05/11/2014 Duration: 25min

    Podcast Interview and Co-host Tips – Episode 066   Do you have a podcast that involves multiple people? This week, I'll answer two listener questions to help with podcasts that involve interviews or co-hosts. You can always e-mail your questions to Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com.   We discussed interviews a bit in Episode 059 – Solution to Boring Guests. I offered ideas to salvage an interview that lacks any entertaining value. That content was focused on the guest. Our questions this week focus on you the interviewer. We will discuss podcast interview and co-host tips.   Interview Nerves   I would love to know if you have any tips on how to curb anxiety when you’re getting ready to interview a big personality. While my big personalities can’t touch yours, I’ve noticed that it takes me a while to loosen up and relax sometimes. Sometimes if I chat with them a little before the interview starts, that helps. But I never want to waste their time, and sometimes you just get the feeling they want to get to it so that

  • Powerful Marketing With Podcast Benefits - Episode 065

    30/10/2014 Duration: 22min

    Powerful Marketing With Podcast Benefits - Episode 065   I was listening to the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson the other day. It really got me thinking about powerful marketing and how to create it.   The particular section of the book that caught my attention discussed the “1984” apple commercial. The message of the commercial was that apple would save humanity from conformity. It was a nod to George Orwell's novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”.   The “1984” commercial, when viewed by the Apple Board of Directors, was deemed unacceptable to air. The board suggested the advertising agency sell both the 30-second and 60-second time slots they had purchased during the 1984 during the Super Bowl.   The ad agency sold the :30, but didn't try very hard to unload the :60. Jobs and a few others found the funds to run the commercial one time. The only other time it was aired was once on a few local stations.   With that one airing, the “1984” commercial created millions of dollars in buzz. Network news shows wer

  • Can You Make Money With Your Podcast - Episode 064

    22/10/2014 Duration: 27min

    Can You Make Money With Your Podcast?   People love to buy. They hate to have people sell to them. Create interest and desire. Make your fans want to buy. The hard sell rarely makes your fan feel good about making the purchase. How do we use our content to develop the desire to buy rather than the method to sell?   I believe it is possible to make money “with” your podcast. To make money “from” your podcast is much tougher.     Are You Important In The Life Of Your Listener?   The most important marketer in a person's life is someone they know, like and trust. We all know this.   I used Dave Jackson's affiliate link to build www.ErikKJohnson.com. This was after I got to know, like and trust Dave and his information at the School of Podcasting.   As I started in Podcasting, I hit Google to find information. That is where I originally discovered Dave. Then, I began seeing him in blogs and hearing him referenced in other podcasts. I began listening to his podcast to get to know him.   One day, I got an e-mail fr

  • When Did Marketing Become Taboo? - Episode 063

    16/10/2014 Duration: 30min

    When Did Marketing Become Taboo?   I was listening to Daniel J. Lewis on "The Audacity To Podcast” Sept. 15th episode “How To Deal With Negative Feedback Toward You”. When did commercials become bad?   Here is the comment/quote: "I feel like I just listened to an hour long infomercial. Daniel, I recognize your need to cross-promote and I realize that your income comes from podcasting. I feel overloaded with commercial information and have quite a difficult time separating out the real content from the commercial content. It's just too much. Sorting out the things I would consider using from the things I have tried in the past but didn't work from the commercials just wasn't worth the hour I wasted this afternoon listening to your podcast today.”   Daniel goes to great lengths to avoid being self-promotional. He mentions his products at the end or when it is contextually relevant. Hence the “I have a tough time separating out the real content from the commercial content”. If one blends into the other, it fits

  • Get Noticed In A Sea Of Sameness - Episode 062

    08/10/2014 Duration: 27min

    Get Noticed In The Sea Of Sameness – Episode 062   Being unique is the only way you can make your podcast get noticed in the sea of sameness.  There are so many podcasts in your niche.  Being memorable is critical. There is one file in your listener's mind that you occupy. You can't occupy multiple files. You must pick one. Define that file and do all you can to support that image. That is the essence of your brand. Where does McDonald's fit in your brain file? McDonald's is probably the “Fast Hamburgers” file? Does it also fill the “Milkshake File”? Probably not. Sure, they serve milkshakes. However, that file is probably occupied by your favorite ice cream shop. Where would Cheetos fit in your brain file? It would go in the “Lip Balm” file, right? Of course not. However, Frito-Lay launched Cheetos Lip Balm in 2005. It failed miserably, because Cheetos occupies the “Cheesy Puffed Snack” file in your brain. Your podcast brand can only occupy one file. Pick the one image your brand can own? Define your brand.

  • Transform Your Podcast Into A Powerful Brand - Episode 061

    01/10/2014 Duration: 30min

    Transform Your Podcast Into A Powerful Brand – Episode 061   Two presentations I have attended really shaped my understanding and belief in the power of a brand.  These two presentations have helped me create powerful radio and dominant brands.  One was given by Seth Godin.  The other came from B.J. Bueno.   A successful podcast is built on a strong relationship with the listener. It could be called a tribe as defined by Seth Godin in his book of the same name. The strong relationships with your listeners begin to develop your brand. You can then monetize your brand and associated relationships with an effective call-to-action. But it starts with the brand.   Powerful brands are more than just recognizable names. Powerful brands are full of emotion. A brand is a collection of perceptions, creating emotional connections, while consistently delivering on a promise. The more powerful the emotional connection, the more powerful the brand.   Take a moment to think of some very powerful brands and the associated em

  • 7 Common Podcast Mistakes That Drive Listeners Away - Episode 060

    24/09/2014 Duration: 27min

    7 Common Mistakes That Drive Podcast Listeners Away – Episode 060   Listeners have many, many options for their entertainment. When you create your show, you are not simply competing with all of the other podcasts in the space. You are competing with all of the other entertainment options available to your listeners.   TV, CDs, radio, satellite radio, on demand video, Youtube, audiobooks. The options are endless.   It is only a start to create great content that attracts your listener and is better than every other options available to your listener at that time. You also need to ensure that the things you do within the episode do not drive your podcast listeners away. Many podcasters give their audience reason to leave without even realizing it.   This week, we will discuss 7 most common podcast mistakes that drive listeners away. There are many others. See how many of these 7 common podcast mistakes you recognize from your show. Then, let's figure out how to fix them to make your show even stronger.   You F

  • Solutions To Boring Podcast Guests - Episode 059

    18/09/2014 Duration: 28min

    Episode 059 – Solution To Boring Guests   Thank you so much for all of the great feedback recently. I am happy to hear this content is having a positive effect on your show. You are truly beginning to transform your information. Congratulations.   This week, I would like to share two notes with you hoping you can use the information and answers as well.   Hi Erik,   Just a quick note of thanks for your latest episode of 'Podcast Talent Coach' where you talked about story telling and using a journal as a tool. Somewhat skeptical that it was something I needed, I sat down yesterday and gave it a shot, using the 5 minute time limit you mentioned and writing my thoughts out using a pen and paper. I did this to capture something personal that I could use in my next episode of 'Evolution Talk'. I am extremely happy to say that it worked. I was able to produce a couple of powerful thoughts for the show that I am certain I would not have captured otherwise. Suffice to say, it's now going to become part of my show pre

  • How To Build Trust - Episode 058

    11/09/2014 Duration: 28min

    How To Build Trust – Episode 058   Last week we discussed the four essential elements of storytelling.   As I gave that presentation at Podcast Movement, some had questions about turning personal connections into stories that actually had something to do with their podcast subject. In fact. Josh Elledge of “90 Days To Abundance” suggested I do an episode on it. Find him at “SaveingsAngel.com”.   Today, we dive into the “how” of storytelling.   The use of journaling will help you dig deep into your thoughts to reveal your personal connections to the subject matter. Journaling can be done for a specific length of time or output. You can do it for 3 or 5 minutes, or an entire page of thoughts.   Whether you choose time or output, it should be set and consistent. Set a timer and write until the timer goes off. You want to write to the point where if becomes free-flowing without any conscious thought.   Understand that no one will ever see this journaling. You can even throw it out after you create the episode. T

  • The Secret to Know, Like And Trust - Episode 057

    04/09/2014 Duration: 29min

    The Secrets to Know, Like and Trust PTC Episode 057 Four Essential Elements of Powerful Storytelling   WHY STORYTELLING Have you noticed a lot of the business interview podcasts sound the same? We are hearing the same guests answer the same questions time and time again. How do you become unique in this sea of sameness? Storytelling can transform your podcast. Your personal experiences and stories make you unique. No one has experienced the things you have experienced in the same way you have. If you want to stand out from every other podcast, share your personal stories during your show.   People do business with other people they know, like and trust. Your stories create that knowledge. That is where true friendships begin.   Stories help define your character and personality. If you want your listener to get to know you, share those personal connections. Connect, motivate and inspire your audience with your stories.   Don't fit in, stand out.   Your personal experiences are the only way to make the conten

  • Top 11 Podcast Movement Takeaways - PTC Episode 056

    29/08/2014 Duration: 25min

    Top 11 Takeaways From Podcast Movement 2014   Podcast Movement 2014 was held in Dallas, Texas August 16th & 17th. For an inaugural event, PM14 was well run and full of great information. The guys did an amazing job putting it together.   Earlier this year, Dan Franks reached out to me and asked if I would present a session at PM14. I was truly honored. My session on the power of storytelling went over very well. Many people came to the stage after my session to tell me how useful they found the information. I really appreciated the feedback.   I am already looking forward to Podcast Movement 2015 in Fort Worth, Texas.   My notebook filled with great notes from PM14. On this episode, I want to share with you my 11 top takeaways from the event. I hope these spark a little something in your to move your podcast forward and transform your content.   1. Have a plan to make money. This came from Chris Brogan's Keynote “Podcasting As A Business Driver”. If you want to support your habit/hobby, have a plan to gen

  • 3 Steps To Create Your Avatar

    21/08/2014 Duration: 31min

    3 Steps To Create Your Avatar - PTC Episode 055   Hi Erik, thanks for your awesome podcast. I have one question for you You define your avatar with a bunch of well-crafted questions, but where do you get the data to answer them? Is it hard data you have got from your following (if any)? Is it just a fruit of your imagination? Is it a mix of both? How much of the avatar is based on hard data, and how much is a projection of yourself defining it? Thanks and keep up the awesome work! -Alessandro   Great question, Alessandro! It is actually a little bit of both. It will evolve over time. There are really three steps to creating your ideal listener.  Each step relates to the life cycle of your podcast.   Step 1 If you are just starting out, you need to create your ideal customer out of your imagination. Who would you like your ideal customer to be? Start there. Who do you want? Who will listen and get involved Who will be best served by your content Who will buy your stuff   Step 2 Once you begin to get

  • Never Know Who You Might Help - PTC Episode 054

    13/08/2014 Duration: 27min

    You Never Know Who You Might Help PTC Episode 054   I received a piece of feedback from Kenn Blanchard the other day. He said he was inspired so much by my “chit chat” episode that he went back into the studio to completely rerecord his latest episode.   Kenn creates a few podcasts. I listen to “Black Man With A Gun” He recently launched a second called “Motorcycle Radio”.   We talk a lot about helping people with your podcast. As you create your content, keep in mind that you never know who you might be helping or how much that help may mean.   Gary Vaynerchuk has an entire chapter in his book “Crush It” devoted to care. It is probably the easiest chapter you will ever read. It is also possibly the toughest chapter to execute well.   Extra Mile It is unfortunate in business today that "going the extra mile" isn't even necessary to stand out most of the time. Being consistent and delivering on your brand's promise will usually make you better than most of the competition.   It amazes me that delivering a simp

  • You Are An Expert - PTC Episode 053

    07/08/2014 Duration: 26min

    You Are An Expert - PTC Episode 053   As I was grabbing a quick bite to eat at the local fast food restaurant earlier this week, I was reminded we are all an expert at something to someone.   After ordering my food, I pulled up to the drive thru window of the fast food restaurant to pay. My total came to $4.38. I handed the kid in the window $5.38. The amount completely puzzled him.   He looked at the currency for quite some time. I was beginning to think he didn't realize I needed change. After what seemed like two minutes, he looked around for his manager.   When he realized his manager was helping another customer, he looked back at the money trying to devise a plan B.   The kid finally stuck his head into the window and asked, “Are you good at math?”   I said, “The total was $4.38, right?” He replied with, “Yeah.” I said, “You owe me a dollar.”   “Oh, that's what I thought,” he replied with relief as he ducked to the register to retrieve my dollar.   At that point, I realized we are all an expert to someb

  • The Secret To Podcast Chit Chat Revealed - PTC Episode 052

    31/07/2014 Duration: 25min

    At Last, The Secret To Chit Chat Revealed   Chit Chat at the beginning of your podcast has long been discussed. Is it appropriate? How much is too much? I was listening to a marketing podcast once. I just about gave up and moved onto another show. I had to force myself to stick with it. You would have thought they may have uploaded the wrong show. Here is the opening of the podcast. I've eliminated the names and other identifying parts. I really don't intend to call out anyone. I simply want to show you how chit chat can destroy your engagement.   Show host: Welcome to (marketing podcast). I'm your host (host name). (website). We've got a couple people hangin' out in the live chat with us. (chat link) And you know, I shouldn't say that, because I've taken the link down from the site. But if you're listening and wanna see the schedule, it is fairly current. Although, not exactly throughout the summer. I am joined today, as I frequently am lately, by (co-host name) of (other show name). How's it goin' (co-host

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