Lou Reads The Internet For You!



Giving Voice to the Things You Didn't Want to Hear About


  • Lou Reads Penis Enlargement Advice from PEGym

    23/09/2011 Duration: 29min

    Look, I know this is a touchy subject… but have you checked your penis lately? Yes, I’m talking about measuring it and comparing it to other dudes. It’s looking pretty pathetic… I mean who couldn’t use another foot of cock-beef hanging out the front of their pants? I mean TWO FEET of dong-meat? It boggles […]

  • Lou Reads Confessions from Confessionpost.com

    19/08/2011 Duration: 29min

    Guys…. I’m sorry… have something to confess… One time… Well, you probably get the idea of this episode. It’s all kinds of confessions. I was originally going to split the episode between two different confession sites but as it turned out, one was enough. Real stories? People wasting time on the intertubes? I read. You […]

  • Lou Reads from Creepy Hollow: A Place for Spirit Keeping, Spell Casting and Other Nonsense.

    29/07/2011 Duration: 29min

    I know I am going to come under psychic attack for this episode but so be it. I have my harpies at the ready! So this forum is for people who believe hardcore in the paranormal and hidden world. We’re talking spells. We’re talking spirits. We’re talking black magicks. The whole kit’n’kaboddle. So please imagine […]

  • Lou Reads Tales of Best and Worst Break-Ups

    16/07/2011 Duration: 28min

    Everyone gets dumped. If you haven’t been dumped its either because you’re some kind of insecure jerk who always dumps people before they dump you or you’re some kind of unwanted gross person who no one wanted in the first place. WHY ARE YOU SO GROSS!? If you’re not one of those equally awful things […]

  • Lou Reads: Tales of Being Creepy from Ask Reddit

    06/07/2011 Duration: 27min

    You asked for it and now you got it. I have finally ventured into the wilds of Reddit to search out something good to read! Thanks to the many suggestions of you loyal listeners I was able to bypass the one million imgur images submitted daily and found some great stuff. So in this inaugural […]

  • Lou Reads from the Forums of FemaleFirst.Co.Uk (NSFW)

    10/06/2011 Duration: 37min

    Finally a place for ladies to go and talk about lady stuff. EWW! Well not just lady stuff… really people go to FemaleFirst.Co.UK to talk about all kinds of dumb stuff. And you can rest assured that they are talking a ton! I barely even scratched the surface and there was so much more to […]

  • Lou Reads from the forums of CumOnFood.net

    27/05/2011 Duration: 39min

    Welcome! Welcome to the forum that made me feel like puking every step of the way. That’s right! You heard it here first! As you’ll soon hear I thought I might have met my match here in the bowels of the CumOnFood.net forums. That’s right. A forum… about people… who want to cum on food […]

  • Lou Reads from the Arachnoboards. Creepy Crawly People!

    16/05/2011 Duration: 53min

    Hey there, true believers! Are you ready for some tales of eight legged wonders? How about stories about owning poisonous centipedes? How about the best way to handle your spiders? Are you man enough to do it barehanded? Or will you need to cool them down in the fridge first? Huh? YOU PUSSY! This weeks […]

  • Lou Reads from TheHoodUp.com, a Place for Gangsters to Trade Tales and Recipes

    27/04/2011 Duration: 33min

    Whattup Cuzzin? You heard about the forum where people in gangs can get together to shoot the shit about gang related topics? Oh, you ain’t? It’s called The Hood Up and its a place where you can kick back, relax and have a discussion with gang members all across the country. Well, good luck with […]

  • Lou Reads the Discussions at Tea Party Nation

    14/04/2011 Duration: 39min

    Oh Brother… Where to begin… My understanding of the “Tea Party” is that it was started to express outrage at Government spending and taxation deemed out of control. Why this only popped up once Obama was in office and not during the Bush years when the spending was out of control is beyond me. Please […]

  • Lou Reads: A Forum for Adults Who Love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    01/04/2011 Duration: 37min

    Hay Everypony! I don’t want to hear any neighsaying about this episode of Lou Reads. I really got my hooves dirty on this one. Sure its not about gross sex, removing your balls or teen vampires but for me there is something inherently creepy about adults who get so bananas for a cartoon about . […]

  • Lou Reads from the Forums of Eunuch Archive

    15/03/2011 Duration: 42min

    Hi boys and girls! If you’re like me, you hate your balls, or your cock, or both your cock and balls. Right? So what are we going to do about that? Well if you’re like the people on this forum you might put said private parts right up in this little beauty above. Not your […]

  • Lou Reads: More Stoner Moments from the Forums of Something Awful

    02/03/2011 Duration: 34min

    Whoa… wait… what? Did that just happen… whoa… wait… WHOA! Greetings, mellow fellows. Its been too long since I ventured in to the smoke filled corridors of the memories of stoners. “Wait,” you’re saying, “aren’t stoners memories highly suspect?” Ha, you said “highly.” Well, stoners may have short term memory effects about stuff like what […]

  • Lou Reads Escort Reviews from Punternet

    13/02/2011 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to the wonderful world of prostitutes… I mean escorts… Finally someone made a website that has stepped up to these unlicensed sex menaces and had the guts to let Johns anonymously complain about their services. I mean, how many of you out there have called an escort, had sex and then wished you had […]

  • Lou Reads: Craziness from the 11:11 Angels Forums

    24/01/2011 Duration: 44min

    This episode of Lou Reads the Internet for YOU! deals specifically with people who believe that angels, celestial teachers and other things are trying to contact us through our digital clocks. That’s right. If you happen to look over at your clock and see 11:11 or any other double number or numbers in sequence thats […]

  • Lou Reads: Shoe Sessions Forum. A Place to Cum in Shoes! NSFW

    07/01/2011 Duration: 35min

    So… first of all… welcome to a new year! Thats right, it’s 2011 and I’m starting this year off with a bang! Wait… do you hear that? What’s that sound? If you guessed the gentle sound of urine filling a pair of women’s shoes you guessed right! If you guessed that it was human semen […]

  • Lou Reads: What the hell is this shit? Tales of Terrible Xmas Gifts!

    24/12/2010 Duration: 26min

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Go ahead! Open your present! I thought long and hard about what to get you and I really think it shows… Go ahead… We’ve all been there! It’s Christmas today and you are probably going to have to put on the happy face for a gift you don’t like at all. You probably […]

  • Lou Reads: Raw Tops Breeding Zone – Bareback Bonanza! – NSFW

    08/12/2010 Duration: 33min

    Look, there is no two ways around this topic. This episode of Lou Reads is not for the weak. In fact I would say its outright gross. Now, you might say, “Hey, Lou, whats so gross about it? Its just gay men talking about mostly consensual, unprotected sex, with multiple sex partners per evening and […]

  • Lou Reads about Sucky Customers and the Sucks who Serve them at CustomersSuck.com

    22/11/2010 Duration: 41min

    You know… I once thought that everyone who has a job loves the job and is grateful for the customers who come in and make that job possible. Oh, what a dreamer I was. Full of grand ideas about how the world worked and free trade economic policies… Then I got a job and realized […]

  • Lou Reads tales of Bad Roommates

    08/11/2010 Duration: 38min

    Look, I’ve had it with you. You are a terrible person to live with! You’re a slob! You stink! You won’t let my friends have sex in your room when you’re out of town! Really, you are the worst person I’ve ever lived with and when this lease runs out in 10 months I am […]

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