Balham Vineyard Church Podcasts



Balham Vineyard is a new church and our desire is to be a place where anyone can belong, learn about God & His plan for their lives, grow spiritually & together join in with our mission to bring life to Balham & beyond.


  • Ephesians: The Prayer For Power & Love (Part 6) - Viv Bateman - Vineyard61 Church

    10/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    This week Viv continues with part 6 of the Ephesians series, unpacking Ephesians 3.1-21. Paul prays that we would be empowered by God’s love to live radically new lives, that look like those described in the next few chapters. Living like that on the outside springs from God’s work within us on the inside and the company we keep. So that we can say, "I have a new identity that God is forming in me, so I can trust God to help me live in a whole new way, and find encouragement from those around me".

  • Ephesians: Thanksgiving and Prayer (Part 3) - Jose Mateus - Vineyard61 Church

    05/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    In this podcast, Jose takes us through part three of our Ephesians series, made one in Christ. This week she unpacks Ephesians 1.15-23 This passage follows Paul’s incredible introduction where he has praised God for all he has done in Christ. In response (“for this reason”) Paul prays directly for those he’s writing to, for them to know the power of God. Paul’s prayer is as wide in scope and deep in beauty, speaking of our “glorious inheritance”, the “incomparable power”, and the authority of the risen Christ.

  • Ephesians: We Are One In Christ (Part 5) - Steve Bateman - Vineyard61 Church

    03/07/2023 Duration: 34min

    This week Steve takes us through part five of our Ephesians series, made one in Christ. This week he unpacks Ephesians 2:11-22 Following on from last week, where Paul continues speaking to those outsiders - like us - who have become part of the family of God, not only reconciled to God but to one another, not a multi-ethnic community, as though they were being built together into a new type of temple building.

  • Ephesians: What God Saves Us For (Part 4) - Phil Sital-Singh - Vineyard61 Church

    26/06/2023 Duration: 30min

    This week Phil takes us through part four of our Ephesians series, made one in Christ. This week he unpacks Ephesians 2.1-10 Following on from his prayer, in this passage Paul retells a before and after story of those outside the Jewish faith who have come to know Jesus, who have joined a new community, the family of God, and who are now a part of a new story with work to do.

  • Ephesians: Thanksgiving and Prayer (Part 3) - Lucy Gibson - Vineyard61 Church

    19/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    This week Lucy takes us through part three of our Ephesians series, made one in Christ. This week she unpacks Ephesians 1.15-23 This passage follows Paul’s incredible introduction where he has praised God for all he has done in Christ. In response (“for this reason”) Paul prays directly for those he’s writing to, for them to know the power of God. Paul’s prayer is as wide in scope and deep in beauty, speaking of our “glorious inheritance”, the “incomparable power”, and the authority of the risen Christ.

  • Ephesians: Thanksgiving and Prayer (Part 3) - Christine McLean - Vineyard61 Church

    19/06/2023 Duration: 23min

    This week Christine takes us through part three of our Ephesians series, made one in Christ. This week she unpacks Ephesians 1.15-23 This passage follows Paul’s incredible introduction where he has praised God for all he has done in Christ. In response (“for this reason”) Paul prays directly for those he’s writing to, for them to know the power of God. Paul’s prayer is as wide in scope and deep in beauty, speaking of our “glorious inheritance”, the “incomparable power”, and the authority of the risen Christ.

  • Ephesians: Blessed to be a Blessing(Part 2) - Karen Sturrock - Vineyard61 Church

    12/06/2023 Duration: 22min

    This week Karen takes us through part two of our Ephesians series, made one in Christ. This week she unpacks Ephesians 1.3-14. Chapter 1 opens with a beautiful Jewish-style poem, in which Paul praises God the Father for the amazing things that he’s done through Christ Jesus. In whom, we find the grace of God. Verses 1.3-14 is a single sentence from Paul and uses different verbs over and over to gush about what God has done, including explicit references to the work of all three parts of the trinity: Father, Son and Spirit.

  • Ephesians: Made One in Christ (Part 1) - Steve Bateman - Vineyard61 Church

    05/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    Ephesians: Made One in Christ (Part 1) - Steve Bateman - Vineyard61 Church by Vineyard 61 Church

  • One Truth and Some Glue - Kenny Temowo - Vineyard61 Church

    30/05/2023 Duration: 27min

    One Truth and Some Glue - Kenny Temowo - Vineyard61 Church by Vineyard 61 Church

  • Being Human: Presence + Participation (Part 4) - Jo Frost - Vineyard61 Church

    22/05/2023 Duration: 28min

    Jo Frost ends our 'Being Human' sermon series. Part four looks at the last two cores: participation and presence. In this talk, Jo explores the story of personal perspective. Deconstruction, power dynamics but most of all – isolated chaos.

  • Being Human: Connection (Part 3) - Jo Frost - Vineyard61 Church

    15/05/2023 Duration: 25min

    Jo Frost continues with our 'Being Human' sermon series. Part three, Connection. We looked at the second core aspect of the being human lens – Connection. We are image bearers of a loving and relational God. One who selflessly and fearlessly loves us and enables us to love others the same way.

  • Three Anchors for Life - Julia Day - Vineyard61 Church

    09/05/2023 Duration: 29min

    Julia shares three truths that anchor and empower the Christian life: (1) Make Christ central, (2) Become a people of his presence and (3) Tend the garden of your heart.

  • Being Human: Significance (Part 2) - Jo Frost - Vineyard61 Church

    02/05/2023 Duration: 32min

    Jo Frost continues with our 'Being Human' sermon series. Part two, Significance. To bear God’s image is to point creation back to Him. To know him and to make him known. We too are invited to hear from God, to know him and be known by him. Genuine self-knowledge begins by looking at God and noting how God is looking at us. It’s not about what you’ve done or haven’t done. What has been spoken over you or what you have believed about yourself? You cannot earn your significance or lose it. Your significance is not insecure. It is assured.

  • Being Human: Image of God - Jo Frost - 23.4.23

    24/04/2023 Duration: 33min

    Jo starts off our new series on what does it mean to Be Human and how do we flourish in our humanity? How you start a story and how you end a story affects the story that you’re telling. Our story starts in a garden. But it ends in a city: A city where Life flows like a river, where healing grows on a tree, where tears are wiped away.

  • Kingdom Come: Kingdom People - Steve Bateman - 16.4.23

    18/04/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this concluding message on the Kingdom of God, Steve talks about being constantly filled with the Spirit of God to enable us to partner with God in His transformation business.

  • Kingdom Come: Jesus The Risen King - Tabitha Pow - 9.4.23

    10/04/2023 Duration: 26min

    From Preparation to Enthronement to Reign, Tabitha unpacks these stages that bring us to celebrating Easter and the Reign of Jesus on this day and every day going forward.

  • Kingdom Come: The Crucified King - Viv Bateman - 2.4.23

    04/04/2023 Duration: 25min

    Do you feel as though the world isn’t as it should be? We are living between God’s D Day and VE Day in the reality of the Kingdom having broken through but not in all its fullness. Viv reminds us that the crucified King has defeated death and will one day return in complete victory.

  • Kingdom Come: The Upside Down Kingdom - Karen Sturrock - 19.3.23

    21/03/2023 Duration: 27min

    The coming of Jesus marked the beginning of God’s rule and reign on the earth but why doesn’t it always look the way we think it should? Karen unpacks the characteristics of the Kingdom that help us recognise, receive and wrestle with this in our everyday lives.

  • Kingdom Come: The Kingdom Jesus Preached - Julia Day - 12.3.23

    13/03/2023 Duration: 43min

    What is this "Good News" that we hear Jesus talked about so much? Julia continues our series on Kingdom Come, starting by looking at Matthew 4 : 17 - 25.

  • Kingdom Come: The Story of the Kingdom - Mike Day - 5.3.23

    06/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    As Christians, we need to recover our foundation story, and then place our individual stories within that Big Story. Mike opens our series "Kingdom Come" with The Story of the Kingdom.

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