Bibliophiles Anonymous



Join Denise and Jess, two crazy bookaholics, as they talk about what they love best.


  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #56 - We want MORE!

    27/10/2013 Duration: 01h00s

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about those wonderful books and series that ended way too soon. Honestly, don't you want to know more about Harry Potter? Didn't you want to stay with the Night Circus? And whatever happened to Elizabeth Haydon? Are there any books that you wished had a sequel? Or a series that you wish had just one more book? Let us know! We'd love to hear from you. Email us at, find us on Twitter at @BibAnonPodcast, or leave us a comment below. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #55 - Mixed Magical Feelings

    20/10/2013 Duration: 01h10min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess scramble a bit to get the podcast up (sorry about that, real life got in the way just a bit!). This week, they discuss The Magicians by Lev Grossman, the latest book club pick at the Mallorean Tavern. Denise had recommended this book for one reason only - she couldn't understand why people actually liked it. After finishing it for the first time, Jess agrees that, while this book had a lot of potential, it is ruined by a completely unlikeable protagonist. Join in on the discussion at the Mallorean Tavern by clicking this link. Also, check out some of the reviews over at The Magicians Good Read's page. We particularly liked Nataliya's review. Have you read this book? Did you have the same problems with it that we did? Or did you love it and want to prove us wrong? Email the show at, find us on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or leave us comments here on our page. As always, thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #54 - Most Anticipated Books

    13/10/2013 Duration: 52min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about the books that are coming out soon that they desperately want. They also go off on tangents about TV shows (Supernatural, American Horror Story, and Sleepy Hollow, to name a few) and Marvel comics movies. Why? Who knows. Here are the books mentioned, along with release dates: The Shadowhunter Codex by Cassandra Clare (10/29/13) The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan (11/5/13) Shadowbound by Dianne Sylvan (3/25/14) City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare (May 2014) Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins (5/13/14) Thankless in Death (already out) and Concealed in Death (2/18/14) by J.D. Robb Killer Frost by Jennifer Estep (2/25/14 Wild Things (2/4/14), Blood Games (8/5/14), and Howling for You (1/7/14) by Chloe Neill Hollow City by Ransom Riggs (1/14/14) Book 2 of the Pax Arcana series by Elliott James (2014) Requiem by Maggie Stiefvater (2015) Just to name a few? Are there any books coming out next year (approximately) that you a

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #53 - Vampire Queens

    06/10/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise is very happy because Jess has now read Queen of Shadows by Dianne Sylvan. This first book in the Shadow World series is a favorite of Denise's, but until now, she hasn't had anyone to talk to about it. Jess agrees that it is a really good book and is anxious to start reading the rest. Just a warning, there will be spoilers in this episode. But seriously, take a look at the cover art. You know she's going to turn into a vampire, don't you? And become Queen, yes? Good. Moving on. If anyone is interested, Jess will be live Tweeting her reading experience of book two, Shadowflame. Find her on Twitter @seeress_of_kell to see her reactions. Next week, we talk about the most anticipated books coming out in 2014. Seriously, where did this year go? If there are any books you are anxiously awaiting, email us at, find us on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or leave them in comments here. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review, and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #52 - Celebrate Banned Books!

    29/09/2013 Duration: 01h12min

    In this week's episode, the show takes a slightly more serious turn as Denise and Jess talk about the issues of book banning and censorship. We have certainly discussed this topic in the past and will continue to do so whenever we can because it is a topic that we both feel very strongly about. Needless to say, we are both very much opposed to banning books. In this episode, we discuss some books that have been challenged, especially The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. Each of these books takes on a very serious topic, whether it's racism, bullying, or sexual assault, and because of the way these issues are portrayed, these books provide valuable lessons. They should not be banned - they should be celebrated, which is what we are doing today. Read banned books! You might learn something important! Here is the long list of links, as promised: The American Library Association's Banned Books Website Most Fre

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #51 - The Game is On!

    22/09/2013 Duration: 01h13min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess read and discuss Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Since we are both in love with video games, this book was right up our alley. It was a re-read for Denise, one that she was really excited about since she could finally talk to someone about it. This was Jess's first time reading it and she really liked it, so much so that she's going to spring for a "dead tree" version of it. Full of action, adventure, mystery, and as much 80's pop culture as you can stomach, Ready Player One is a fast paced read, rocketing through the most amazing video game ever created. We both loved it and hope that you will too. Have you read this book? Want to talk about it? Leave us a comment, send us an email at, or find us on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast. Join us next week when we celebrate one of our favorite subjects - Banned Books Week! Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #50 - Happy Anniversary!!

    15/09/2013 Duration: 55min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess celebrate their first year of podcasting! We talk about the milestones that have marked this first year, from our collaboration with Net Galley to tweeting with authors that we admire. We've also announced a new giveaway! Like the hobbits of the Shire, we give YOU presents when it's our birthday! Your present? One item of your choice from our Cafe Press store. To enter the drawing, just wish us "Happy Anniversary!" either in the comments of this post, on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or email us at Please enter before Thursday, September 19th. And of course, if you want to check out our Cafe Press yourself, just click the link on the right. We have tons of stuff to choose from. Thank you so much for listening! We couldn't do this without you! And as always, please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #49 - Not For the Faint of Heart

    08/09/2013 Duration: 56min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, we review the latest book from Laurie R. King, The Bones of Paris. This is her second book featuring the adventures of American detective Harris Stuyvesant, set in Jazz Age Paris. A dark, mysterious read, this novel delves into the underside of Paris's bloody history and the art that was inspired by it, leading to kidnapping and murder. We both enjoyed the book, but agree that we probably should have read the first book, well, first. Have you read any books by Laurie R. King? If so, what did you think? We both thought her Sherlock Holmes series sounded interesting. Please leave your thoughts and recommendations in comments, on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or email us at Many, many thanks to Net Galley for providing us with this advanced reader copy! Join us next episode, where we will celebrate our 50th episode and our one year anniversary! There will be surprises in store for everyone!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #48 - Where's the Snark?

    01/09/2013 Duration: 01h16min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, we discuss the latest book-to-movie adaptation: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Both of us had pretty much the same opinion - what they did right was really good, but way, way, WAY overshadowed by all the stuff that missed the mark. We talk casting, characterization, screen writing, direction, plot holes, and a whole lot more. To say we were disappointed was an understatement. Also, this episode is pretty spoilerific for both the movie and the book, so you have been warned. Be sure to let us know what you thought of the movie. Email us at or find us on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast. You can also join in the discussion at the Mortal Instruments thread over at the Mallorean Tavern, which you can find here. Join us next week when we review The Bones of Paris, the latest release from Laurie R. King. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #47 - The Odds Are In Our Favor

    25/08/2013 Duration: 01h39min

    This week on Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about this month's book club pick over at the Mallorean Tavern - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. And of course, some movie talk just had to sneak in, which is fine, since both of us loved the movie version as well. This is the proper way to turn a book into a movie, folks! You can find the link to the Mallorean Tavern Book Club post here: We also have a CafePress store! Stop by and check out all the items available. And if you don't see something you want, just ask! We are very flexible! Join us next week when we review the Mortal Instruments:City of Bones movie! We both saw it this week and . . . well . . . let's just say we have opinions. Thanks for listening! Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #46 - Tickers are Creepy

    18/08/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    On this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, we discuss the second book in the Chronicles of Light and Shadow series - A Clockwork Heart by Liesel Schwarz. You can find the epsiode where we discussed the first book, A Conspiracy of Alchemists, at this post. Both of us agree that the second book was even better than the first, and also that this book has some wonderfully creepy elements. Take a look at the title. You'll understand. Announcements: We are now on Facebook! Come like our page and get the latest updates. Join us next week when we talk about The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the latest book club book at the Mallorean Tavern. You can find the discussion board post here. Also, please consider supporting our friend Corey Olsen, a.k.a The Tolkien Professor, as he launches his Indiegogo campain to fund the Mythgard Institute. His contribution page can be found here. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #45 - This episode brought to you by . . .

    11/08/2013 Duration: 59min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess take a break from the indepth book review cycle and instead talk about their trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee! These two long time Internet friends finally got to meet in person for the very first time! Also, just in case anyone wasn't clear, we love Mellow Mushroom. And Ben & Jerry's. And McKay's Used Books. And the city of Chattanooga!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #44 - The End of the End

    04/08/2013 Duration: 01h12min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess finally finish talking about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It's been a good, long journey, but we've had a lot of fun revising these characters and places. If anyone out there still hasn't read these books (and hasn't been spoiled too much), please give them a read. They are one of the few things in this world that lives up to the hype. And that's saying something.Want to re-live the feeling of reading the books for the first time? Denise recommends reading along with Mark over at MarkReads.Net. Click the link here to see an archive of his Harry Potter reviews: Rowling gave several interviews after the series wrapped up, giving additional information about several of our favorite characters. For a summary, check out this link here: always, thanks for listening! Please

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #43 - The Beginning of the End

    28/07/2013 Duration: 01h14min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk for nearly three hours about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Yeah, and then we realized we would have to split this book in half, just like the movies did. In this episode, we cover the beginning of the book through the escape at Malfoy Manor. Join us next week for the rest of the book, and for our final episode in Harry Potter-palooza! Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #42 - The Spoiler of the Century

    21/07/2013 Duration: 01h17min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess continue Harry Potter-palooza with a discussion of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. In this book, we learn a whole lot more about Voldemort, which will hopefully provide clues on how to destroy him once and for all. We also experience one of the most shocking events of the entire series, a loss that shook the entire fandom, and which was one of the biggest spoilers to ever exist on the Internet - one sentence that traveled the world at the speed of the World Wide Web: Snape kills Dumbledore. Next week will be the final installment of Harry Potter-palooza, in which we will discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Join in the discussion by sending any and all crazy theories that you had prior to book seven's release - there were hundreds of them! Email your favorite theories, whether they panned out or not, to, on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or leave them in the comments here at Than

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #41 - Harry Potter-palooza: The Turning Point

    14/07/2013 Duration: 01h30min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss the next two books in our month long Harry Potter-palooza celebration - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. And yes, the episode goes way long. Sorry about that. We compare the books to the movies, what the movie makers got right, and what they got very wrong. We discuss how these two books change the entire tone of the series. Harry is growing up and, while that's difficult enough, he has to deal with the return of Voldemort and losing people he cares about. This is when Harry Potter fans realize that no one is safe and this whole story is no where near over. Join us next week when we take on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Yes, just one book this time!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #40 - Potter-palooza Begins!

    07/07/2013 Duration: 01h14min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess are joined once again by Holly as they kick-off Harry Potter-palooza, our month-long celebration of all things Harry Potter! This week, we discuss the first three Harry Potter books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. And yes, this episode went a little long. Sorry about that. We also know that, since we tried to squeeze three books into one episode, we left a ton of important stuff out. If we missed your favorite part, please leave it in comments and we'll read it on the next show. You can also email it to or tweet at us @BibAnonPodcast. Next week, join us as we tackle Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #39 - Gettin' Gabby With Goals

    30/06/2013 Duration: 01h12s

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess ramble on and on about their progress (or lack thereof) with their reading goals for 2013. Lots of tangents taken, lots of fangirling about various things, and lots of promises to continue to work on their goals for the rest of the year. Be sure to listen next week for our first Harry Potter Palooza episode - covering Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban. Also be sure to check out Book Mooch at Jess highly recommends this website for all your book trading needs. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #38 - Quotable Quotes

    23/06/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about their favorite quotes, both funny and serious, snarky and thought provoking. Links: Jess's Tumblr page: The Mallorean Tavern Quotes thread: Announcements: July is Harry Potter month! Join Denise and Jess for their tribute to the wonderful world of wizards. Discussion begins July 7th with the first three books in the series Like the show? Send all comments, feedback, and suggestions to, follow us on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or visit our official website at Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #37 - A Companion is Not a Horse

    16/06/2013 Duration: 01h07min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss the next Tavern Book Club book - Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey, the first book of the Heralds of Valdemar. This is one of Jess's favorite book series (and favorite authors) of all time, and Denise is quickly becoming a fan as well. Link to the discussion post at the Mallorean Tavern: Next week we will be talking about our favorite quotes. To have a quote read on the show, email us at, send a tweet to @BibAnonPodcast, or leave it in comments at There is also a discussion post at the Mallorean Tavern for this topic: Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

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