Father Simon Says



Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.


  • Honoring the Image of God - May 8, 2024

    08/05/2024 Duration: 53min

    Bible Study: (1:26) Acts 17:15, 22—18:1 We honor the image of God in another  Letters (14:24) - Get well card (16:42) - If God is for us, who could be against us (19:07) - Can Catholics give Protestant sermons?  (22:17) - What is the seal of the Holy Spirit?  Word of the Day: To be irritated (27:24) Callers: (40:16) - Can you explain the Sabbatine promise associate with the Brown Scapular? (43:23) - Is it okay to have a Mass said outside of a Catholic Church? (44:26) - When Jesus says 'the Father is greater than I'? (46:32) - Permission for Orthodox Communion

  • Future Knowledge - May 7, 2024

    07/05/2024 Duration: 53min

    Bible Study: (2:13) Acts 16:22-34 Father discusses knowledge of the future  Jn 16:5-11 We have to admit we're sinners Letters:  (17:54) - St. Paul - Women will be saved through child-rearing?  (20:55) - Distrust or disobedience as the original sin?  (23:07) - How did we get liturgical seasons  (27:01) - The Word  Word of the Day: Saturday and Sunday Worship (31:30) Callers (40:57) - Are there specific blessings that priests should make to bless different articles? (45:21) - Is it dishonoring the sabbath by driving sister to airport on Sunday? (46:32) - Brown Scapular, received at first communion; what happened to that tradition?

  • A Prophetic Religion - May 6, 2024

    06/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Bible Study: (4:40) Acts 16:11-15 Paul's maritime life & Gentile conversion Jn 15:26—16:4a We have a prophetic religion Letters (22:01) - Why does Scripture say, 'beware of the wrath of women?' (29:24) - What is Snake Eating in Mark? Word of the Day: Believe (30:30) Callers:  (35:00) - If I'm working throughout my day while praying the rosary and interrupted; is it still beneficial? (43:00) - Whoever follows my commandments is my friend, could you help me understand that? (44:15) - Honor Father and Mother and is that also translated as 'fear'? (48:24) - Is it okay to wear the medal brown scapular, instead of the cloth one?

  • Being Saved - May 3, 2024

    03/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:37) Who are the Apostles? 1 Cor 15:1-8 What does it mean to be saved?  Jn 14:6-14 How are we going to do greater things than Jesus? Letters: (23:32) - I'm so glad you're back Father!  (24:08) - What does St. Faustina mean by "my heart, my soul, my spirit" (27:35) - Revelations & Salvation  (29:24) - Latin Mass Q  Word of the Day: Vain (36:21) Callers:  (51:15) - How do I deal w/my attraction to women, as my older man in my 60s.  I'm married and have two sons (44:37) - He said, 'You need to have to be moved by the Holy Spirit, like wind moves the water,' could you explain? (47:40) - When the Magi told to go a diff way, where they martyred after that? (49:19) - Question about Paul, how his named changed from Saul to Paul?

  • Back to the Podium, Again! - May 2, 2024

    02/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    Father Simon returned live to the mic after recovering from an illness!  St. Athanasius & the Trinity (2:49) Acts 15:7-21 Father discusses the reasonable moral code of the religion of Israel Jn 15:9-11 The biggest word in the Bible is 'AS' Letters: (22:06) - Funny thing happened on the way to the Forum (23:17) - When did the Fall actually happen?  (26:35) - Robert discusses reverence for the liturgy Word of the Day: Love (30:40) Callers:  (35:20) - I love him and there's a lot of people praying for him and I'm one of them! (36:41) - In the Liturgy of the Hours, I read shorter Christian Prayer Book.  They refer to Jerusalem? (39:46) - I just want to welcome back and I'm one of his old parishioners (40:41) - I was praying for Fr. Simon.  A question about personal prayer and clarification on Our Father and the pronouns, 'we, us' (43:17) - How much of our lives do we control in our decision vs. how much the Good Lord has it planned out for us? (46:01) - Relative is baptized but getting married outside

  • Why do Priests Wear Black? - May 1, 2024

    01/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:00) Acts 15:1-6 Father discusses the religious and cultural dimensions of circumcision Jn 15:1-8 God’s purpose is to do what in our lives? Letters (15:30) Can Catholics see R-rated movies? My friend is being charged $200 for a baptism; is that OK? Can priests watch secular TV shows? Why does Father talk about Pentecostalism? What’s the tradition about where Lazarus went? What is spy Wednesday? What was the follow-up after the soldiers rolled the dice? Word of the Day: NEW (30:09) Original Air Date: May 18, 2024

  • Paradise Lost - April 30, 2024

    30/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:53) Acts 14:19-28 When has the Church been strong? Jn 14:27-31a What was one of the great messianic expectations? Letters (22:04) What is the Holy Communion fast? What’s Father’s take on Ez 20:25-26? Listener talks about her experience of confession and forgiveness Listener asks Father Simon about Milton’s Paradise Lost Word of the Day: Believe! (33:05) Callers (37:35) When we die do we go right to heaven? Is it a sin to go to a Protestant service, while also still going to mass on Sunday? Is it a sin to not play music for mass, when you have the ability to do that? I’m a cabinet maker, and I have Indian clients that want me to build a temple. Is that okay? I’m unclear about the Gods like Zeus, Jupiter; did they have power?

  • Zeus and Latin Maxims - April 29, 2024

    29/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:45) Jn 14:21-26 What does Logos really mean ? How can we speak by the Holy Spirit? Father explains both Letters (20:02) Father explains some Church customs in light of Grecian bonfires Listener asks about the “Lamb of God” at mass Sam asks if Judas had to betray Jesus to fulfill Scripture? Someone told me that the Eucharist isn’t Jesus if the host touches the ground; what should I say? Word of the Day: Zeus (33:50) Callers (37:12) ‘Despise not my petitions’ sounds like an insult from the Memorare Fr. quoted something in Latin about confession–what was that? Prayers for my cousin w with glaucoma issues Why do we have “suffered under Pilate” in the Creed?  

  • Going Home When We Die - April 26, 2024

    26/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:59) Acts 13:26-33 The Rise of Christianity: https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Christianity-Marginal-Religious-Centuries/dp/0060677015 Father discusses the relationship between Pilate and Justin Martyr  Jn 14:1-6 We go home when we die Letters (21:00) – Why wasn’t the beloved disciple questioned about Jesus?  (25:06) – Beatitudes and the Psalms  (26:49) – The problem of translation with the Creed (31:32) – I used to preach from a bench in Nevada  Word of the Day: Oracle (36:35) Callers  (37:47) – If I am right in saying that a layman can’t bestow a blessing? (39:12) – Question about Ethiopians believing that Pilate was a saint. (42:02) – Question about Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Baptism in Jesus? (48:24) – My nutritionist is also a Reiki Master.  Is it still good to have her as my nutritionist?

  • The Feast of St. Mark - April 25, 2024

    25/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:48) Mk 16:15-20 Who was St. Mark? Letters (20:20) – Why do we ask for forgiveness?  (22:32) – Why did God tell the Israelites to kill the Canaanites?  (28:06) – Are there any direct relatives who claim to be related to the apostles?  (28:57) – How did the earth get populated?  (34:11) – Comments about prohibitions on pork  Word of the Day: Tongues (35:00) Callers  (36:50) – Were Mark’s endings where diff b/c he had a different audience?  Mark had a different ending?  Could you comment on that? (38:42) - On how to forgive as my brother’s wife murdered my brother. How to forgive and how to approach? (45:11) – Disciples in the Upper Room, they spoke in the language given by Holy Spirit, but everybody heard in their own language.  Could you comment on this? (47:35) – Peter given keys of kingdom and ‘get behind me Satan’. Could you explain this? Original Air Date: April 25, 2022

  • Hearing the Holy Spirit – April 24, 2024

    24/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Acts 12:24—13:5a Where was the first chancery office? Jn 12:44-50 What’s the main benefit to being a Christian? Letters Do we respond to the priest at mass when he says alleluia? Listener disagrees with Fr. Simon’s take on altar servers Word of the Day: Synagogue Callers Why does Apostles Creed use ‘creator’ and Nicene creed says ‘Maker’ If Father wants beauty, maybe we should go back to the Tridentine Mass in English Our obsession with sciences one reason people leaving the Church. What was the reason that God would have Judas pick Jesus out of the crowd? Didn’t people know who Jesus was? If someone is pregnant and the baby has issues, could the person be anointed for the baby? Are there more than two dogmas that have been declared infallible?

  • Istanbul, Not Constantinople – April 23, 2024

    23/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:02) Acts 11:19-26 Why did God keep the Israelites isolated?   Letters (26:37) – Using an abundance of a tip?  (30:30) – What does a person do with an old torn Bible?  Word of the Day: Christos (34:13) Callers  (36:30) – Mass while traveling: The Cruise doesn’t have a Catholic priest (38:59) – What are the differences with the Holy Spirit and the Trinity w/the Orthodox and Catholics? (42:45) – Could you clarify throwing rosaries that are broken, is that okay? (45:19) – Communion under both species  (49:20) – Is it okay to throw away old palms?

  • An Indulgent Episode - April 22, 2024

    22/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:23) Acts 11:1-18 What separated Jews from pagans?  Jn 10:11-18 What is the universal Church?  Letters (22:34) – Can Father explain the difference between temple and synagogue  (27:18) – What’s the best way to understand indulgences? Word of the Day: Indulgence (34:57) Callers  (37:34)- Do dogs go to heaven? (40:01) – My Godson could he get a dispensation to get married in a non-denomination wedding and a question about a wedding shower? (44:28) – The relationship b/w purgatory and confession? (47:01) – What are the rules regarding chapel veils? (48:03) – What does the term ‘begotten’ mean? Original Air Date: May 1, 2023

  • St. Paul’s World – April 19, 2024

    19/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:49) Acts 9:1-20 What makes this text truthful?  Jn 6:52-59 What does today’s text actually say?  Letters (21:59)- What is the ‘world without end’ in the Glory Be?  (23:32) – Question about dealing with a suicide (27:57) – I’m reading the ESV, why is it hard to find Catholic approved Red lettered Bibles? (32:48) – Singing of the psalms?  Word of the Day: Authority (37:59) Callers  (36:59) – We bought holy water fonts for my grandchildren; is it OK that they use it with their teddy bears?  (38:53) – Jesus says take my body and take my blood. But as Catholics we only take the bread. This seems unbiblical. Why? (45:22) – I don’t chew the host, is that okay? (47:54) – What are my responsibilities as an aunt whose nephews don’t practice the faith.

  • Are You Saved - April 18, 2024

    18/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:17) Acts 8:26-40 Why do we prepare people for Baptism?  Jn 6:44-51 Are you saved?  Letters Father discusses ‘being wrong’ about yesterday’s show (24:40) – I went to mass where they kneel and stand during different times (in Mexico) why?  (30:44) – I agree with Fr. Simon that being born is a process  (31:35) – Who chooses vestment colors?  Word of the Day: Teach (35:57) Callers  (40:00) – Is it okay for lay people to knock on doors, just like Jehovah’s Witness and Mormons.   (41:56) – Why was it bad for Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge  (44:55) – In our congregation, we do go on knocking on doors and we go twice a week. (49:26) – We have a visiting priest and he lifts the ciborium instead of the host?  

  • How Do I Trust God More? - April 17, 2024

    17/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:20) Acts 8:1b-8 It matters who we know  How did the early Christians spread the faith?  Jn 6:35-40 What does it mean to see Jesus?  Letters (23:17) – Jim asks about Passover calendars  (24:42) – How do I trust God more?  (27:52) – I went to a mass where the priest skipped the consecration Word of the Day: Good News! (34:05) Callers  (35:55) – How do we reconcile the evil of Abortion but the children still going to heaven? (39:16) – Children w/severe disabilities and receiving communion still? (41:33) – Could you comment on the ‘American Catholic Church’, and apparently priests could marry there.  Could you comment on that? (43:50) – Where is hell, is it in the world? (46:08) – What is the proper way to say the Our Father?  (48:08) – I’m taking an acting class, am I using God’s name in vain? Original Air Date: April 26, 2023

  • What's Different About You - April 16, 2024

    16/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:57) Mt 7:6, 12-14 What is a hypocrite?  Letters (2 (25:00) - John 19:24, "In order that this passage might be fulfilled;" what does that mean?  (36:23) - Receiving Communion Under Both Species (40:33) - Beautiful Novus Ordo masses  (45:33) - Spiritual bouquet for Sr. Edith  (47:31) - The Transfiguration  Word of the Day: Terebinth (34:00)

  • Man After God’s Own Heart - April 15, 2024

    15/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:42) Acts 6:8-15 Father shares his theory about Act and the Gospel of Luke  Jn 6:22-29 What is the real work of God?  Letters  (19:09) – How is David after God’s own heart?  (28:44) – Communion service  Word of the Day: Crown (31:36) Callers (33:11) – Jesus descended into hell, could you explain?   (37:42) – How the average Jew could’ve possibly known that every sacrifice and liturgical ceremony pointed to Christ? (45:09) – Could you explain Numbers 22: 21-39 to me?  (48:58) – My father recently passed away, and he wasn’t Christian. Should I have baptized him? Original Air Date – April 24, 2023

  • Feeding of the 5000 – April 12, 2024

    12/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:53) -Daily Readings Acts 5:34-42 Jn 6:1-15 -Letters (20:27) Should we associate with Christians who are not living out their faith When did the power of the apostles to heal end? Son wants to marry a Hindu woman what should we do? Is there any point in payer? -Word of the Day (34:08)  Worship -Phones:  Keri – How do you find forgiveness for something you’ve done that caused someone’s death.  How do you forgive yourself? Maro – Question about the word ‘cousin’ and relationship to Mary.  Could you explain the word ‘cousin’ Vanessa – About today’s Gospel making him king, was that going to be by force? Greg – When you’re trying to qualify for a plenary indulgence, and free of mortal sin.  Would just going to Confession at Church qualify for going to confession?   Original Air Date: April 21, 2023

  • Relationship with the Holy Spirit – April 11, 2024

    11/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:50) The Gospel of John We should have a relationship with the Holy Spirit  What does it mean to be born of wind and water Letters (18:04) – Listener is worried about getting his car broken into (22:23) – What is the scriptural basis for the Epiclesis? (25:07) – I’m nervous about my friend’s marriage (31:29) – Anything in the Talmud about one who hangs from the tree is cursed  Word of the Day: Ration (36:53) Callers  (39:19) – Attending a Wedding Reception of a non-Catholic who may be divorced. Can I go? (44:22) – It’s good to have regrets in life  (45:31) – How do I explain Confession, Purgatory, and change to the Bible? Original Air Date: April 20, 2023

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