In The Market With Janet Parshall



In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God. In this fast-paced, caller-driven program, Janet evaluates newsworthy topics with guests and listeners using the Bible as a framework for discussion. This daily program addresses relevant issues important to Christians, with an engaging mix of listener interaction and commentary from highly respected guests.


  • Hour 2: S.E.E.K.

    17/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Lots of people are seeking something. Some are seeking things that don’t exist (like the Loch Ness monster), others are simply seeking happiness. Jesus promises that those who seek God will find him. Our guest, a respected Scottish apologist, will help you on the way to seeking Him. Discover real word answers to important real world questions.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Unimaginable

    17/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    In these uncertain times, it's easy to think that the Gospel isn't making a difference. Offering an inspiring look at the positive influence of Christianity, both historically and today, our guest will explore how the plights of women and children were forever changed by Jesus; how believers today are extending God's kingdom through charities and biblical justice; and so much more. Join us for a fascinating hour of conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Is Hell Real?

    16/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    58% of Americans believe that Hell is real and, among Evangelicals, 11% don’t believe in the reality of Hell. This hour we connect with one of our favorite evangelists as he teaches us about the biblical reality of hell. We will find out why the question of hell is an important part of the conversation in effectively sharing the Good News. Learn how to share the most important message in the world.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Life and Liberty

    16/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we start with some of the stories making headlines before moving into a discussion on some key religious liberty cases. We will hear about an EEOC discrimination case that could potentially impact Christians in the workplace and we will learn how the FACE act can be used as a political weapon. Then we round out the hour hearing from the Dean of a Christian college who is passionate about mental health in this country. He will tackle the question: Are we in the middle of the greatest mental health crisis in recorded history or have we abandoned the pursuit of wellness?”See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: A Global Perspective

    15/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Travel with us this hour to the Middle East. Discover why Iran, an ancient nation that often make headlines for its futurist nuclear threats, is also the land where Iranians are coming to Christ in record numbers. We will explore this exciting but underreported headline. Then, we will have an in-depth discussion on the war in Israel and learn why both Jews and Palestinians are, like Iranians, coming to faith in Christ. Don’t miss this timely conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Facts Are Stubborn Things

    15/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    The last few weeks have not been good for transexual political activists. A cluster of studies has been released tying those who struggle with their body identity to those who often struggle with mental illness. Add to this new information that puberty blockers are now believed to cause lasting harm and you have a major redirection on this social contagious. Join us for a lively conversation as we expose the lies that can harm.See for privacy information.

  • Best of In The Market with Janet Parshall: Ex-Muslim Guide To Christianity

    13/04/2024 Duration: 46min

    Ostracized. Alone. Disoriented. You’ve left your family, community, and everything you’ve known behind. You may have found a loving church community, but no one really understands what it’s been like. It feels like there are disconnects between what you know about faith and how your fellow Christians seem to understand God. Perhaps other churchgoers speak of a closeness with the Holy Spirit that you can’t seem to connect with. You’re not alone… and the blocks between your Muslim-based thought patterns and Christian theology are very real.Join us to learn of the unique challenges faced by ex-Muslims and why relating to God as our Heavenly Father is key to understanding: God’s voice vs. “Allah’s voice” Prayer vs. ritual Our identity in Christ How to stand firm in the face of persecution What the afterlife looks like for a Christian See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Hope That Never Breaks

    12/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    What does it mean to put Christ in the center of your finances? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we heard from a man who shared his personal story of learning how to do just that. He also gave us practical guidance related to home buying and the importance of FICO scores on our credit ratings. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to say that your life is “flourishing”? Unfortunately that blessing is often hampered by our struggles with depression and life disappointment. We shared the insights of Stanford-trained psychiatrist who combined his experience, the latest advancements and the unchanging principals of God’s word to show that it possible to move from those dark days into a life of flourishing and thriving growth for our body, mind and soul. Once again we invited you to lengthen your prayer list as we heard from our favorite Hollywood missionary about the prayer needs of those who live and serve the Lord in the entertainment industry. We also updated you on the faithful believ

  • Hour 1: Truth That Doesn’t Bend

    12/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    China’s relentless pursuit of world domination continues unabated. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we spoke to a respected expert on all things regarding national security and defense to get and update on what President XI is doing to bring the whole world under his Communist control including whether or not he is using sonic weapons to create illness in people and the hidden links between China and Hamas. What does it really require to turn your back on a lifelong religious belief system that promises punishment or death for doing so, to follow the one true God? We share the moving story of a woman who did just that when she left her life as a Muslim to become a born again believer. She shared her incredible journey and the lessons she has learned that can help others who face the daunting task of leaving everything behind to follow Jesus. The roar of our fears and temptations can sometimes seem so loud that they drown out the still, quite voice of the Lord. But our guest used her life s

  • Hour 2: Intellectual Designer

    11/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    In 2009, famed atheist Richard Dawkins proposed a test for evolution. If Darwinism is correct, he claimed, every gene in a group of organisms will give “approximately the same tree of life.” On the other hand, if intelligent design is an accurate depiction of the origin of life, a designer would pick and choose the best proteins for the job, and genes would NOT all give the same tree of genetic resemblances. Join us as we ask a geologist to tell us who won that challenge: Richard Dawkins or Intelligent Design?See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Am I Gay?

    11/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us to hear a story of the God who relentlessly pursues. It’s a story that reveals what the church does not often do well regarding sexual sin or identity struggles. More importantly, it’s a story of how the church can be far better — equipped to live in love and truth through strength and compassion; inviting broken people into genuine and growing relationships with Jesus and His authentic community. The church can become a vibrant, well-prepared “teaching hospital” for all the issues and brokenness embraced today by hurting people craving belonging and purpose, love, and meaning. Learn how we find our identity in authentic faith in Jesus.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Influencers And The Persecuted

    10/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Today we speak to our favorite Hollywood missionary as she updates us on the biggest group of influencers in the world today. Amidst the fame, and glittering lights there are hurting souls in need of a savior and transformed lives sharing His love. Join us as she updates us on what God is doing in the entertainment industry. Then we get another essential update on the persecuted church and how God is transforming lives in the nations where standing up for Jesus is often equal to a death sentence. We’ll tell you how you can lengthen your prayer list for your brothers and sisters in the faith who are putting their lives on the line daily to share the eternal hope of the gospel.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Learning To Hear God's Voice

    10/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Do you often feel stuck battling the same fears, temptations, lies, and doubts, wondering if you’ll ever overcome them? Does it seem as if you’re in that battle alone? Our guest has been there. Join us to know why we marvel at the power, majesty, and authority of our Lord Jesus and learn how to stand in the unshakable victory He’s already won for you. Discover how to hear God’s voice over the lies of the enemy and find out how to stand firm in the faith rather than give way to fear.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: The Opposite of Depression

    09/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Today our guest, a Stanford-trained psychiatrist, reveals what it takes to move from nagging disappointment, dissatisfaction, or depression to a life of thriving. One of the pioneers of the use of an intense form of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in severely depressed patients, he was astonished by how quickly and dramatically most of them recovered. But he also saw very clearly that just eliminating the symptoms of depression wasn't enough. To live a truly fulfilling life, his patients needed to leave old habits behind and embrace the patterns of flourishing. He will draw on insights from his clinical experience, the latest research, and his Christian faith to point us to principles and practices that promote thriving in mind, body and soul.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Ex-Muslim Guide To Christianity

    09/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Ostracized. Alone. Disoriented. You’ve left your family, community, and everything you’ve known behind. You may have found a loving church community, but no one really understands what it’s been like. It feels like there are disconnects between what you know about faith and how your fellow Christians seem to understand God. Perhaps other churchgoers speak of a closeness with the Holy Spirit that you can’t seem to connect with. You’re not alone… and the blocks between your Muslim-based thought patterns and Christian theology are very real.Join us to learn of the unique challenges faced by ex-Muslims and why relating to God as our Heavenly Father is key to understanding: God’s voice vs. “Allah’s voice” Prayer vs. ritual Our identity in Christ How to stand firm in the face of persecution What the afterlife looks like for a Christian See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Whole Heart Finances

    08/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    Has out-of-control spending, growing debt, or the never-ending need to manage your finances left you wearied and stressed? If so, you’re not alone. Americans consistently list money as their number one source of anxiety. In your worry, you may be tempted to find a “money law” to follow. Unfortunately, this often leads to a fractured heart that removes Jesus from your financial life and leaves you to carry the burden. Our guest will teach us that by bringing our whole heart to Jesus while making important money decisions, our finances become an opportunity for deep, responsive worship as we consider the abundant generosity of Jesus in our lives. But what does “whole heart finances” look like practically? Join us to learn more.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: National Defense and Security

    08/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us this hour as we visit with one of Washington D.C.’s most esteemed columnists. He covers national security and defense with a keen on Communist China. Learn more about “the Havana Syndrome” and find out what was discussed recently between the US President and the President of the CCP. And, guess who is bringing weapons into Gaza? Don’t miss this timely and important conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Best of In The Market with Janet Parshall: Is Christianity Delusional and Dangerous?

    06/04/2024 Duration: 46min

    Join us for a fascinating conversation with a brilliant Christian apologist who recently spoke at MIT. What kinds of questions did these young minds want answered? Were their issues science-based or were the majority of the questions “meaning” questions? What IS a meaning question? Learn how to contend for the faith through engaging conversation from one of the best in Christian apologetics.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Where Faith Stands

    05/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we tackled the persistent push to lead younger and younger girls into the confusion of thinking they were born in the wrong body. Our guest pulled back the curtain that advocates are hiding behind to reveal the strategies and philosophies that leaving lifelong and in many cases irreversible damages into the lives of the precious young girls before they even reach puberty. A woman who has been standing up against the gay agenda for many years joined us to talk about the revelations of an uncovered report about the use of puberty blockers on kids in adolescence and why many European countries are turning their backs on these practices while the United States continues to push these life changing procedures on our young. Using the latest in neuroscience discovering our guest explained how these studies have finally caught up to the ageless truths of Scripture when it comes to how we manage our thoughts. He explained how changing the thoughts we think create new path

  • Hour 1: Where Truth Stands

    05/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    News of the Middle East and in particular Iran continue to fill the evening news broadcasts. Why is this nation at the center of the growing conflict in that part of the world? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we spoke to an expert on Bible prophecy who explained what role this nation plays in God’s final narrative for mankind. We all have wounds from our past that need healing but how do we take advantage of God’s remedy for those past hurts. We heard from a teacher who took us through a 5 step process using the letters B.U.I.L.D. to find our healing based upon our unchanging identity in Christ and His unchanging power and love. A respected apologist shared his experience when speaking to students at MIT from his own conversion from Islam to answering tough questions like is Christianity anti-gay? The push for chemical abortions has only increased in the shadow of the fall of Roe V. Wade. We heard from an OB-GYN who is on the front lines of these issues as she explained the real ris

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