Coach Glass Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 365:15:05
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Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep417 DreamBIG Forget the Past

    03/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    Who you are today is a culmination of all the experiences, your environment, the decisions you made and the people you surrounded yourself with in the past. If you are happy with where you are right now, GREAT! If not you may want to project yourself into the future and develop goals that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. The problem is that you are still carrying all the things that made you who you are today with you into the future. How are you meant to have a different outcome in the future carrying all that baggage? In today's DreamBIG episode we go DEEP into this topic and how to move forward and maximize your potential. Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here:  Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

  • CGP Ep416 Squid Games

    27/10/2021 Duration: 41min

    **Spoiler Alert** You don't have to watch the Squid Games to learn from the Squid Games. Today we do a deep dive into the underlying theme on the record breaking Squid Games Netflix series. It is all about the human condition. At the deepest level we are simply organisms fighting for survival. Luckily for most of us, we live in a bubble wrapped world where our food, shelter and basic needs are readily accessible. That doesn't mean that our survival mechanism is lost. It is just hiding deep inside our reptile brain. When released, this survival mechanism is expressed in the rawest form. The best and worst inside us is revealed. This is what makes the Squid Games so riveting. What would you do if you were faced with a life and death decision that would determine whether you or your competitor continues in the game of life? Die with honour or live with the pain of knowing that you took the life of an other. Luckily in business and sport it isn't life or death. But somehow we are faced with the same decisions. Wh

  • CGP Ep415 Weight Loss & Body Composition

    19/10/2021 Duration: 43min

    Does your weight really matter? Im sure you have had times in your life where you looked great even though the scale said you are 3lbs over and other times that it says you lost 5lbs and you look like shit! Its all about body composition people! How do you measure yourself? Scale? Tape measure? Skin folds or your favourite pair of jeans? I usually wait for the waistband on my underwear to flip over. Thats when I know Im going in the wrong direction. This episode is all about body composition. Things to consider when you are using a scale, tape measurer or your partners opinion on how you look in that dress. "Looks great babe...why do you ask?" Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here:  Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. Check out their free online seminar series and down

  • CGP Ep414 Comedy of Errors Leads 2 Success

    13/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    I love it when people ask me how I became a stand up comic? The same way I became a collegiate athlete and an entrepreneur! Mix passion, consistent unmatched work ethic with a set of cojones and you have all the ingredients to accomplish pretty much anything in life. The cool thing is that all of these ingredients are inside you. If you REALLY want something bad enough (passion) you will find the energy and will power to get the work done (work ethic) and over time, small victories build confidence in your abilities (cojones). The key is to keep getting up after you get knocked down. In comedy the blows come hard and often. Open mics are probably the most hostile environments you could ever volunteer yourself to be put in. Any other endeavour of excellence has stages of development that allow you to have early success in a supported safe environment. Open mics on the other hand are filled with nervous, self centered, narcissists who want to see you fail so they feel better about themselves. As soon as they ge

  • CGP Ep413 Getting Cut from Peleton

    06/10/2021 Duration: 38min

    Getting cut can be the best thing that ever happens to you. Making the team may feel good but in the long run it teaches you nothing. If you have never been cut you have never pushed your potential. The lessons I have learnt from losing have made me the winner I am today. And believe you me, I have lost more than I have won. When was the last time you challenged yourself with something that made your balloon knot tighten? Took a chance and jumped in water with both feet without knowing the temperature? Doubled down on yourself even though it wasn't a sure bet? This episode is all about how to make getting cut a lesson in life. How to use it to reveal your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. The secret is not to take irresponsible risks in life. The key is to push your limits with the support of those you trust. That is exactly what my Mentorship family does for each other. They create a space where each member can be challenged and supported on their journey toward their #DreamBIG. We are holding one mor

  • CGP Ep412 Im Back Baby

    30/09/2021 Duration: 42min

    18 months of coaching my athletes over Zoom came to an end last week and I finally got to see my players again in person! Man ohhh man I needed it. The US/Canada border finally opened (if you were willing to jump a few obstacles) and I flew down to help my athletes prepare for the first event of the 2022 @pgatour season.  As many of you who have had to "pivot" their business over the past year and 1/2, I had to find a way to provide the same quality of coaching that I delivered in person without being in person. Zoom coaching comes with some obvious limitations which we were able to overcome through creative cueing, programming and tweaking delivery. I finally got to meet one of my players who I have been training for 9 months over Zoom without actually ever seeing each other face to face. Over those 9 months we increased his clubhead speed from 115 to 120mph. Now, he did all the work, but it shows that good programming and consistent, focussed, work can yield huge results. Jason Dufner was nice enough to sha

  • CGP Ep411 Performance Guru Greg Redman

    24/09/2021 Duration: 46min

    My pal Greg Redman @wavephysio and I go DEEP on this week's pod. What do we go DEEP on? Screening Olympic athletes and the tweaks that are made to their programs based on those findings. What is really important to performance for our high performance athletes and what you should be doing in your "middle age" years to optimize your performance. As always with Greg you get some bombastic gems that will have you adjusting your thought process for years to come. Enjoy! Register for all your MyTPI classes here:  Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. Check out their free online seminar series and download their app for endless content and free webinars. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.

  • CGP Ep410 Testing Part Deux

    15/09/2021 Duration: 34min

    This topic needed 2 parts to break it down fully. Part 1 we went into the "why" and formulated some context for the conversation about testing. We discussed the key elements that I test for and what we are specifically looking at. We discussed tools for measuring and whether or not they need to be accurate globally or accurate to themselves. In today's episode we will dive even deeper into the different types of testing and what we do with the results. Testing for the sake of testing is useless. You need to breakdown the results and create a game plan that will determine your programming. We also go DEEP into WHY you get certifications. Are you using it to market your skills or fill in a gap in your skillset? Both are great reasons to get educated. You just need to do it for the right reason. Now let's get down to the nitty gritty! Register for all your MyTPI classes here:  Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better  http:/

  • CGP Ep409 Testing for High Performance Part 1

    08/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    The start of the 2022 PGATour, NFL, NHL and NBA are just around the corner. This means it is time to test our professional athletes and get a baseline for the year. Testing lets us know where the athlete stands on a functional movement level, strength and power outputs, neuromuscular function and readiness to compete. There are a ton of wearable technologies that you can use to track the progress of your athletes. Just understand that whether you track it or not, it still is happening. How accurate the devices are is a debate for another day. The important thing to do is make sure that your testing protocols are consistent, repeatable and reliable against themselves. If you got on a scale that says you are 150 lbs when you know you are 200 lbs you can still use the scale. As long as it is accurate to itself it will indicate whether you gained or lost weight. Is the number the important thing or is it the awareness of change you are looking for. Accuracy only matters when you want to compare against norms. Bef

  • CGP Ep408 Checklist What WONT U Stand For?

    02/09/2021 Duration: 36min

    Most people know what they want and what they stand for. But how many of you are crystal clear on what you WONT stand for? I write out my weekly checklist every Monday morning and at the top of each page I write what I stand for and even more importantly what I WONT stand for. Each item on my TO DO Checklist that week needs to fit inside these parameters. An example may be "I will not let other's needs take priority over my needs on this TO DO list!" You decide what is important to you each week and stick to it. In this episode I also share my tips on how to maximize your productivity by mastering the checklist. I know you all have used checklists in the past and many of you are avid box checkers. In this post I want to share some tips that will help you achieve more from your list. Its not what is on the list that matters, its how you write it!  Break your list into categories. Each section represents a specific aspect or responsibility that you have in your daily work life. For me, I start with Players, Aca

  • CGP Ep407 Martin Rooney High Ten

    27/08/2021 Duration: 01h19min

    This week on the Coach Glass Podcast we have a legend. Martin Rooney @themartinrooney is a coach, author, father, husband, athlete and all around badass. His Training for Warriors brand is one of the most respected and sought after gym franchises in the industry. On the @perform_better circuit he sells out shows and blows the doors off their hinges. His newest book High Ten is a 10/10! I love this book and recommend it to any coach, entrepreneur, or leader. The jewels he drops have you jotting notes on every page. In this episode we go DEEP into the lessons I learnt from High Ten and what it means to be a leader. We also discuss how to survive in the fitness industry after the post apocalyptic pandemic and what you need to do today to ensure you have a brighter tomorrow. I know this episode will be an instant classic just like our guest! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @

  • CGP Ep406 SPACE Secret to Golf Performance

    19/08/2021 Duration: 26min

    My mentor Dave Phillips @mytpidave shared with me the concept of SPACE. Dave said every golfer, and every athlete for that matter, needs SPACE to be successful. SPACE is an acronym for Speed-Power-Accuracy-Consistency-Effeciency. Each of these elements are critical for success in the game of golf. Problem is, most golfers focus on 1 or 2 of these elements and usually the ones they are already posses.  I get it, we all want more speed and power. How many of you work on your efficiency and consistency. Funnily enough, this is what I focus on more than anything when building a performance plan for my athletes. In today's episode we go DEEEP into all the elements of SPACE and I share how to work on the last 3 letters that most of you are neglecting! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI

  • CGP Ep405 Speed & Agility Meeting of The Minds

    12/08/2021 Duration: 33min

    I just got off the @perfrom Better Meeting of the Minds Panel Webinar on the topic of Speed & Agility. It was an amazing debate with superstar co-presenters Ian Jeffreys, Bill Parisi and John Graham. We went DEEEP into the topic and I was fired up! I had too much pent up energy and in a silly mood so I jumped off the webinar and turned on the mic to put my thoughts on wax! In this episode we talk straight line speed, adapting speed training to your sport, deceleration training and how not being hugged as a child resulted in me becoming a collegiate running back. Enjoy. As mentioned, I am hosting the next Coach Glass Mentorship in October. Apply today I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’

  • CGP Ep404 Ian Jeffreys Talks Speed & Agility

    04/08/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    Ian is one of the World's top speed and agility specialists. The first time I saw Ian speak at @perform_better Summit I knew instantly that we would be pals! Humble confidence mixed with kindness and passion. His book, Game Speed is a game changer. In this episode we talk about how agility is not what you think it is. When you redefine agility, it changes the way you train it. Speed? Who cares right? Ummm we go DEEP into his Speed training and how to warm up the body for optimal performance. On August 12 we will be slashing this topic up with @bill_parisi and John Graham on the Perform Better Meeting of The Minds which is a free webinar and Q&A I know you will enjoy my conversation with Ian as much as I did. Anyone who @setantacollege hires is guaranteed gold!They are the best in the biz and Ian makes a nice addition to their legendary staff. What else can I possibly say? Just listen! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for

  • CGP Ep403 Full Send

    29/07/2021 Duration: 47min

    There are times in your life when you just need to SEND IT! If you do the proper preparation and master the fundamentals you can accomplish things that defy belief. I experienced one of these feats this past week. I am still blown away from what I saw and I share it with you in this week's episode. Many of you just dip your toe in, fearful of failure and pretend to give it your all. That aint living! Either give it a "full send" or nothing at all! A "half send" guarantees you some bumps and bruises and a feeling of what if. Your worst fears will come true when you only half commit to the task at hand. I get it... you aren't ready to launch yourself off into the unknown with reckless abandonment. That is the last thing I want you to do. In this episode we go DEEP into the process of preparation and mastery of the fundamentals so you can confidently giver a FULL SEND. Could you crash? Absolutely! But life is about taking calculated chances and pushing your abilities to the limit. Take your hands off the brake a

  • CGP Ep402 Training Jon Rahm with Spencer Tatum

    21/07/2021 Duration: 54min

    Spencer Tatum @WINTHEDAY10 is one of the top performance coaches on the planet and dear and close friend of the Coach. Years of hard work paid off this season with his long time student Jon Rahm @jonrahm winning the US Open Championship. Jon has had a ton of success on the @pgatour with help from Spencer and his teammates @mytpidave @warriorrestore @thegolfingdoc In this episode we talk about the challenges he faced in training a natural talent like Rahm and insight into developing athletes of all skillsets. We also went DEEP into his business practices and how he turned his DreamBIG into a reality. Spencer and his team at are looking for coaches to help them grow their business so connect with him for more details. I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI

  • CGP Ep401 Communication

    14/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    How communication is not a subject in elementary and high school is beyond me. It could be the most important skill you posses! Got a great ideas? Makes no difference if you can't communicate it. Want to inspire others to join the fight? You better know how to communicate in a manner that makes people take action. These examples are the easy ones. How you communicate with yourself on the other-hand....thats an entirely different beast! In this episode we go DEEP into the art of communicating your thoughts, feelings, coaching philosophies and everything in-between. We then go even DEEPER into the self talk and inner dialogue you have that could be holding you back from true happiness and a life without self inflicted suffering. I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upc

  • CGP Ep400 Yup Four Hundred

    07/07/2021 Duration: 50min

    July 31st 2019 I promised my Glisteners another 100 epic episodes of the Coach Glass Podcast. Sounded easy enough at the time. 100 is such a nice round number that rolls of the tongue. Look deeper and you realize you are committing yourself to 2 years of delivering podcast magic each and every Wednesday. In this week's episode we look back at the lessons leant over the past 100 episodes. So much has changed over the last 2 years. We introduced YouTube video podcasts to allow the viewer to enjoy my special guests at a deeper level. Added an Instagram Live series called the Oxygen Mask to help our Glisteners navigate the global pandemic. Dealt with the war on distance debate in golf. (Is bigger actually better?) Dropped science on your earbuds with my neuromuscular training philosophy and performance hacks. We started a series featuring my mentors which included leaders that I rely upon in the industry, Mentorship graduates who became my mentors and my high school gym teacher, who is responsible for me being th

  • CGP Ep399 Confidence?

    30/06/2021 Duration: 36min

    Confidence can not be faked. At some point the truth will come out. Your slick fake it till you make it inner dialogue cannot outsmart your gut! Failure breeds insecurity and decreases your confidence in your abilities. Lack of confidence decreases your ability to execute your best work which in turn results in less confidence. It is a vicious cycle. But, you can break it! How do you build confidence? Lower your expectations and get some wins under your belt! In this episode we go DEEP into the process of building confidence and self-worth. Standing in front of a mirror in a power pose ain't going to cut folks. You need the Coach! We talk putting yips, how to walk in a room, comedy and Monty's pudding addiction. Enjoy! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming da

  • CGP Ep398 The Finished Product?

    23/06/2021 Duration: 26min

    If I could snap my fingers and you are a finished product....would you sign up? Everything you are working toward instantly is complete. Skills you are grinding hard to acquire are yours! You would be miserable! Life is all about the journey not the destination. If you were able to fast forward to the final destination you miss the ride! This episode goes DEEP into the journey as we discuss the process that leads to business, interpersonal and career successes. John Rahm's win at the 2021 US Open pales in comparison from the joy he had on the journey toward his greatest victory. We often get caught up in what we don't have, where we are going instead of where we are at, and wondering why others seem to always be 3 steps ahead. Stop looking around and look inside the person living the journey. I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands

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