Coach Glass Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 366:24:36
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Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep399 Confidence?

    30/06/2021 Duration: 36min

    Confidence can not be faked. At some point the truth will come out. Your slick fake it till you make it inner dialogue cannot outsmart your gut! Failure breeds insecurity and decreases your confidence in your abilities. Lack of confidence decreases your ability to execute your best work which in turn results in less confidence. It is a vicious cycle. But, you can break it! How do you build confidence? Lower your expectations and get some wins under your belt! In this episode we go DEEP into the process of building confidence and self-worth. Standing in front of a mirror in a power pose ain't going to cut folks. You need the Coach! We talk putting yips, how to walk in a room, comedy and Monty's pudding addiction. Enjoy! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming da

  • CGP Ep398 The Finished Product?

    23/06/2021 Duration: 26min

    If I could snap my fingers and you are a finished product....would you sign up? Everything you are working toward instantly is complete. Skills you are grinding hard to acquire are yours! You would be miserable! Life is all about the journey not the destination. If you were able to fast forward to the final destination you miss the ride! This episode goes DEEP into the journey as we discuss the process that leads to business, interpersonal and career successes. John Rahm's win at the 2021 US Open pales in comparison from the joy he had on the journey toward his greatest victory. We often get caught up in what we don't have, where we are going instead of where we are at, and wondering why others seem to always be 3 steps ahead. Stop looking around and look inside the person living the journey. I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands

  • CGP Ep397 The Choice is YOURS

    16/06/2021 Duration: 33min

    This or that, this or that. You can get with this or you can get with that! The choice is yours. I love Mondays! Turning over the page in my daily checklist notepad. Seeing all the checked boxes and crossed off list items from last week. When you look at the week you just finished you may feel like a prisoner to the duties and responsibilities you have in your business. Before you get all dramatic, let's not forget, you chose to put those items on your checklist! That week is done. Some items from last week were not completed may need to be moved to this week's list while others somehow just don't seem important anymore. The new page waits with anticipation Monday morning for me to start my week. When you look at a blank page you realize you actually have control over what you write on it. You decide whether you are making your player's programming a priority or tackling the month end. You decide if you are filling a 40 hour work week with 63 hours or taking Friday off. You are in control. This week's podcast

  • CGP Ep396 Dr James Spencer

    09/06/2021 Duration: 49min

    We have discussed balance numerous times on this podcast but not like this! I thought it was time to bring someone on the show who is so passionate about balance that he has dedicated his life to the subject! Dr James Spencer @DrJamesSpencer is creating a MOVEment movement. His brand The Bearded Kettlebell inspires, educates and challenges his community to improve their life through balance training and movement. In this episode Dr Spencer and I go DEEP into balance training, nuero-muscular training and the science of keeping your COM over your COG! We also chat about his experience in coaching equestrian and golf athletes and our common love for extreme sports and everything that makes you feel RAD! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming dates and event. With

  • CGP Ep395 Decisions Minor or Major

    02/06/2021 Duration: 26min

    Isn't it funny how we will lament over the small decisions in life and flippantly make huge choices without blinking an eye. You spend more time planning your wedding day than investigating whether the  person you are about to marry is worthy of sharing your special day. You read books and take pregnancy classes to prepare you for the day you give birth and wing it when it comes to parenting. The world would be a better place if you read an Idiots Guide to Parenting and decided whether you would be at the head with a towel or the tail with a catchers mitt on the delivery day! Same can be said about starting your DreamBIG or opening your new brand or business. You are so focussed on the launch and put little thought into what happens after the doors are open. What do you want it to look like 1,3 or 5 years after you open. Why did you start it and what do you want to get out of it? Where do you want it to go and how will it end? These are important questions that should come before deciding you want to have you

  • CGP Ep394 Circus of Life with Corine

    26/05/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Life is full of transitions. Changing jobs, careers, partners or where you live can be stressful. But what if you had to transition from being a professional athlete to juggling being a mom and a coach? What if you gave up something that you trained for your entire life and had to recreate yourself in your early 30's. That is exactly what happened to Corine Latreille @corine.moments. Corine retired from Circque du Soleil @cirquedusoleil and found herself in a struggle to find her inner self. Who is the person under the face paint when the lights are turned out on the greatest show on earth? That is exactly what this podcast is all about. Corine and the Coach share stories and strategies on how you can divert your high achieving mindset to another path. How to recalibrate your self image and find new ways to impart impact on the world around you. If you love this episode you can enjoy more of Corine and her journey on her acclaimed podcast Corine Moments on iTunes. I want to give a special thanks to all the sp

  • CGP Ep393 What SUP Balance?

    19/05/2021 Duration: 43min

    Hey what SUP Glisteners? I'll tell you what SUP. Balance. In today's episode I share my experience with Stand Up Paddle Boarding and what it taught me about balance. Balance and proprioception is one of the primary pillars of performance. It is something we often just assume that everyone has. Until of course they don't. I am blown away how many top athletes struggle with balance and pleased to see the performance gains we get from focussing on it. I have a Mentorship graduate @drjamesspencer who has made it his life's mission to enhance lives through balance and hope to have him on the show in the coming weeks. But till then you get the Coach in the raw and my take on balance. We go DEEP into neurology and how the body responds to stimulus in its environment. If you want to come along for the ride, grab a paddle and lets go! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to bu

  • CGP Ep392 Cook Like The Coach

    12/05/2021 Duration: 50min

    In today's episode you learn to cook like the Coach. Many people don't know that the Coach is not just a passionate lover but also dabbles in the dark art of cooking. Ohh yeah! You want to saute a little passion in your paella? Broil up some heat in your rutabaga? We go DEEP into cooking like a pro from a pro who coaches pros and also cooks. Its all about mastering the basic techniques then adding your own personal spice to make it your own. I share some of my favourite bases and teach you how to transform them into meals your loved ones will rave about. How do you teach people how to cook over an audio podcast? Listen and learn! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast t

  • CGP Ep391 Mike Weir Wins with the Team Approach

    05/05/2021 Duration: 34min

    This episode I share how the @mytpi Team Approach helped The Champ Mike Weir @mweirsy win his first Champions Tour event. The main focus with Mike from day one has been to create a body that compliments what Coach Blackburn @blackburngolf is doing with his swing. Mike has an incredible work ethic and has always put fitness and health as a priority. My job was to make sure that the work he is doing pays off. Being fit isn't enough. We had to create a body with incredible vertical thrust paired with rotational speed. Mike wants to compete each year at Augusta and for that you need to be able to bomb it. Mike has "feels" or movement patterns that aren't optimal for his swing. We do a ton of nueromuscualr high triplexity work to challenge his nervous system and have it trust the new patterning that compliments the technical aspects Mark is developing in his swing. He struggled with some mobility issues so we brought in mobility guru Janet Alexander @janetalexander1 . Janet had a past with Mike so it was easy to i

  • CGP Ep390 Jazz It Up & Play YOUR Notes

    28/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    Jazz is a true expression of individualism, creativity and freedom. When played well by talented musicians it can be amazing. At times it may sound like there is no structure. In relativity there is incredible structure in jazz. The structure is created in the mastery of the instrument through practice. Scales, drills and fundamentals are practiced at nauseam. Your business and your sport can be seen the same way. Playing golf can be a technical and mechanical math problem that involves biomechanics and physics or it can be a free flowing art form. Just a golfer expressing their greatness on an 18 hole canvas. Your business can be a daily checklist with a static spreadsheet or a dynamic, creative expression of your passions. No matter how you approach your sport, business or music you need fundamentals. If you do the hard work on the fundamentals you will free yourself to play YOUR notes YOUR way! I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perf

  • CGP Ep389 Results Should Be Instant

    21/04/2021 Duration: 32min

    If you are making the right correction you should see results instantly! I am going to ruffle a few feathers here but I believe good coaches should get instant results. If you change someone's technique and it takes 4-6 weeks to see positive are barking up the wrong tree! There are some things that take time to practice for mastery but you should instantly feel progress. Other things take time for them to develop physiologically like putting on muscle, losing weight or changing tissue but that is NOT what I am talking about here. Im talking about making technique changes in your session, lesson or treatment. You should get results right away if it is the right approach! Be it a golf swing technique change or lifting technique. It should feel better, get better results or create a different outcome from what you are currently doing. Good therapists have a ton of different techniques at their disposal. Applying the right one, at the right time and at the right intensity is what makes them great! If

  • CGP Ep388 Breaking Up With Your Phone

    14/04/2021 Duration: 41min

    Constant digital distraction is turning your brain to mush! We have more time on our hands today than ever before and we seem to fill our hands with our phones! Podcasts, YouTube videos, music, audio books, and social media apps fill every free minute we have. This is not healthy! Humans are meant to have quiet time. Time to be with our thoughts. What would fill your thoughts if you allowed your mind to be free for an extended amount of time? Im not even talking about meditation here. I am talking about just mowing the lawn, cooking or going for a run without your ear buds in or any other digital distractor. This week I challenge you to break up with your phone. Even if its for an hour. Just put it away and be present in your daily chores. I am guilty of this myself. I am currently writing this while listening to music. BUT IM TRYING! All I ask is for you to be aware and take an honest inventory of your habits. So listen to this episode of the Coach Glass Podcast and then start your digital divorce! GO!!! I w

  • CGP Ep387 Death Match Ego vs Soul

    07/04/2021 Duration: 42min

    Can you identify your EGO? Are you aware of how it influences your life and the choices you make? Your EGO is how you identify yourself. It is all your things, accomplishments, labels you give yourself and how you think others see you. Your SOUL, on the other hand, is everything that is not your Ego. How could something that big be so hard to identify? Well to start, the soul has no identifiers. It is a feeling. It is who you are when you peel back the onion of your external life. In this episode I go DEEP into this topic and share some very vulnerable and intimate stories about my life journey. You could say I am speaking from my soul! If you want to truly find happiness and fulfillment in life you need to tap into it! This May I will hold a Mentorship for 10 individuals who are looking to challenge their potential. The Mentorship is designed to push you with your professional and personal development. The end goal is for you to leave with a DreamBIG that is truly fulfilling and a strategy to accomplish it.

  • CGP Ep386 Be Undeniable!

    31/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    Think about the word Undeniable. You will not be denied. You will not deny yourself from expressing your greatness on the world. This term is less about others denying you and everything to do with you not denying yourself. If you are undeniable you don’t have to worry about what others do or dont do. It is all about you and the undeniable mindset. You make a deal with yourself to never deny that gut feeling that wants to break through walls to get what you want like the Kool Aid Guy. Ohhhh Yeahhhh, I made a childhood reference in the middle of setting the stage for one of the most important aspects of this book! Because I had to!  If you want to be undeniable you need to not only decide in your mind but you need to convince your body that you cannot be denied. If you want to be mentally strong you need to challenge yourself physically. You want to be physically strong you need to overcome discomfort with mental determination and will power. I push my comfort zones both mentally and physically on a daily basi

  • CGP Ep385 Listen to Your Body

    24/03/2021 Duration: 43min

    You need to listen to your body. It is trying to tell you something. Maybe it is speaking to you through your skin by creating dry itchy patches. Tapping you on the shoulder with some excessive hair falling loss or dandruff. Maybe your gut is yelling at y

  • CGP Ep384 Future of Golf...REALLY??

    16/03/2021 Duration: 39min

    "Dechambeau is the future of golf!" "Revolutionizing the game" "The science of MAT will change the way we train the next generation of golfers!" I could go on but I think you get the idea. If you watched the Arnold Palmer Classic or The Players Championship this past weekend you would have listened to about 192 hours of this jibber jabber. Yes, it is very exciting but we need to put the brakes on for a minute and discus what is really happening. People want to create a world of black or white, red or blue , good vs bad. This is not possible in this debate. This topic is DEEP in the grey minoush of the middle. If I get one more email, text or DM asking me about my thoughts on the MAT (Muscle Activation Technique) and the work that Greg Roskopf is doing with Bryson I will seriously duff my tee shot. 2 Years ago the same messages came in asking, "So what do you think about Coach Joey D? Brooks Koepka's heavy lifting is the future." Where were the emails when Justin Thomas won, who by the way comes from the same

  • CGP Ep383 F@%K Cancer

    10/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    In this episode I share some remarkable findings on how we can prevent cancer and fight it through changes in lifestyle. Cancer came into my immediate bubble to finish off 2020 and has been a focus for our family since. Good news is the cancer scare was just that, a scare, but the rabbit hole we all went down was terrifying. Books, journals and countless doctors appointments put me on an educational pipeline I hadn't anticipated. Im glad it did as we will all be healthier because of it. In this episode I share some of the findings that really opened my eyes to this disease and how we can take steps to reduce the risk of it entering our lives in the future. It is not meant to scare or trigger you. I am just sharing what I have learnt and what I feel you are capable of incorporating into your daily routines and eating habits. Eat Clean: Eat the rainbow does not mean eat Skittles. Eat as many diverse fruits and vegetables as possible. Plants decrease your chance of getting cancer with every bite. Manage Inflamma

  • CGP Ep382 Change

    03/03/2021 Duration: 27min

    Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes. This episode is here to challenge you to change. Change what? Change something! Not because what you are doing is wrong but because you need change to grow! Change ignites, motivates and pushes me to evolve and grow as a person, a professional and as a mentor. I just finished my first Mentorship of 2021 and witnessed 10 professionals embarking on their 5 year DreamBIG. If that doesn't get you jazzed on personal and professional level I don't know what will. You don't have to build a business or change the city you live in. It could be as small as changing your hair style, throwing out your dad clothes and shopping  for new duds. It could be changing your training programs to stimulate adaptation. Get bigger, get smaller, get stronger or get more efficient. Switch it up! In this episode we go DEEP into the process of change. If you are offended by my comedy, keep it to yourself, they are just jokes. If you are challenged by my honesty then act on it by making honest changes in your own life.

  • CGP Ep381 DEEP Pull on the Lat Muscle

    25/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    The lat is a pretty powerful muscle. Not just in force production but also in it's diversity of function and form. It can pull, tilt, rotate, stabilize control side bend and so much more. For all my @mytpi family I have connected the dots between the latissimus dorsi and its affects on the 90/90 Test, Lat Test, T-Spine Rotation and Pelvic Tilt Test. We also go DEEP into stretching, assessing and developing the performance benefits of the lat. What else could you ask for? We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this May. If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application at I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI for upcoming dates and event. Wit

  • CGP Ep380 Managing Stress

    17/02/2021 Duration: 37min

    I know how you feel. I feel it too. Just when you thought you had it figured out you lost your shit. I get it. Now whatcha gunna do about it? What do you do when you get overwhelmed with stress? Punch something, bitch and moan to a friend, drink like a fish, drive fast and take chances? Its funny when you read that list at how absurd and harmful these coping mechanisms are. But we do them! I want you to acknowledge stress for what it is. Stress is either acute or cumulative. Acute stressors are things that come out of nowhere and knock you for a loop like a cancer diagnosis, sudden death of a loved one or an unexpected catastrophe. Cumulative stressors are things that slowly build over time until they ultimately boil over and make you flip your lid. Both result in physiological, emotional and psychological stress. But you are not your thoughts and your thoughts are not you! You can separate yourself from your stressors and deal with them on your terms. In this week's episode of the Coach Glass Podcast we go D

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