Risen Church Nc



JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • The Passion: A King Like No Other - John 12:12-19

    24/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    On Palm Sunday, the shouts were, "Hosanna, Blessed be the name of the Lord." Just a few days later, on Good Friday, the cries were, "Crucify Him!" and curses were shouted at Jesus. Things changed so quickly, revealing the ongoing, hypocrisy and rebellion at the heart of humanity. However, Jesus' resolve and mission remain the same. He wasn't a king like they had expected, when they waved palm branches and lauded Him with praise. He was a different kind of king, come to do something unthinkable and unexpected. Jesus had come to bring redemption to our rebel race, to bring salvation instead of judgment. As Passion Week unfolded, the worst of humanity would be on full display, while the absolute best would be poured out by God. On this Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus the King - a King like no other. Although the celebration 2000 years ago was short-lived, He has indeed ascended to His throne and we owe Him nothing but shouts and praise.

  • The Road to Calvary: Jesus Messiah - Mark 4-5

    23/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    How did Jesus meet (and exceed) all of the Old Testament expectations for what the Messiah would be like? Listen as we study and discuss how Mark presents Jesus as: - The Most Brilliant Teacher, revealing the secrets to knowing God - The Master and Lord Over All, deserving our full trust - The Ultimate Healer, who saves us from sin and death

  • The Passion: No More - John 8

    17/03/2024 Duration: 51min

    Religion often makes it seem that God is most passionate about being right and condemning sinners. Jesus came to reveal that God was actually most passionate about being right with sinners. In this message, we see Jesus face off against the Pharisees, with a sinful woman's fate hanging in the balance. We learn how Jesus came to save us from our sin and the debt we all owe. We also learn how Jesus came to save us from having to save ourselves. Because of Jesus, sinner and pharisee alike can be fully saved and totally freed. In Christ, there is no more shame, no more sin, and no more self-righteousness.

  • The Passion: An Inescapable Calling - John 4

    15/03/2024 Duration: 44min

    Jesus is the full expression of God's passion. As Jesus told Nicodemus, His mission on earth was driven by love and meant to demonstrate God's love for the world. The story in John 4 underscores God's passion for people in that it features Jesus going out of His way to reach a certain woman. In the same way that Jesus was driven by passion, so can we find a new, totally satisfying way of life in Him.

  • The Road to Calvary: Heaven Sent - Mark 1:1-28

    15/03/2024 Duration: 41min

    Check out the first installment in our Road to Calvary Bible Study. An outline is providing below: The Road to Calvary: Heaven Sent - Mark 1 1) A Bridge from Old to New - 1:1-8 - Fulfilling Old Testament - Replacing Old Covenant - Providing New Way 2) A Connection between God and Man - 1:9-13 - Relationship with man - Relationship with God - Rescue from Enemy 3) A Pathway from Earth to Heaven - 1:14-20 - Change your outlook - Change your occupation - Confront your opposition

  • Dueling Kingdoms: David's Destiny - 1 Samuel 19-21

    08/03/2024 Duration: 41min

    Sometimes God's plans for our lives are different than the plans we've envisioned for ourselves. Sometimes we can easily conflate worldly success with God's perfect will. Listen as David learns that God was taking his life in a different direction than he anticipated. While at first he resists and fights against it, he later surrenders to the greater work that God had in mind to do.

  • The Passion: An Irresistible Invitation - John 1

    08/03/2024 Duration: 47min

    For thousands of years, the people of Israel had God's Word, full of sufficient revelation about God. Even though this should have been enough to bring people to Him, God decided to do something greater for the lost, confused world. When God took on flesh, the Logos took on Pathos - God poured His heart on all creation. Jesus came showcasing God's passion for the world, seeking to ignite passion within us all. Listen as we unpack the irresistible invitation that Jesus has given us all and learn how we might come and see how God can change our lives.

  • Dueling Kingdoms: The Beautiful Letdown -

    08/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    The story of Jonathan is one that's too often overlooked and perhaps misunderstood. As King Saul is driven by ego and jealousy, his relationship with his son was fractured. David found himself in the middle of their strife and got to observe one of the most humbling, inspiring acts in all the Scriptures. Listen as Jonathan shows us how beauty can be found amidst life's letdowns and how God is at work in our greatest disappointments.

  • Extraordinary: Full Salvation - Acts 4

    07/03/2024 Duration: 47min

    The early church set the bar for what it looked like to walk in the fullness of our salvation. The original disciples were just ordinary people, made into extraordinary servants of God by the power of Christ. Listen as we marvel at the extent they all went to in their service to God and learn how we might measure up to the original, Christian standard.

  • Dueling Kingdoms: Facing Giants - 1 Samuel 17

    07/03/2024 Duration: 46min

    We are no match for our spiritual giants - our flesh and sin. On our own, we are outranked and outnumbered. We need a Savior. The story of David and Goliath is a picture and preview of the work that Jesus came to do for us all, and the New Life that He enables us to live. In Christ, we can face our giants and we can indeed overcome. Just as He overcame sin and death, we can walk in this gift of salvation and be empowered by His grace.

  • Dueling Kingdoms: The Fine Line - 1 Samuel 16

    07/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    There's a fine line between being called by God and actually knowing every detail about His plan for our life. Navigating this space between requires waiting with patience and trust. In this message, we talk about how God always has a plan laid out and how we can have confidence that He will open doors in due time. We also discuss how we should conduct ourselves while we wait and once the opportunities begin to come.

  • Extraordinary: Own the Moment - Matthew 16 / Esther 4

    07/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    In this message we learn how aiming to live an extraordinary life means we own each moment that God presents to us.

  • Extraordinary: Above & Beyond - John 10:10

    07/03/2024 Duration: 48min

    Jesus said that following Him leads us into an abundant, extraordinary life. In this message, we hear how our lives can go above and beyond for God's Glory.

  • Dueling Kingdoms: What Matters to God

    07/03/2024 Duration: 40min

    God is not the least bit impressed, moved by, concerned with physical appearance or experience. Religion loves to emphasize appearance, experience- the sights, sounds, feelings. However, God cares about our hearts, what kind of person we are.

  • Extraordinary: Can't Miss It - Ecclesiastes 7:1-2

    07/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Extraordinary: Can't Miss It - Ecclesiastes 7:1-2 by Risen Church NC

  • Dueling Kingdoms: Told You So - 1 Samuel 10-12

    03/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    Dueling Kingdoms: Told You So - 1 Samuel 10-12 by Risen Church NC

  • Dueling Kingdoms: Saul's Downfall - 1 Samuel 12-13

    03/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    While it was never God's perfect will for Saul to be Israel's king, God was more than willing to bless and guide him. Refusing to defer the glory to God and humble himself, Saul set out on a path of self-destruction. Listen as we learn about Saul's downfall, a reign that was quickly disgraced through foolish, short-sighted decisions. We discuss the difference between putting God first and putting one's self first, and learn where the greatest gain is found.

  • Dueling Kingdoms: Perhaps the Lord - 1 Samuel 14

    03/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    When his father sets aside his duties as king and takes the day off, Jonathan steps up to the plate and is determined to protect God's people. Unsure of what he should do, he turns to the Lord and puts all of his trust in Him. Listen as we discuss what it looks like to fully rely on God and be willing to obey Him even amidst uncertainty.

  • Dueling Kingdoms: Well Spent - 1 Samuel 15

    03/02/2024 Duration: 40min

    Dueling Kingdoms: Well Spent - 1 Samuel 15 by Risen Church NC

  • Back for More: Mind / Matter - 1 Kings 22

    30/01/2024 Duration: 01h25min

    From our ears to our hearts, there's often a disconnect between we've heard and what we feel able to do. When it comes to hearing God's Word, we all have had intentions of following through, yet somethings frustrates our hearts again and again. In this message, we talk about the importance of clearing our minds and giving priority to God's promises and guidance. If our minds are preoccupied or distracted by lesser things, then our hearts will never be filled with God's peace and power. Listen as we study about this battle within all of our minds and learn how we might can endure and overcome.

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