Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green



WallBuilders Live! with David Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America.


  • House Leadership is Turning the Country in the Right Direction - on Good News Friday!

    10/02/2023 Duration: 27min

     We start off our program with another segment from our black history series, this time on Henry Highland Garnet. After that, we work through David and Tim’s stack of good news articles. The house rules now allow the federal government to transfer property back to the states. The COVID national emergencies are now planned to officially shut down. Socialism has been denounced in the House. And a court case win for the ProLife movement. All of this and more, here on Good News Friday 

  • The Lemon Test and Our Constitutional Republic - on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    09/02/2023 Duration: 26min

     First we star off the program with our black hero segment on Blanche Kelso Bruce. Then for Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we answer more listener questions- Has the Lemon Test been removed now that there have been a rulings in favor of faith? What is the difference between a representative democracy and a constitutional republic? As well as some podcast listening suggestions from David, Rick and Tim. 

  • Good News Wednesday!

    08/02/2023 Duration: 26min

     In order to get caught up on our Good News Friday stack, we’ve decided to bring you some good news, today on Wednesday! We start off the program with another segment from our black history segment on Christian Fleetwood. We follow it up with our good news topics- Increased oil and gas drilling bills being passed in the House, in the NHL teams are declining to wear special pride jerseys, the constitution was read before the State of the Union address and a judge in California blocks COVID-19 disinformation law. All of this and more today on Good News Wednesday! 

  • The Government Has Been Dragging Its Feet on Drilling for Oil in Alaska - with Todd Tiahrt

    07/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    We start the program with a black history segment on George Washington Carver. Our topic for the day is a petroleum reserve in Alaska. The drilling company has been waiting 20 years to get a permit to drill, but the government has been dragging its feet. Tapping into this reserve would bring gas prices down drastically. Will this be able to go through with the Biden administration? Congressman Todd Tiahrt is on today to tell us about it.

  • A New Biblical History Discovered in The Constitution Signing Painting

    06/02/2023 Duration: 26min

     An open Bible is discovered in a painting that hangs in our nation’s capitol, depicting the signing of the Constitution. Daniel Dreisbach, professor at American University, is on today to tell us all about it. What does it mean? And what does this say about the faith of our founders?

  • House Rules, Healthcare and Women’s Sports - on Good News Friday!

    03/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    Today is Good News Friday! We start off with the history of Deputy Marshal Bass Reeves, followed by more good news from David and Tim’s stack, including more news related to the updated House rules. Now there is more time for bills to be reviewed and congressmen and congresswomen on the House floor can propose amendments to bills. The New York Supreme Court strikes down vaccine mandates for healthcare workers. In Massachusetts, physician assisted suicide is now banned. And in West Virginia, women are now protected from men who want to participate in their sports. All of this and much more today on Good News Friday!

  • Black History, Student Council and Term Limits - on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    02/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    We continue our segments on black heroes with the remarkable story of Robert Smalls. Later, on Foundations of Freedom Thursday we look at a couple listener questions. First, a question about standing up for what is right on student council. What do you do when the school leadership won’t listen to reasoning? And second- though congress would never term-limit themselves, could a state put together a ballot initiative for term limits for their state?

  • Don't Forget Our History and Heroes - with Tim Geoglein

    01/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    We must teach the American story to the rising generation. If we forget who we are we will not know the direction of the country. We are facing an epidemic of historic illiteracy. The future of America is on the line. Tim Geoglein is on with us today to tell us about a new book that aims to remedy the ignorance of our history and heroes, and get us turned back in the right direction.

  • People Are Losing Their Jobs Over Their Vaccination Status - with Brad Dacus

    31/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute is our guest today, to give us an update on a religious liberty case in Oregon involving people losing their jobs over their COVID vaccination status. For refusing to take an experimental vaccine with a questionable track-record these people are facing unemployment. Though our topic is a case in Oregon, it paints the perfect picture of what is happening all over the nation. Support the show

  • The Government Could Take Your Property Without Just Compensation - with David Deerson

    30/01/2023 Duration: 27min

     There have been many cases of government abusing property taxes throughout the nation, taking the entire equity of a foreclosed home when only a small debt was due. David Deerson of Pacific Legal Foundation, explains the ramifications of a case they are working on now, using the 5th amendment takings clause as a defense. This could affect you! Listen, today to find out more. 

  • Good Things are Happening in Sports, Religious Liberty and Guns - on Good News Friday

    27/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    Working through our stack of Good News Friday articles, you will be inspired with all the positive things that are actually happening in our country. Women are protected from men wanting to compete in their sports. We’ll also hear stories of how God is being recognized in sports. There have been supreme court wins in religious liberty, and we’ll find out more about these wins and also a case involving 2nd amendment rights. All of this and more  today on Good News Friday!

  • School boards, Marriage and Christian Nationalism? - on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    26/01/2023 Duration: 26min

     Lets dive into some more listener questions on this Foundations of Freedom Thursday! Can school boards overrule state laws, regarding transgender and abortion policies? What does Christian Nationalist mean? And how do we respond to it? There are low marriage rates. How do we bring the opinion back to marriage as a sacred institution? All this, and more today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday! 

  • OSU is Violating Students First Amendment Rights - with Maddison Farris

    25/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    In conservative Oklahoma, OSU is infringing upon its student’s first and  fourteenth amendment rights. Speech First is bringing a lawsuit against OSU. Maddison Farris, the former editor-in-chief of OSU’s newspaper was forced to resign when she posted a column stating that per Oklahoma state law, students cannot be required to wear masks. Maddison Farris is our guest today. Lets get the story straight from her!

  • Washington is Re-Opening for Tours!

    24/01/2023 Duration: 26min

     Today we have Tim Wildmon on to give us updates on spiritually based tours opening now in Washington DC. With new Republican leadership in the house we are seeing the re-opening of the capitol to guests. Join us for details on how you or your pastor can come see the birthplace of our nation. 

  • Children are Being Exposed to Drag Show Events Nationwide

    24/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    There is an epidemic of sexualizing children in our nation. Drag show events are being held even in small rural towns, nationwide. We are losing our modesty and our children are paying the price. What can we do to combat this? Sara Gonzales of The Blaze and Texas Family Project joins us today to let us know what is really going on and what we can do.

  • Government, Life, Sports and TV – on Good News Friday!

    20/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Government, Life, Sports and TV – on Good News Friday! Lets get some good news, today! We’ll work through David and Tim’s stack of good news articles. More good news on rules and process changes in the House, including reducing the size and scope of the IRS. Other topics include gaining ground in the Pro Life front, God being recognized in sports, and wholesome television.

  • Challenging Biden – on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    19/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    Challenging Biden – on Foundations of Freedom Thursday: Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday we answer listener questions. Is the timing of Biden’s classified information fiasco ironic? Or was it planned? Will the supreme court be taking on Brunson V. Adams? Would this challenge the Biden administration? Was the 14th amendment illegally ratified? All of this and more, today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday!

  • What Happens when Local and Federal Law Enforcement Conflict? with Sheriff Waybourn

    18/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    What Happens when Local and Federal Law Enforcement Conflict? withSheriffWaybourn: Today, we answer a listener question about law enforcement and who has the ultimate say- federal or local? In what cases might a conflict be expected? Sheriff Bill Waybourn of Tarrant County, Texas is our guest and he will help us answer these questions.

  • More on the House Rules – with Representative Josh Brecheen

    17/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    More on the House Rules – with RepresentativeJosh Brecheen: As a continuation of yesterday’s topic on the greatly improved House rules, Representative Josh Brecheen joins us to provide even more details. A signal has been sent- this brings hope for future victories. This will change the way policy is made for years to come, in a much-needed way.

  • A Change in Leadership Can Turn This Country Around – with Congressman Brian Babin

    16/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    A Change in Leadership Can Turn This Country Around – with Congressman Brian Babin: Conservatives have a better position in the House. With updated rules, there will be more influence. Bills have to be available to read 72 hours before the vote is taken, oversight has been restored, proxy voting is being eliminated, there are improvement to border security and Improvements in the spending budget, among many other items!

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