Amarillo Central



The Central Church of Christ is a community of people committed to living out the mission of God as we follow Jesus and invite others to join us. Jesus has given us a heart for the whole city and is using us to bring all kinds of people together in the heart of Amarillo, Texas.


  • Your New Confidence

    31/01/2021 Duration: 31min

    01.31.21 - At the end of the story of Naomi and Ruth, God has moved this pair of widows from famine to feast, from emptiness to fullness, from bitterness to joy, from devastating death to everlasting life. As our redeemer, Jesus takes everything in our lives that has gone wrong and makes it right. He fixes in our lives what is broken. Whatever havoc the pandemic has wreaked in your life, whatever lingering effect you still feel, our God is committed to taking all of it into himself and creating something beautiful and eternal and new. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Central Podcast: Episode 33

    27/01/2021 Duration: 22min

    01.27.21 - Central Podcast tackles Re|Start: Greg Dowell joins Allan for a conversation about the Central Re|Start Team and their plans for our post-pandemic church. Find out what the team heard from our church family in the recent Re|Start survey and focus groups, what was affirmed and what was suggested, and how we faithfully move forward into what God is doing in and through our congregation. Speakers: Allan Stanglin & Greg Dowell

  • Your New Natural

    24/01/2021 Duration: 31min

    01.24.21 - In a recent survey of 1,000 American adults, 58% said the COVID-19 pandemic has changed their lives forever. There is no doubt the global pandemic has shifted society and changed our culture in irrevocable ways. But we also know that God is at work. A new normal is not to be feared, it is to be embraced as God’s time and place for something beautiful and eternal and new. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Your New Perspective

    17/01/2021 Duration: 32min

    01.17.21 - This is the turning point in the story of Naomi and the turning point of our “Everything New!” series at Central. This is when you realize that God is at work in the bitterness and pain. Even in the middle of tremendous loss, God is moving the pieces into place and working out the timing and the details of his magnificent plans for your life. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Your New Address

    10/01/2021 Duration: 30min

    01.10.21 - When you look at yourself, do you focus on your struggles and your sins or on your holiness and righteousness in Christ? God is moving you into a brand-new place. And once you see it, your life will never be the same. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Closer Than You Think

    06/01/2021 Duration: 28min

    12.27.20 - We all have questions as we head into the new year. When will the virus crisis end? How will the vaccines work? Will 2021 be better than 2020? The answer is that we belong to a God who does his very best work in the dark and his deliverance is always right around the corner. Join us in Romans 13:11-14. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Central Podcast: Episode 32

    05/01/2021 Duration: 14min

    01.06.21 - For more information about tonight's parking lot event and how we are all participating together in "Everything New!" check out today's Central Podcast. Central Communications Director Hannah McNeill joins Allan for a conversation about our January theme and making ourselves available to God's faithful work in our lives. Speakers: Allan Stanglin & Hannah McNeill

  • Your New Direction

    03/01/2021 Duration: 32min

    01.03.21 - We kick off a five-part sermon series that reflects on the past difficulties of 2020 and explores the hopeful potential of the new year. “Everything New!” looks at our current circumstances through the story of Ruth, a young woman who was forced by a global crisis to move to a new place with God. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Joyful in Our Salvation

    19/12/2020 Duration: 32min

    12.20.20 - Celebrate the coming of Jesus during our annual Christmas service with traditional Christmas hymns and an emphasis on light and joy from Isaiah 9:2-7. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Helpful in His Spirit

    13/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    12.13.20 - Waiting on Christ to appear is not a passive thing; it’s a roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty thing. Our Christian hope doesn’t ignore fear, anxiety, or trouble; it confronts it. The assurance we have doesn’t shy away from sickness, pain, or difficulty; it confronts all of that in the name and manner of Jesus, the one who came and is coming. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Central Podcast: Episode 31

    09/12/2020 Duration: 16min

    12.09.20 - Central's Communications Director, Hannah McNeill, joins Allan on today's podcast in a conversation about the Advent season. Why are the candles purple and pink? Why is the first day of Advent called the Christians' New Year's Day? What does it mean to order your life, not according to the secular calendar, but to the Story of God? Speakers: Allan Stanglin & Hannah McNeill

  • Worthy of the Gospel

    06/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    12.06.20 - Christian hope is not a wishful thinking, it’s a confident leaning, or even leaping, into the promise of our God that he will one day make all things right. Something has happened that changed our lives and redirected our destinies. The Son of God came to this earth in our flesh and blood. And he is coming again. Speaker: Steve Cloer

  • Central Podcast: Episode 30

    02/12/2020 Duration: 16min

    12.02.20 - The coronavirus crisis has blessed us with another new opportunity to minister to our downtown area neighbors. Our Local Missions Minister, Mark Love, and Chelsea Smith join Allan on this week's Central Podcast to discuss the Christmas project at Bivins Elementary School. Twelve Central families are wrapping and delivering gifts this week to 40 children in fourteen families connected to Bivins. Mark explains how the project came about and Chelsea describes the logistics and how she sees God at work in our evolving missions partnership with Bivins. Speakers: Allan Stanglin, Mark Love, & Chelsea Smith

  • Thankful for His Coming

    29/11/2020 Duration: 26min

    11.29.20 - Christ is coming to rescue us from the dark prisons of our own existence, from anxiety, from guilt, from sin, and from loneliness. To be ready for this rescue, we first have to recognize how fully we are enslaved. And, then, how thankful we are for his coming. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Watching for Christ

    22/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    11.22.20 - We know what our God is doing through Jesus for the sake of the world. We know he is redeeming all of creation, he is forgiving all sin, and he is reconciling all people back to him and to one another through his holy Son. Our God is fixing everything that is broken; he is making right everything that has gone wrong. In your life, in your community, and all around the globe, God’s righteous Kingdom is coming with power and everything is changing! So pray for it. And watch for it. And be thankful. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Submitting for Christ

    15/11/2020 Duration: 30min

    11.15.20 - Being raised with Christ means relating to those with whom we live in ways that model our Savior’s humility and sacrificial service. Living in Christ means viewing our employment and our labors as important work for the Lord. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Raised With Christ

    07/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    11.08.20 - This passage in Colossians 3 speaks about our promised future as if it has already occurred. It says we are already raised with Christ and seated with him at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Living in Christ

    01/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    11.01.20 - Let's consider to live in Christ together. The author of the passage in Colossians 2 encourages those who have received Christ to hang onto him, to live in him. Those who don’t, the author writes, have lost their connection with the Head. And, obviously, that’s no way to live. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Connected: We Are All Sent on the Same Mission

    25/10/2020 Duration: 47min

    10.25.20 - Wherever the great salvation mission of God takes place, we are right there in the middle of it together. We are connected by the common taking of the Gospel, the shared living out of the Good News, wherever it happens in our city or on the other side of the globe. The mission connects us. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

  • Connected: We All Share the Same Holy Spirit

    18/10/2020 Duration: 35min

    10.18.20 - What are the ways God’s Holy Spirit is changing all our lives? The proof of God’s Spirit in us isn’t merely a mental, emotional, or spiritual thing. The Bible points us to physical, visible manifestations of the work God is doing in our lives. Speaker: Allan Stanglin

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