History Of France In English's Podcast



The History of France in English is a weekly podcast. Oddly enough, it's about the history of France and in the English language. Every week there is a larger piece on the history of France and a shorter, cocktail party slapdown that offers a bit of history that runs counter to the usual stereotyping of character the world attributes to this great country.


  • History of France inEnglish Episode 22

    11/05/2013 Duration: 24min

    We return to the chronological story of the History of France and head north to the centre of France or Gaul as it is known, and check out the resting place of a Gallic princess. We also get back into the Cocktail Party Slapdown with the follow-up to George Washington's defeat to Canadien militia as he follows British general Edward Braddock back up the trail be helped build to aother defeat. Don't forget, we're a listener supported podcast. Please go to iTunes to rank us and leave us a comment there or go to historylab.ca and click on the hofie button and leave us a comment there.

  • History of France in English Episode 21, Special Episode 2 - the History of French Cuisine

    02/05/2013 Duration: 26min

    Part 2 of the History of French Cuisine wraps up the special two part series in the History of France in English podcast.

  • The History of France in English - Special Episode 20 - History of French Cuisine

    24/04/2013 Duration: 18min

    The week is part one of the history of French Cuisine. Who eats with their fingers and who uses a fork. The greasy answer is inside this week's episode and more!

  • History of France in English Podcast 19

    17/04/2013 Duration: 22min

    We break away from Hannibal's fight alongside the Gauls against the Romans to see how the Gauls are doing on their own against their nemesis. Hey, they're doing pretty well. And in Cocktail Party Slapdown, The Sow offers some sage advice to the King of France prior to the Battle of Bouvines in the 13th Century.

  • History of France in English Episode 18

    11/04/2013 Duration: 22min

    This week's History of France in English we look at the massive destruction of the Roman army at Cannae and the role the Gauls played in it. We also look at how they got there and why they were so angry when they did.

  • History of France in English Podcast Episode 17

    05/04/2013 Duration: 21min

    The Gauls and Hannibal's Carthaginians outfox the Romans again with the biggest ambush in history, which is good because the locals are getting tired of the big hungry army hanging around. In Cocktail Party Slapdown, Montcalm's 3,000 French and French Canadians smash a British-American colonial assault force of 18,000 men in the battle of Carillon during the Seven Years War.

  • History of France in English Episode 16

    27/03/2013 Duration: 14min

    The Gauls and Carthaginians are still showing no love for the Romans as they get down to business on the banks of the Trebia River. In Cocktail Party Slapdown we salute the French Fighter pilots who volunteered to battle Nazis on the Eastern Front. And we thank a fellow Canuck for some kind words at iTunes!

  • History of France in English Episode 15

    22/03/2013 Duration: 33min

    This week in the History of France in English, Hannibal and the Gauls are getting together to open a can of whupass on the Romans in Northern Italy. We also have a Cocktail Party Slapdown and check out Napolean as he bursts on the scene showing off his party dress and getting all fancy with math and stuff like he was Barbie... um. Yeah. He's at the siege of Toulon and he's working on the side of the Revolution, as opposed to the Rebellion.

  • History of France in English Episode 14

    14/03/2013 Duration: 21min

    This week we see how important the Gauls are to Hannibal and why as he moves through the Alps and into Italy, where he will see his greatest victories. Also we hear how the French dealt the first successful attack against the German blitz in 1940. Don't forget to rate us on iTunes or historylayb.ca/podcasts to be entered in a draw for a tee shirt or a labcoat.

  • The History of France in English Episode 13

    07/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    This week's History of France in English is a great example of just how complicated history can be. We have Romans asking Gauls for help while beating down on them in Italy. We have some Gauls helping Rome hold off Rome's greatest enemy while other Gauls are helping beat Rome. We have a Cocktail Party Slapdown with religious wars that sort of go beyond the bounds of religion and help forge a stronger nation. And we find out what those pointy sticks poking out of the water in a illustration on the History of Europe Facebook page. See here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=214831151996297&set=a.194279187384827.64990.178158845663528&type=1&theater&notif_t=photo_comment Don't forget to like History of France in English podcast's facebook page and to comment and rank us on iTunes and comment on historylab.ca\podcasts. Get a labcoat or a t-shirt - listen to find out how!

  • History of France in English Episode 12

    28/02/2013 Duration: 14min

    This week in  the History of France in English we return to the Gauls out of Gaul and find our favourite people back in the Italian boot and looking for decorating ideas... in a weird way. We also have a cocktail party slapdown and this time it's Vercingetorix vs Caesar. We also have details on a new contest, so check it out.

  • HIstory of France in English Episode 11

    21/02/2013 Duration: 17min

    This week, History of France in English wraps up our look at the roaming Gaul's eastern expansion and their establishment of Galatia in what would become Turkey. We also check out the French progress in the Med during the Seven Years War as they push the Brits off Minorca and keep them off for the whole war. Remember, this is a listener supported podcast. Visit us at historylab.ca/podcasts and leave us a comment or even better, go to iTunes and rank us there and leave a comment. If you want to contact me with ideas for future shows, comments or concerns, you can email me: tom@historylab.ca and I'll get back to you right away.

  • History of France in English Episode 10

    15/02/2013 Duration: 17min

    This week we look at the roaming Gauls as they head on over to Greece and Macedonia and meet Alexander the Great. Then they sack and pillage and finally get chased off and set up house in the area of the Hellespont. Cocktail Party Slapdown is about the sea battle for Minorca and the classic match between France and the British Royal Navy. France wins this even match and a British admiral is executed. If you have any thoughts, concerns, questions or ideas, email me at tom@historylab.ca and I'll get back to you.

  • The History of France in English Episode 3

    13/02/2013 Duration: 10min

    Due to a publishing error on our part, we messed up somehow and this didn't get uploaded to iTunes. So we offer you a short but sweet episode of HoFie with some bits about Christmas, including the Christmas Clovis converts to Christianity. We'll be still doing our regular episode this week.

  • The History of France in English Episode 9A

    10/02/2013 Duration: 18min

    Due to a technical mix-up Episode 9 wasn't properly loaded. The technician has been 'dealt with' and will hamper operations no longer. This week's episode, the Real Episode 9, but called 9A, has a piece about the Brits getting a French immersion program in 1066 and the Romans being taken to school by Brennus! There are also some shoutouts.

  • The History of France in English Episode 8

    01/02/2013 Duration: 28min

    This week we have more on the history of France with a look at the flood of Kymrians that entered Gaul ahead of a flood and bad weather in the 400s BCE, forcing more movement by the Gauls and an earlier wave of Kymrians. We also have George Washington's first defeat and a look at the early soon to be American revolutionary general in his earliest days as a commander when he loses to French Canadian forces in the backwoods of the frontier, not far from where Pittsburgh is today in western Pennsylvania. Oh and we have a new podcast called Seemed Like A Good Idea and it's about things that seemed like a good idea at the time and it's kinda funny and kinda informative and you can get it on iTunes or on libsyn or on Historylab.ca so give it a try! Merciiiiiiii.

  • The History of France in English Episode 7

    23/01/2013 Duration: 21min

    This week in the History of France in English, we return to the Ligurian question, find Gauls, get back to Marseilles and head on down the oldest road in France. Also we have a Cocktail Party Slapdown with a battle during the war of many names. The French under a commander named Luxembourg win, of course.

  • The History of France in English Episode 6

    16/01/2013 Duration: 15min

    This week, The History of France in English takes a look at the first mentions of proto-French or Gaulish peoples with a look at the Ligurians. We also have our Cocktail Party Slapdown with the story of the Saumur Calvary School Cadet defence against 10,000 German soldiers. And a shoutout. And cake and bacon for those that want it.

  • The History of France in English Episode 5

    09/01/2013 Duration: 26min

    This week in the History of France in English, Episode 5, we take a look at the copper age in what would become Gaul, specifically we'll look at the life and death and discovery of Otzi or Oetzi, the Ice Man of Austria and Italy. Otzi is the name given to the man found after glaciers melted in the Alps, revealing his body after 5,300 years. He was found in an area that Gauls would occupy later on in northern Italy when it was called Cisalpine Gaul. We'll also have another Cocktail Party Slapdown with the story of the French cavalry along with the Provincial Marine, riding to save the day at the Battle of Balaclava. For maps and more, check out our website, www.historylab.ca and click on Podcasts in the menu tabs.

  • The History of France in English Episode 4

    05/01/2013 Duration: 23min

    This week in the History of France in English Podcast we look at the prehistoric landscape of what would become France, the people and animals who called it home and how the folks lived way back then. Oh, it's homey. If you like roaving packs of vicious wild pigs, that is, if not, well, maybe hide in the cave, but watch for the cave bears! Also, we have the return of the Cocktail Party Slapdown where Rommel meets a man called Marie who ruins the Desert Fox's day.

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