St. Paul Baptist Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 596523:14:07
  • More information



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  • Your Brain and Your Money: Your Emotions and Your Money - Audio

    17/02/2020 Duration: 42min

    Money-related stress negatively affects your brain and your money. Yet God tells us not to worry about the basic necessities of life. As you practice good financial habits, also know that God cares for you and is going to take care of you!

  • Your Brain and Your Money: Start with the Why - Audio

    09/02/2020 Duration: 42min

    The cause and the solution to our money problems lie within our own heart (thoughts, emotions, will or choices). Until our hearts change about money then how we manage money will not change. Listen as we examine how our attitude or perspective towards money affects our finances.

  • Disciples and Service - Audio

    02/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    What does it mean to truly be a disciple of Jesus? Pastor Hubbard breaks down the importance of love and service to one another as followers of Jesus Christ.

  • Habits Part 4 - Your Social Network Matters - Audio

    27/01/2020 Duration: 45min

    Our choice of friends is one of the most important choices we will make because our social network influences our behaviors in ways that help or hinder us. Think about the 5 closest people in your life and their impact on your life. Do you have close friends who help you grow? Do you need to make any changes to your social network for you to become a better follower of Jesus Christ?

  • Habits Part 3 - Discipline is the Key to Success - Audio

    19/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    Discipline is an important component of developing healthy habits. How can we become more disciplined? Learn how to identify the problem areas in your life so that you can learn from your failures and empower yourself to make the best use of your time.

  • Habits Part 2 - Out with the Old, In with the New - Audio

    12/01/2020 Duration: 42min

    Understanding habits is important because we all have habits that are inconsistent with Jesus, and--in order to live a life like Jesus--we must change those habits! Our habits or way of life prior to Jesus doesn’t just go away. We have to take intentional steps to change. Try working through these steps to eliminate bad habits.

  • Habits Part 1 - Start with God - Audio

    05/01/2020 Duration: 48min

    When we slightly improve various aspects of our lives, the end result can be a big change. The key concept is small change consistently done over time yields big results. Join us as we understand how to create spiritual habits that can help us to live and love more like Jesus.

  • Give the Gift of Commitment - Audio

    30/12/2019 Duration: 44min

    Honoring our commitment in our most important relationship will impact and influence every other relationship. Commit to love and obey God, and commit to fight through your troubles. Remember, "in the world you have tribulation, but take courage for I have overcome the world!" (John 16:33)

  • Give the Gift of Love - Audio

    22/12/2019 Duration: 32min

    Love is a gift that keeps on giving because love reveals the God who loves. Does God’s love inspire you to love others? Look for one way you can love someone today.

  • Give the Gift of Time - Audio

    15/12/2019 Duration: 27min

    There is a gift that is valuable but you can’t make it, buy it or borrow it. Yet this gift is the most valuable gift that you can is the gift of time! Consider giving your presence this holiday season by scheduling time to do things for others and with others.

  • Give the Gift of Forgiveness - Audio

    08/12/2019 Duration: 39min

    Forgiveness is hard. It requires a close, intimate walk with God because we can not forgive without Him! God has forgiven us, so it's time to acknowledge our hurt and replace it with God's peace so that we can practice forgiveness in our own lives.

  • Give Gratitude and Appreciation - Audio

    01/12/2019 Duration: 38min

    One of the best gifts you can give is the gift of GRATITUDE! Gratitude is the appropriate response to other people's kindness. Learn to live in the moment and look for reasons to be grateful!

  • Rejoice Always - Audio

    24/11/2019 Duration: 43min

    "Rejoicing always" is a command for all of us, not just some of us. How do you rejoice when you feel like your life is falling apart? Listen as Pastor Hubbard discusses the importance of giving thanks IN everything!

  • For the City (Part 6) - Stop Pouting - Audio

    17/11/2019 Duration: 47min

    God loves people more than anything! We are sometimes more concerned about temporal things than eternal things, but God wants us to see things from His perspective. He wants us to demonstrate compassion for the city through our actions. He wants us to stop pouting and do our part in helping other people.

  • For the City (Part 5) - It's Not Fair: They Don't Deserve Grace - Audio

    10/11/2019 Duration: 38min

    We are great sinners, but Jesus is a great Savior! As you read through Jonah, think about how similar you are to Jonah: mad with God, quitting on God....but God is patient with you!

  • For the City (Part 4) - Our Big God uses Ordinary People to Accomplish Big Tasks - Audio

    03/11/2019 Duration: 27min

    Sometimes we see only the evil that is happening in our city and think, "God must really hate this city." No, God loves our city and the people in it. Just like Jonah, God wants you where you are right now so that through you He can change somebody's life. All we have to do is to surrender and be that disciple that makes disciples.

  • For the City (Part 3) - Rescue Me from Me - Audio

    27/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    There is no bad place or time to call on God---God hears a sinner's prayer. Be thankful that never turns His back on us, even when we deserve it. Knowing that God is patient with imperfect people should challenge you to be patient with other people.

  • For the City (Part 2) - Stop Running - Audio

    22/10/2019 Duration: 42min

    In what areas of your life are you currently running away (rebelling against) from God? Disobedience affects more than just you; it affects everyone around you. Break the cycle of rebellion and surrender to God's commandments.

  • For the City (Part 1) - God loves the City - Audio

    13/10/2019 Duration: 43min

    God is interested in all people, not some people, and he is longing to be in a relationship with you. The book of Jonah shows us how God speaks to us revealing his power, relational intentions, and His intimate involvement in His creation. In this 6-week sermon series, we will be studying the book of Jonah to understand God's plan for our city!

  • Adulting (Part 5) - Adulting and Jesus - Audio

    29/09/2019 Duration: 25min

    Our belief about God and Jesus shapes and influences every aspect of our lives. God wants everyone to be saved, and commands us to pray for everyone to know the truth: that there is one God and one way to a relationship with God, which is through Jesus Christ.

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