Sermons From Aberdeen Christian Fellowship

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 467:38:12
  • More information



We are an independent evangelical baptist church situated in Aberdeen, Scotland.


  • Why Jesus matters

    27/08/2023 Duration: 16min

    In this sermon by James McKenzie, he discusses why Jesus matters in three key aspects. Firstly, he emphasizes Jesus' unique identity as both fully God and fully human, highlighting how Jesus' divinity and humanity come together in an extraordinary way. Secondly, McKenzie delves into Jesus' historical significance, explaining that Jesus' death on the cross was a pivotal event that addressed the problem of sin and offered salvation to humanity. Lastly, he looks ahead to the future, discussing Jesus' role as the ultimate judge and the promise of eternal life for believers. 

  • The Trinity Understanding the Nature of God

    27/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    In this sermon by David Young, he explores the doctrine of the Trinity and its significance for understanding the nature of God. He emphasizes that the Trinity is a complex yet essential teaching of the Christian faith. David discusses the challenges of comprehending the Trinity and highlights three mistakes to avoid: trying to fill in the blanks, drawing inadequate comparisons, and defining God in human terms. He breaks down the Trinity into four key points: the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there is one eternal God in three distinct persons. David uses biblical references, including Genesis 1 and Matthew 3, to illustrate the presence of the Trinity in scripture.

  • Going for gold

    27/08/2023 Duration: 33min

    Join Florence as she shares a message about running the race of life with purpose and self-control. Drawing inspiration from athletic events and biblical passages in First Corinthians and Hebrews, Florence encourages us to engage in strict training by immersing ourselves in God's Word, to run with the purpose of exalting and pleasing Christ, and to practice self-control in various areas of our lives. Just as athletes strive for gold, Florence urges us to seek the eternal prize of following Christ with dedication and endurance.

  • Five misconceptions that nearly cost a man God's blessing

    29/07/2023 Duration: 36min

    In this sermon based on 2 Kings 5:1-19, James McKenzie explores the theme of misconceptions that nearly cost Naaman, a high-ranking Syrian army officer, God's blessing. Naaman learns valuable lessons of humility, obedience, and faith as he seeks healing from his leprosy. Through his encounter with the prophet Elisha, Naaman's heart is transformed, leading him to a place of gratitude, worship, and ultimately, experiencing God's peace.

  • Christ Jesus, Our Temple

    29/07/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this sermon, Vijay Pillai explores Matthew 11:28-12:8, emphasizing the paradox of rest and work in Jesus' invitation. While offering rest to the weary, Jesus also presents a yoke, symbolizing work. The sermon highlights how Jesus is the ultimate temple, surpassing the physical structure, and how his presence redefines obedience to God's commands.

  • Philip and the Ethiopian

    15/07/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, David Youngwe explores the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter eight. Philip, guided by the Spirit, encounters the eunuch who is reading from the book of Isaiah. Philip seizes the opportunity to explain the good news about Jesus, leading to the eunuch's belief and baptism. This story highlights the importance of partnering with God, being receptive to His guidance, and embracing opportunities to share the gospel. - Acts 8:26-40

  • When We Disagree

    15/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    Sheri Young explores the topic of why Christians disagree and how conflicts can be resolved, focusing on relational, task, and values conflicts within the church. Drawing from the bible, she encourages listeners to seek unity, preserve relationships, and approach disagreements with humility, love, and grace.

  • Fear & Obey God

    01/07/2023 Duration: 38min

    Solomon’s Story: Youth is meaningless In this sermon, Vijay concludes the series this on Ecclesiastes, by speaking on the last two chapters. He tells us about the joys of being young and how we are told to enjoy our youth, but not to forget the hard times and to not put pleasure above everything else. We also see the hardships of growing old and what can be seen, without God, as the tragedy of death. Vijay concludes this series by showing how the nihilistic worldview of Ecclesiastes can shake us into realising what gives life meaning, which is God. - Ecclesiastes 11.7-12.14

  • Dead Flies, Dangers Of Diy, And Other Interesting Matters.

    18/06/2023 Duration: 35min

    James finishes Solomon's story about searching for satisfaction. He covers a hodgepodge of seemingly unrelated topics from the section of the book, including the dangers of listening to false wisdom, dead flies in perfume ruining one's reputation, how to deal with an angry boss, government leadership, and the dangers of DIY projects without proper planning. - ECCLESIASTES 9.13-11.6

  • The Value of Wisdom

    11/06/2023 Duration: 39min

    In this sermon Vijay talks to us about the real value of wisdom but also its limitations. By referencing to the book of Ecclesiastes he explores the highs and lows of searching for wisdom. When wisdom falters there is one who never falters. - Ecclesiastes 7.1-8.1

  • A Common Destiny

    11/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    In this sermon Dave talks about the sensitive topic of death and how the teacher of Ecclesiastes talks about the subject. Life is unpredictable, time and chance happen to all but ‘enjoy life’ ‘all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun’. - Ecclesiastes 9.1-12

  • A time for everything

    11/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    In this sermon Florence talks about how God is the author of time and so God is bigger than our time management. Florence gives three ways to think of time in a God centred way; use time wisely, realise there’s a time to die and wait for God’s time. - ECCLESIASTES 3

  • Wealth is Meaningless

    11/06/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this sermon Cheri talks about the meaninglessness of money based on the book of Ecclesiastes. She explains that we should involve God in out money matters and that we shouldn’t worry about chasing after money and things but instead we should enjoy God’s gifts for us. - Ecclesiastes 5.8-6.9

  • Searching for satisfaction - work is meaningless

    11/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this sermon Malcom talks about, with reference to the book of Ecclesiastes and advice from the secular world, the meaningless of work. In the end he hopes that when asked what you’re doing at work that you will be able to reply “I serve his majesty, the king of kings, and I’m building a masterpiece, the kingdom of God.” - ECCLESIASTES 2 V 12-26

  • Community is Meaningless​

    11/06/2023 Duration: 38min

    In this sermon Vijay talks about, with reference to the book of Ecclesiastes, the wonders of community but that we can’t find ultimate meaning in the people around us. We can’t live without people but sometimes we find it difficult to live with people. He talks about the best kind of community which is the community based in faith in God. - Ecclesiastes 4.1-16

  • Solomon's Story - Search for Satisfaction

    11/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this sermon Vijay talks about, with reference to the book of Ecclesiastes, pleasure and how by chasing after is we can’t find meaning. We can’t find meaning in pleasure without God, it’s not worth building our lives around pleasure. He talks about how true meaning is build on the foundation of God.

  • The Vanity of Wisdom: Insights from Ecclesiastes

    30/04/2023 Duration: 22min

    David Young explores the theme of the vanity of human wisdom as presented in Ecclesiastes 1:12-18. He delves into the limitations of human knowledge and the pursuit of understanding, highlighting the importance of seeking true wisdom from God. Through his analysis of the passage, he offers valuable insights and practical advice for living a meaningful and purposeful life.

  • The Meaninglessness of Life Without God

    30/04/2023 Duration: 33min

    In this sermon on Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, Florence McKenzie explores the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes and how it relates to our lives today. She reminds us that seeking satisfaction in the things of this world, without centering our lives on God, will ultimately lead to disappointment and meaninglessness. Through the lens of Ecclesiastes, she encourages listeners to turn to Jesus Christ as the source of true and lasting satisfaction.

  • Greater than Solomon - easter sunday 2023

    30/04/2023 Duration: 29min

    2023 Easter Sunday sermon, Vijay Pillai explores the passage of Luke 11:29-31, where Jesus speaks about the sign of Jonah and compares himself to Solomon. Vijay delves into the deeper meaning behind these comparisons, highlighting how Jesus is greater than even the wisest and most powerful figures in history, and how we can trust in his message and teachings.

  • The Wisdom of Solomon: Lessons for Modern Times

    30/04/2023 Duration: 28min

    Derek McHardy shares insights from the life of King Solomon and his wisdom, we Exsplore how we can apply Solomon's teachings to our daily lives, particularly in the areas of decision-making, relationships, and personal growth. solomons story will inspire and challenge you to pursue a life of wisdom and understanding, grounded in God's Word.

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