Fbc Eugene

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 101:28:39
  • More information



Sermons from First Baptist Church of Eugene


  • Review to Renew

    25/07/2021 Duration: 31min

    If you’ve ever attended a football game at Autzen Stadium, you may have witnessed the cheerleaders leading 50,000 enthusiastic Duck fans in an antiphonal call-and-response. The fans on one side of the stadium scream, “Go!” The fans on the other side answer by screaming back, “Ducks!” This volley goes on for several minutes. It’s pretty cool. Now, imagine 2,000,000 enthusiastic God fans in an antiphonal call-and-response, a million at a time screaming “Amen!” back and forth to each other, after each verse Joshua reads from the Scripture. That’s beyond cool! That’s the scene in Joshua 8, after Israel’s victory at Ai. More than an epic moment in Israel’s history, it teaches us a profound lesson about our relationship with God today. Read the entire chapter to prepare.

  • Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out

    18/07/2021 Duration: 35min

    This Sermon we return to Joshua 7 to finish the tragic story of Achan’s family and the trouble they brought on an entire nation. The violation was so serious, God threatened to leave Israel, which begs the question: Why would an entire nation suffer the consequences of one family’s sin? The answer is a profound biblical truth, one that runs counter to the individualism that dominates our culture today. Read Joshua 7 to prepare.

  • The High Cost Of Overconfidence

    11/07/2021 Duration: 25min

    You know that feeling you get after doing something really well and walk away feeling so confident, but suddenly trip on your own feet? Overconfidence can sometimes be painful. Do you know that feeling when you see an advertisement, and suddenly you want something you didn’t even know you’d wanted before? It’s sometimes hard to say no. This Sermon we’re back in the book of Joshua as Israel moves from crossing the Jordan river and conquering Jericho to the small little town called Ai. Israel’s confidence and covenant to God quickly changed into overconfidence and disobedience with disastrous results. But just as Israel learned from failure and God’s grace, we can learn too. You can read the story in Joshua 7:1-13.

  • To Be Truly Free

    04/07/2021 Duration: 28min

    Hello FBC family & friends! This sermon is from the July 4th, 2021. We celebrate the principles and ideals that this day represents, knowing that in times and seasons where our nation has fallen short, we have and will continue to contend for the good principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for one and for all. And as followers of Jesus, we do not grow weary for we know that our ultimate hope and freedom comes through Jesus Christ our Lord. John 8:36 says, "If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed." Join us this Sunday as we remember and give thanks for the true independence that we have in Jesus, empowering us to live, love and lead like him.

  • Justice & Mercy

    27/06/2021 Duration: 30min

    This Sermon, in Joshua 6, we face a deeply troubling issue. Under God’s command, every living creature in Jericho was “devoted to destruction"--men and women, young and old, all the animals. Is God condoning genocide, here? How does God declaring all-out war on a people square with Jesus’ command to love our enemies? I asked Pastor Frank to take this passage; he opted out. Come! Let’s work through this passage together. There are vital lessons for us to learn, and afterward we will celebrate the baptism of many.

  • First Things

    20/06/2021 Duration: 28min

    A favorite quote from a favorite movie is by an ex-con named Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption. Brooks spent most of his life in prison, finally making parole as a gentled old man. Dropped into the outside world in the mid-1960’s, he felt lost and overwhelmed. He wrote to his buddies back in prison, “The world got itself in a big damn hurry.” I smile every time I hear that line. I have to wonder what old Brooks would say about the pace of life today. We live in a culture of speed and immediacy. Joshua 5 reminds us that God’s pace is radically different from ours. Just when it made complete sense for Israel to rush ahead, God hit the pause button. The purpose for that pause is life-changing.

  • Capturing The Moment

    13/06/2021 Duration: 32min

    We all suffer from spiritual amnesia. In the busy flow of life, we forget the realities on which our relationship with God is grounded. We constantly need to be reminded of the God who saves his people through mighty acts of deliverance. All our hope is founded on what these acts are and why they happened. In Joshua 4, we learn that remembering is an essential part of making disciples of Jesus Christ—both in terms of evangelizing the nations and edifying the Church—especially our children, whether biological or spiritual.

  • Dip In The Brink

    06/06/2021 Duration: 28min

    Would you like God to do something astounding in your life? Are there “strongholds,” whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, keeping you from experiencing the kind of abundant life and personal transformation Jesus offers you? By way of illustration, the account of Israel in Joshua 3 reveals several key insights for entering the blessings of our inheritance in Christ. This will be a special Communion service. You don’t want to miss it.

  • Scandalous Grace & Saving Faith

    30/05/2021 Duration: 30min

    There are some accounts in God’s Word that reveal the depths of his grace in ways that leave you slack-jawed. The account in Joshua 2 is one of them. To the moralist, a grace like this seems scandalous, offering a free pass to those who deserve nothing more than judgment and death. To the immoral, a grace like this seems too good to be true. This Sermon we will see scandalous grace and saving faith on full display. Bring a friend who needs both.

  • The Right Stuff

    23/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    Society, today, languishes for credible Christian leaders. We need leaders in our homes, churches, businesses, schools and government who serve with the mind of Christ. The question is, what does that look like? What’s the right stuff of credible spiritual leadership? Joshua 1 provides us with a basic profile.

  • The Torch Is Passed

    16/05/2021 Duration: 25min

    This past decade has seen change at an alarming rate. Then, the pandemic hit and change accelerated exponentially. Many feel that, post-Covid, things will never be the same again. However, our situation is not unprecedented. Deuteronomy 34 records one of the most definitive change moments in the history of God’s people. Like our own day, Deuteronomy ends on a note of emotional uncertainty. However, in God’s kingdom, Joshua 1s always follow Deuteronomy 34s. In this introductory message to the book of Joshua, we are reminded of what never changes in times of epoch change. Read Deuteronomy 34:5—Joshua 1:6 to prepare.

  • Expectations of Faithfulness

    09/05/2021 Duration: 25min

    In this Sermon, Life Groups Pastor Danielle Henry will be speaking. Here's a glimpse of the Sermon. Life is full of expectations - whether they are put on us, or we create them for our own lives. This Sunday, we are going to look at and learn from the examples of a handful of Biblical characters regarding living with our expectations set upon the enduring word of God. After all, we can expect God to be faithful, because He always keeps his promises. Take a look at Luke Chapters 1 and 2 to be ready.

  • An Addendum

    02/05/2021 Duration: 24min

    In the last Sermon, we finished 1 Peter...well, almost. This Sermon, Pastor Ben will present “an addendum" by focusing on two important issues Peter only mentions in his closing remarks, likely, because the original readers didn't need further explanation. We do. Peter mentions "the devil" and uses the term "Babylon" to refer to Rome. Both topics span the whole of Scripture, and understanding their significance is helpful in understanding God's word from cover-to-cover. Prayerfully prepare your mind and heart for this message.

  • Down Is Up

    25/04/2021 Duration: 30min

    This Sermon, Peter concludes his teaching on the believer's life in exile in this world with a loving kiss--really! In 1 Peter 5:6-14, he re-captures the dominant themes of his letter, taking us deeper into the realities behind Christian suffering that should comfort us and give us hope in even the most painful of times.

  • Under-shepherds of the Chief Shepherd

    18/04/2021 Duration: 09min

    In this Sermon, Pastor Ben will share a report on his recent ministry to missionaries in Kenya, Africa. We will also take a brief look at 1 Peter 5:1-5 and the vital role elders play in the local church, especially in times of crisis and suffering. This passage presents a timely opportunity for us to commission the four new elders our church family recently affirmed. Please join us for this important moment in our church's life.

  • The Unwanted Gift

    11/04/2021 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever received a gift you didn’t want? Maybe it was practical, but not exactly enjoyable. You wanted fun, but you got functional. Suffering is the gift no one wants, but it is one of the most important ways God prepares us for blessing in this world and glory in the world to come. In 1 Peter 4:12-19, we not only learn what Christian suffering is and the benefits it brings, but also how to respond to suffering and experience God’s best.

  • Absolute Certainty In Great Uncertainty

    04/04/2021 Duration: 22min

    We live in a time of heightened uncertainty. Articles abound suggesting ways to cope with these uncertainties, even to embrace them with a stiff upper lip as part of the evolutionary process. After all, that’s what the fittest do to survive, right? The Gospel provides an entirely different way to deal with life’s uncertainties—by embracing the absolute certainties afforded us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, we will explore five such certainties that offer us peace, rest, hope, power, and enthusiasm in uncertain times.

  • Living A "Last Days" Life

    28/03/2021 Duration: 22min

    “The end of the world is coming soon.” Did that get your attention? In light of the inevitable reality that the future of the world will end, our focus needs to be on how we are living today and on the needs of those around us and ultimately bringing praise, honor, and glory to God because of our relationship with Jesus. Peter, was fully aware that, at some point, the world would be no more, so he takes the opportunity to challenge his readers to continue living their lives with a “last days” perspective, and staying committed to the things that matter most and making the most difference in the midst of the “now”, with an eye and heart towards the “later.” Read 1 Peter 4:7-11 as we examine this passage and learn how to live a “Last Days” life.

  • Divine Purpose In Suffering

    21/03/2021 Duration: 25min

    Several years ago, renown author Lee Strobel commissioned a national survey and asked people what question they’d ask if they could only ask God one thing. The number one response was “Why is there suffering in the world?” Though there are no easy answers to that question, in this sermon, as we continue our study in the book of 1 Peter, may we find encouragement and hope in seeing God's divine purpose in suffering even as we grapple and struggle with the "why". Read 1 Peter 4:1-6 to prepare.

  • Sweet Vindication

    14/03/2021 Duration: 23min

    A vivid memory, growing up in rural Montana, was a time when my Dad was unfairly treated. It really troubled me, but with a slight smile he said, “It’s okay, Ben. My day is coming.” And sure enough, Dad was vindicated. Those who wrongly treated him were exposed. In a far more profound way, Jesus was vindicated, after being mistreated and murdered. The good news is, those who know him and are treated like him, will be vindicated as well. Peter reminds us that our day is coming in 1 Peter 3:18-22, one of the most fascinating passages in all the Bible.

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