Straight Talk About Mental Health with Karen Muranko



Straight Talk About Mental Health features guests who will be discussing the many options available to assist people in achieving mental wellness. In addition to traditional treatments and techniques, Energy Psychology Techniques such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and alternative treatments will be discussed. Karen and her guests wish to enlighten people living with a mental health disorder and offer support and encouragement.


  • Straight Talk About Mental HealthSat. Aug. 2nd 1:00 - 2:00 PST


    In 2000 Dr. Nunez developed, and now teaches, the 3-D Chiropractic Technique (3-DCT). This technique involves manipulation of the structures of the body with no twisting, popping, or cracking. Many patients prefer this method that are uncomfortable with conventional manipulative techniques. Dr. Nunez is part of "Team Muranko" and he has helped me greatly in eliminating physical pain brought on by an emotional issue. His kind spirit and genuine concern for his patients makes him a valued member of my Team.

  • The ABCs of Nutrition and Supplementation for Mental Health


    Dr. Nancy Mullan graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Tufts University School of Medicine. She studied Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry at the University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics. After coming to Los Angeles, Dr. Mullan joined the medical staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and was a Clinical Instructor at the UCLA School of Medicine. She earned Psychoanalytic Certification from the Psychoanalytic Center of California. In 1989 she began to practice Nutritional Medicine. She taught in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Southern California School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Currently, Dr. Mullan is practicing Nutritional Medicine and Psychiatry in Burbank, California, treating children on the Autism Spectrum and adults with physiologically based emotional disorders.

  • 05/07/2008

    This week I will be sharing more of my story about living with Panic Disorder and my six year journey of recovery. By sharing my story I hope that just one listener is encouraged to Take Charge of Their Mental Health and begin their own journey of recovery It is my belief that when a person finds their own team, techniques and proper therapy that they too can achieve mental wellness and peace of mind.

  • The Courage of Fearless Thinking


    Michael Price has led an interestingly varied and inspiring life. He has enjoyed the benefits and experiences of several separate and diverse careers, each of which presented its own set of extreme challenges including: Professional Baseball Player, College Baseball Coach, Police Officer, Insurance Fraud Investigator, Private Investigator and Trainer / Teacher / Consultant In each profession, Michael was the one that others came to for direction and advice. Early on, he discovered that he possessed the unique ability to identify the core issues of the vast majority of the situations people presented to him. Over time this skill, coupled with his own personal drive to live up to his highest potential, led Michael to the development of ?The Courage of Fearless Thinking.? HOW ?THE COURAGE OF FEARLESS THINKING? BEGAN. The seeds of ?The Courage of Fearless Thinking? program took root when Michael was in high school. Over many years of hardship, experience, and study, those seeds began to germinate. During tha

  • Straight Talk About Mental HealthJune 7, 2008 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. PST


    Tammi L. Morgan is the author of the book Emerging Butterfly: Finding Life Beyond Anxiety Disorders due to be released this summer of 2008. She writes from her own experiences as a fellow anxiety survivor of over twenty years. Because of her personal background with Agoraphobia and panic attacks she desires to reach out to others with anxiety disorders and let them know they are not alone and that hope and help is available. Most importantly she wants to encourage others to reach beneath the layers of anxiety and find again, or maybe for the first time, the unique and special person they are within. Her adage: ?Anxiety is not who you are, it?s what you have?.

  • Straight Talk About Mental Health


    With over a decade of experience in holistic medicine, Dr. Meg Haworth, Transpersonal Psychologist, guides people to heal their lives one choice at a time. She uses a combination of energy medicine, intuitive psychotherapy and mind/body techniques to help her clients realize their greatness and make their best contribution to the world. She is the author of the workbook series "Become Who You Are: The Stages of Spiritual Transformation", and "Done With Dairy Giving Up Gluten: 14 Days to Delicious and Healthy You", Co-Author of "Inspiration to Realization: Volume III" and numerous published articles.

  • Alternative Techniques for Anxiety


    Since 1994 Joy has helped people heal their bodies and align themselves on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels so they are in harmony with their higher purpose. She uses a wide variety of techniques, but the unifying theme in all of her work is the conviction that the intelligence of nature always provides simple and natural ways to heal our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits. She believes that the health of individuals, communities, and our planet can all be improved with common sense and respect for nature's simple and elegant wisdom. She believes in an intelligent, conscious and interactive world in which everything communicates for the purpose of a greater good and collective health. This means our own bodies can talk to us. This means our pets can talk to us. This means we can heal the planet if we can begin to heal ourselves.

  • 26/04/2008

    Dr. Lynne Freeman has specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders for over twenty years. She is the author of, Panic Free: Eliminate Anxiety/Panic Attacks Without Drugs and Take Control of Your Life. She maintains her private practice in Sherman Oaks, California where she has earned a reputation for successfully treating even the most resistant cases of anxiety disorders. Dr. Freeman lectures extensively to psychotherapists, colleges and universities, and has been a frequent guest on both radio and television.

  • Straight Talk About Mental Health


    Maggie Bryant has been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 1976. She specializes in relationship counseling, (including lack of relationships), anxiety other mental health disorders. She finds that therapy goes faster when her clients are also working with a holistic healer. She gives workshops for women on communicating effectively with men, based on original material from her book-in-progress. She also teaches The Artist?s Way class once a year. Maggie received special training in Past-Life Regression Therapy from the Professional Institute for Regression Therapy. Past-Life Work, Breath Work, Energy Psychology, Hypnosis and Imagery are a few of the tools she incorporates while working with her clients. Maggie can be reached at

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