Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

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  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1646:18:19
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Money Life with Chuck Jaffe is leading the way in business and financial radio.The Money Life Podcast is sorting through the financial clutter every day to bring you the information you need to do better with Money Life


  • Fidelity: Expect health care to cost almost $300k in retirement

    06/05/2019 Duration: 59min

    Hope Manion of Fidelity Investments joined Chuck to discuss the firm's recent research showing that couples will spend, on average, $285,000 on health-care protection in retirement, and discussed how that large burden will only be met by people who understand and plan for the real cost of medical coverage for seniors. Also, Peter Lipsett of DonorsTrust discussed how charitable giving defied expectations in the wake of tax-law changes, Sam McBride of New Constructs out a $16 billion mutual fund on blast in the 'Danger Zone,' and Maury Fertig of Relative Value Partners discussed closed-end funds in the Market Call.

  • Technical analysts suggest caution and profit-taking

    03/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    Two different experts talking technical analysis agreed that the inability of the Standard and Poor's Index to reach new highs has made them cautious now, in a slightly defensive posture waiting to see the market's next move. John Kosar of Asbury Research said that most technical measures are strong, but he wants to see the market confirm its strength by reaching new highs, while Michael Sincere -- author of 'Understanding Options' - was more cautious, feeling like the market has reached an inflection point and that a decline back to at least recent lows would not be a surprise. By comparison, Gary Bradshaw of Hodges Blue Chip Equity fund said in the Market Call that the market was encouraging investors to sell their bonds and buy stocks. Also on the show, Kerry Pechter of Retirement Income Journal discussing why index-annuity sales are so strong right now.

  • How Experian's Boost program deepens, strengthens credit scores

    02/05/2019 Duration: 01h13s

    Rod Griffin of Experian explained the company's new Boost program, a free method for adding recurring bill payments for mortgages, utility bills and more to credit files, allowing them to be factored into credit scores. Griffin explained that while the service is designed to help consumers with thin credit files, even people with solid scores should consider signing up. Also on the show, Tom Lydon of makes a regional bank fund his 'ETF of the Week,' Peter Kellner of Richmond Global Compass fund talks sustainable global investing, and Jason Herried of Johnson Financial Group makes his debut in the Market Call, talking stocks.

  • Kaliebe: Slower global growth could pull down the US economy

    01/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    Ron Kaliebe, portfolio manager for the Mairs and Power Balanced Fund, said that the current interest rate environment globally is not normal, and that Corporate America has taken advantage of low rates and leveraged up, a strategy that could create trouble down the line, but not until or unless America gets caught in a global economic slowdown, which he does not foresee happening in the near future. Also on the show, Jake Falcon and David Hartness of HighTower Advisors discuss how planning customers need to know the inner workings of the firm they hire, Nicholas Jasinski of Barron's covers the latest 'Big Money' poll, and Josh Stewart of Seven Canyons Advisors talks stocks in the Market Call.

  • Money Life's 7th anniversary covers retirement savings, commodities and stocks

    30/04/2019 Duration: 59min

    Chuck celebrates the 7th anniversary of Money Life by talking with a new guest, Leigh Goehring of Goehring and Rozencwajg Associates, who says the commodities market is at the very bottom of the cycle, talking markets with return guest Talley Leger of OppenheimerFunds, who makes a case for investing in emerging markets, and for believing that the Federal Reserve is done raising rates for this year, and with Maura Cassidy of Fidelity Investments discussing the disconnect between how many Americans are confident about their current financial health compared to the number of people who are confident about their retirement future.

  • Despite strong economy, millions of Americans can't afford summer vacation

    29/04/2019 Duration: 59min

    Ted Rossman of said that the millions of Americans who have little saved for retirement or emergencies also can't afford a summer vacation, citing new research showing that 39 million Americans simply can't afford a trip this summer. Rossman noted that more than one third of all workers will not just pass on the summer trip, but will fail to use their full vacation time this year. Also on the show, Dr. Rainer Zitelmann discusses his book on capitalism around the world, David Trainer puts two momentum stocks in the Danger Zone, and Lamar Villere of Villere and Co. covers stocks int he Market Call.

  • U.S. Trust's Quinlan: U.S. investors should watch Europe's struggles

    26/04/2019 Duration: 59min

    Joe Quinlan, chief market strategist for U.S. Trust, said that while the European Union has significant troubles, investors should not ignore it from either a political or an investment standpoint, noting that it is a place to find relative values right now, as well as a place that could trigger other issues with world markets. Also on the show, Ken Berman of Gorilla Trades said that the market's technicals are strong and looking like they can carry the bull run and recent rally further along for the remainder of the year, Jason Hargraves of discussed how bundling strategies don't always save consumers as much as might be expected, and Chuck Carlson of The DRIP Investor talked stocks in the Market Call.

  • Matthews Asia's Dali: Emerging markets holding their own and looking strong

    25/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    David Dali, portfolio strategist at Matthews Asia, said that while the domestic stock market has gotten the attention for the strong rebound it had to start the year, emerging markets have been strong and have a solid economic underpinning to make them a good diversifier to U.S. markets that may be nearing the end of their long rally. Also on the show, Tom Lydon of puts a specialty fund back in the picture as 'ETF of the Week,' Chuck talks about the quiet end of the Wintergreen Fund, and Oliver Pursche of Bruderman Asset Management covers stocks in the Market Call.

  • Leuthold's Opsal: Totally neutral, yet still optimistic

    24/04/2019 Duration: 59min

    Scott Opsal, director of research at Leuthold Weeden Capital Management, said that his firm's measure of the market and its potential direction is, for the first time, dead neutral and not leaning in any way, but he noted that 'It's a good period for the business world' and there's not much out there that would bring the market down for any significant length of time. Thus, despite having no inkling about where the market might go next, Opsal believes the long-term direction remains up. Also on the show, Peter Land and Ruth Gretz of HighTower Advisors discuss the non-financial elements of long-term planning, Ted Rossman of talks about the taboo subject of debt, and Todd Rosenbluth of CFRA Research covers funds and ETFs in the Market Call.

  • Trendstar's Turner: Market won't be in wait-and-see mode for much longer

    23/04/2019 Duration: 01h07s

    Toni Turner of Trendstar said the market has been sideways and low on volumes as it waits for second-quarter results from the biggest names in stocks. But with the FANG stocks set to report this week, she thinks the market is due for a big move that should carry it to new highs, she warned that the Russell 2000 is not confirming the signals of other indexes which could keep the benchmarks range-bound a little longer. Also on the show, Chuck discusses a recent column, John Moninger of Eaton Vance covers thei firm's latest survey on the issues that are top-of-mind with financial advisers, and Kathy Boyle of Chapin Hill Advisors covers ETFs in the Market Call

  • Trainer calls Uber IPO a scam and says there's a chance the deal will unravel

    22/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    David Trainer, president of New Constructs, put the Uber initial public offering in the 'Danger Zone,' calling the new offering a scam and saying that the company's growth projections are fictitious. He noted that Uber's projections would have it capturing 15 percent of all global economic activity,while the company is 'losing absurd amounts of money ... without any path to profitability.' Also on the show, University of Maryland professor Russ Wermers discusses the importance of active managers in maintaining an efficient market, and Jack Bowers of the Fidelity Monitor and Insight newsletter talks funds and ETFs in the Market Call.

  • Simpler Trading's Shay:The market will break after FANG earnings next week

    19/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    Danielle Shay, director of options at, said the market is in 'Hurry up and wait mode' over next week's release of earnings for the FANG stocks plus Microsoft, noting that she expects the flat market to break out once those big names release their numbers. That breakout could lead to new highs, but Shay said she expects the market to settle and re-test lows before really moving on later in the year. Also on the show, Michael Campagna of Moerus Capital Management talks value investing around the world in current market conditions, Rob Scheinerman of AIG Retirement Services covers new data on consumers planning to live and make their finances last to age 100, and Peter Tuz of Chase Investment Counsel talks growth stocks in the Market Call.

  • ETFTrends' Lydon: Pet care ETF is not for the dogs

    18/04/2019 Duration: 01h00s

    Tom Lydon of made the ProShares Pet Care ETF ($PAWZ) his ETF of the Week, noting that the new, specialty niche fund is tapping into a growth industry that should be unaffected by the market and the economy. He did recommend using a trend-following strategy with the fnud. Also on the show, Harvard University professor Mihir Desai discussed how finances work, Paula Fleming of the Better Business Bureau covered travel scams ahead of the summer vacation efforts, and we rebroadcast a recent Market Call interview with Simon Lack of SL Advisors. 

  •'s Clements: Learn from past market crashes to prep for the next one

    17/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    Jonathan Clements, editor of, talked about the lessons he has learned from the five market crashes he has lived through, most notably the 30-year crash in Japan that forever changed how he invests so that no matter what the next big downturn looks like, he is prepared to get through it. Also on the show, Ruth Gretz and Peter Lang of HighTower Advisors discuss the importance of correctly setting up beneficiary designations, Mike Foy of J.D. Power discusses his firm's most recent survey of self-directed investors, and James Abate of the Centre Funds talks infrastructure stocks in the Market Call

  • Avalon Advisors' Stone: Short-run cautious, long-term bullish

    16/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    Bill Stone, chiefinvestment officer at Avalon Advisors in Houston, said that the frothy sentiment visible on the market now makes a decline seem likely in the near term, but noted that there is plenty of reason for longer-term optimism, including that earnings globally will begin to pick up. Also on the show, author Hugo Munier discusses his months spent as a WalMart employee, Amanda Dixon of discusses how finances are changing the dating world, and Chuck answers a question on paying down credit-card debt

  • David Trainer: Ratios make ADT stock look cheap, but it's not

    15/04/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    David Trainer of New Constructs warned in the Danger Zone segment that investors who rely on enterprise value-to-EBITDA as a measure of how cheap a stock is can be easily mislead, and he used ADT Corp. as an example, showing how the stock looks cheap but is actually overpriced. He also showed that Kilberly Clark had the opposite situation, with ratios suggesting it was overpriced but underlying fundamentals that make it cheap. Also on the show, Kelly Anne Smith on's latest survey, Sal Gilbertie of Teucrium Trading talking commodity investing, and John Barr of Needham Growth Fund with the Market Call.  

  • Bronfman Rothschild's Maxey: Not a good time for big bets in either direction

    12/04/2019 Duration: 01h16s

    Chris Maxey, director of research at Bronfman Rothschild, said that everything on the stock market looks to have moved back toward average, to where the market is neither over- nor under-valued, making it a good time for investors to rebalance portfolios back to target allocations, and to temper their expectations until it shows more strength or weakness later this year. Also on the show, Chris Horymski of talks about the record credit-card debt in America, Chuck answers an audience question about a Twitter campaign that has been smearing him, and, in a rebroadcast, Bob Auer of the Auer Growth Fund has the Market Call.

  • Brian Frank: 'Last December was barely a correction'

    11/04/2019 Duration: 01h01s

    Brian Frank, manager of the Frank Value Fund, said in the Market Call that the market decline of last year barely registered on stock valuations -- it only moved one security to where he would buy it using his absolute-value methodology -- and that the pricing and profits picture will have to change before there's real value for sale in the market. Frank's fund -- which topped the performance charts for his peer group during the late-2018 decline -- is roughly 80 percent in cash. Also on the show, Tom Lydon of makes a commodity ETF his 'ETF of the Week,' Glenn Williams of Primerica discusses his company's latest survey of investors, and Kim Catechis of Martin Currie talks emerging-markets investing.

  • Dalbar's Harvey: Investors' best intentions lead to bad results

    10/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    Lou Harvey, president of Dalbar Inc. discussed his firm's latest survey showing that the moves investors make ultimately put them behind the market and the funds they own, noting that the problem was particularly acute in 2018 when a market downturn shaved more than 4 percent off the Standard and Poor's 500 but took more than twice that amount out of the portfolio of the average investor who made moves hoping to avoid potential losses. Also on the show, Peter Lang and Jeffrey Corliss of HighTower Advisors discuss longevity planning and financial stress tests, Eric Satz of AltoIRA discusses the use of alternative investments in retirement-savings vehicles, and Stuart Ritter of T. Rowe Price covers the surprising savings habits of gig-economy workers.

  • Almanac Trader Hirsch: Bullish, yes, but don't go on a buying spree yet

    09/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    Jeffrey Hirsch, editor of the Stock Trader's Almanac, said he is bullish for the remainder of 2019, despite believing the market is due for a brief correction. With no major downturn in the offing this year, Hirsch said he would wait through the downturn he sees coming late in the third quarter and to expect a fourth-quarter rally. While he expects that late ounce to be a buying opportunity, Hirsch warned that election years have become market battlegrounds, so 2020 could be where the market gets ugly. Also on the shhow, Keshav Rajagopalan of PGIM Investments talks active ETFs, David Kushner discusses his fascinating new book 'The Player's Ball,' and John Bartlett of Reaves Asset Management discusses energy and utility stocks.

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