EJ90 is a weekly audio podcast that delivers easily digestible environmental news updates in ninety seconds.
11/09/12: Canada Urged to Reject Tar Sands Expansion
09/11/2012 Duration: 01minConservation groups represented by Earthjustice recently urged the Canadian government to reject a tar sands mine expansion. Earthjustice research analyst Jessica Lawrence comments.
11/02/12: Hurricane Sandy and the Link to Climate Change
02/11/2012 Duration: 01minScientists have long warned that climate change will increase the danger of extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy. Earthjustice Managing Attorney Martin Wagner comments.
10/26/12: PA State Policy Delays Fracking Water Pollution Warnings
26/10/2012 Duration: 01minThe state of Pennsylvania passes a policy that delays warning of fracking water pollution. Earthjustice campaign manager Kathleen Sutcliffe comments.
10/05/12: Wyoming Wolf Hunt Season Begins
05/10/2012 Duration: 02minThe federal delisting of wolves undermines the successful recovery of an iconic endangered species. Earthjustice attorney Tim Preso comments.
9/28/12: Senators Speak Out Against New Arctic Leasing
28/09/2012 Duration: 01minA coalition of powerful senators joins the call to take new Arctic oil leasing off the table. Earthjustice policy associate Jessica Ennis comments.
9/21/12: Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Melts Away Previous Record
21/09/2012 Duration: 02minThis summer, Arctic sea ice melted to its lowest amount on record, indicating a warmer future for all. Earthjustice attorney Erika Rosenthal comments.
9/14/12: CA Pesticide Plan Approved to Control Harmless Moth
14/09/2012 Duration: 01minA California court approves a statewide pesticide plan to control the harmless apple moth. Earthjustice attorney Erin Tobin comments.
8/24/12: Study Finds Lower IQ in Boys Exposed to Pesticide
24/08/2012 Duration: 01minA new study has found that the dangerous pesticide chlorpyrifos has a greater adverse cognitive impact on boys. Earthjustice attorney Kristen Boyles comments.
8/17/12: EPA Sued for Failure to Determine Safety of Oil Dispersants
17/08/2012 Duration: 01minA coalition of groups sues the U.S. EPA for failing to determine the safety of chemicals used during oil spill cleanups. Earthjustice attorney Marianne Engelman Lado comments.
8/10/12: U.S. Fisheries Service Confirms Slaughter of Hawai'i's False Killer Whales
10/08/2012 Duration: 01minThe Fisheries Service finds that Hawai'i's false killer whales are being killed at unsustainable levels. Earthjustice attorney David Henkin comments.
8/3/12: Court Bulldozes Developer's Plans to Build Roads in Yosemite
03/08/2012 Duration: 01minEnvironmentalists and the National Park Service win a halt to developer's plans for roads into Yosemite National Park. Earthjustice attorney George Torgun comments.
7/27/12: USDA Approves GMO Sugar Beets
27/07/2012 Duration: 01minThe USDA approves genetically-modified sugar beets, which could increase herbicide use and create herbicide-resistant super weeds. Earthjustice attorney Paul Achitoff comments.
7/20/12: Californians Speak Out for Cleaner Air
20/07/2012 Duration: 02minCitizens gather in Sacramento to defend the right to breathe clean air. Earthjustice attorney Paul Cort comments.
7/13/12: Shell's Inadequate Oil Spill Response Plans Threaten America's Arctic
13/07/2012 Duration: 01minA coalition of conservation groups is suing the EPA for approving Shell's inadequate spill response plan. Earthjustice attorney Holly Harris comments.
7/6/12: New EPA Data Shows Coal Ash Problem Much Worse
06/07/2012 Duration: 01minNew EPA data increases the number of coal ash ponds nationwide by more than 60 percent. Earthjustice attorney Lisa Evans comments.
6/29/12: EPA's Carbon Pollution Standard Upheld
29/06/2012 Duration: 01minThe EPA's new carbon pollution standards are upheld despite industry lawsuits. Earthjustice attorney Howard Fox comments.
6/22/12: New California Standards Could Reduce Flame Retardant Use
22/06/2012 Duration: 01minCalifornia Governor Jerry Brown calls for new flammability standards. Earthjustice attorney Eve Gartner comments.
6/15/12: NAACP Joins Lawsuit to Defend New Air Toxics Standards
15/06/2012 Duration: 02minEarthjustice is representing nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization in defending the EPA's new air toxics standards. Earthjustice associate legislative counsel Stephanie Maddin comments.
6/8/12: Groups ask FDA for Full Review of "Frankenfish"
08/06/2012 Duration: 01minPublic remains in dark another year as the federal government considers approving GE salmon. Earthjustice attorney Khushi Desai comments.
6/1/12: Landmark Gas Drilling Case Against Small Town Advances
01/06/2012 Duration: 01minCase pits small town's rights against out-of-state gas company's wishes. Earthjustice Managing Attorney Deborah Goldberg comments.