Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career



Welcome to the Career Revolution where Dr. CK Bray leads the charge to help you cultivate a CAREER and life that provides purpose and fulfillment. Dr. Bray will lead you step by step to fix, change or create your best career. Dr. Bray is a world renowned expert in career development who for the last 20 years has helped individuals deal with all aspects of corporate life; such as how to get promoted, how to deal with being fired or laid off, how to find a job, leadership development and managing constant corporate changes. Dr. Bray connects with his audience because he speaks from personal experience having gone through job loss, hating his job and struggling with career changes.


  • Episode 451 Raising Children of Character, Courage, and Conviction: Part 2

    07/11/2022 Duration: 18min

    Being a parent is one of the most overlooked yet crucial roles you will ever play in your life. The research couldn’t be more clear on the importance of this role. When a father is present, emotionally healthy, and involved in his child’s life, the child has a tremendous advantage in the world to navigate its complexities and challenges with joy and confidence. Isn’t that what you want for your child? In this three-part series Dr. Bray shares research, stories, and plans on how to raise a child of courage, character, and conviction. You don’t want to miss this episode if you influence a young person in your life. Book Recommendation The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by J. Tyson (2021) QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Confident, healthy men raise confident and healthy young men and women.” “Character and wisdom are not developed by accident.”

  • Episode 450 Raising Children of Character, Courage, and Conviction

    31/10/2022 Duration: 17min

    Being a parent is one of the most overlooked yet crucial roles you will ever play in your life. The research couldn’t be more clear on the importance of this role. When a father is present, emotionally healthy, and involved in his child’s life, the child has a tremendous advantage in the world to navigate its complexities and challenges with joy and confidence. Isn’t that what you want for your child? In this three-part series. Dr. Bray shares research, stories, and plans on how to raise a child of courage, character, and conviction. You don’t want to miss this episode if you influence a young person in your life. Book Recommendation: The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by J. Tyson (2021) QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “It’s important to be bored, and think.” “We have to be very careful and intentional about how we raise our children.”

  • Episode 449 Quit. Quit, But Do It Quietly

    24/10/2022 Duration: 09min

    Everyone’s talking about it! The Great Resignation; but that’s not what you should really be worried about. Quiet Quitting is a viral term among young professionals. This week Dr. Bray talks through all the core beliefs of it and how to support a co-worker who is quietly quitting. He also gets to some Q&A in this episode about what’s ruining your life and how to make it better! QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “You can have an identity separate from work. I’m a pickleball and tennis player; I’m a father, husband, friend, and service work volunteer!” “You can have personal and professional boundaries.” “We need to show employees we care for them as individuals.”

  • Episode 448 Current Career Advice Part 2

    18/10/2022 Duration: 21min

    Dr. Bray continues sharing “updated” and “upgraded” career advice during this part 2 podcast on current career advice. We believe that career advice is fatally flawed, especially now. With so many changes occurring, different industries, and new jobs being created, it is practically impossible to provide sound advice to everyone. It has been nearly seven years since I wrote my first book, the USA Today best-seller, Best Job Ever. I’m glad that most of that advice still stands, but I’m upgrading a few thoughts on your career. Don’t miss this career advice you will need for 2023. *Derek Thompson, Your Career is Just One-Eighth of Your Life. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Meaning and purpose are first; passion comes later.” “Do the job you want to do every day.” “Life is moments!”

  • Episode 447 Current Career Advice Part 1

    11/10/2022 Duration: 16min

    Career advice is fatally flawed, especially now. With so many changes occurring, different industries, and new jobs being created, it is practically impossible to provide sound advice to everyone. It has been nearly seven years since I wrote my first book, the USA Today best-seller, Best Job Ever. I’m glad that most of that advice still stands, but I’m upgrading a few thoughts on your career. Don’t miss this updated and upgraded career advice you will need for 2023. *Derek Thompson, Your Career is Just One-Eighth of Your Life. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Look for jobs at least once a week!” “Explore then exploit.”

  • EPISODE 446 How Electrocuting the Brain, Sex, and Outdoor Smells Improve Your Life

    03/10/2022 Duration: 14min

    Neuroscience in the News! This week Dr. CK Bray is sharing the latest and most fascinating research that has been published over the last month—or will be published in the near future. (Dr. Bray received some early access!) Today, Dr. Bray discusses brain stimulation in older adults and how new research shows brain stimulation can improve both long-term and short-term memory in older adults. (You will see this coming soon for younger patients). Dr. Bray also gets a bit saucy and discusses sex and the sun. You don’t want to miss the new research on how being in the sun for 15-20 minutes a day can improve your love life. Dr. Bray then closes the podcast by discussing the benefits of smells found only in the countryside or forest areas and how these outdoor smells can improve your well-being and memories. This is a fun and informative podcast you don’t want to miss. *Episode photo credit to Robert Reinhart QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “If you don’t have the love life you want, it’s time to go somewhere sunny!”

  • EPISODE 445 How to Influence Someone to Go to Therapy

    26/09/2022 Duration: 14min

    Seeing a loved one, a friend, a coworker, or a child struggle with mental health, career, or personal issues can be devastating. Not knowing how to best help and support them while watching them suffer can be overwhelming. In today’s episode, Dr. Bray discusses how to offer professional help to those who may be open to therapy and those who may be hesitant or resistant. Taking the proper steps to prepare for the conversation will be crucial to the success of the discussion. If you don’t have this concern, maybe the person you need to influence is you! **Tony Overbay at **Psychology Today March/April 2022 Abigail Fagan QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “If there ever was a time that individuals would benefit from seeking out therapy, now is the time.” “Choose the right time to do this.” “There are a lot of reasons people refuse to see a therapist. If they choose not to, let it go. Give them time.” “If there’s something you need to change in your life, go see a therapist!”

  • EPISODE 444 Eight Abilities You Already Have That Make You Successful

    19/09/2022 Duration: 21min

    We often focus on our failures and shortcomings and not on attributes and abilities that help us successfully navigate through life. During this episode, Dr. Bray discusses the eight abilities you already possess that are helping you be successful. Combining experiences and research Dr. Bray will share the latest findings from human behavior experts and researchers on each of these topics and how you can use these attributes to not only be more successful but happier and satisfied with your current life. *Psychology Today April 2022. “Your Hidden Superpowers!” QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Connection has always been a basic human need.” “Perfection isn’t something that people find endearing.” “People who stagnate become more and more self-focused.” “Be happy with who you are, where you are, and what you have!” “Try new things in your area, try new hobbies!”

  • EPISODE 443 Changing Your Brain Part 2

    14/09/2022 Duration: 24min

    In Part 2 of Change Your Brain, Dr. Bray dives into the three neurochemicals that must be present to initiate neuroplasticity. Dr. Bray will also discuss neuroplasticity and the brain's role in learning and change. Learn the key aspects of neuroplasticity, and how to increase learning and change no matter your age. Dr. Bray will discuss the individuals who played a Nobel Prize-winning role in discovering neuroplasticity, and the role neuroplasticity plays in learning and aging. Dr. Bray shares information vital for healthy aging, cognitive functioning, and the ability to learn at any age. *Thanks to Andrew Huberman and his podcast, The Huberman lab, for his words and research into brain plasticity! QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “We have to know exactly what it is we want to change, or at least that we want to change something specific.” “Focus is a skill we have to practice!” “Practice and notice when you’re not alert, when you’re not focusing.”

  • EPISODE 442 Changing Your Brain Part 1

    07/09/2022 Duration: 18min

    You have aspects of yourself you would like to change, but change can be difficult. In today’s episode, Dr. Bray discusses neuroplasticity and the brain's role in learning and change. Learning how to access neuroplasticity, no matter your age is paramount. Dr. Bray will discuss the history of neuroplasticity, the part neuroplasticity plays in learning and aging, and how the process of changing is turned upside down once you reach the age of twenty-five. In the first two (maybe three) episodes Dr. Bray shares information vital for healthy aging, cognitive functioning, and the ability to learn at any age. *Thanks to Andrew Huberman and his podcast, The Huberman lab, for his words and research into brain plasticity! QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Your nervous system becomes customized to your unique experiences.” “There are ways to create new connections and new functions.” “If you fight change, connections won’t happen.”

  • EPISODE 441 The 80/20 Rule Should Rule Your Life

    29/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could cut down the work we do while still increasing our productivity? If we could discover what things we do in a day that have the most impact on our success and happiness! The answer has been around for more than 70 years—the Pareto Principle. Most individuals have heard of the Pareto Principle but don’t understand the impact and influence it can have in our lives. Jump into this week’s podcast with Dr. Bray and learn the history of the Pareto Principle and how it can quickly impact your life. Dr. Bray will also discuss how to discover the 20 percent of actions you take in a day that creates the most impact. Don’t miss this episode on how to impact your life with the 80/20 rule quickly. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Live your life in 15-minute segments to find where you’re spending your time.” “Go for the big wins!”

  • FAN FAVORITE EPISODE 408 Unleashing Your Creativity Part 1

    24/08/2022 Duration: 19min

    Curiosity and Creativity will make the most significant difference for you in the next year. Curiosity and creativity work together as a spark for breakthrough innovation in your personal and professional life. I suggest one of the most important goals you can set for yourself is to be curious about your life, which leads to increased creativity. In this episode, I dive into the benefits of curiosity and two barriers that keep you from being creative. I also explore how they impact both your personal and professional life. Using personal examples, a few case studies, and some outstanding research, I hope to open up a new perspective for you. Enjoy! HBR Francesca Gino Oct 2018 QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Curiosity can boost your personal life!” “Curiosity & creativity can change the world through one person!” “Curiosity has positive effects because it leads us to generate alternatives.”

  • EPISODE 440 Get Prepared; Leadership at Work is Changing

    16/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    Buckle up! Careers are changing, and you need to be prepared. Dr. Bray looks at the upcoming changes forecast to occur in the workplace from a recent Gartner report and also a World Economic Forum report on employee retention and hiring. According to Gartner, the pace of employee turnover is forecast to be 50–75% higher than companies have experienced previously. The issue is compounded by taking 18% longer to fill roles than it did pre-pandemic. If you are an employee, this creates a significant opportunity for you, and Dr. Bray shares the steps you need to take in order to take advantage of this opportunity immediately. If you are a leader, be sure to listen to Dr. Bray's advice on what steps to take to retain your employees. Don’t miss this episode! *HBR Online, It’s Time to Reimagine Employee Retention by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis. July 04, 2022 QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “You need to be constantly upgrading and reskilling!” “Get up an hour earlier and spend the time learning.”

  • EPISODE 439 Train Your Brain - Part 3

    08/08/2022 Duration: 20min

    Dr. Bray concludes the Train your Brain three-part series with specific tools and information on how to train your brain. Dr. Bray dives into the weeds (or should we say synapses?) to provide the information you need. Forty percent of published studies on the brain deal with brain plasticity. There is a reason for that; researchers want to understand how the brain learns, changes, and influences the person you are now and the individual that you can become. The brain is continuously changing, many, many times, every day. The brain changes throughout your life, and it changes itself as a function of use. It is continuously revising and remodeling itself throughout your whole life. This informs our endowed human capacity to change and our human potential for lifelong personal growth. Everyone wants to change something about themselves, and the foundation of this change is brain plasticity. Learn what is new and upcoming in this fascinating field. Thanks to Dr. Michael Merzenich and his incredible brain for the

  • EPISODE 438 Train Your Brain - Part 2

    01/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    Dr. Bray continues his discussion on training the brain and this week focuses on ways to identify your brain health. Forty percent of published studies on the brain deal with brain plasticity. There is a reason for that; researchers want to understand how the brain learns, changes, and influences the person you are now and the individual that you can become. The brain is continuously changing, many, many times, every day. The brain changes throughout your life, and it changes itself as a function of use. It is continuously revising, and remodeling itself throughout your whole life. This informs our endowed human capacity to change and our human potential for lifelong personal growth. Everyone wants to change something about themselves, and the foundation of this change is brain plasticity. Learn what is new and upcoming in this fascinating field. Thanks to Dr. Michael Merzenich and his incredible brain for the research, words, and insight for this podcast. Dr. Bray heard Dr. Merzenich speak at Harvard and kne

  • EPISODE 437 Train Your Brain

    28/07/2022 Duration: 19min

    Forty percent of published studies on the brain deal with brain plasticity. There is a reason for that; researchers want to understand how the brain learns, changes, and influences the person you are now and the individual that you can become. The brain is continuously changing, many, many times, every day. The brain changes throughout your life, and it changes itself as a function of use. It is continuously revising and remodeling itself throughout your whole life. This informs our endowed human capacity to change and our human potential for lifelong personal growth. Today Dr. Bray starts a series on brain plasticity, learning, and change. Everyone wants to change something about themselves, and the foundation of this change is brain plasticity. Learn what is new and upcoming in this fascinating field. Thanks to Dr. Michael Merzenich and his incredible brain for the research, words, and insight for this podcast. Dr. Bray heard Dr. Merzenich speak at Harvard and knew they would become friends.

  • EPISODE 436 Secrets That We Keep

    18/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    We all have secrets. To be exact, according to research you have about twelve secrets. There are things that we don’t tell each other; even those we love and are close to. The secrets can range from addiction to financial woes, to a petty crime such as when stole a pen from the office. Some secrets can be harmful to keep that evoke shame and other negative emotions. Other secrets can be empowering. In today’s episode, Dr. Bray shares research from Michael Slepian and Alex Koch from an article in Psychology Today written by David Ludden PH.D. Learn how to delineate which secrets you should keep and which ones need to be shared. You will also learn about the three dimensions that describe the majority of secrets that individuals keep. You don’t want to miss this episode on how secrets influence your life. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Sometimes I wish people would keep more secrets than they do!” “Secrets can hold you back and affect your current environment.”

  • EPISODE 435 Books You Can Read in One Day to Change Your Life

    11/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    Dr. Bray takes a time-out this week to share some of his favorite summer reads with you. The first category he discusses books you can read in a day that will change your life. Short, quick reads that will have you thinking differently within a day. (For my audiobook friends, you will get just as much out of listening to these books as reading them, so add them to your playlist.) The second list is behavioral psychology books, so if you want to geek out and read up on some human behavior, here are the books Dr. Bray recommends. Enjoy your summer and be sure and read or listen to at least one book a month. Your brain loves it! Books You Can Read In A Day The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho As A Man Thinketh by James Allen A Better Way to Live by Og Mandino Ikigai by Francesc MIralles Game People Play by Eric Berne Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy The Defining Decade: Why 20’s Matter by Meg Jay Any book by Seth Godin. Behavioral Psychology Books From Strength to Strength by Arth

  • EPISODE 434 The Role of Dopamine In Your Life

    06/07/2022 Duration: 17min

    Dr. Bray continues his look into the neurotransmitters you hear about on a daily basis. Today, Dr. Bray discusses Dopamine and the role that dopamine plays in your life. It is so much more than just the “Pleasure, Motivation, and Reward” Neurotransmitter. Dopamine not only affects you mentally but also influences the physical actions that you take. Dr. Bray also looks into the symptoms of low dopamine levels and some of the ways you can boost your dopamine both pharmacologically and also naturally. You don’t want to miss this episode. *Better Living Through Neurochemistry by James Lee. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Dopamine loves novelty!” “In general, Serotonin is a more contented, relaxed kind of mood; Dopamine is a more excited, motivated kind of positive mood.” “Increasing dopamine via pharmacological drugs is fraught with addiction risks and tolerant problems.” “Setting and achieving goals is one of the most powerful ways to boost dopamine that we know of … using your hands gives you an even larger dopamine boost!

  • EPISODE 433 The Role of Serotonin In Your Life

    28/06/2022 Duration: 19min

    Neuromodulators, or Neurotransmitters as they are better known, play a significant role in our daily lives. Understanding serotonin and dopamine go far beyond the quick blurbs of “serotonin is the feel-good hormone” or “dopamine is the chemical of pleasure.” Neurotransmitters are responsible for a wide range of effects throughout your brain and your body. In this deep dive into serotonin, Dr. Bray discusses how different serotonin levels affect your body and brain. The impact and influence of serotonin on stress, anxiety, and depression and what supplements and medications do to help regulate serotonin levels. Dr. Bray also discusses the SSRIs and the benefits and side effects of this medication. *Better Living Through Neurochemistry by James Lee *Huberman Lab Podcast QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Low serotonin levels may not just be the chemical levels of the brain, there are different cognitive and behavioral processes can drive it lower.” “Over time negative thinking and behavior will drive down your serotonin level

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