Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen



If youre frustrated because you struggle to get the word out about your product or service, the Building a StoryBrand podcast will help. Fans of the podcast are ecstatic about the fun and entertaining way Donald Miller brings you practical advice about clarifying your message so customers will listen. Don and the StoryBrand team are the world's leading experts in harnessing the 2,000 year-old proven power of story formulas to get people talking about your brand. Get your message out, grow your company, stand out in the marketplace, and have a blast doing it!Past guests: Seth Godin, Patrick Lencioni, Charles Duhigg, Dave Ramsey, Auntie Anne, Daniel Pink, Blake Mycoskie (TOMS), Ken Blanchard, Scott Hamilton, Nancy Duarte, Chris Anderson (TED), and so many others.


  • #164: The Graceful Exit—How to Quit Your Job Without Burning Bridges

    04/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    Are you mulling over the decision to leave your job, but worried about the potential fallout? Quitting a job is never a simple decision. It's fraught with concerns about the future, your career prospects, and your professional relationships. And the fear of leaving on bad terms can be paralyzing. How will your boss react? Will your colleagues view you differently? The possibility of leaving a job and inadvertently damaging your professional reputation or losing the respect of those you value can keep you stuck in a place you don’t belong. So what’s the best approach to quitting your job without burning any bridges?   In this week’s episode, host Donald Miller chats with podcast producer Bobby Richards to tackle this topic head-on. They’ll show you how to gracefully exit your current position, while keeping your professional network intact and maybe even boosting the respect others have for you in the process. Tune in and learn practical strategies for a seamless transition so you can feel confident taking the

  • Coach Builder Part 4—Building a Coaching Website That Keeps Your Client Pipeline Full

    27/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    Your coaching website is the first thing people see about you, so it needs to make a good impression fast. But more importantly, it needs to be all about the people you want to help. This means when they visit your site, they should feel like you’re talking right to them. It should clearly explain that you understand their problems and have the perfect way to help solve them. But most coaches are getting this wrong. So how do you create a website that makes it easy for potential clients to see why they should choose you as a coach?   In the 4th episode of our Coach Builder limited series, host Donald Miller and producer Bobby Richards, show you how to design a coaching website that helps you land more clients and increase your revenue. Don also teaches you the common pitfalls to avoid in your website design and messaging, as well as what needs to be included for your website to resonate with potential clients. Tune in and learn how to leverage your website as a powerful tool for building relationships and gro

  • #163: How to Fire Someone the Right Way and Maintain Team Morale

    26/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    Firing an employee is never easy and can make unwanted waves in your company. The emotional weight and potential fallout can affect your team's spirit and your company's culture, making it one of the tasks business owners hate the most. It's a situation that requires legal due diligence, as well as a good grasp of people's feelings and how an organization works. So how do leaders make sure they're doing it right and respectfully?   In this week’s episode, host Donald Miller explores the best practices for letting an employee go. He’ll show you how firing someone the right way can keep your team’s morale up and avoid creating a negative work environment. You’ll learn a step-by-step approach for identifying when it's time to let someone go, preparing for the conversation, and finding ways to support both the person and the team through the transition. Tune in and get practical tips on how to make these tough decisions and conversations easier!   --   STUCK TRYING TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS? SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION FOR

  • Coach Builder Part 3—How to Build A Client List from Scratch

    20/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Do you dream of launching a successful coaching business but find yourself paralyzed by the question: "Where will my clients come from?" Tackling this fear is a critical turning point that can either propel you forward or leave you questioning your goals, making what should be an exciting career shift seem overwhelming. Countless would-be coaches find themselves hesitating, torn between making the leap or staying put. So how can you make sure your client pipeline is always full?   In the 3rd episode of our Coach Builder limited series, host Donald Miller offers some much-needed guidance for those lost in the maze of client acquisition and management. Based on frameworks in his new book Coach Builder, Don shows you a simple yet effective system to create and manage a list of possible clients. You’ll get practical advice on how to organize a database of people who might be interested in your coaching services and turn them into paying customers. Listen in and get actionable strategies for finding and keeping cl

  • #162: How to Tackle the Fear of Public Speaking and Grow Your Business

    19/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Public speaking is a top fear for a lot of people. Whether it's the panic that sets in at the thought of everyone looking at you, relentless rehearsing without ever feeling ready, or the hesitation to hit 'post' on a social media video after countless takes, the struggle with public speaking anxiety is real and it’s pervasive. Yet being able to give a good talk can be enormously valuable, especially in the world of business. So how do you overcome this fear and become a confident speaker?   In today’s episode, host Donald Miller and special guest Colin Boyd, creator of Sell from Stage Academy and host of the Expert Edge podcast, discuss the art of communicating well and the secrets to delivering compelling presentations. Colin is here to show that with the right guidance, anyone can excel at speaking, whether it’s for work, creating content on social media, or just everyday conversations. You’ll learn how to organize a speech, connect with your audience, and tell stories that grab people’s attention. Tune in

  • Coach Builder Part 2—Why Every Coach Should Create a Menu of Products to Grow Their Business

    13/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    Taking the leap from a stable career to start a coaching business is a monumental decision that can be fraught with uncertainty. The biggest hurdle is usually the fear of financial instability. This worry keeps thousands of potential coaches on the sidelines, trapped in careers that don't fulfill their passion or potential. So how do you navigate the career transition without compromising your ability to provide for yourself and your loved ones?    In the second part of our Coach Builder limited series, host Donald Miller dives into the essential first step for anyone looking to start or grow their coaching business. He explores the concept of creating a "menu of products" – a strategic approach to offering your coaching services in a way that addresses specific client needs and problems. By breaking down the process of product creation, from identifying client problems to developing targeted solutions, Don gives you a blueprint to build a profitable coaching business model. You’ll also get tips on how to des

  • 161: What You Should Put in a Job Description to Get the Perfect Hire

    12/02/2024 Duration: 29min

    Creating a job description that gets the right people interested is not as easy as it might sound. It's even more challenging when it's your first time hiring or when you're adding more people to your team. The key is to strike the right balance of talking about what skills they need and also what problems they might encounter on the job. So how do you write a job description that accurately explains what you’re looking for and also talks about the challenges that might come up?    Today, host Donald Miller and producer Bobby Richards take your questions around the process of how to hire, conduct interviews, and write job descriptions. Donald offers a valuable look into the hiring process, emphasizing the importance of considering both the positive attributes and the potential drawbacks of candidates. You’ll learn why it’s important to be self-aware as a leader, how to avoid hiring disasters, and how to find people who fit well with your business and your way of managing. Tune in and get practical advice that

  • Coach Builder Part 1—How to Pivot Your Career Into A Profitable Coaching Business

    06/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    How can you make money from your expertise and become known as a coach? It's a big question for many who have significant experience in their field and want to switch to coaching or consulting. Potential coaches grapple with the fear of leaving behind a secure job for the “unpredictable” world of coaching, questioning whether their knowledge is marketable and if they can truly make a living out of their passion. They often struggle to get started because they’re stuck wondering: how do I pivot my career and reinvent myself as a coach?    In the first episode of Coach Builder, a limited series by Business Made Simple, host Donald Miller shares success stories of real people who were doing well in their career, decided to transition into coaching, and absolutely crushed it. And this path is possible for almost anyone. Don offers real-world insight to help future coaches see the incredible potential to use what they know to make a great living and create a life they love. Listen in and learn how you, too, can tu

  • #160: Rory Vaden—How to Build a Personal Brand (Without Pretending to be Someone You’re Not)

    05/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever wondered how to build a personal brand without having to become someone you're not? It's something a lot of us struggle with in an era where everyone's trying to be noticed online. The truth is, there are people out there right now who are desperately seeking the insights and solutions you already know and take for granted. Your everyday skills and knowledge, the things you do so naturally, could be the exact answers someone else is searching for. So how can you turn who you are and what you do into a personal brand that attracts the right kind of attention?    In this episode, Donald Miller sits down with personal branding expert and co-founder of Brand Builders Group, Rory Vaden, to explore what it means to create a strong personal brand. Rory has helped thousands of people create brands that truly represent them, and now he's here to help you and answer listener questions. You’ll get expert insight on why personal branding is less about self-promotion and more about the digitization of your r

  • Coach Builder Limited Series PREVIEW—Your First Step to Starting a Successful Coaching Business

    30/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    Many people are afraid to leave their full-time jobs because they're not sure they could ever make it on their own as a coach or consultant. The stakes are too high. There's too much to learn. Where do you even begin in such a crowded marketplace? Here's the truth: coaches with a clear plan and who follow the right steps to grow their businesses survive. Coaches without a plan don't. Our new nine-part Coach Builder limited podcast series is here to walk you through those steps!    Just follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed, and every Tuesday starting February 6th for nine weeks, host Donald Miller will unpack how you can start turning your expertise into a thriving coaching business. In this preview of an upcoming episode, Don breaks down the very first step you need to take to start this journey.   If you're ready to put an end to feeling undervalued at work and embark down the path to becoming a successful coach, don't miss the upcoming Coach Builder limited podcast series. Follow the Business Made S

  • #159: Stop the Revolving Door! The Secret to Finding and Keeping Great Employees

    29/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Do you feel stuck in a loop of hiring people only to see them leave? The secret to breaking this cycle isn't just about who you hire—it's about how you help them work together in a way that pushes the company forward. Every business leader dreams of assembling a team that feels less like hired hands and more like dedicated partners in the company's mission. So how do you create and maintain a cohesive team that shares your vision and purpose?   Today, host Donald Miller has author and entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz back to dive deeper into the strategies for building unstoppable teams. In last week's episode, they had a great chat about Mike's new book, All In, and now they're here to answer your questions about leading a team, finding the right people, and keeping them happy. Mike and

  • Turn Your Expertise Into a Thriving Coaching Business—New Limited Series Coming February 6!

    23/01/2024 Duration: 03min

    Many people are afraid to leave their full-time jobs because they're not sure they could ever make it on their own as a coach or consultant. The stakes are too high. There's too much to learn. Where do you even begin in such a crowded marketplace? Here's the truth: coaches with a clear plan and who follow the right steps to grow their businesses survive. Coaches without a plan don't. Our new nine-part Coach Builder limited podcast series is here to walk you through those steps!   Just follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed, and every Tuesday starting February 6th for nine weeks, host Donald Miller will unpack how you can start turning your expertise into a thriving coaching business.   If you're ready to put an end to feeling undervalued at work and embark on the journey to becoming a successful coach, don't miss the upcoming Coach Builder limited podcast series. Follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed wherever you stream podcasts, and every Tuesday for nine weeks starting February 6th, you'll lear

  • #158: Mike Michalowicz—How to Build and Lead an Unstoppable Team

    22/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   It’s not easy to build and manage diverse and productive teams. First, you’ve got to find the right people with the right mix of skills, then you’ve got to retain them over the long-term. Oh, and don’t forget about creating the kind of workplace culture where everyone can thrive! The anxiety and uncertainty surrounding team building can slow the growth and success of any business. So what are some practical solutions business owners can turn to when assembling their dream team?   In today’s episode, Donald Miller is joined by author and entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz to talk about how to recruit and retain a team of top talent. They discuss Michalowicz's new book All In, which shows you what it takes to become a great leader and build an unstoppable team. You’ll walk away with useful t

  • #157: How to Stop Thinking Like a Victim and Become Your Own Hero

    15/01/2024 Duration: 25min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Many people feel stuck in their situation, often thinking they're victims of their circumstances. This mindset can make you feel like a loser because your motivation plummets and hopelessness tends to set in. As a result, it becomes hard to accomplish what you want in life. Not being able to move past this frustration and have a fulfilling life is an all-too-common problem. So how can you rewire your brain to think more like a winner and start getting what you want?   In this episode, host Donald Miller talks about how to beat these challenges and set goals you can actually achieve. He opens up about his own story of how he changed from feeling like a failure to developing a winning mindset and finding amazing success. Exploring ideas from his book Hero on a Mission, he invites you to

  • #156: Will Guidara Returns—Is Hospitality the Ultimate Competitive Advantage?

    08/01/2024 Duration: 34min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Business owners often find it hard to balance profitability with genuine customer care. If you’re too focused on getting things done quickly and making money, personal connections and customer service can often take a backseat. In a marketplace where business is often driven by the bottom line, how can you stand out by prioritizing relationships and exceptional customer service?    In this episode, host Donald Miller welcomes Will Guidara back to the show. Will is the author of Unreasonable Hospitality and the former co-owner and manager of Eleven Madison Park, which became the #1 restaurant in the world. They discuss how to bring genuine care and top-notch service into any businesses, not just the hospitality industry. Their conversation goes beyond just business tips, exploring deep

  • #155: Alex Hormozi—Facing Economic Uncertainty Head-On (REPLAY)

    01/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   With inflation and interest rates hitting recent highs, fears of a recession have been mounting around the U.S. For small business owners, the threat of an economic downturn can be terrifying. But it’s important to recognize that recessions aren’t rare events—they happen roughly every 5 to 10 years. That's why it’s crucial for businesses to be equipped with strategies for these tough times. So how can you make sure your business can be resilient during extreme economic fluctuations?    In this episode, we're revisiting Donald Miller's conversation with Alex Hormozi, founder of and author of $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No and $100M Leads: How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff. Alex shares 4 key steps to fortifying your bus

  • #154: Debunking the Myth of “Work-Life Balance” (REPLAY)

    25/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   The concept of “work-life balance” often feels impossible, especially for business owners who can’t seem to switch off from work. Many people struggle to balance their job with their personal life, missing out on family events or relaxing downtime because of work demands. Constant stress and long work hours can have serious effects on your mental and physical health. They can lead to increased anxiety and feeling disconnected from family and hobbies.   As we wrap up 2023, we're revisiting a past episode (#106: Why “Work-Life Balance” Isn’t Working For You) where Donald Miller provides a fresh take on work-life balance heading into the new year. He questions the common view that work and life can be perfectly balanced. Instead, he suggests that it’s something we all must continually ev

  • #153: When the Going Gets Tough—How to Be Resilient in Business and Life

    18/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    Join us on February 1 & 2, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Life isn’t always fair. As business owners, we all face tough times, complicated situations, and people who make our journey even more challenging. These problems can make us feel stuck, unsure of how to move forward in our personal and professional lives. So what’s the best way to face hard situations head on and come out unscathed?   In today’s episode, join host Donald Miller as he shares strategies to deal with the unfair moments, complex issues, and difficult people you’ll inevitably confront in business and life. You’ll learn practical tips to turn those conflicts into opportunities for growth. Listen in and find out how to navigate life's difficult moments and emerge a wiser, better human being!   --   STUCK TRYING TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS? SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION FOR A CHANCE TO HAV

  • #152: AI Is Here to Stay—Here’s What Business Owners Need to Do Now

    11/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    Join us on February 1, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Artificial intelligence is here to stay and understanding how to use it is becoming non-negotiable. But many business owners and entrepreneurs are still figuring out how to make the most of tools like ChatGPT. In the meantime, they’re missing out on the multitude of benefits these technologies can bring, like generating new product ideas or making their work 10x easier. So how can you get past the confusion and start using AI to keep up with the ever-evolving business landscape?    In today’s episode, host Donald Miller brings in Dr. J.J. Peterson, Head of StoryBrand and host of the Marketing Made Simple Podcast, to tackle the wild and often-complicated world of AI. They discuss how AI, especially ChatGPT, can be a colossal help in areas like creating content, coming up with ideas, and learni

  • #151: Ask Amy Porterfield: Your Online Marketing Questions Answered

    04/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    Join us on February 1, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it hard to make the leap into the online business world. They see the potential in online courses or coaching but struggle with making good content, getting people interested, and selling their products and services. This often leads to a lot of hesitation and confusion that keeps would-be entrepreneurs stuck in jobs they hate for way too long. So we brought in one of our favorite experts to help you sort it all out!   In this episode of Business Made Simple, host Donald Miller teams up with Amy Porterfield, author of Two Weeks Notice and leading expert on digital marketing and online course creation, to answer and coach through listener submitted questions including how to quit your 9-5, produce online courses, shift professional identities, and more. This ep

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