Wayne Stiles Podcast



The practical Bible Teaching of Wayne Stiles, connecting the Bible and its Lands to Life.


  • When We Worship People


    Jeremiah 17:5-8 -- We live in a world that looks to people to fulfill what only God can give: assurance, security, and love. Whom you need you worship, and people have become our idol of choice. Jeremiah shows that such fear of man leads to desolation, but fearing God leads to life and fulfillment.(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Curse of Self-Esteem


    “The Curse of Self-Esteem”--Genesis 2:25-3:11-- We usually see our low esteem as a problem between us and people, rather than between us and God. But low self-esteem usually betrays a thwarted pride. It's only when we face our nakedness before God that He covers our shame—in fact He removes it.(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Your Adversary, The Devil


    Part 12 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 5:8-14 -The clear source of suffering is an enemy we can’t see and yet who’s on the prowl for those unprepared. So be prepared! Stand firm in your faith, knowing you’re not alone in the struggle, and the struggle is only a temporary state before an eternal glory. Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Do You Have a Problem with Authority?


    Part 11 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 5:1-7 -To those in authority over others, the goal is humility. To those under the authority of others, the goal is also . . . humility. God honors humility, but humbles the proud. We can choose to receive God’s grace by resisting that natural impulse of pride.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Best Way to Suffer


    Part 10 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 4:12-19 -Peter argues that suffering is part of God’s plan for every believer; the variable remains how we will suffer. The best way to suffer is to rejoice in the knowledge that trials are normal, but temporary, and rejoicing at what’s eternal will cause extraordinary rejoicing in eternity. The best way to suffer as a Christian is to suffer unjustly, entrusting yourself to God—for in so doing “for the name of Christ, you are blessed.”Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Looking Toward the End


    Part 9 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 4:7-11 -What if the end was near? I mean, really. What should each person focus on? This passage reveals the answer: prayer, love, hospitality, and service. All these he should do for one main reason: “the end of all things is at hand.” Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Life That Kills You


    Part 8 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 4:1-6 -As those who know the futility of a life of sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousals, and drinking parties, we should arm ourselves with the fact that those things caused the death of Jesus Christ. That knowledge should spur us to live the rest of our days for the wonderful will of God and no longer for the enfeebling lusts of men. Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Ever-Ready Message


    Part 7 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 3:13-22 -If Christ is set apart as absolute Lord of our hearts, then we should be ready at any moment to give a reason for the hope of heaven. And once that reason is given, our good conscience and behavior—regardless of our suffering—should match the message we share. Christ exemplified this behavior of readiness amidst unjust suffering—even going so far as to proclaim, after His death, a message of victory to the damned.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • To Love, Honor, and Cherish


    Part 6 - “Faith in Times Like These” - 1 Peter 3:7-12 - Peace in the home stems from excellent behavior in the home. A practical command is given to every husband: know and honor your wife. Then an integral command is given to both spouses: return insults with a blessing—not retaliation. Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • He Loves Me Not


    Part 5 - “Faith in Times Like These” - 1 Peter 3:1-6 -Just as all believers are to submit to proper authority—even when it’s unjust—so that principle extends to the home. Peter offers practical advice to wives of unbelieving husbands, as to how excellent behavior can also be a tool through which God works on a husband’s heart. Peter also gives comfort to the weary woman who struggles with a husband who doesn’t love her. Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Man with Two Countries


    Part 4 – “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 2:11-25 - Though citizens of a nation, in truth we are aliens and strangers in the world. And while living in the world, our behavior should reflect obedience to both governmental and vocational authority. This excellent behavior-- even when treated unjustly-- silences the unbelievers and pleases Christ who also unjustly suffered in this world. Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Love What Lasts


    Part 3 - “Faith in Times Like These” - 1 Peter 1:22-2:10 -Once the attitude of holiness has begun in an individual’s heart, he or she should display that holiness in selfless love for God’s people and in an unflagging desire for God Word. Only through Scripture will anyone grow in respect to salvation, and only through love displayed will that salvation be shared with others. Only two things last forever--God’s Word and God’s people. So love what lasts. Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Why Should We Be Good?


    Part 2 - “Faith in Times Like These”- 1 Peter 1:13-21 -We could sum up most sermons in two words: “Be good.” But why be good? Why does the Bible tells us that? The answer lies in God’s character. Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Anger with God


    Part 4 - “Good and Angry” - Psalm 13 - Anger often stems from unmet “needs,” such as a desire for respect, admiration, or affirmation. There must be a balance between legitimate needs and codependency. One major way we attempt to have these needs met is by trying to control others. The Bible gives the better alternative—freedom in choices and freedom from dependencies. (Wayne recommends The Anger Workbook by Les Carter, an essential resource used in this series.)Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • How Feelings Fuel Your Anger


    Part 3 - “Good and Angry”Selected ScriptureAnger often stems from unmet “needs,” such as a desire for respect, admiration, or affirmation. There must be a balance between legitimate needs and codependency. One major way we attempt to have these needs met is by trying to control others. The Bible gives the better alternative—freedom in choices and freedom from dependencies. (Wayne recommends The Anger Workbook by Les Carter, an essential resource used in this series.)Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Mending Your Skinned Needs


    Part 2 - “Good and Angry”Selected Scripture Anger often stems from unmet “needs,” such as a desire for respect, admiration, or affirmation. There must be a balance between legitimate needs and codependency. One major way we attempt to have these needs met is by trying to control others. The Bible gives the better alternative—freedom in choices and freedom from dependencies. (Wayne recommends The Anger Workbook by Les Carter, an essential resource used in this series.)Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Self, Meet Your Anger


    Part 1 - “Good and Angry”Ephesians 4:25-32 Anger is more than losing your temper; it surfaces and is dealt with in many ways—most often, inappropriately! The Bible reveals the purpose for anger and the choices we have regarding its management—both for ourselves and toward others. (Wayne recommends The Anger Workbook by Les Carter, an essential resource used in this series.)Open this podcast in iTunes Go to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • We’ve Only Just Begun


    Part 8 - (Commitment) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 8:3-14 -In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Keeping the Love Alive


    Part 7 - (Intimacy) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 7:1-8:4 -In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • We Can Work It Out


    Part 6 - (Reconciliation) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 5:8-6:13 -In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

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