Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 34:03:50
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Do you want to save and revive your marriage? Create a new life after divorce? Or perhaps help your children through divorce? This show focuses on helping executives, professionals and expats get unstuck, create change, heal their life and relationships after marriage breakdown and divorce. The show includes tips from Nicola Beer, an International Relationship & Divorce coach as well as interviews with best-selling authors, speakers, divorce lawyers and mediators.


  • Love Is A Gift Not A Transaction - Marriage Support

    16/06/2015 Duration: 16min

    Do you ever weigh up what you have done in your relationship and what your partner has done? Do you reach the conclusion you are doing and giving way more? Do you feel frustrated, annoyed or generally negative inside when you do this? If the answer is yes then you have fallen into the trap of turning your love into a transaction. Transactions are for businesses and banks, not relationships. I am guilty of this myself, but now stop this way of thinking because it gets you and your relationship no where. To some degree I think many of us think “I am doing this for you, what are you doing for me?” from time to time. But if you let this be the way your relationship works, then it becomes a balance book marriage - where you hope and try to even everything out. This damages the relationship because when we give love to get something back and when we want the marriage to be equal: giving and getting, we are acting from a mentality of fear, scarcity and lack. We don’t think there is enough love to get or give,

  • Annoying Habits In Relationships - How to Deal With Them - Save Your Marriage

    16/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    What’s are your spouse’s most annoying habits? Is it the way they talk, eat, sit, clean up? Do they perhaps hum an annoying tune or crack their knuckles? And when was the last time they did something that irritated you? Last week? Yesterday? An hour ago? One of the most annoying things about annoying habits is that they can be so small, but still drive you mad. Overtime you may find the list of annoying habits grow. It may not be that your spouse has added more irritating habits as years have gone by, but instead, a sign your “honeymoon period” is over. In this episode I share tips to tackle annoying habits so they don’t destroy your love and connection with one another. Grab your copy of my Free E-books to get through marriage problems and divorce visit www.purepeacecoaching.com or contact me on nicola@purepeacecoaching.com

  • Divorce Without Destroying Your Family - Joryn Jenkins Talks About Collaborative Divorce

    16/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Joryn Jenkins is a trial attorney with 35 years of courtroom experience, now in private practice at Open Palm in Tampa, where she concentrates on the collaborative practice of family law. She is the author of War or Peace, Avoid the Destruction of Divorce Court. In this episode you will learn about how the collaborative process works and its many benefits. You will also discover some tips to help you decide what process to follow and where to get further support. Joryn helps people divorce each other without destroying their families and their bank accounts. She is passionate about this because her parents divorced when she was seven years old and her mother packed them into the van and moved 3000 miles away. She never saw her father again. She doesn’t want to see that happen to other children, to other families. She is known for helping her clients restructure their families, not destroy them. For more information on Joryn and the wonderful work she does contact her at www.collaborativepractice.com Nicol

  • Dealing With Rejection In Marriage Breakdown & Divorce

    16/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    Rejection is one of the hardest emotions to deal with. You can feel rejected in a marriage and at the end and if you don't learn how to let go of it, it can stay with you throughout the marriage. When I felt rejected in a past relationship, it crushed me and consumed me. Thankfully, due to the steps and process I created and will share with you in this episode the pain lasted hours and days,instead of months and years. If you also want to read the text of this episode you can find it on my blog page. www.purepeacecoacing/blog If you have any questions or want further free resources - contact me Nicola@purepeacecoaching.com From my heart to yours Nicola Beer

  • Online Dating Profiles - Do's and Dont's - Dating After Divorce

    20/05/2015 Duration: 17min

    We all deserve to be in a loving, passionate and rewarding relationship. Did you know that today 1 in 6 marriages meet online and that 1 in 3 couples now find love on the internet. Many individuals after a divorce want to find love but don't do anything about it. They sit their wishing and waiting, some fear online dating. So today I want to help you find love. The most important part of online dating is getting your profile right. Get it wrong and you will be overlooked or worse hounded by weirdo's. In this episode there is a list of online dating profiles do’s and don’ts. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship and Divorce Coach. Helping couples save their marriage or individuals and children get through and create a new life after divorce. nicola@purepeacecoaching.com www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • Co-parenting After Divorce - Child Refuses to See One Parent

    18/05/2015 Duration: 19min

    Let’s face it co-parenting after divorce isn’t easy. Many children of divorce go through a roller-coaster of emotions like their parents do when the family splits. Children may isolate. Have angry outbursts. Refuse to eat. Cry. Say horrible things. Throw tantrums. But what do you do if they refuse to see you or your ex-spouse? It’s a delicate and difficult situation for all involved and one that needs to be handled carefully. What to do in this situation will be addressed in this episode Nicola Beer is an International Relationship and Divorce Coach. Helping couples save their marriage or individuals and children get through and create a new life after divorce. nicola@purepeacecoaching.com www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • Overcome Failure In Relationships - Marriage and Divorce Support

    18/05/2015 Duration: 18min

    Feelings of failure after a relationship breaks down or ends in divorce can really lower your outlook on life. Perceived or actual failure can cause you to feel sad, frustrated, angry, disappointed. It can leave you to see no meaning in pursuing romantic relationships or sometimes life itself. If you are feeling like you are failing or failed my heart goes out to you, don’t let these feelings consume you. Take my 6 steps to learn, grow and find opportunity from them. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship and Divorce Coach. Helping couples save their marriage or individuals and children get through and create a new life after divorce. nicola@purepeacecoaching.com www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • Family Law Attorney Mark Baer Tells Us how to Protect Children Through the Legal Process of Divorce

    16/05/2015 Duration: 37min

    Attorney Mark B. Baer is recognized as a 'thought leader' in many areas of Family Law for his provocative and forward-thinking ideas on improving the way Family Law is handled. As a former litigator who advocates the use of mediation and collaboration whenever possible, Baer points out the inherent flaws that exist in litigating Family Law matters, then reveals more creative and less destructive approaches. In the episode he talks about how you can protect your children from divorce through choosing the correct legal process to go through. He also shares his views on marriage utilizing his vast array of information and knowledge, well beyond the law itself. Baer provides insight on how the dissolution of familial relationships, as typically practiced, leads to less-than-optimal results, both financially and emotionally. He highlights the difference between 'dispute resolution' and 'conflict resolution' to offer simple ways of achieving a better result for all parties involved, including the children. Ni

  • Marriage and Divorce Support - Overcomming Alcohol, Smoking, Gambling, Eating Addictions

    16/05/2015 Duration: 24min

    John Dicey CEO of Allen Carr, Easyway Method to Quit talks about how addictions and emotional habits affect relationships. Listen to his advice on how to approach addictions and emotional habits in a relationships, when and what to say. John’s story: John was an 80 a day smoker and had tried many times to quit - using every method he could find; He attended a treatment center purely as a way of stopping his wife (then his girlfriend) hassling him about stopping smoking. He did a deal…he would attend the clinic - if it didn't work - she agreed not to hassle him about stopping smoking for at least 12 months. He thought it was a great deal and was convinced the session wouldn't work. No-one was more surprised than him (or his wife) when he left the clinic a happy non-smoker. It saved their relationship. John felt so passionate about helping others he became trained as an Allen Carr's Easyway Therapist and has treated more than 30,000 smokers. John tells us how he has seen addictions impact relationships and

  • Arguments Over How You Spend Time Can Ruin Marriages and Lead to Divorce, Get My 5 Steps to Support You

    02/05/2015 Duration: 15min

    Time can be a big source of conflict in relationships. When you get married “your time” also becomes “their time” and if you have children then you need to also schedule in “family time” Many couples I speak to are feeling so busy and stressed by feeling pulled in multiple directions that the quality of the marriage is declining. Perhaps you can relate? Are you both so busy with work, the kids, and your own interests that you can go for days without having a real conversation? And bedtime? Is that's strictly for sleeping now? Arguments over how time is spent, is fairly common in relationships. Listen to my 5 steps to healing your relationship, if time is an issue. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship and Divorce Coach, that helps couples across the globe save their marriage or if they decide on divorce helps them through it to protect themselves and their children. Want more free resources? Get your copy of my 7 Secrets to Save Your Marriage, available at www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • Interview with Russell Friedman on Grief After Marriage Breakdown & Divorce. He is the Co-founder Grief Recovery Institute

    22/04/2015 Duration: 49min

    This Informative Episode has Russell Friedman as a guest speaker: Russell is the Executive Director of The Grief Recovery Institute and co-author of The Grief Recovery Handbook, When Children Grieve, and Moving On. "Moving on" is about grief recovery from romantic break ups and Divorce. The Grief Recovery Institute has been established for over 30 years, training people in grief recovery which I completed a few years ago and use in my coaching. Russell arrived at the Institute in 1987 on the heels of a second divorce and a bankruptcy. At that point, he would not have known to use the word "grief" to describe divorce and financial problems. Like most people he thought grief was only about death. Now he knows that the emotions of grief attach to a list of 40 different loss experience and divorce is one of them. He is here today to talk us through what you can do after a break up to heal your heart and move on. He also provides insight to help children deal with the impact of divorce and explains the common

  • 7 Steps to Rediscovering Yourself After Divorce / Separation

    22/04/2015 Duration: 22min

    Separation and divorce is a very challenging time. As an international relationship and divorce coach, one thing I see people struggle with, is “finding themselves” again. Many find after years of putting others needs before their own that they don’t know who they are anymore...In this episode you will find 7 simple steps you can take now to rediscover who you are and redesign your life. Your learn how to enjoy this time in your life and create a new beginning! Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works with executives, professionals and expats across the globe to create change and emotionally heal after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include: Marriage Support, Deciding if the Marriage is Over, Divorce Support, Creating a New Life After Divorce, Helping Children with Divorce and Co-Parenting Support For more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • 10 Secret Guidelines to Financial Harmony in Marriage - with Nicola Beer International Relationship & Divorce Coach

    22/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    Separation and divorce is a very challenging time. As an international relationship and divorce coach, one thing I see people struggle with, is “finding themselves” again. Many find after years of putting others needs before their own that they don’t know who they are anymore...In this episode you will find 7 simple steps you can take now to rediscover who you are and redesign your life. Your learn how to enjoy this time in your life and create a new beginning! Please note - all names have been changed for confidential reasons. Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works with executives, professionals and expats across the globe to create change and emotionally heal after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include: Marriage Support, Deciding if the Marriage is Over, Divorce Support, Creating a New Life After Divorce, Helping Children with Divorce and Co-Parenting Support For more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • Dealing with Jealousy in Relationships - Marriage Counseling

    08/04/2015 Duration: 20min

    As you are probably aware Jealousy in a relationship is destructive and for some couples it can be so extreme that it destroys it, it can also tear a person apart. Despite this, it can be a fairly common relationship problem to resolve. In this epsiode you will first discover the most common reasons jealousy comes up in relationships. Then learn a simple process to help deal with it. Whether it is you that is more prone to jealousy or your spouse, there are actions you can take to tackle it and create a happier, healthier relationship. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works mainly with executives, professionals and expats across the globe, looking to heal and create after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include Marriage Support, Deciding if the Marriage is Over, Divorce Support, Creating a New Life After Divorce, Helping Children with Divorce and Co-Parenting Support www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • Surviving Infidelity - 9 Steps to Healing After an Affair - marriage counseling

    08/04/2015 Duration: 17min

    Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works with executives, professionals and expats across the globe to create change and emotionally heal after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include Marriage Support, Deciding if the Marriage is Over, Divorce Support, Creating a New Life After Divorce, Helping Children with Divorce and Co-Parenting Support For more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • 10 Tips To Handling Conflict in Marriage - Marriage Counseling and Divorce Advice with Nicola Beer

    08/04/2015 Duration: 11min

    It does not matter whether you are dating, newlyweds or been married for years’ conflicts in relationships are both normal and natural, and healthy conflicts are a sign of a healthy marriage. But the problem is many of us refuse to engage in healthy conflicts, we insist we are right and the other person wrong. We refuse to listen, this must be avoided if we want healthy, stable and positive relationships. In this episodes you will learn 10 tips to handling conflict in marriage. The six most common marriage conflicts Nicola helps individuals and couples with are financial, sex, child-raising, family commitment, family interference and work interference she will address each of these in future episodes so be sure to subscribe, so you don’t miss out. Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works mainly with executives, professionals and expats across the globe to create change and emotionally heal after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include Marriage Support, Deciding if

  • Avoid Awkward Conversations After Divorce and Separation - Marriage Counseling and Divorce Support

    08/04/2015 Duration: 12min

    Have you ever been asked “Who wanted the Divorce?” “What Happened?” or other inappropriate, personal or awkward questions and not know how to respond? If yes this episode is for you. You will learn 5 different responses to handle difficult or inappropriate questions. As well as to guard yourself from nosy family members, co-workers and gossipers. In this episodes you will learn 5 tips to handling conflict in marriage. Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works with executives, professionals and expats across the globe to create change and emotionally heal after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include: Marriage Support, Deciding if the Marriage is Over, Divorce Support, Creating a New Life After Divorce, Helping Children with Divorce and Co-Parenting Support For more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com

  • What Do You Do If Your Ex Bad Mouth's You To Your Children - Divorce Advice

    08/04/2015 Duration: 17min

    Co-parenting challenges after divorce are common. The 3 frequent questions that come up in my coaching are: What do I say to my child when they blurt out something hurtful my ex has said about me? Do I confront my Ex? Should I defend myself? In this episode you we will address each of these questions. You will also listen to three different examples of what to say to your children if your ex bad mouths you. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship and Divorce Coach that works mainly with executives, professionals and expats in various different stages of marriage breakdown and divorce across the globe.

  • Parenting & Divorce - Establish Clear Rules for Children aft...

    08/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    In this episode you will learn some areas where you and your ex may want to agree rules for children and why it is important. Let's face it, it is difficult to agree on rules for children when you are together let alone apart. But some rules are essential to help reduce co-parenting stress and support children with the changes divorce brings. Nicola Beer, helps individuals and couples Create Change and Heal Emotionally after Marriage Breakdown & Divorce. Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach that works mainly with executives, professionals and expats across the globe.

  • Marriage Counseling - Surviving A Long Distance Relationship

    08/04/2015 Duration: 19min

    All you need is love. That's is what the songs say, but what happens when the love of your life is living hundreds or thousands of miles apart. In this episode Nicola shares tips from expats, professionals and executives across the globe. Nicola is an international relationship and divorce coach, who focuses on creating change and emotionally healing for the individuals and couples she works with.

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