Dubious Intent



In a universe of shows about nothing comes yet another LGBT show about nothing – but this one does it with “Sass”!As the name implies, there is no definite direction or structure to this foray into aural experimentation. In thisnew, improved PLUS version, we cover something ELSE about nothing with a new cohost, Adam formerly from the Adamand Matty Show. We add a touch of tech and a touch of news to this show about nothing.


  • 118 - A Robot Voice

    09/05/2023 Duration: 01h35min

    The fact that both Adam and Daniel are getting old is evident in our first topics. Daniel is becoming a crazy cat lady and discusses stalking of two cats that he and Zach are considering adopting. Adam then reveals his age by talking about his crepy skin and his new beauty routine. Next we talk about AI. Daniel does a comparison of Bard vs ChatGPT and Adam reveals an AI generated clone of Daniel's voice. It's not too bad, but there is definitely room for improvement when it comes to emotion and inflection. We also had contact and news game sections. Finally we did the Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are National Hogie Day, International Tuba Day, and birthdays of Drew and Jonathan Scott, and Jay Leno. Contact Info: Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / ⁠⁠⁠http://VoiceMail.MixMinusPodcast.com⁠

  • 117 - Running Towards McDonalds

    01/05/2023 Duration: 01h43min

    Adam and Daniel return from their Magical Disney Trip and have lots to say about the trip. First off, Daniel gives us an update on his training since the 10k. He has kept it up and booked a couple more runs for 2023. He even asks Adam if Marc will do a run with him when they visit Arkansas in December. Apparently the Frosty 5k is at the right time. Next they go through a recap of the Disney trip. Daniel thinks Adam is way too critical of the entire experience. Adam says he loved the trip and just had a few criticisms that he has called out on podcasts to be funny. Adam and Marc fell asleep in the American Adventure show and got hell from Daniel. Adam also talks about his new love of the sexy tumble monkeys in the Animal Kingdom Lion King show. They are SOOOO hott!!! Finally we did the Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are National Hairball Awareness Day, and birthdays of Drew and Jonathan Scott, and Jay Leno. Contact Inf

  • 116 - You Look Like the Travelocity Gnome

    11/04/2023 Duration: 01h50min

    In this episode we start on time!! Adam made it back from his haircut by using the GPS. Daniel gives his standard run update as he prepares for his final week of training for the Disney marathon. Much to Daniel's dismay, Adam discusses he and Marc's planning for their summer trips in the Northeast US and Iceland. Daniel was hoping they were Florida/Disney plans. Daniel updates us on his deep dive into AI and usage of the various tools available. But instead of a deep dive into ChatGTP, Daniel decided he should use one of those avatar generators to create an image of himself. One of them looks similar to the Travelocity gnome. We also spent a bit of time talking about marketing of The Mix podcast and things we need to do in order to get more listeners including a possible name change, Instagram account, and Tiktok videos. We are moving on up!! Finally we did the normal segments of News Game, and Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year.

  • 115 - I Like Holding Things

    03/04/2023 Duration: 01h43min

    In this episode we return from a week off with Daniel correcting Adam's use of the one-shot in our video. Apparently Daniel is too self conscious to be on camera by himself. We also get a running update. It's easier to run on a tread mill. While we were on break Adam had small intruders in his house that cost a ton of money to remove. He also had a run in with the law, but swears he wasn't speeding. Daniel summarized his birthday trip to California and gave glowing reviews for Auntie Scott's beef stroganoff. We also played a hilarious clip from the new podcast Daniel has been listening to recently. You can find them at @toptobottompod on Tiktok. Finally we did the normal segments of Contact, News Gate, and Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are the discussion of Native American names during Kathy Bacons call and National Crayon Day. Contact Info: Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.comVoice: 707-61-DEATH / http://Voic

  • 114 - I am Busy ... Watching All of that Television

    20/03/2023 Duration: 01h17min

    Tonight on The Gay Mix, Adam was EXTREMELY late due to poor navigation issues. We talk about this and he is sufficiently scolded by Daniel, who would never go ANYWHERE without using GPS. Daniel also gave his most recent run update to let us know how he's doing on his training for the Disney marathon in July. Please note that Daniel has now been injured during training, so there may be a set back. Adam and Marc are joining Daniel and Zach for the Disney marathon (just to watch). So Adam and Daniel discussed the vacation plans and the various restaurants and rides that they will be partaking of on the trip. Finally we did the normal segments of Contact, News Gate, and Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are the birth of hottie singer Hozier and St Patrick's Day. Contact Info: Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.comVoice: 707-61-DEATH / http://VoiceMail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 113 - I am not at a loss of things to listen to

    14/03/2023 Duration: 01h34min

    We had a conversation after we recorded this show about who would be responsible for writing show notes for the episode. Adam volunteered to do it. If everything goes as planned, you won't be reading this description - you will be reading the comprehensive show notes from Adam. Oh! How you will delight in knowing what information is talked about on the show in the flowery prose of someone with complete command of the English language. Of course, if he forgets to do it then you will be reading this crap (feel free to call and lodge a complaint about it) Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://VoiceMail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 112 - How is it Possible to Have Audio That Bad?

    07/03/2023 Duration: 01h35min

    I asked ChatGPT to write the summary of this week's show. I just passed it the topics from our Trello board. It basically just rearranged all of the words that I had given it. This week, Adam and Daniel talk about Running, Tron, Trixie and Katya, Airplane Captain, and Margaritas.  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH or http://Voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 111 - Would I Really Use A Weather Balloon?

    21/02/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    I asked ChatGPT to write the summary of this episode for me and it told me that it had no knowledge about it. This is bad because quite frankly I don't remember what we talked about. We use a topic board system during the show. Maybe if I look at it I might remember some things. Apparently there was a magic show and a chocolate festival during Valentine's Weekend - nope I don't remember it. You might as well go ahead and take a listen to it. Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 110 - The Arid Peaks of Mt. Epcot

    30/01/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    What a strange episode this was. Immediately the show is sidetracked talking about the video which causes Daniel to skip the Running update at the top of the show (don't worry, he did talk about it later in the episode). As it turns out, Adam doesn't even know who Miley Cyrus is - much less know about her new song and the significance of it when compared to a Bruno Mars song from 2009. We also learn that Adam doesn't know why someone would be curious if he has top-secret documents in his house.  Daniel has a new induction range and convection oven combo which arrived this week. He hasn't used it long enough to have a thorough review, but by the time the show comes back from hiatus, he will. Speaking of which, the show will be taking off the month of February due to a ton of scheduled events. Rest assured, it will return March 3rd, 2023 (so mark your calendars for that evening).  Email: Contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 109 - You Can Not Handle the Live Streaming

    21/01/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    After Daniel updates everyone about his elite-level run training, he starts to chastise Adam about something he heard on "Throwing Down" (Adam's podcast with Joe Betance). Before he can even make a point, Adam reveals that he also wants to discuss this topic. In typical Adam fashion, he re-hashes too many details about something that could have been narrowed down to a few sentences.  It turns out that Adam is upset about Joe's belief that Adam reads the chat room too much during "Throwing Down" and has been "banned" from live-streaming the recording of the show whereas Daniel is upset that Adam never listens to his stories. Long story short: they will start tagging items on the show rundown denoting items that should not be interrupted. The most number of phone calls in forever floods the contact segment. Celebrities are dead, people get entries into the contest, and the truth about the Australian School System is revealed. You probably didn't expect to gain an intercontinental expose of competing school

  • 108 - Is Turk a Derogatory Term?

    12/01/2023 Duration: 01h43min

    The first show of the new year and Adam poses the musical question "Is Turk a derogatory term"? Well, there was no music but it would sound silly if I were to say that he asked the spoken question. Regardless ... Irregardless? I never remember which one of those that I should use. I never have a problem with remembering the difference between bring and take or lay and lie but for some reason I am drawing a blank on regardless or irregardless. Maybe it is like flammable and inflammable which essentially mean the same thing? I don't know. I should probably look it up.  Oh yeah. There was a show and lots of fun things were said. You should listen to it.  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 107 - This Wasn't Earth, This Wasn't America

    03/01/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    Our very last show of 2022 rolls out like an old man wearing diapers - because you can Depend on it! We cover all of the exciting things that have happened in our lives since Christmas and spend a few minutes looking ahead to 2023. Celebrity deaths are reported, news games are played, and we make fun of not one, but two different podcasts (other than our own).  Make a New Year's resolution to call us and say hello! Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 106 - Jesus is a Diva

    26/12/2022 Duration: 01h41min

    This was our penultimate show of 2022. We talk about holiday happenings and running a 5k race at a winery. Daniel found out on Wednesday that he would be off for the rest of the year thanks to a departmental goal that was met. Adam will continue to toil away at the Spitvalve factory instead of enjoying a week off. We play voicemails from people and a very nice email was read. Daniel apologized to one of the listeners for mansplaining things on Mastodon.  We have one final show left for 2022. Join us live at 10 pm ET on Pride48 - Friday, December 30th! Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 105 - Some of Them Are Really, Really Common

    21/12/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    Hey there loyal podcast description reader! On this episode we talked about Daniel's running progress as well as his trip to Arkansas. Adam talked about his big fancy new monitor and how he needs you to click on his Amazon affiliate link in order to pay for it. Here is the link - https://amzn.to/3WuXAdv  I always hate writing these descriptions because I never remember exactly what we talked about by the time I complete editing and posting it to Anchor. I keep asking Adam if we can hire an intern to do these kinds of things for us, but he just tells me to shut up and click on his Amazon link.  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 104 - Literally Out in the Middle of the Ocean

    06/12/2022 Duration: 01h45min

    Adam and Daniel went on a cruise for Thanksgiving and they are both giving thanks to being back home. Adam took a week off from his award-winning daily podcast which means that this is the first episode in a very long time where he isn't repeating material. We play some voice mails and some games before we slide into the after-show.  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH

  • 103 - I Don't Know if I Can Work a Treadmill

    14/11/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    Hey kids! We talked about a lot of things on this episode but I can't remember what they were because we are leaving for a cruise in 4 days! Let's just assume that I (Daniel) said lots of witty things and Adam poo-poo'ed them rather than react as one would for a witty thing. I'm not sure exactly how one reacts to a witty thing and for that matter, I am not entirely sure that I said anything witty. SO, how about you just listen to the episode and decide for yourself!  We will not be doing live shows for the next two weeks as we enjoy our Caribbean cruise.  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 102 - Immediately Blocked me on Social Media

    31/10/2022 Duration: 01h27min

    It was a very busy week for the Celebrity Death Phone! At this rate, we might need to take out a loan to award the prize during the live-streaming weekend next year. Adam updated us on Marc's whereabouts and Daniel let us know how he is faring with his 10k preparations. Of course, the story of the week is a (presumably former) listener behaving like a 3-year-old who was told "no" when they wanted an ice cream cone.  We are off next week, so our next live show will be on November 14th at 10 pm ET.  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 101 - Laying Around in your Underwear

    24/10/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    Now that I know that only Gary reads these descriptions, I can just tailor it to him. So, Gary, you were in the room for most of the first part of the show, but when you fell asleep after one too many Baptist beers, there was a news quiz and a lovely discussion about how realistic dog girl looked. Congratulations on getting an entry into the contest and an extra $2 added to the pot simply by reading the episode description!  Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com If by some chance anyone else is reading this; you can get an entry into our contest and increase the pot by $2 if you leave us a voicemail and cut it short because you are interrupted by something. I will leave the "something" up to you. 

  • 100 - Our 100th Episode EGGstravaganza

    16/10/2022 Duration: 01h39min

    I mean sure we made 500+ episodes of Dubious Intent and when you add in all of the other shows we have been on over the years, 100 seems like a tiny number. But Marc is out of town and Adam wanted an excuse to drink so we decided to celebrate 100 episodes of Mix Minus. Thank you to everyone who called in and left us a message we really do appreciate it. I will give you one more chance to bump up the deathphone pot - if you work the word "circuitous" into a voicemail this week, I will add $2 to the pot and give you an entry into the contest.   Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

  • 099 - Single and Ready to Mingle

    10/10/2022 Duration: 01h29min

    Hey everyone and by everyone I mean the one or two people that actually read the show notes. Next week we will be recording our 100th episode of Mix Minus! We would love it if you would call in and let us know that you are out there. Nothing big, just say HI or Happy 100th or maybe give us some fascinating trivia about why we recognize hitting 100? Oh, and if you, the reader of this work the word piccolo into your phone call, I will add $2 to the pot and add your name to the contest.  Email: contact@MinxMinusPodcast.com Voice: 707-61-DEATH / voicemail.MixMinusPodcast.com

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