Western Hills Church Of Christ, Temple



Messages from the preaching & teaching ministry of the Western Hills Church of Christ in Temple, TX.


  • Beyond Religion #10

    05/11/2023 Duration: 41min

    Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-5 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary: This message delves into the vital message from 1 Peter 5 about the significance of humility and servant leadership in your faith community. Discover how embracing humility, both as leaders and followers, can strengthen the bonds of our faith and create a sanctuary where our faith can weather life's storms.

  • Beyond Religion #9

    29/10/2023 Duration: 34min

    Scripture:  Luke 5:17-26 Speaker:  Justin Hammond, Youth Minister Summary: Youth ministry happens primarily at home as we raise our kids. The process of parenting is no simple or easy task.  Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing lies that cause us to focus on our own strengths or weaknesses.  Instead, we must fix our eyes on Jesus, and tie into a community of faith as we boldly step up to the opportunity of parenthood that God has given us.

  • Beyond Religion #8

    22/10/2023 Duration: 33min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 4 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary: In this message, we explore the concept of judgment and its profound impact on our faith and lives. Discover how embracing the reality of judgment can transform your perspective and bring comfort, hope, and purpose to your life. Listen to this podcast to gain a fresh perspective on your faith and the significance of living with intention in a world that challenges it.

  • Beyond Religion #7

    16/10/2023 Duration: 35min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 3:8-12 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary:  Discover the Power of Living Hope! Join us as we dive into the inspiring words of 1 Peter 3:13-22. Uncover the three profound reasons to have Living Hope, from Christ's Redemption to His Victory and Coronation. Our living hope is anchored in the unshakable truth of Christ's triumph over all challenges. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience renewed faith and purpose. Listen to the podcast now and let your heart be filled with Living Hope! 

  • Beyond Religion #6

    08/10/2023 Duration: 01h26min

    Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8-12 (ESV) Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary: Church can get awfully messy! This message reveals that church is more than mere rituals—it's about transformation, unity, and our witness to the world. Through the letter of 1 Peter, we learn the importance of humility, sympathy, brotherly love, and tender hearts as we navigate the challenges of faith in a culture that often opposes it. Discover why belonging to a church matters and how it reflects our commitment to Jesus' teachings.

  • Beyond Religion #5

    01/10/2023 Duration: 40min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 2:11-17, 3:1-7, 1 Peter 2:21-25 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary: In this message, we explore the challenge of living faithfully in a culture that is at odds with our faith. Peter emphasizes the importance of responding to cultural conflicts with actions that silence ignorance and honor others, following the example of Christ's selfless love and sacrifice. It challenges us to embrace a different way, not isolating or accommodating but engaging with the world to bring healing and hope.

  • Beyond Religion #4

    24/09/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 2:1-10 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary:  The search for identity and belonging is what Peter addresses in this scripture from his letter to the followers of Jesus.  This is the same search that challenges us today.  Scott brings the things Peter says to his listeners into our current cultural situation when we ask, "Who am I and where do I belong."  

  • Beyond Religion#3

    18/09/2023 Duration: 40min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 1:13-2:3 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary:  What does it look like to be "holy?'  In this passage from 1 Peter, Scott discusses the definition of holy as written by Peter to his audience.  As believers our desire is to look more and more like the one who gave his life to save us.  Peter very clearly states what a life that has been given in light of the great sacrifice made for it must look like.

  • Beyond Religion #2

    11/09/2023 Duration: 36min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 1:1-12 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary:  In this second message of the "Beyond Religion" series, Scott shows how the same challenges that the people to whom Peter is writing compare to the challenges followers of Jesus face in this present culture. Scott says, "Where we establish our hope makes a difference."  That is what Peter is telling his audience as well.  Where does our culture encourage us to place our hope?  Where does Peter's culture encourage his audience to place their hope?  Scott reveals how in the most critical of ways the two cultures are very much alike.  

  • Beyond Religion #1

    04/09/2023 Duration: 43min

    Scripture:  1 Peter 3:15; Matthew 14:28-31;John 13:8;John 21:17;1 Peter5:12 Speaker:  Scott Meyer Summary:  "How do you have faith while living in this current culture?  This question is the theme that Scott Meyer explores in this series called "Beyond Religion."  In this first message of the series Scott discusses the life of the apostle Peter, who is the author of the book in the Bible that bears his name. This letter to believers in and followers of Jesus is the basis for this message series.    

  • Go the Extra Mile

    28/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Scripture:  Matthew 5:38-48 Speaker:  Scott Meyer, Scott Seela Summary:  In this message, Scott explores this text in Matthew that reveals a radical concept for the people of his time on earth.  This radical message is one for us today.  That message is that when it comes to serving others the minimum is not our goal as followers of Jesus.  Rather, what Jesus would have us do is go beyond that and "Go the Extra Mile."

  • Global Christianity

    21/08/2023 Duration: 36min

    Scripture:  Matthew 28:19, Romans 10:14-15 Speaker:  Scott Meyer, Lead Minister; Denville Willie, Missionary to South Africa Summary:  During his visit to Western Hills, his supporting congregation, Denville Willie discusses his work in Africa with  Scott Meyer during this interview conducted during the Sunday morning worship service.

  • ”Salt and Light”

    13/08/2023 Duration: 35min

    Scripture:  Matthew 5:11-16 Speaker:  Scott Meyer, Lead Minister Summary:  What does it mean to be "salt and light?"  Scott's message comes from a metaphor used in Matthew's gospel to challenge his readers to live in this world as "salt and light."  Scott begins with a description of "a beautiful life."  As he brings real life situations to us, he challenges us to become "salt and light" in this world and demonstrate the "beautiful life" we can and do live in Christ.

  • Salt and Light

    06/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    Scripture:  Matthew 5:13-14 Speaker:  Justin Hammond, Sarah Berg, Cooper Strait, Cooper Meyer, Tyler Benedick, Evan Yost Summary:  Justin Hammond, Student Minister, interviews several students who have been involved in various mission activities this summer emphasizing how they have been salt and light among those they have served.

  • Desperate #10 For a Savior

    30/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    Scripture:  John 7:53 - 8:11 Speaker:  Brandon Reynolds Summary:  This is the final message in the series, "Desperate."  In this message, Brandon addresses the need  we have for a Savior.  And there is only one who can fulfill the mission of saving us from ourselves.  That one paid the price for all.  Who is that one?  As Brandon continues it becomes very clear who that is, why he is and how he can become your Savior.

  • Desperate #9 For Mercy

    23/07/2023 Duration: 30min

    Scripture:  Luke 15:11 - 32 Speaker:  Austin Hunt, Summer Youth Intern Summary:  Mercy - Having the power to inflict deserved consequences, but choosing to refrain.  We have all been in need of mercy at some time in our lives.  Someone has chosen to not give you what you deserve.  Whatever that something was for which you received mercy made you deeply appreciative.  Using the story of the "Prodigal Son," Austin brings a message about the amazing mercy toward each of us. 

  • Desperate #8 For Healing

    16/07/2023 Duration: 29min

    Scripture:  John 11:1-44 Speaker:  Brandon Reynolds Summary:  How do we deal our suffering when it doesn't seem "fair."  Brandon brings a very personal message about suffering and healing as he considers the story of Lazarus. 

  • Desperate #7 For Forgiveness

    09/07/2023 Duration: 32min

    Scripture:  Luke 19:1-10 Speaker:  Brandon Reynolds Summary: This Sunday our preaching intern Brandon Reynolds brought us our seventh sermon in our "Desperate" series titled "Desperate for forgiveness". This sermon walks through the powerful story about the meeting of Christ and a man named Zacchaeus. Through this meeting Zacchaeus finds the much needed forgiveness that he has been looking for, but the crowd looks on judgmentally, refusing to accept their own need for forgiveness. Brandon challenges us to seek to be like Zacchaeus and acknowledge our need for forgiveness instead of hiding from it.  Will we see our sin and joyfully accept Christ or keep our pride judge from the crowd?

  • Desperate #6 Desperate for Relief

    03/07/2023 Duration: 29min

    Scripture:  1 Kings 19:1-18, Matthew 11:28-30 Speaker:  Brandon Reynolds Summary:  From the book of 1 Kings comes the story of Elijah, a prophet of God, who is in despair.  He is a man who is weary.  He is a man who needs relief.  In his story we can find ourselves when we experience those times of feeling burdened and exhausted.  Brandon brings a word for all of us who experience that same need.  Where do we turn for relief?

  • Desperate #5 For a Do-Over

    26/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    Scripture:  Exodus 3 Speaker:  Scott Meyer, Lead Minister Summary:  Have you ever wished you could just have a "do-over"?  In this message, the fifth in the Desperate Series, Scott addresses the concept of the "do-over" that is found in the Bible.  There are "Heroes" of the Bible that were used in a mighty way by God, but they were not perfect people.  In this message, Scott addresses the lives of Moses and of Paul the Apostle as examples of those chosen by God and given a "do-over."  Then he speaks to all who are in search of God's "do-over" for them.

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