New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 140:38:54
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Ready for a Fresh Energy Breakthrough? Darius Barazandeh and top spiritual healers, teachers and energy experts help you to heal, transform and awaken matters affecting your life, health and spirit. Every episode contains POWERFUL energy healing work and self help - so catch them all. To listen to LIVE sessions while they happen please visit: and get your Free 3-Step Energy Awakening Kit. All to help continue your journey to your best self and life!


  • Gil Alan interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    03/12/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Are your spirit guides trying to reach you? Get the messages now! Learn how to find your Spirit Guides and totally transform your reality! New healings - new energy: Gil Alan will be taking us on a guided journey to reconnect to the wisdom of your heart with your spirit guides! Find out how your Spirit Guides can take you on a journey of self-discovery and healing as you reconnect to the wisdom of your heart so you can live your truth fearlessly from a place of self-love and inner peace. In this session with Gil you will meet your primary Spirit Guide, find out who your Spirit Guides really are (this may blow your mind!), discover the key to receiving information from higher guidance, learn the essential element for manifesting your desires, and find out how developing a relationship with your Spirit Guides can truly transform your life. PLEASE NOTE: Gil takes us on a guided journey, so this Spirit Guide connection session is a very special gift! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: http://www.

  • Christie Marie Sheldon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    01/12/2015 Duration: 01h24min

    Ever felt stuck or unsatisfied with your finances? Your career? Your life? Then there's a high chance you're suffering from an Abundance Block. Join Christie Marie Sheldon for Create a New Wealth Reality: Learning How to Remove those Hidden, Sabotaging Blocks to Financial Abundance, Now! An Abundance Block is a subconscious obstacle that holds you back from attracting wealth and success. It's like invisible barrier keeping you from reaching the success you crave. But today is the day to break past that barrier. In this session, energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon will show you how to make this year and ones to come the most abundant of your life. You will learn the reasons why you are blocked in wealth, how to create the attraction of wealth, in your reality on an ongoing basis, how to remove those hidden, sabotaging, Wealth Blocks, how you were secretly sabotaged before age 7 and didn't even know it, why your previous efforts to clear abundance blocks failed, how Wealth Consciousness effects not only your f

  • Alex Loyd interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    19/11/2015 Duration: 01h27min

    Are your success codes turned off? Discover 3 strange new discoveries to 'unblock' health, wealth and joy! Thousands have already discovered a step-by-step process to gracefully eliminate stress, frustration and turn off the failure mechanism. The #1 cause of illness, failure and unhappiness is revealed! Join Alex Loyd for Is Cellular Memory Keeping You Stuck? Learn about the 3 newest and most amazing discoveries of our time and shift your energy! During the session you'll get a new technique to shift your focus, intention and reality from external driven outcomes (that destroy your peace and joy) to internal driven feelings that are 100% yours to attain. Get ready and just follow Dr. Alex's instructions during the session to discover... the step-by-step process to systematically "switch off" up to 95% of modern disease, the exact source of both physical and emotional problems, how to uncover the source of a programmed switch inside of you and how you can flip the switch in your favor, and how to prevent futu

  • Brent Phillips interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    17/11/2015 Duration: 01h17min

    Is near instant awakening possible? Will you see auras? Energy awakening and support - new exercise today! Join Brent Phillips for Your Newest Awakening & Healing Today: Awakening New Life: Turbo Charging your Prosperity Consciousness Using the Formula for Miracles. Brent's energy processes have near 'instantly' allowed people like you see auras and energy as well as experience pain reduction, anxiety reduced and more calm! Brent also gives us a bit of background on how he discovered it and what it means for the planet. Feel Brent moving your energy during this session! Brent shares some really amazing and unique processes, and gives us some big doses of this powerful 'awakening' energy. In this session with Brent you will get training to seeing auras and energy with your open eyes, discover the 3 "terrible traps" that block spiritual progress, learn tricks to easily win all the 7 games of consciousness, including love, money, and spiritual truth, learn how to start the beginning of the end of suffering,

  • Larry Crane interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    12/11/2015 Duration: 01h23min

    Feeling Stuck? Open and release fears, money blocks and pain! In this amazing 'experiential' session. you'll get to follow along and speak to 'beingness' yourself! You'll see exactly what it means to actually connect to infinite source and experience a fast "release" of pain, worry, fear and abundance blocks! Join Larry Crane for Release the Blocks to Financial Peace of Mind & Abundance. In this new session with Larry, you will discover how can achieve financial abundance nad peace of mind, a technique to improve your abundance quickly, techniques to help with any life problem. You will learn how to go inside yourself and uncover your natural power and genius and be taken to a place where you can feel truly abundant. You'll feel and hear a caller who was dealing with financial challenges actually awaken in this session! Try the Quick Enlightenment Method: A Practical Approach to Mastering Your Life yourself and discover how to have the peace, love and life you deserve! To get your free Energy Healing Kit

  • Tom Paladino interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    12/11/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    Can light heal you? Find out! Tom Paladino is an engineer and researcher who has been studying Scalar Energy for over 25 years. Scalar Energy is a gentle yet powerful energy that can be harnessed to create healing frequencies of energy. Some of the effects of Scalar Energy may include elimination of the harmful and negative effects of man-made frequencies such as electro-magnetic fields, increase in cell energies, relief of fatigue, headaches, allergies, strengthening of immune function, energizing of cells back to a healthy state of electrical charge, and prevention of and repair to DNA damage. Join Tom Paladino for Remote Scalar Energy Healing: Using the Power of Light to Heal. In this session you will learn what scalar energy is and how it can work remotely, what pathogens are and how they can be cleansed, how and why scalar healing works, how to balance and harmonize your chakras. Listen and re-align your life now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Mashhur Anam interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    05/11/2015 Duration: 01h18min

    Imagine removing the resistance to the life you desire! Experience new super energy readings and energy clearings! Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of transformation - get ready to experience his newest energetic processes to restore harmonic frequencies, release energy blocks, heal subconscious wounds, and re-create your life now, today, and forever! Join Mashhur Anam for Align with VORTEX Energy and Re-Create Your Life, Dreams and Abundance. In this brand new session with Mashhur you will utilize the energy of the Bell Rock vortex and energy of the Rainforests to broadcast your ideal life vision to the universe, use harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to manifest your desires, broadcast your desires by using a Fibonacci Sequence, a sacred and powerful matrix of the Universal Creation Energy, learn how to send out intense bursts of pulses to declare your intentions, detach from the mindset of constant release and clearing and begin to create your reality, and discover the ancient sacred science of Dre

  • Robert Pease interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    03/11/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Is this magical? Listen now for the secret code of YOU! Do you have burning life questions... what's my life purpose? How can I live abundantly and be true to myself? When will I find love? What am I here to do, specifically? Let's answer them for you! Join Robert Pease for Your Wealth in Numbers: Unlock The Secret Code Of You! In this session with Dr. Robert Pease, you will hear personal readings to help you understand how you manifest, create and bring your divine energy and gifts to the planet, learn how to unblock the magic of your personal numbers to unleash the power behind everything in your life, discover how Vibrational Numerology can immediately shift your frequencies to attract exactly what you need and require to be more healthy and wealthy, remove karmic cycles in your life preventing you from getting all that you require to live productively, learn this process as clearly and concisely for getting to the core of the blocks which keep repeating again and again, blast through doubts to have cleare

  • Jarrad Hewett interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    29/10/2015 Duration: 01h23min

    Kick off with Jarrad Hewett and experience the brand new Prayer Energy Circle! Join psychic healer, Jarrad Hewett, for 2014: Open the Ascended Heart and Thrive. This is Jarrad's first new healing journey in almost a year! This was a powerful, loving session with 3 big energy activations! On this world premiere of Jarrad's New Energy Journey, you will re-connect to source in wholeness and love, learn about the true untapped power of the ascended heart chakra, unblock your money center by eliminating all templates, beliefs and genetic set-backs - instantly, get off the "hamster wheel" and learn how to emotionally pivot in seconds, experience what it would be like to truly create the life of your dreams, instantly raise your vibration and open your heart, discover easy and effortless ways of living your dreams and creating heaven on Earth. Jarrad will be sharing his newest frequencies in this session! Experience this special 2014 re-set energy activation - psychic heart clearing! WARNING: There are group reading

  • Chunyi Lin interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    27/10/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    Find your soul purpose! Join certified international Qigong Master and holistic healer, Chunyi Lin, for Finding Your Soul Purpose - Transforming Your Life. IMPORTANT NOTE: Master Lin does long distance detecting and gives healing energy for listeners in this special session! In this session, Master Chunyi Lin will help you discover your Soul Purpose for being here on this planet at this time, how to make your direct Soul Connection and tap into this limitless power and wisdom, how to release and transform old habits or beliefs that may be limited, fearful, or reactive energy, how to balance and enhance your body's energy and vitality, how to awaken your natural healing abilities to help yourself and help others. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Rhonda Britten Q&A

    22/10/2015 Duration: 01h24min

    Get ready to live fearlessly! Join Oprah Guest Rhonda Britten for this Q&A session: Fearless Living: How to Take Risks and Live Free. In this session, you will discover the secrets to why every single thing holding you back has one thing in common, what the answer is to your fears, blocks and challenges, the key secrets that keep 99% of people stuck (and how to avoid it), exactly why "positive thinking" alone is not the answer", how to tackle the issue of "not being good enough", how to be brave enough to take risks, how to overcome self-judgment, how to have more self love, joy, abundance and LIFE now. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Emmanuel Dagher interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    21/10/2015 Duration: 01h23min

    Let's release and shift in this session! Emmanuel is here for your today on this rare session. Join Emmanuel Dagher for Become a Miracle Magnet: Paradigm Shifting: To Heal and Experience Abundance Forever! For several years now, Emmanuel has had the honor of working with people from all walks of life including moms, children, visionaries, world diplomats, large groups, and Fortune 500 companies. Even top healing experts themselves turn to Emmanuel for support and healing. In this session, you will have a brand new energy on money and abundance, release out-dated belief systems around money and abundance and experience life, unlock a new relationship with money. You will also learn how to attract and create more abundance in your life now, create the life you were born to live, be the gift that you know you and attract the abundance that is yours! If you are ready to open yourself up to all these and so much more, you will absolutely want to listen to this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more

  • Mas Sajady Q&A

    15/10/2015 Duration: 01h22min

    Clear blocks and attract abundance! Join Mas Sajady for 21 Days to Total Abundance: How to Open the Floodgates to Abundance in All Areas of Your Life - Q&A Call. Mas gives us a word of caution about this call: for some the paradigm shifts may be too great. Do not listen if you are not serious about transforming your life. During this powerful breakthrough call you will choose a vibrant, healthier you, remove self-defeating patterns, tap into your creative genius, resolve persistent health issues, attract great relationships, energize your inner core for rapid achievement, and live in a state of well being. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Larry Crane interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    13/10/2015 Duration: 01h26min

    Get ready for financial freedom! From housewives to returning veterans, Larry Crane can help ANYONE become calm, successful and happy, by sharing a scientifically-proven technique that's been taught to more than 100,000 graduates worldwide. Join Larry Crane for Have Financial Freedom & Live The Lifestyle You have Been Dreaming About. In this powerful session, Larry reveals why the brain is like a computer and most of us have "viruses" that impede relationships and success, how Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson underscore the danger of achieving "success" without happiness, why most people operate in "zombie mode" and are slaves to knee jerk emotion, how mankind is headed for disaster unless we address the root cause of anxiety and dread, how people with post-traumatic stress disorder can develop minds that are quieter than the Dalai Lama's. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Giovanni Lordi interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    08/10/2015 Duration: 01h24min

    Get ready to shift your consciouness! Join hypnotist Giovanni Lordi for Activating Your Super Conscious Mind: How to Use Hypnosis to Train your Brain to Reach New Levels! During this session, you will discover your Super Consciousness, how to use hypnosis to train your brain to reach new levels, how to achieve Zen and completely open up your mind and discover inner truth. You will learn about dreams and shifting consciousness and how to use this to elevate your mental perception, Super Creativity and how to activate heightened learning & creating abilities, as well as how to shift your consciousness to live in the moment, gain awareness and become present. Listen to live processes on this call! Achieve Super Consciousness now! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Ann Taylor interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    06/10/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    Get ready for financial empowerment! Join Ann Taylor for Be Empowered to Have the Self-Esteem You Need to Achieve Financial Prosperity! Ann's gift works to reprogram your entire consciousness, including the one you received from your mother and father, as well as your lineage. It is unlike anything you've ever experienced before and the results are truly phenomenal! Join us for this extraordinary call and you will be programmed and imprinted to know that you deserve to have financial prosperity, and God will empower you to believe in yourself and your ability to create the financial abundance you desire. In this session you will eliminate the belief that making money is a struggle, experience how God can miraculously and permanently heal negative thoughts and memories from your past, discover how this healing work affects each and every person individually to shift your consciousness (it's based on your unique needs), learn several action steps you can take right now to raise your level of vibration which wil

  • Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    17/09/2015 Duration: 01h39min

    Achieve ultimate fulfillment to unlock your amazing life! Experience this Q&A Super Session and Emergence exercises with Derek Rydall. In this session, you will learn the timeless principle that puts you on the path of true independence, discover powerful distinctions for creating money and relationship freedom, be guided through a process to generate whatever's missing in your life, find out how to get unstuck forever -- and never be a victim again, and receive a life-changing Quantum Healing Prayer that will instantly activate your untapped potential and lift you to a whole new level! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Christel Hughes interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    15/09/2015 Duration: 01h23min

    Light up your boundaries and claim your power! Join Holistic Life Coach, Author, seminar facilitator and highly sought after Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, Christel Hughes, for Lighting Up Your Boundaries: How to NOT take on Other's Energy, Be Free and Powerfully Claim Your Space in the World. In this experiential session, you will find out what the number one requirement is to protect yourself from Energetic Vampires, psychic attacks and intrusions, how to clear negative residue out of your energy field to gain clarity and reclaim your powerful space, learn how to read your own aura and see if you have a "leaky one", know if feelings are keeping you stuck from your greatest potential in any area of life, clear toxic trapped messages, attitudes, ideas and memories that don't serve you, identify your sexual pulse to see if you are sending out the wrong signals and attracting the wrong partners. Discover - is your aura distorted, full of tears, rips, holes and bulges? Fix it... and Thrive! To get your free

  • Karen Abrams interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    10/09/2015 Duration: 01h28min

    Experience how Theta Healing can help you unleash your financial abundance! Join Master Theta Healer Karen Abrams for Connecting to your Inner ATM: Breaking through your Money Barriers with Theta Healing. In this session you will... discover what is holding you back from reaching your financial potential, release that energy to bring in your good fortune, heal your personal relationship with money, create the appropriate discernment to move forward wisely and confidently with your financial endeavors, accept that it is your birthright to create and receive financial success in this lifetime. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Meg Benedicte interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    09/09/2015 Duration: 01h27min

    Experience amazing exercises in this session! Join Meg Benedicte for Discover How to Use the Quantum Vortex to Unlock Your Supernatural Powers! During this 'hands on' session, you will learn and experience the SECRETS of how to... use quantum physics and zero point field, sacred geometry, ancient art of alchemy and the spiral dynamic of Torus Vortex as tool for transformation at the molecular level, eliminate dis-ease by re-connecting the human self with the divine self in the physical bio-energetic field, use the vortex meditation to unlock gravity and activate the chakra centers to ignite with kundalini life force, create inner stillness, peace and balance with Zero Point Harmonics of PHI, activate the Pineal and neural network of psychic/intuitive communication with Higher Self guidance. PLEASE NOTE: If you are not used to ULTRA HIGH ENERGY please use CAUTION when taking part in any of these exercises. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

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