Colette Marie Stefan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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The Truth is Funny - Wednesdays 8 am Pacific 11 am Eastern Now hear every 1st WednesdayColette's Guest Host Phil FreeEvery 3rd Wednesday Colette's Guest Host Karen Campbell Betten The Truth is Funny is an entertaining vehicle for providing energetic shifts and sharing information gathered from my life experiences and the experiences of others that have dared to think out of the box and step into their infinite potential. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their ...


  • Choosing Wise Words To Hold Space, Harmony


    Vishuddha your throat chakra, is located at your throat, just above your collarbone. Its flower is light blue with sixteen petals. At a high vibration, the petals resonate with a strong throat chakra emitting truth. At a low vibration, discord. We LOVE to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819!

  • Releasing Root Fears to Embrace Change!


    Muladhara, your root chakra, is located at the base of your trunk. Think of it as a bright red flower rooted in the earth, opening to four petals as it is nourished by your physical environment accelerating your physical potential. We LOVE to hear from you! Call-in 1-800-930-2819!

  • War on Reality: What is Truth?


    "What is Truth?" A simple question that Pontius Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth over 2,000 years ago in one of history's most pivotal moments. Throughout the ages, mankind has been at war and has waged war on defining truth. We must put on heaven's lenses through our Higher Power and win this battle for our senses. What we focus on we empower what we look at will grow. Watch LIVE on FB! Go to:

  • Dissension (swimming with sharks)


    Edward Snowden is an American computer specialist a former employee of the CIA and contracted to the NSA who blew the whistle on common tactics that the government uses and that humanity tends to use on themselves and others. Dissension is infiltration causing conflict meant to divide and conquer. This is card #42 in the oracle Tails From the Vector.

  • Temple Of The Soul and Homeostasis


    Your body is often referred to as the temple of your soul because it is the vehicle your soul uses to navigate life on planet earth. You are the best bio-computer ever built and your body knows exactly what to do when it's compromised if you get out of your own way and allow homeostasis to reset your systems.

  • Dissemination of Information (believing your own press)


    In 2016 I traveled to take part in ayahuasca, sapo, oha ceremony along with other plant medicines. At the airport, leaving Canada, it was announced that Donald Trump was running for office as President of the United States. People waiting for their flights were stunned at first and then many broke out in nervous laughter, thinking it was a joke, in ceremony, I was shown many movies regarding politicians from around the world. This ink drawing is number 45 of my Tactics cards from the oracle Tails From the Vector

  • Sacred Body with Owner/Founder of LOTUSWEI Katie Hess


    Katie Hess is the owner and founder of LOTUSWEI, one of the world s leading flower apothecaries. She has a brand new offering that was specifically created to meet the needs of the world at this particular time. She refers to Sacred Body as her most important contribution to humanity. Join us and find out what makes this offering so unique, what prompted her to create it, how it works and why you don t want to miss out on this gift!

  • Breaking up with your Beliefs with Dr. Tracey Clark


    Your cells are eavesdropping on your thoughts! Did you know that the thoughts that you have are driven by your personal book of beliefs, most of which you have formed by the age of 3? Our beliefs about ourselves, our health, and our life determine our experience and are the culprits behind the stress that we experience in life. You see yourself and your world through the veil of your beliefs and expectations. Get ready to start lifting the veil to reveal a whole new reality.

  • The Universal Law of Sowing & Reaping


    How to engage with the realm of heaven through spiritual principles that create a blessed, abundant happy life. The result is........that we have more than enough to share and give with others! This is the pure joy of sowing and reaping.

  • Innovation Shift - Building Your Personal Character


    How to navigate our way through tumultuous unusual times when life becomes very hard. Joseph in Ancient Egypt was guided by God experienced breakthroughs in three extraordinary seasons in his life because he embraced building personal character. Just like Joseph in Egypt thousands of years ago we can find ways today to innovate through global catastrophes in our culture by going through personal character development.

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Critical Information You need to know to avoid Risky Surgery with Christine Kent, RN


    Women continue to undergo surgery for prolapse at a rate of hundreds of thousands per year. However, all so-called pelvic floor surgeries are associated with significant risk and high failure rates. Over the past 150 years, every conceivable operation for prolapse has been tried, and all have failed. The reason why is that the gynecologic understanding of the female pelvis is based on a 500-year-old anatomical misunderstanding.

  • Making Mountains Out of Mole Hills (Need to be Right)


    On April 1, I discovered that I had a parasite from my trip to Peru in 21016. I began MY Face Yoga programs the month before and that brought the bug to where I could see it and feel it. I am going to share a little bit about my journey and want to thank you for your patience as I recover. I will be relaunching my programs mid or end of June and will begin private consultations in mid-June. The process for debugging is a lengthy one and determined by when the parasite is ready to go. I am now on day 55... and still have a ways to go. If you have purchased a consultation, thank you for your patience. I will reopen my calendar in Mid-June. If you prefer a refund than to wait, please let me know, and I will get back to you as soon as I am able. We love hearing from you! Call 1-800-930-2819!

  • Do You Want to Get Well? Choosing Zoe Life with Guest Host Caleb Matthews


    We live in a society where many people world systems are choosing darkness over-focusing on the problem rather than the answer! Fear has become an obsession a religion. However, there is a divine antidote! The answer is choosing the "zoe life" of God through our connection with our Higher Power. Over 2,000 years ago Jesus asked the man at the Pool of Bethesda this question that still echoes today "Do You Want to Get Well?" What will we choose? Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • Faith Sees (Putting on Heaven's Lenses) with Guest Host Caleb Matthews


    How do we navigate during these turbulent chaotic times in our culture? We must see by faith, put on heaven's lenses, and get above the chaos. Like the ancient true story of the Roman Centurion who came to Jesus and asked for his servant to be healed. By faith, we must create see our reality by calling into the season the things of our future. Walking by faith and not by earthly sight.

  • Accessing the Cloud of Witnesses: Continuing the Legacy of those Who Have Gone on Before Us with Guest Host Caleb Matthews


    As children of God made in the image of our Creator through the promise of Yeshua we can access the cloud of witnesses. WithIn this spiritual reality is the hall of faith our spiritual lineage and our forefathers and foremothers have gone on before us. Through faith in Christ "The Mystic Secret of God" we unlock the ancient door to the unseen world of the cloud of witnesses. We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819. Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • The 4th Man in the Fire (Encountering Yahweh in a Babylonian Society) with Guest Host Caleb Matthews


    The incredible true story from the ancient Book of Daniel of 3 Hebrew mystics who did not yield to the foreign Babylonian culture that defied their conscience. When we persevere through the flames of adversity testing we will encounter Yahweh - the 4th man in the fire. To go against conscience is neither right nor safe! Exploring how to live our lives by our conscience and following Yahweh in modern-day Babylon. We Love to hear from you! Call 800-930-2819 Watch LIVE on FB - Go to:



    You may have noticed just when you thought that no more unexpected shift could happen, it does! I postponed the launching of Baby Steps until the new moon on April 12! I have a $3 million dollar bridge project out my back door and in the front, a townhouse development being built. Usually, my faithful Yeti mike is able to handle excess noise, but they are digging the posts for the bridge and building the second floor of the building across the street. There are five huge cranes now, so I am adjusting my schedule for video to less noisy times. Stella and I will tell you all about it on The Truth Is Funny Radio Show this Wednesday! And then the hedge guy unexpectedly showed up, and did his magic We love to hear from you - call 800.930.2819! Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • Nuggets of Wizdom from Colette: The "Worm" - Full Moon is supercharged! What is calling you? Answer the Call!


    What is calling you? Answer the Call! The Full Moon in March is a supermoon! Now is a great time to manifest a beautiful future in time for the new moon on April 12, 2021! What is calling you? Answer the Call! We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819. Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • What Is Calling You? The windshield is bigger than your rearview mirror for a reason!


    Take that last shoulder check as we move into spring and take that first step to your brilliant future. (If you don t have the courage, hang out with a one-year-old for a day!)They will show you how!We LOVE to hear from you! Call in 1 800-930-2819! Watch LIVE on FB! Go to: *** we are under transition at the truth is funny too! Check out my new jingle!LOVE IT! Thank you Transformation Talk Network! You Are A Blank Canvas may as well paint a rainbow

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