Homesteading And Permaculture By Paul Wheaton

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Commentary and interviews on different aspects of permaculture, horticulture, farming, homesteading, eco building, alternative energy and more


  • Podcast 614 – Permaculture Smackdown 26 – Media Retrospective – Part 2


    Paul sits down with Ashley to continue the smackdown that was supposed to be reviewing Building a Better World, but instead have a good natter about SKIP, their experience with PDCs, Paul’s unpublished thorns book, and how he hopes his PEP system will improve on PDCs. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion […]

  • Podcast 613 – Permaculture Smackdown 26 – Media Retrospective – Part 1


    Paul sits down with Ashley for both the first podcast and first smackdown of 2022 to supposedly review Building a Better World, but never get around to it, instead having a good natter about various bits of media and old podcasts. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of […]

  • Podcast 612 – Permaculture Smackdown 25 – Better Bootcamp Bio – Part 2


    Paul continues this week’s smackdown with Mark, Ashley, Katie, and Kyle, and moves on to reviewing his Building a Better World book, chapter 3 which is all about light bulbs, how to save energy, where to use LEDs verses incandescents, and some hazards of excessive blue light. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and […]

  • Podcast 611 – Permaculture Smackdown 25 – Better Bootcamp Bio – Part 1


    Paul sits down with Mark, Ashley, Katie, and Kyle to discuss a selection of different topics, loosely centered around making Bootcamp more appealing, starting at the basics by asking everyone present what would be a good motivator for them. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast […]

  • Podcast 610 – Building a Better World review Session 2


    Paul takes a break from editing the SKIP book to review chapter two of his Building a Better World in your Backyard book with Julia, Katie, and Mark, although they spend half the podcast talking about the upcoming Garden Master course, progress with the SKIP book, and other Kickstarter updates. Support the podcast on Patreon […]

  • Podcast 609 – Building a Better World review Session 1 – Part 2


    Paul sits down with Katie and Julia to do a chapter-by-chapter review of Paul’s new book – “Building a Better World in your Backyard Instead of Being Angry at Bad Guys”, covering topics such as Rocket Mass Heaters, his efforts to get celebrities to cover his work. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and […]

  • Podcast 608 – Building a Better World review Session 1 – Part 1


    Paul sits down with Katie and Julia to do a chapter-by-chapter review of Paul’s new book – “Building a Better World in your Backyard Instead of Being Angry at Bad Guys”, covering topics such as Rocket Mass Heaters, carbon footprints, and the growth of cancer in the modern era. Support the podcast on Patreon Show […]

  • Podcast 607 – The Future Leadership of Permaculture – Part 2


    Paul sits back down with Alan Booker to try to talk about Bill Mollison’s Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual, but wind up getting completely distracted and talking about Kickstarter and how to get more boots up to bootcamp. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast on this […]

  • Podcast 606 – The Future Leadership of Permaculture – Part 1


    Paul sits back down with Alan Booker to try to talk about Bill Mollison’s Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual, but wind up getting completely distracted and talking about cultivating a new generation of permaculture leaders and how to characterize them. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast […]

  • Podcast 605 – Big Black Book Session 4 – Part 2


    Paul sits back down with Alan Booker after a fourteen-month hiatus to get back into the Big Black Book, aka Permaculture a Designer’s Manual by Bill Mollison. In this episode, they start to discuss Mollison’s 5 permaculture principals and Paul’s reluctance to read David Holmgren’s work. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion […]

  • Podcast 604 – Big Black Book Session 4 – Part 1


    Paul sits back down with Alan Booker after a fourteen-month hiatus to get back into the Big Black Book, aka Permaculture a Designer’s Manual by Bill Mollison. This part focuses on Figure 2.1 on page 14, talking about water retention landscapes, water cycling, and crediting inventors. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion […]

  • Podcast 603 – Permaculture Smackdown 24 – Building a Better World Precursor – Part 2


    Paul sits down with some of his patreons (Julia, Katie, and Mark) to talk about an essay written by Derrek Jensen that became a precursor to Paul’s Building a Better World in your Backyard, with this part discussing how the presence of people that aren’t kind and good hinder the entire process. Support the podcast […]

  • Podcast 602 – Permaculture Smackdown 24 – Building a Better World Precurser – Part 1


    Paul sits down with Julia, Katie, and Mark to talk about an essay written by Derrek Jensen that became a precursor to Paul’s Building a Better World in your Backyard, and mostly discusses what Derrek derides in his essay, namely personal change that hopes to result in more major change. Support the podcast on Patreon […]

  • Podcast 601 – Permaculture Smackdown 23 – Renewable Energy – Part 2


    Paul calls up some of his usual suspects from his patreons (Katie, Kyle, and Mark) along with a couple of new comers (Joshua and Weston, although the latter’s mic was on the fritz) for a more hard-hitting focus on renewable power sources, recycling and a bit on RMHs. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes […]

  • Podcast 600 – Permaculture Smackdown 23 – Renewable Energy – Part 1


    Paul calls up some of his usual suspects from his patreons (Katie, Kyle, and Mark) for the latest permaculture smackdown with a focus on renewable power sources. There’s also a brief update on the permaculture card deck, the mobile version of the site, and the SKIP book. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and […]

  • Podcast 599 – Bootcamp Rundown – Part 3


    Paul sits down with two of the five boots at bootcamp (Magdalene and Grey, Dez wandered off) to discuss how much the bootcamp sucks, with this episode talking about what to bring, such as work gloves and safety glasses, and what not to bring, like perfume and weed. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes […]

  • Podcast 598 – Bootcamp Rundown – Part 2


    Paul sits down with three of the five boots at bootcamp (Dez, Magdalene, and Grey) to discuss how much the bootcamp sucks. In this part, they go over Grey’s list of stuff that can indicate if bootcamp is going to be for you, or if you’ll just bounce off. Support the podcast on Patreon Show […]

  • Podcast 597 – Bootcamp Rundown – Part 1


    Paul sits down with three of the five boots at bootcamp (Dez, Magdalene, and Grey) to discuss how much the bootcamp sucks, as well as few upsides that they get out of the way first, such as the success of the last three events and the wofati greenhouse. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes […]

  • Podcast 596 – Permaculture Smackdown 22 – The Paul HOA Session 3 – Part 3


    Paul continues his call with Mark and Katie on the subject of building rules and regulations on his land, this time mostly discussing willow feeder systems, scalability issues with conventional humanure systems and how the inventor got around them by building a humanure treatment plant. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More […]

  • Podcast 595 – Permaculture Smackdown 22 – The Paul HOA Session 3 – Part 2


    Paul continues his call with Mark and Katie on the subject of building rules and regulations on his land, this time actually getting to the topic in the title, along with discussion on wofati roof design, willow feeders, and the reasons why Paul doesn’t want humanure. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion […]

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