Calvary Albuquerque with Skip Heitzig Audio Podcast

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 140:53:48
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The Live Service AUDIO Podcast is a twice weekly bible study with Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. Subscribe and you can receive FREE MP3 files of the message for your iPod or other MP3 Player. Skip teaches expositionally through the entire Bible, verse by verse. Calvary is a Christian fellowship where we gather for the purpose of knowing and glorifying Jesus Christ. We desire to see all people become committed to live as followers of Jesus Christ.


  • The Most Powerful Weapon

    15/09/2024 Duration: 50min

    I. What Is It?II. Who Can Use It?III. What’s the Impact?Talk with God: Is there someone or something that you’ve given up praying about?Talk with others: “Confess your faults” (v. 17, KJV) to a mentor or trusted fellow believer and ask them to pray for you and hold you accountable as you tackle these areas in your life.Talk with kids: What’s the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus?

  • Empty Words Make Weak Men

    11/09/2024 Duration: 47min
  • Prayer: It’s Not Just for Sundays

    08/09/2024 Duration: 45min

    The son of great missionary Hudson Taylor noted of his father, “For forty years the sun never rose on China that God didn’t find him on his knees.” Someone called prayer the gymnasium of the soul. When was the last time you had a good “workout”? Today, James jumps into the mysterious cooperation of the divine with the human through prayer. When and why should we do it?I. Pray When You're SufferingII. Pray When You're SmilingIII. Pray When You're SickIV. Pray When You SinV. Pray For the SaintsTalk with God: Consider your prayer life—what things consistently keep you from praying (e.g. anxiety, distractions)? Surrender them to the Lord this week.Talk with others: Invite a few friends to gather regularly to spend time in prayer together.Talk with kids: How do you use the gifts God has given you to serve your church?

  • Ephesians 5:21-6:15

    04/09/2024 Duration: 59min
  • Negative Commands for a Positive Life

    01/09/2024 Duration: 45min

    Sometimes parents will tell their children not to do certain things. But such prohibitions are motivated by love. These negative commands are to ensure a positive outcome. A good biblical example of this is the list of thou shalt nots in the Ten Commandments. In this section, James gives his audience a few negative instructions so they can have a positive life.I. Do Not GrumbleII. Do Not Back DownIII. Do Not Give UpIV. Do Not Speak HastilyTalk with God: Meditate on 1 John 2:5-6 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of your life that don’t reflect your love for the Lord.Talk with others: Ask a friend or member of your Connect Group how you can pray for them as they seek to align their lives to God’s Word.Talk with kids: What were the believers doing while Peter was in prison?

  • Ephesians 5:1-21

    28/08/2024 Duration: 56min
  • Last Days Living

    25/08/2024 Duration: 55min

    Ever since Jesus came to Earth over 2,000 years ago to die and rise again, He promised to return. And believers have been looking for Him since. Every generation has its doomsday preachers and prophecy “experts,” predicting when He will return. But today we examine not when He will come back, but rather how we should live until He does. James tells us three ways we are to wait for it.I. Be ReadyII. Be PatientIII. Be StrongTalk with God: Meditate on verse 8 and ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to “strengthen your [heart]” (NASB), so you can continue to live for Him in the last days.Talk with others: Encourage a fellow believer to seek the Lord diligently and continue in the faith as we wait for His coming.Talk with kids: Why should we celebrate when others repent and turn to Jesus?

  • Ephesians 4:17-32

    21/08/2024 Duration: 01h58s
  • A Fool and His Money

    18/08/2024 Duration: 52min

    This is undeniably one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. It is seldom preached on because the language is accusatory and blunt. But I’ve learned that everyone is concerned about money to some extent, and this passage gives us several reasons as to why we should be careful with money.I. It Can Be Obtained WronglyII. It Can Be Used PoorlyIII. It Will Vanish EventuallyIV. It Involves Judgment UltimatelyV. It Presents An OpportunityTalk with God: Read Matthew 25:14-30 and prayerfully consider your attitude toward money. Ask the Lord for wisdom to intentionally steward the resources He’s given you.Talk with others: Ask someone in your family or Connect Group how you can pray for them this week.Talk with kids: How do our differences show God’s creativity?

  • Ephesians 4:1-16

    14/08/2024 Duration: 01h24s
  • Who’s in Control?

    11/08/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    I. You Can’t Control the Future (vv. 13-14, 16)II. You Must Control Yourself (v. 17)III. Let God Control It All (v. 15)Talk with God: Meditate on Philippians 4:6-7. Ask the Lord to fill you with His peace, "which surpasses all understanding” (v. 7).Talk with others: Encourage a fellow believer by reminding them that God is in control, no matter what struggle they’re facing.Talk with kids: How does knowing Jesus give us hope that He will make things all right one day?

  • When Life Gives You Lemons, Make a Hymn Book

    07/08/2024 Duration: 49min

    When life is easy, it can be tempting to put our faith in our own effort and ability. But when we face difficult circumstances, we have an opportunity to respond with praise as we rely on God and deepen our faith in Him. In this message in Acts, Nick Macedo unpacks an example from the apostle Paul's life that shows us how to embrace holy hardship for our sanctification and God's glory.

  • Don’t Judge Me

    04/08/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    I. Stop CondemningII. Start Considering  A. Consider Others  B. Consider God  C. Consider YourselfTalk with God: Ask the Lord to fill your heart with grace and forgiveness so that you “do not speak evil of one another” (v. 11).Talk with others: Ask a mentor or trusted believer to point out areas of bitterness, judgment, or unforgiveness in your life.Talk with kids: What does it look like to have the same attitude as Jesus?

  • Jesus and Joseph Smith

    31/07/2024 Duration: 42min
  • How to Resolve Conflict

    28/07/2024 Duration: 50min

    Conflict resolution is an entire field of practice—used from the counselor’s couch to the United Nations. Evidently, conflicts were a problem in early congregations. James, in forceful language, addressed this and told his audience how to fix it. Today we see several steps to resolve conflict. And today, instead of me writing the outline for you, I will let you do the honors.I. Recognize the SourceII. Realize the ConsequenceIII. Repent of Your AttitudeIV. Resist the DevilV. Rest in GodTalk with God: Ask the Lord to reveal areas in your life that you haven’t submitted to His control. Surrender them to Him this week as you “draw near to God” (v. 8).Talk with others: Do you need to seek resolution or reconciliation with someone in order to “live in peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18, NLT)?Talk with kids: What are reasons others might not know about Jesus? How can we help them learn about Jesus?

  • Ephesians 3

    24/07/2024 Duration: 01h02min
  • Wise Up!

    21/07/2024 Duration: 42min

    In the ancient world, few virtues were more revered than wisdom. In the biblical Hebrew culture, wisdom was considered the skill to live well, or more precisely, a wise person was an expert in godly living. According to James, wisdom has little to do with IQ, SAT scores, or education. Wisdom is different from knowledge. Rather, true wisdom is the right application of knowledge. In this passage, James showed the difference between true and false wisdom with four notable traits.I. Wisdom Is Practical (v. 13a)II. Wisdom Is Humble (v. 13b)III. Wisdom Is Spiritual (vv. 14-16)IV. Wisdom Is Fruitful (vv. 17-18)Talk with God: Ask the Lord to fill your heart with “the wisdom that is from above” so your life will be “full of mercy and good fruits” (v. 17).Talk with others: Ask a mentor to hold you accountable in not acting through “envy and self-seeking” (v. 14).Talk with kids: How can Stephen’s faith encourage us in our own faith?

  • The Making of a Biblical Leader

    17/07/2024 Duration: 42min

    Bookstores are full of helpful leadership advice, but as believers we have access to the ultimate source of wisdom: the Bible. God's Word includes important examples and principles for leaders. In this message from 2 Chronicles, Robert Furrow looks at the story of King Asa and identifies seven principles of biblical leadership that can be applied to any industry or leadership role.

  • What Did I Say?

    14/07/2024 Duration: 01h41s

    Do the words that come out of your mouth bless others and honor God, or do they bring bitterness and destruction? In this message, Nate Heitzig examines what James 3:2-12 says about the power of the tongue and reminds us that God is the only one capable of changing our heart—and the words that flow from it.I. What You Say Is a ReflectionII. What You Say Causes DestructionIII. What You Say Is a DecisionTalk with God: Ask the Lord to help you break any habits of complaining, gossiping, or tearing others down—and to help you use your words to bless and encourage.Talk with others: Be intentional in encouraging a fellow believer this week.Talk with kids: What problem did the early church face? How did the apostles solve the problem?

  • How to Live the Abundant Life

    10/07/2024 Duration: 37min

    Since the days of the early church, false teachers have claimed that a believer's faith is incomplete without the addition of worldly elements like philosophy, mysticism, or legalism. Paul's letter to the Colossians counters this message by pointing to the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. In this message, John Miller examines what believers truly need to live the abundant life that is found through faith in Christ alone.

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