Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager



Join me every week for spiritual conversation with enlightening guests! I connect with intuitives, lightworkers, spiritual visionaries, and more.


  • Out of the Fog: The Guardian Angel Connection with Ollin Morales

    20/09/2016 Duration: 57min

    Do you have a guardian angel? How can we connect with the angelic realm to receive guidance? Angel Translator Ollin Morales will share his journey to connection with the angels and help us understand the rules that govern how guardian angels work. Ollin Morales is an Angel Translator, shaman, intuitive medium and channel. He helps people connect with their guardian angels and receive healing. He works locally in Los Angeles and also nationally in the USA, as well as internationally in places like Europe, Canada and Australia and the Middle East. Ollin's work is non-denominational and he welcomes people of all faiths and no faith. Find out more about Ollin and his work at http://thecourage2create.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Transform Stress Into Success with Chad E. Cooper

    13/09/2016 Duration: 57min

    Why do some people seem to live the life of their dreams, while others struggle to connect with their passion and achieve at the highest level? Lifestyle coach Chad E. Cooper believes that anyone can achieve what they want, and he'll share strategies to help you get clear and begin the change you desire. Chad E. Cooper is a coach leading a life of example. Retired at 35 years old, he coaches and mentors across several fields in order to inspire others to grasp their dreams and execute with passion. Chad is Owner of Factive Nautics Coaching and a Platinum/Master Coach for the Robbins Research International organization (defined purposeful coaching with clear direction). He is the author of Time Isn't the Problem. You Are. Find out more about Chad and his work at chadecooper.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Hero's Journey of Healing with Kevin Peer

    30/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    Get ready to explore a unique and highly integrated mind-body-spirit approach to healing called The Hero's Journey of Healing, developed by Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Kevin Peer. This protocol combines universal myth and personal story with insights from the fields of neurosciences, epigenetics, psycho-biology and psychoneuroimmunology, along with the clinically verified techniques of hypnosis and guided imagery. Kevin Peer works as a Mind-Body Wellness Consultant, assisting people who are suffering from Lyme disease and other chronic illness in two ways: the first is to help them successfully navigate the complexities of their unique path back to wellness; the second is to help them relate to their healing process as a fantastic opportunity for creating changes that can benefit their life, for the rest of their life.

  • Out of the Fog: Instant Energy and Vitality with Dr. Marilyn Joyce

    23/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    Why survive when you can thrive? If you're looking for tools to help you stop cycles of anxiety and worry, shift your attitude, and improve your overall well-being, please don't miss this interview. Dr. Marilyn Joyce is here to share healthy five-minute strategies to transform body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Marilyn Joyce, PhD, RD is a Registered Dietitian, with a doctorate in Psychology and Nutrition. With her beginnings in Biochemistry and Human Nutrition, as well as Yoga and whole person (Mind-Body-Spirit) wellness, Dr. Joyce approaches nutrition and lifestyle practices from a scientific and a holistic perspective. As the Director of Nutrition for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in the mid-nineties, she helped cancer patients from around the world make major positive shifts in their health through changes in their eating and lifestyle habits. Dr. Marilyn is an author, educator and internationally renowned speaker with more than thirty years of experience at the forefront of nutrition, health an

  • Out of the Fog: Light Vs. Shadow with Will Schneider

    16/08/2016 Duration: 57min

    We are naturally drawn to the Light, and yet ignoring or suppressing the Shadow side may sabotage our journey. Will Schneider, author of the novel Lucifer's Game, joins Karen for a discussion of the ebb and flow between Light and Shadow, and how we can elevate our balance for a greater awareness of spiritual wholeness. Will Schneider is a full-time writer living in the wine country of Sonoma County, north of San Francisco. An adventurer at heart, and naturally drawn to the ‘edge' of things, his current passion is kayaking along the wild Pacific coast. Will has equally experienced a calling to explore and push the boundaries of his inner world, and has spent decades deeply immersed in the study of various metaphysical traditions. Thirty-five years of deep training from a variety of exceptional spiritual teachings has allowed him to develop a wide-ranging platform of knowledge and understanding regarding the human inner landscape and our potential range of consciousness. Lucifer's Game is his first novel. Wil

  • Out of the Fog: The Strength of Sensitivity with Dr. Kyra Mesich

    09/08/2016 Duration: 57min

    Has anyone ever called you "too sensitive" ... like that was a bad thing? Dr. Kyra Mesich believes that our physical sensitivities, emotional sensitivities, and empathic, energetic sensitivities are linked. When we understand who we are, we have new perspective and tools to transform our self-concept, feel balanced and peaceful, and stand up for ourselves with confidence. Dr. Kyra Mesich helps sensitive people find their power and strength. Sensitive individuals often feel dismissed and misunderstood. Dr. Kyra gets it. As a highly sensitive person herself, she has traveled the road from being uncomfortable and overwhelmed to grounded and confident. A psychotherapist and holistic health practitioner, Dr. Kyra employs a unique approach which will transform how you think about yourself, give you tools to feel balanced and peaceful, and inspire you to stand up for yourself with confidence. Dr. Kyra didn't know she would end up dedicating her lifelong career to empowering sensitive people, but it has been more re

  • Out of the Fog: Active Peace & Real Solutions to Violence with Scott Brown

    02/08/2016 Duration: 57min

    Why do we do so much violence to ourselves, to others and to the Earth? Peacemaker and psychologist Scott Brown feels that our belief in separateness is the root cause of this violence. We'll talk about his new book Active Peace, and Scott's commitment to creating a nonviolent world. Scott Brown is a visionary peacemaker who is a leading advocate for bringing the principles and practices of restorative justice to bear on the full range of social issues and transforming activism into peacemaking. He is a life and relationship coach, youth mentor, and trainer who has applied his skills as a restorative justice facilitator and program coordinator, a divorce mediator, a wilderness rites of passage guide, a meditation instructor, and as a mentor to youth both in and out of the criminal justice system. Scott worked for more than 15 years on the front lines of environmental activism as a campaigner with organizations including Greenpeace, the Idaho Conservation League, and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

  • Out of the Fog: You Are Enough with Laurie McCammon

    26/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    What if suffering isn't an indication of personal deficit, but a symptom of the way we focus on lack while systematically ignoring opportunities for abundance and well-being for ourselves and the planet? Laurie McCammon, author of Enough, believes that we can get to the root cause of scarcity and transform our lives. Laurie McCammon, M.S. has cofounded a number of consciousness-raising organizations, including the Women's Institute of Maine, Imagine the Good Foundation and the World Institute of Social Architecture. Laurie hosts a blog, gives workshops and speeches about the topic of Enough, and will soon be releasing a co-authored companion guidebook to Enough. Laurie has served as a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women where she has twice presented the Enough message to an international audience. Find out more about Laurie and her work at weareenough.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Embodying Grace with Jennifer Lonnberg

    05/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    Negative thinking and self-doubt can create pain and anxiety that keep us from stepping into our power. Author and speaker Jennifer Lonnberg joins us to share her story of transformation. She believes that we can all find freedom and success, no matter where we are on our journeys. Jennifer Lonnberg is an intuitive life coach, energy healer, speaker and author of Embodied Grace: A Woman's Path to Empowerment. Through her workshops, retreats, conferences, and books, she inspires and empowers women to heal by breaking out of the patterns of limiting beliefs, negative thinking and self-doubt by delivering the actual "how to steps" that many speakers leave out. Jennifer is also a certified NLP practitioner, herb specialist, certified reiki master, and yoga instructor. Find out more about Jennifer and her work at jenniferlonnberg.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Tapping Into Wellness with Kathilyn Solomon

    28/06/2016 Duration: 56min

    EFT (also known as tapping) is an easy-to-learn, effective approach that can bring greater health, optimism and abundance into our lives. Author and practitioner Kathilyn Solomon will share powerful and practical exercises and real-life case studies from what she feels is a world of miracles. Kathilyn Solomon has been a professional EFT practitioner since 2004, and is among the few who have earned the ACP-EFT practitioner credential through the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). She earned early credentials in association with or through EFT founder Gary Craig and is an AAMET International Advanced EFT practitioner. Studied in other holistic modalities, Kathilyn is also a professional member of several EFT and energy psychology national and international credentialing organizations. She lives in Minneapolis. Find out more at eftminnesota.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Discovering Your Authentic Self with Sherrie Dillard

    21/06/2016 Duration: 56min

    When you know yourself, you are free. You have a power and presence that radiates from deep within and shines out confidently into the world. Author and intuitive Sherrie Dillard knows that it takes courage to embrace your authentic self and live life on your own terms. She'll talk about her new book, Discover Your Authentic Self, and share tools for the journey. Psychic since childhood, Sherrie Dillard has been a professional psychic, medium and medical intuitive, for more than 25 years. With an international clientele, she has given more than 50,000 readings worldwide. Sherrie is the author of the best-selling Discover Your Psychic Type, You Are A Medium, Develop Your Medical Intuition, and three other books. Her books have been translated into eight languages. 

  • Out of the Fog: Higher Self Connection with Maureen St. Germain

    14/06/2016 Duration: 56min

    Because we are multi-dimensional beings, we have the ability to create in many different realities. As we continue to evolve, many practices from the past are no longer working. Author, mystic and teacher Maureen St. Germain shares guidance that will help us shape our own path of conscious creation, and become more deeply connected with our Higher Self. Maureen St. Germain is the bestselling author of several books, including Beyond the Flower of Life and Be a Genie. Her writing is featured in the new compilation, Realities of Creation, and her new book Waking Up in 5D will be released this winter. Maureen has been teaching meditation, Higher Self connection, and sacred geometry to audiences worldwide for more than twenty years. She's also written and recorded more than 15 meditation CDs. Known as the "Practical Mystic," Maureen accesses the Akashic Records and is a direct channel to Source. Find out more about Maureen and her work at maureenstgermain.com.

  • Out of the Fog: A Short Path to Change with Jenny Mannion

    07/06/2016 Duration: 57min

    What if you could transform your life to one that you may never have allowed yourself to dream of? Author Jenny Mannion will share tools for change that take only a few minutes and can be accessed at any time. Jenny believes that living a life that you love is not an impossible goal - it is your birthright. Jenny Mannion graduated from Penn State University with a BA in psychology and was always interested in how the mind worked and in helping others. She began her own transformation through healing herself of several chronic diseases in three weeks. Since healing, Jenny has become an alternative healing practitioner, mind/body mentor and inspires people to connect with their inner power to create the life they desire. Jenny has witnessed clients in her own practice heal from depression, cancer, MS and many other chronic diseases and come out not only healthy but creating a life they never dreamed of. It is Jenny's passion to help others tap into their own inner powers to transform their lives. Jenny now co

  • Out of the Fog: Shining for Sensitive Souls with Jamie Ridler

    31/05/2016 Duration: 57min

    We are here to be who we are and to shine our light into the world -- so why is it so hard? And why is it especially hard for those of us on the sensitive side of the spectrum? Creative living coach Jamie Ridler joins Karen to talk about ways to awaken and explore your creative spark in life and business. Jamie Ridler is a creative force! From her popular Creative Living with Jamie Podcast to her inspirational Behind the Scenes vlogs, from innovative workshops to insightful blogging, Jamie helps people bring their creativity to life! As founder of Jamie Ridler Studios, she has helped thousands of women around the world find the confidence and courage to discover and express their creative spirit, whether that means re-discovering their artistic self or bringing more of their creative capacity to their life and business. Jamie is a magic maker, a possibility awakener and a deep believer in dreams!

  • Out of the Fog: Connect With Totems in Your Ecosystem With Author/Artist Lupa

    24/05/2016 Duration: 57min

    Author and artist Lupa invites us to go beyond simply exploring the symbols of nature, encouraging us to bury our hands in the earth and work with the real thing. Lupa focuses on the interconnected ecosystem of totems: plants, fungi, minerals, waterways, landforms, and more. By approaching totems as beings we can give to, rather than take from, Lupa shows how you can make a difference in yourself and world when you connect with totems as part of your spiritual life. As a kid, Lupa spent all her free time outdoors, turning over rocks, catching garter snakes, and learning the names of the trees. Today, Lupa is a neoshaman, artist and sustainability geek. She has been working with animal magic in various forms since the 1990s and has developed a self-created and spirit-directed neoshamanic path. She possesses a Master's degree in counseling psychology with an emphasis on ecopsychology. She is the author of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up: Connect with Totems in Your Ecosystem. Lupa lives and creates in P

  • Out of the Fog: Spiritual Activism with Andrew Harvey

    17/05/2016 Duration: 56min

    Award-winning author and spiritual teacher Andrew Harvey joins me for a transformative conversation about spiritual activism. In his latest book, "Radical Passion," Andrew hopes to bridge the divide between spiritual resignation and engaged activism. Tune in to hear his call to engage deeply on a personal, spiritual, and political level so as to become a fully empowered, fully active, and contemplative humanity that can turn tragedy into grace, and desolation into the opportunity to build and co-create a new world. The author of more than two dozen books, Andrew Harvey began his study and practice of Hinduism in 1978 after meeting a succession of Indian saints and sages. He has studied with masters such as Thuksey Rinpoche and Father Bede Griffiths for more than 30 years. Harvey was awarded the Christmas Humphrey prize for A Journey in Ladakh, the Humanities Team Award (an award previously received by Desmond Tutu ) for his 2010 body of work, and a Nautilus Award forThe Hope. He is founder and director of th

  • Out of the Fog: Die Wise with Stephen Jenkinson

    10/05/2016 Duration: 56min

    After two decades working in palliative care, Stephen Jenkinson came to an astonishing conclusion: as a culture and a species, we are utterly unprepared to embrace death and the grief that comes with it. We avoid confronting it at all costs. In his new book, Die Wise, he shares dozens of detailed and intimate stories from his experiences working with the dying and their families, illustrating both the pitfalls of denial and the bounty that can come when we face the end of life openly. Dying well, he believes, is a moral, political, and spiritual obligation each person owes their ancestors and their heirs. Stephen believes that learning to love death is one of the most direct ways to love life.

  • Out of the Fog: The Miracle of You with Paul Luftenegger

    03/05/2016 Duration: 56min

    Can music awaken love? We're in a period of global change and many are looking for reconnection with peace and comfort in these anxious times. Singer/songwriter Paul Luftenegger has made it his life's work to create music that helps unfold our inner heart through consciousness and intention. We'll hear two songs from his new album The Miracle of You, and Paul will share the story of his spiritual journey...and where he believes this focus on love and kindness can take us all.

  • Out of the Fog: Yoga Sutras for Happiness & Fulfillment with Jennie Lee

    26/04/2016 Duration: 57min

    Are you seeking a happier, more balanced, more harmonious life? Author and yoga therapist Jennie Lee stops by to talk about her new book, True Yoga, which helps demystify yoga and taps into its powerful tools for conquering stress and promoting happiness. Her new book is True Yoga.  Jennie Lee is a yoga therapist who has shared the benefits of classical yoga and meditation with hundreds of clients over the last 17 years. By using the practices she writes about in True Yoga, she has helped people conquer anxiety, depression, grief, post-traumatic stress, attention issues and challenging relationship dynamics. An expert in the field of Yoga Therapy, Lee’s writing has appeared in the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Therapy Today Magazine, Yoga Digest, Common Ground Magazine, Gaia, Yogi Times, and more. She makes yoga philosophy understandable and applicable to real life and she personally strives to live all the principles of the Yoga Sutras to maintain happiness and inner peace. Her coaching is availabl

  • Out of the Fog: Heal Yourself When No One Else Can with Amy B. Scher

    19/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    After years of struggling with life-threatening Lyme disease, Amy B. Scher discovered answers to the question: Why do some people heal from emotional and physical issues, while others don’t? After healing herself when doctors had given up all hope, Amy is now an internationally sought-after practitioner helping others achieve true healing. Amy B. Scher is an L.A-based author, energy therapist, and expert in mind-body healing. She's the author of "How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can." Find out more at http://amybscher.com. 

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