Hooray Weekly



Mining the sacred and everyday for Hooray!


  • High Holidays: Rosh Hashanah and New Beginnings

    18/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    L'Shana tova! Happy New Year! Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe are upon us as we stand at the beginning of new things, new activities and a new year. What are you hoping for? What will you choose for yourself? How will you live into this opportunity before you? Join Lee Ann (whether you are Jewish or not!) as she offers a short reflection on Rosh Hashanah. Meditation resources are from Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayerbook for the Days of Awe. Maimonides (Sephardic Jewish philosopher and Torah scholar from the 12 century) quotes: “Freewill is given to every human being. If we wish to incline ourselves toward goodness and righteousness, we are free to do so; and if we wish to incline ourselves toward evil, we are also free to do that. From Scripture (Genesis 3:22) we learn that the human species, with its knowledge of good and evil, is unique among all earth’s creatures. Of our own accord, by our own faculty of intelligence and understanding, we can distinguish between good and evil, doing as we

  • High Holidays: Elul and Forgiveness

    11/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    Preparations are underway for the Days of Awe (High Holidays) in the Jewish calendar. Come join the celebration and learn something new. This is a time of teshuvah--of turning and returning--a time of forgiveness. Let's remember that forgiveness is a small shift with big consequences--maybe, even a miracle or two... Links for wonderful Jewish learning resources: The Reconstructionist website is full of helpful information as one learns about Judaism and deepens one's relationship to the Jewish people and tradition. This community is welcoming of all people from all walks of life. If you are spiritually progressive and committed to social justice, you will find a home here. (This was my first connection with Judaism, so it holds a special place in my heart.) 10 Rituals to Assist with Making Teshuvah from the website, Ritualwell, an offshoot of the Reconstructionists. Ritualwell describes themselves this way: "We at Ritualwell believe strongly in the power of ritual. Contemporary life is rich in moments fo

  • Off the Cuff: Re-Souling of America

    04/09/2017 Duration: 18min

    Today, Lee Ann talks "off-the-cuff" about the troubles and answers for our collective malaise here in America.  While we may be "drowning in information and starving for wisdom" in the U.S., most people want to be on the side of love and justice. But it demands that we look at ourselves individually and communally. "Who are you?" is the question to be asked and answered. How we answer determines the course we take. ANNOUNCEMENTS: DC Hug Mob will be happening again! Come join us at the Lincoln Memorial/Reflecting Pool on Saturday, September 23rd at 12:00 Noon. We have the FREE HUGS signs. You bring the hugs. It's easy--give a hug, get a hug. Help us re-soul America, one hug at a time. Be sure to get your copy of Lee Ann's You Are All That: Creating a Great Life with Affirmations. It's on Amazon. You can get it by clicking here! Let us know what you think! If you like what you hear on this podcast, please subscribe, share and review on iTunes and Stitcher. These small actions "move the needle" and make it

  • On the Porch with the Stoics: Seneca

    21/08/2017 Duration: 12min

    We've taken a quick tour of Stoicism and heard from the likes of Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and Seneca. Today, we end this series with Seneca's piece that has been titled over the millennia, "On the Shortness of Life." The piece is a strident call to action. Truly, it's about seizing the day like no other written work. The version from which Lee Ann reads is a sampling from a translation by John W. Basore.  It's a public domain work. You may find it at this link.  Mr. Basore translated the piece in 1932. If you want to hear the whole of "On the Shortness of Life," there is a wonderful version on YouTube (here). The reader's voice is eloquent and interprets the phrases nicely. I recommend sitting down and reading this on a regular basis. It takes no more than 45 minutes to an hour. And it's impact is extraordinary. If you need some nudging, pushing or a swift kick to get moving in your life, THIS is the antidote! If you missed the prior episodes of the "On the Porch" series, by all means check them out b

  • Moments: 6th-Floor Wave

    17/08/2017 Duration: 07min

    A Washington, D.C. story about two strangers and acts of kindness from the 5th and 6th floors on Eye Street... Announcements: Storytellers--we want you and need you! Share a Moments-like story with Lee Ann and have a chance to be published/broadcast on Hooray Weekly.  We're looking for personal stories of 4-6 minutes that surprise, delight and/or teach. If you have something, please send us a polished audio recording with your bio and contact information to leeann@hoorayweekly.com. And if you liked the story, please subscribe and review Hooray Weekly on iTunes or Stitcher. Listen in every Monday! I love you. I really, REALLY love you... Lee Ann

  • On the Porch with the Stoics: Discipline of Will

    14/08/2017 Duration: 25min

    You've heard in the prior episodes about the first two disciplines that the Stoics practiced: the disciplines of perception and of action. Today, we hear about the third discipline--the discipline of will.  Our clearest examples come from the trials and tribulations of war and great loss which we will hear about today. But we'll learn that the crucible of war is not the only time to pull out this discipline from our old friends, the Stoics. It's a daily practice. This discipline of will requires that we answer the question, "How do we govern ourselves in a world that isn't always happy and fair? How do we reconcile the externals and internals--those things within our control and those things outside our control. This discipline is about our character and how we define ourselves. Announcement: Storytellers--we want you and need you! Share a Moments-like story with Lee Ann and have a chance to be published/broadcast on Hooray Weekly.  We're looking for personal stories of 4-6 minutes that surprise, delight an

  • Moments: Crayolas…and Peace?

    03/08/2017 Duration: 07min

    Crayons seem to be the lifeblood of our childhood. But what about now? Listen in to Hooray Weekly and Lee Ann for a moment...Go back for a second. See and smell all your crayons spilled upon the floor. What was your favorite crayon in the box of 64?    *** Fun Trivia about Crayolas: --Crayola makes 3 billion (yes, that's with a B!) crayons a year.  That's enough to circle the world 6 (count 'em), 6 TIMES! --The favorite crayon color for most folks in the U.S. is blue. --The 100 billionth Crayola was made in 1996 and it was made by Fred Rogers of Mister Roger's Neighborhood.  Of course, the color he made was blue! (Isn't that neat that he was the one to make it? I simply love that "fun fact"!)

  • On the Porch with the Stoics: Discipline of Action

    31/07/2017 Duration: 11min

    With the discipline of action, our ancient friends remind us that the way to live a happy and productive life is to make a habit of doing good. To put it in a modern-day mantra: See things as they are; do the right thing; and, be at peace. Today, we're on the second prong of this three-prong philosophy for living. Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius exhort us to a life of action and doing what is right before us. No one is responsible for our happiness but ourselves. If you want a good life, be a good person. And this requires action--the kind of action that cares for your fellow creatures, the kind of action that is just and civil, the kind of action that befits rational beings.  Marcus Aurelius wrote in his diary: "Joy for human beings lies in proper action. And proper action consists in acts of kindness to other human beings, disdain for stirrings of the senses, identifying trustworthy impressions, and contemplating the natural order and all that happens in keeping with it." Meditations 8:26. And th

  • On the Porch with the Stoics: Discipline of Perception

    24/07/2017 Duration: 22min

    Are you in the habit of seeing things and people as they are or do you attach a story to everything and everyone you see?  If you're honest, (and we all need to be!) most of us are in the habit of poor perception and faulty thinking/logic. We have endless reels that are playing in the background that distort almost every interaction...and we wonder why we suffer!   What's a person to do? Follow our new friends, the Stoics. The first, of the three foundation disciplines, is the discipline of perception, which is quite similar to, if not exactly like the Buddha's path of "right seeing." To see clearly or follow the discipline of perception, we need to: Eat a piece of humble pie and admit to ourselves that we are imperfect. Practice naming small things as they actually are. (Break down everything into component parts. For example, a chair--it is simply a seat, with four legs; made up of wood from a tree, or metal, or rock; has no decorations on it; and, can hold my weight. That is a chair, whether it i

  • Moments: Itsy Bitsy

    20/07/2017 Duration: 04min

    A composting bin, spider, rain, persistence and sunshine. What weaves them together? Listen in and find out. **** And don't forget to check out Lee Ann's latest, "the little book with a lot of punch": You Are All That: Creating a Great Life with Affirmations Thanks to all who have made this first week of the book launch so special, meaningful and successful!  My hat is off to you and my gratitude is immense. With love and Hooray, Lee Ann P.S. Want to send a comment or make a suggestion for a future podcast episode?  By all means send an email--just click here!

  • On the Porch with New Friends: The Stoics


    This week and for the next few weeks, unless for some reason I'm side-tracked, let's sip some lemonade on the porch with some ancients...who are in fact, quite modern. These guys are the Stoics. ...Got your lemonade? Now get these books and sit awhile with me for some excellent reading and study! Here are the Stoics we will be considering together: Marcus Aurelius's Meditations (translated by Gregory Hays) -- LOVE this!  I can see why Bill Clinton reads this every year.  It's a joy to read.  I am inspired by it!  This particular edition flows beautifully. The introduction and notes that Gregory Hays includes in this publication are thorough without being highbrow. Seneca's Letters from a Stoic -- This is the paperback version of this classic. And wow! Is it amazing! When you want to read the classics, choose the Penguin Classic version. That's not me selling something, this is really very good. (The Modern Library editions are usually excellent, too.)  Here are just a couple of quotes from Seneca to whe

  • Moments: Enzo


    Some moments are so precious they leave an imprint on you for life.  This moment is a collection of moments--really, two years worth. As of this week, Enzo, the greyhound, our wonder-boy and beautiful soul has been with our family for two years.  Join Lee Ann as she talks about Enzo and her wish for a better self and kinder world.

  • No Shortcuts Here


    Nothing worth having can be had quickly.  Life is not something to be cheapened with tricks or second-rate dabbling.  We are all prone to want to get to the goal or end point as fast and efficiently as possible.  But is a life worth living to be traveled the same way that we manage to manipulate a paperclip into many different uses?  Hacking our way through our days is a disservice to our lives. Mastering life and living is a much different concept to Lee Ann than is our current market bent toward "life hacks" and "life hacking." Two Announcements from Lee Ann: 1.  The Hooray for You: 365 Get-Up-and-GO-GO Quotes for Your Year give-a-way has been extended to Monday, July 17th at 11:59 p.m.  Lee Ann mistakenly gave the wrong dates in the podcast last week!  So here's what you need to know: -- Write a review of Hooray Weekly in iTunes (something that will make your Mom proud). -- Send an email with your mailing address to Lee Ann (click here) -- Get your FREE book of Hooray for You: 365 Get-Up-and-GO-GO Q

  • Keeping Your Internal House In Order


    Keeping the clutter and icky chatter from your (internal) home can be tough.  That's why today's conversation is a no-brainer addition to plucking out and replacing the negative in our minds.  Our forebears and favorite coaches have left us with inspiring words.  Let's put them to good use!  Sprinkle words of wisdom into your day and find more positive thoughts flooding your mind.   We have so much coming at us in our hours--all the feeds from the 24/7 news cycle to Facebook, Linked In, Instagram...and Twitter--why not add or replace those feeds with something that will truly FEED us?  Let's make sure that we are filling up our tanks with positive influences and keeping our internal spaces clear of negativity. Quotations from Hooray for You: 365 Get-Up-and-Go-Go Quotes for Your Year to nibble on: Day 119:  "Never bend your head.  Hold it high.  Look the world straight in the eye." --Helen Keller Day 190:  "Happiness walks on busy feet." --Anonymous Day 282:  "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in othe

  • Happy is an Inside Job


    To live a good and happy life, the Cherokee elder warns his grandchild to feed the "good wolf".  And Jesus gives us the Beatitudes as a marvelous template for how to feed our better selves (the good wolf).   Notes from Lee Ann's midrash on the Beatitudes (with particular attention given to the first beatitude of Matthew 5:3): Put exclamations all over the text instead of making the beatitudes a series of statements.  In the Greek, there are no "blessed ARE"s! Instead of "Blessed are the poor in spirit...Blessed are the meek," try, O the joy of the poor in spirit, of the mourners, of the gentle, of those who sincerely care for what is right and good, of those pure in heart, of those who make peace, of those tormented by fear!   Feels different, doesn't it? Matthew 5:3--O the joy of the poor in spirit: theirs is the kingdom of Heaven "Poor in spirit" = those who are empty or those who empty themselves like a bowl; those who are curious and know that they do not know it all; those who are beginners; th

  • Moments: Party Girl


    Moments are defined as-- a :  a minute portion or point of time b :  a comparatively brief period of time a :  present time b :  a time of excellence or conspicuousness In this new segment of Hooray Weekly, Lee Ann shares small, yet significant moments to gnaw on and consider.  And reminds us of our shared present that surely is a delight and wonder, if we will only stop and pay attention.    This first "moment" was with my little neighbor.  She taught me a lovely lesson about love...and partying! Let Lee Ann know how you are and how she can serve you through this podcast.  Write her at leeann@hoorayweekly.com.

  • Hold Fast to the Good


    No one can avoid the anxiety that plagues the U.S. and the world at this moment in time.  But we can, and must, hold fast to the good.  Lee Ann wrestles with a small portion of the Sermon on the Mount for today's episode to help us through these anxious moments of 2017.   Listen in and share with a friend. And when you have a moment, drop us a line.  Let us know how we are doing, what you'd like to learn more about on your spiritual path or maybe share a story with us.  We'd love to connect.  You can reach Hooray Weekly at leeann@hoorayweekly.com.

  • My Neighborhood


    Today’s a bit of a neighborhood day, a Mister Roger's day...an introduction to your host and friend of Hooray Weekly, Lee Ann Hopkins.  We are incorporating a bit of last week’s theme, it’s kind of like “coming out”—sharing things that are perhaps hidden and unknown to the public.

  • Living Your Own True Nature


    It's Pride Month!  Few communities embrace their true nature better than the LGBTQ community. Today, Lee Ann opens this celebratory time with a challenge to all: live out proud and loud as WHO. YOU. ARE. There's only one you. None of which should ever be hidden away, since secrets can be incredibly harmful.  In fact, it's spiritually honest to be out as who you are. Take it from a modern-day, true-to-oneself pop icon, Lady Gaga...And if not from her, then a 13th century Beguine sister, Mechtild of Magdeburg. From Lady Gaga's "Born This Way": "I'm beautiful in my way 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way."   From Mechtild of Magdeburg's spiritual poetry: A fish cannot drown in water, A bird does not fall in air. In the fire of its making, God doesn't vanish: The fire brightens. Each creature God made Must live in its own true nature; How could

  • Memory as Springboard


    A peaceful Ramadan to all who are fasting and rejoicing at the start of this month-long celebration.  May this month be purposeful, meaningful and prayerful for you and yours. And for those in the United States, may you have a safe Memorial Day weekend and holiday. In this Memorial Day weekend episode, I give you three poems that show us the way forward, as we re-member, re-order, honor and live with the losses that are front-and-center for each of us individually and communally.  The violence and war that have taken our precious ones demands that we go beyond borders and contrivances of family and nation to heal and to hope.  I focus on three poets and their poems in this episode.  They are Elizabeth Alexander's "Praise Song for the Day", Czeslaw Milosz's "Encounter" and Walt Whitman's "O Me! O Life!"  Listen to these incredible poets' wisdom!  (Check out the links to their poetry if you want to find more of their work. It's worth it to take a peek!) Praise Song for the Day -- Elizabeth Alexander Each da

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