Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 186:04:29
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A depth-filled, revolutionary talk show for soulful women to participate in meaningful inquiry, inspired conversation, and the excavation of Essence.We challenge prevailing paradigms, lean into our tender places, and explore the edge of Becoming.


  • The Veil Is Thin. Support Is Near.

    23/09/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    We have officially entered Fall and it is nice to have found this next gear. Not only a new season on the calendar but a new season for humanity.This one’s a big deal.Last week we talked about the intensity of navigating this In Between energy as we straddle the Old and the New - waiting for and assimilating the huge upgrades of energy that are being streamed into our consciousness right now.It has been an exhilarating, confusing, nerve frazzling, mind opening ride these last weeks and we are nearing the grand crescendo here in the next several days.I have discovered that I tend to process cosmic and collective energies a few days in advance of when they happen. It’s what I’m built for and is part of my Tracker mechanism.I’m learning to embrace that gift and use it to serve those who are following my lead.Today I bring good news… The other side of this up level is SO worth it!I feel such a sense of peace and certainty. It’s like everything (truly everything) is lining up. Things I have worked for and on for

  • Untamed Anthem

    18/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    This is the full version of our WSMR theme song. Written by the uber talented, Jess Johnson. It is a mantra, an anthem, a prayer, and a blessing for the Wild Souls of women everywhere. Rock On, Sister.

  • Navigating the In Between

    16/09/2015 Duration: 51min

    The cosmos is having its way with me this week. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt the astrological energies as potently as I have this month and I have no choice but to pay attention.Although “paying attention” is really an understatement... In reality I feel like I’m simply along for this thrill coaster of a ride.Whether you follow the stars or not, you’ve undoubtedly been experiencing the effects of the cosmic shifts that are occurring at this potent threshold.For me, the outer manifestation is a purgatory of projects that are finishing and new ones that are not yet begun. It is doors opening on promising possibilities and sticky minutia of old completions hanging on.In my system it feels like the revving of an engine just before it shifts gears or the intense jangle in the nervous system as you are waiting for new medicine to kick in.It is intense… and uncomfortable.I find myself pulled ever inward, cycling wildly between, “I’m ok, all is well,” and “Holy shit!! You/that/they/this is SO Annoying! What needs

  • Respite

    09/09/2015 Duration: 38min

    I’m feeling internal this week. After last week’s show about emancipating myself from my birth family I cocooned myself in quiet reflection.I responded to very few of the beautiful e-mails and texts that came in from those who love and support me. I am learning that one of the hallmarks of truly allowing love and support means that you can just let it wrap you up in softness and not actually have to DO anything in return.I am still feeling tender and also strong. I am navigating the unmooring of the loss of what has been an essential orientation for my whole Being.I’m taking it slow.That is the way with evolutionaries. While we are fundamentally programmed to push the edges and leap tall buildings in a single bound, we also require Deep Rest.Soulful pauses to exhale, recoup, and take stock.This week is one of those times.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week, we quieted our systems and opened to pause. We allowed ourselves to come to rest in the most delicious and spacious way.Here are a few highlights:

  • Emancipation

    02/09/2015 Duration: 55min

    The full moon in Pisces was unrelenting in her illumination of the shadows of my shadows that she brought powerfully forward over this last weekend.I tried to duck and hide. At times the intensity of the buzz felt so potent I wondered if I might be vibrated apart by it.And, in a way… I was.A synchronistic event with my daughter at school, mushroom clouded into a family system apocalypse with my extended family. Some of you may have had a window into it if you were following my Facebook page during the exchange.It culminated in me emancipating myself from my family of origin. Parents, siblings, and in-laws… we are officially on separation by my internal and external proclamation.What a complex journey this is!I have navigated this increasingly tense and dissonant family constellation for the last 10 years. Tending my triggers, growing into my Essence, finding my way to love more and judge less.I have taken my medicine over and over again.So, how did I know that NOW was the time to take this more drastic and po

  • I can't stand you because...

    26/08/2015 Duration: 59min

    This week has been one of spaciousness and revelation for me. After our Red Tent for Mothers last week, I dropped into Being With my Self, my husband, my land, and my work.It has been beautiful to entertain this space of vast openness and deep listening. It is a requirement for my sanity and growth.From the sacred space of my wild sanctuary, I’ve been loving, seeing, reflecting and expanding.So much is unfurling in my awareness.It doesn’t all start out as love and light, though. The best inquiries often begin with a problem or complaint.In fact, our deepest “problems” are our most potent portals for freedom.One such inquiry for my husband and me this week was around the things that annoy us about our children.Yep. We go there. It has to be done. All awarenesses are invited here.As we laid out our complaints and named the things we “can’t stand” -- an opening of epic proportions occurred.It was so profound and filled with grace, I continue to bask in the miracle of receiving it.I told our Tribe all about it on

  • A Red Tent for Mothers

    19/08/2015 Duration: 46min

    I awoke before 6:00 am on Wednesday morning to get my children up and off to school. Both of them are attending a new building this year as they enter their trepidatious sixth and seventh grade years.It is a mixed bag for them. They are beginning to own their freedom and are excited to make new friends and find their place in the world. Simultaneously they are a bundle of self-consciousness, anxiety, and angst. “Will I get lost? What if no one likes me? What’s my locker combination again?”I am confident in my children’s ability to navigate their experiences and... as a mother, I feel every ounce of their angst… plus my own.Crossing the threshold of the start of school brings a lot forward for all of us.On the surface, most of us handle it like old pros. We buy the clothes and supplies, pack the lunches, arrange the carpool, and drop them off at the door.Some of us relish the transition as it opens more space for us to be with our Selves and “get some stuff done.”You know, "a mother’s work is never done" and a

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Lisa Fabrega

    12/08/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Last week was IN-TENSE. If you listened to the radio show on Wednesday, you know that I came super triggered, coughed through much of it, and did my best to find a space of clarity within the turmoil of my energetic space.Well… what happened after the show was Off. The. Hook.Let me just say, it involved retrieving a past life that completed a Karmic Cycle of EPIC proportions, an angelic healing that reset my entire energy system and opened a portal for the most magically, mind-blowing sexual experience of my life... and too many other miracles to count. (I shared all about it on this show.)I also tended and navigated more e-mail responses and Wild Soul Medicine activity than from any other previous episode.Many, many women wrote to me appalled and incensed that someone would dare to steal my work, others reached out to soothe what they thought must be my wounded countenance - to let me know that surely I would be ok and to just trust that no one could really ever steal my work, and there were also several wom

  • She Stole My Work

    05/08/2015 Duration: 57min

    Truth. Integrity. Righteousness. Piety.Guiding tenants, imperative compasses, and potentially shadowy pitfalls for the walk of an Evolutionary.I woke up on Wednesday morning deeply incensed to discover a woman who has followed my work closely was now copying it very directly in the offering of a “brand new program” that she "just now got clear on."The vibration was clearly out of alignment with who she is. The words were the weavings from my own Essence being masqueraded as the Truth of another.It felt shitty. My ego wasn’t happy.My Soul doesn’t like it either. We can’t grow into our fullness while copying someone else’s.I reached out for advice and counsel from my Trusted Sisterhood, but no one was available until later.And so… I showed up in process to explore this Medicine with each of you on the show.What transpired was profound. At one point, my throat completely closed down in coughing spasms and I used it as a signal to pause and tune in. What came after was a potent message for All of Us.Truly, this i

  • Life Between Snapshots

    29/07/2015 Duration: 32min

    We blew the technology again! I'm learning that Source has a way of letting me know quite clearly when a shift is needed... by closing down the regular channels of communication abruptly - and COMPLETELY.On Tuesday night during a Skype call with my Sister, Andrea, all of the technology in the house crashed right as she was reminding me to allow my heart to have what it most desires - another beautiful year of abundance and flow. The soonest the cable company could come to repair the lines was late Wednesday evening. Which left me with no internet or phone to deliver a Wild Soul Medicine episode to you this week.Instead, I created a short video to serve as a behind the scenes look at my life between snapshots, but… it was impossible to upload anywhere.Hmmm…. super frustrating and my ego was NOT happy.My heart really wanted to be with you. So, I showed up, me and my cell phone with no plan. You'll have to listen in to see what wanted to be shared when I got out of my own way.(Hint - there's a little magik that

  • How to Get Clients

    22/07/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    I’m delighted to be back with you as we settle in for another Soulful discussion around the fire of our Becoming.I am feeling so full and complete. Many of the remodeling projects that have been underway at my home for the last many months are coming to completion, the sun has finally come out in the midwest after a rainy summer that seemed to last forever, and I am deeply in the joy of living my Essence through my work in the world on all levels. These moments of clarity and peace are so beautiful to experience.It had me feeling a little playful today as I opened up to receive the medicine for this week’s show. That’s why I joked with you in the subject line in my invitation. ;)No, I haven’t sold out and abandoned my integrity… I am so NOT about “getting” clients (or anything else) anymore.A couple of weeks ago, I announced the Soulful Money Medicine course and how it was birthed spontaneously from Essence and “launched” within hours - with over 80 women currently enrolled. On that show, I spoke about runnin

  • A Sacred Arrival... Meet Nuru

    15/07/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    I feel shy this week. A little like a new mama about to introduce her baby to her Tribe for the first time. Except in so many ways I am the baby and my medicine drum is the mama.For the past 6 months I have been on an epic journey, to birth and initiate a medicine drum. As with all epic journeys this one started out with a simple intention and then took on a life of its own - as I held the tail of the comet and allowed the unfurling to move through me.On the surface there were motions, actions, words, and deeds. Underneath all of that were the alchemical, shamanistic weavings of opening a portal for an entirely new octave of healing and possibilities for my life and my work.It’s a tricky story to tell. It is both simple and complex. Dark and Light.Throughout this journey I have been humbled by how outmaneuvered I have been by all the forces that conspired to entrust the spirit of this potent portal to my care.I know nothing and I am everything.In her first public appearance in the form of the Medicine Drum, N

  • Money Energy Healings with Jody

    08/07/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    This Soulful Money conversation is certainly stirring things up. Some of us have sprung into action and are ready to explore the depths of our money story.Others have gone into contraction because they don’t see a way to make it happen right now and are feeling helpless, hopeless or angry that it’s another “not now” for them.This is all part of it, my love. There is no right or wrong to any of it.These reactions, stuck places, and energetic gremlins are in need of your attention. Not SO THAT you can pay for this course, or get money, or do something to be a better person…But because they are super painful to live with and … they aren’t even real.They are just subconscious energy signatures that have taken up residence in front of your Essence. They are blocking the door to your fullest expression of your Self.It is nearly impossible to navigate them on your own.That’s why on this week's show I opened the lines to receive your inquiries and stuck places.We looked at the places where we are not in flow with our

  • Soulful Money Medicine

    01/07/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    I woke up on Wednesday morning well rested and with no specific plans other than showing up to be with you on Wild Soul Medicine Radio.As I began to check some e-mails and interact with my day, I discovered a slight existential angst begin to creep into my energetic space. I noticed I was feeling a little out of sorts and kind of bleh in general.So I closed my eyes and tuned in to what was underneath the surface…What I noticed was how many interactions, conversations, and relationships I’m involved in right now with powerful, dynamic, sacred women - who are completely BROKE.They are struggling to pay their rent, needing to land the next client to make their tuition payment, borrowing from family or friends to make ends meet for yet another month.It hit my Soul hard. As a woman who has been a prolific money generator, a wild money spender, and at times a volatile money steward, I totally get this pain. I spent YEARS healing my money story and working out the kinks in creating flow, allowing myself to Have mone

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Liz DiAlto

    24/06/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    In the days after the show on The Sacred Temple of Becoming, I found myself luxuriating in 2 different, sacred, real-life temples (in the mountains of California) with beautiful Essences who ignited my Soul and filled my heart. I also spent two days bringing the manifestation of my medicine drum, Nuru, into 3D reality and on the other side of that resting deeply into the quietness of the new spaciousness and light within my Self.It was the perfect way to end a cycle of healing and growth and glide into the bright illumination of the Summer Solstice.As we reconvened this week, there wasn't a more perfect woman to play with than another Soul Sister who is fiercely committed to the Sacred Temple of Becoming - my dear friend, Liz D’Alto.One of the things I most appreciate about Liz is her straight talking, no nonsense approach to all things Wild Soul. She and I had an intimate and candid conversation about Essence, truth, and freedom…Here are a few highlights: 8:43 How to win every competition 16:03 "I ha

  • The Sacred Temple of Becoming

    10/06/2015 Duration: 42min

    "As the golden rays of the summer sun expand their warmth upon the earth, the mother stretches herself into opening as she luxuriates in the richness of the nourishment she receives…"I am freshly emerged from a long weekend of ceremony with some of my innermost students, and full of expansion, downloads, and vision.So many themes emerged in the space of our laying together in beauty, exploration, peace, pain, process, renewal, and Return.The central theme was a Remembering of The Temples and how we used to live lives exactly like the ones we were experiencing in this space.Our full time “work” was simply Being in this space of ecstasy, love, and seeing.There was no striving, intending, or forcing… Essence truly was the Priestess of the Day.There was so much to tell you about this vast Remembering.On this week's Wild Soul Medicine Radio, we dropped into the Temple of Becoming and explored its many levels and nuances. Our Temples are magikal, mystical places of such goodness and gold. I hold space for you to li

  • Untamed Convo with Elayne Kalila Doughty

    03/06/2015 Duration: 01h05s

    About a week ago, I connected with my dear friend and fellow Edge Walker, Elayne Kalila Doughty. You may remember her as one of our most vulnerably powerful guests from the Woman, Come Undone Experience last September.We talked about the wild ride we have both been on since the airing of that deeply earth shaking session several moons ago, and within minutes, we both knew that there was something vitally important about this conversation that needed to be shared with our collective.We showed up on Wednesday's show uncensored, humble, and transparent in a discussion about the challenges we have been navigating, the insights we have so far, and what it seems to mean for where We All are heading.Here are highlights from our Conversation: 10:04 The Unbelievable Real Life Circumstance that neither of us knew was present during Elayne's Coming Undone session 13:46 The Queen of Death 17:37 Prime Direction - Individuate into Essence or Serve the Collective 20:40 The Only way to Heal the planet 23

  • Taking a Break

    20/05/2015 Duration: 08min

    Greetings, Sister,For the last several days I have been deeply cocooned in sacred space with a group of a beautiful women who are ardent students of this Work.It was a spectacularly gorgeous Re-Union of Souls filled with highs and lows, authentically rich sisterhood, laughter, tears, and redemption.These women are why I do what I do.Getting to spend time with them in person breaks open my heart and nourishes my Being on every level.And… I’m tired.We really gave all we had for this one and I haven’t quite caught up from it yet.I’ve decided to honor my system today and take a break from the airwaves.If you missed last week’s show this is a great time to catch up. Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite episodes so far.I’d love to hear what you thought of it.Join us in The Tribe to share your comments and insights.I’ll be back next week to share more Medicine with you.In the meantime, I hope you’ll find some rest and nourishment for your own Soul.Thanks for listening.

  • Live Energy Healings with Jody

    13/05/2015 Duration: 01h07min

    On last week’s show I shared my own Mama Story, something that I have held close to my heart until now. Sharing it activated the most powerful and beautiful medicine, which continues to unfold as I deepen into the lessons.I heard from so many of you since then - sharing your matches and your ongoing desire to unravel the wounding with your own mother relationship. So on Wednesday I opened the phone lines to support your freedom.If you haven't had a chance to listen in yet, this week's show offers powerful healing for all of us.Here are a few highlights from the show: 3:49 Untaming your Story 11:36 All things lead back to Mother 16:08 Anella's Medicine: I don't know what I want The Great Mother's Dilemma "I'd rather be Needed than Needy" How to shift from DO-ing to BE-ing 46:03 Jennifer's Medicine: I've lost myself The toxic effects of carrying everyone else's stuff Lineage Clearing: "This is Your Cross t

  • Healing Our Mother Wounds

    06/05/2015 Duration: 49min

    I have debated for nearly a year about whether to share my story about my relationship with my mother.Until now, I’ve only shared it with my most inner circle.On this week’s show I shared what it has been like for me to be in relationship with a mother I love dearly… who also HATES pretty much everything about my life and my work.- We talked about the complex relationship between mothers and daughters- The lineage of suffering we are all connected to - What to do to begin healing your own mama wounds - even if your mama is not on board with changing.This is such important work for us as women. As we mid-wife the New Age into being, the more whole we are around our lineage of birthing, tending, loving, seeing, and nurturing, the more hope there is for Mama Gaia to return to her true glory.Here are a few highlights from the show: 0:32 A stripped down and vulnerable beginning 8:50 My Mama Story 17:44 Letting Mom off the hook 20:18 Growing Our Selves Up 21:11 I am not my Mother 23:15 "It t

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