Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 186:04:29
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A depth-filled, revolutionary talk show for soulful women to participate in meaningful inquiry, inspired conversation, and the excavation of Essence.We challenge prevailing paradigms, lean into our tender places, and explore the edge of Becoming.


  • Money - The Untamed Conversation

    29/10/2014 Duration: 59min

    As I've engaged in Magikal conversations with women around the globe this week, I’ve been struck by how despite our very different life experiences, circumstances, languages, and cultures we are so vitally, essentially the Same. We yearn for peace in our hearts and connection with our Souls. We seek, we cry, we heal, we love. It is the most beautiful expression of Oneness I’ve been honored to witness.What has also emerged as strikingly common in these conversations, is the severe limitation of our view of the world through the lens of money. This is a pervasive story. Across cultures, and across ages, careers, and backgrounds - the money conversation is one we have used to paint ourselves into tight corners of lack and limitation.This narrow view of what money is, how it works, blocks to getting it or having it is currently the biggest barrier to our next level of transformation.Without Untaming our views and our energetic understanding of and relationship with money, we are dead in the water....If you’ve bee

  • Are you Choosing Fear over Freedom?

    22/10/2014 Duration: 58min

    If you missed it, today's show was a powerful look at the dynamics of how fear clouds our ability to discern truth and listen accurately to our intuition. The topic emerged from the plethora of deeply rich and meaningful conversations with the flood of you who’ve responded to the Call for Magik School applicants.It is clear we have amassed a tribe of women on a mission to do the Big Work, to listen to their intuition, and to step up and activate their destiny.It’s a beautiful thing to witness and I am blessed to receive each and every one of you.And… as we are finding out, this activation thing is not always a piece of cake. When we are up to this level of evolutionary transformation we constantly come up against our edges. One moment we’re activating and following our Yes’s and the next moment we’re neck deep in all of the “reasons” why we’d love to make this next bold move but just can’t because of…. our husband, our financial situation, our busyness, our parenting, Universal timing… and any number of other

  • Am I Crazy?

    15/10/2014 Duration: 54min

    On our show yesterday, I talked about the openings that are occurring for so many of us and the accompanying fears that are keeping us stuck in this purgatory of waking/not waking. We worked with the energy of letting go of the illusions that seem so painfully real in order to move out of hiding and into What Is Calling Us Forward.A few highlights include: 4:56 My Own Crazy Journey through Waking Up 13:01 What to do when nothing makes sense any more 17:51 Can I just go back to sleep? 20:16 "Evolve or Die" 24:06 Becoming the Bridges between Here and There 26:19 Energy Exercise: The Heart Phone is Ringing... It's for YouYou are not alone. There are thousands of us waking up like this in our own little pockets around the world.You do not have to navigate this alone.In fact, these experiences we are having - this Calling that is coming for us - is actually the source of our greatest connection. Everything is about to start making a whole lot more sense.Listen in to the replay as we pull back t

  • I Want More

    08/10/2014 Duration: 01h24s

    After the most expansive month of miracles, breakthroughs, Soul healings, and paradigm shifting with the Woman, Come Undone Experience (www.womancomeundone.com), we are back in our sacred space of Wild Soul Medicine Radio!I missed being in this weekly space with you and I am delighted to return to our sacred temple of re-wilding our own Souls and connecting directly with one another around all things evolutionary.I had a lot to share on the show. The Woman, Come Undone Experience was a huge space to create and hold for 30 days and I learned and experienced so much. This week, I shared the behind the scenes of what that felt like for me and how it played out outside of the Sessions you Witnessed. I also opened up about some of my favorite parts of the Experience - the most poignant, the most surprising, the highs and lows as well as shed light on some of the mysteries about how I do what I do.Here are a few highlights: 6:23 Appreciating the vastness of The Experience 11:58 A beacon of what is possible

  • Coming Undone

    03/09/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    This show opened the portal for a 3 week journey into the wildly feminine, completely unpredictable, and intensely vulnerable and edgy Experience of Woman, Come Undone.Yesterday, I took my own seat in the hot and holy fires of Coming Undone. I am leading this journey of a thousand freedoms by being the first one to invite you to witness my very vulnerable, public healing session - here, in this episode of Wild Soul Medicine Radio.My Soul Sister, Master Energy Healer and Somatic Psychotherapist, Sweigh Spilkin guided me through a healing session around a stuck place I have been in about Opening to the Divine through my physical body. Wrestling with rashes, allergies, coughing and a host of other physical discomforts that have me fighting my surrender into my humanness.In my typical efforts to control what might feel scary, my intention was "to make peace and partnership within my physical body SO THAT I can experience integration and my body can support and expand to allow all of this purpose and energy I am h

  • Radical Transparency - Essence or Ego?

    27/08/2014 Duration: 57min

    I come to you today at the edge of another leap off the cliff of my own evolution. I’ve been hard at work on some major offerings from my heart to my listeners and it is time for the big reveal. As with any reveal there are the accompanying butterflies in my belly, jangling nervous system and fluttering heart. I am like a mama introducing her child to school for the first time - hoping the world is kind and that her child is ready to meet it.And, even as I prepare to take the leap - ready or not - I am filled with questions. I am continually in the inquiry around discerning the truth of my offering and distinguishing its energetic alignment - with my Soul, my purpose, and the Divine.t’s not easy to walk the threshold of a new paradigm. There aren’t exactly road maps to follow… we are making this up as we go along.On today’s show, I’ll share with you the anatomy of this new creation and all of the pitfalls, miracles, and unanswered questions that surround it.Needless to say, it is a big deal. It involves the l

  • It's Time to Tell the Truth

    20/08/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    From early on, we are conditioned to tell lies. We are supposed to say we are “fine” when we’re not fine. We’re supposed to smile when we’re not actually happy. We’re supposed to be “nice” even if we feel resentful or sad. We get so conditioned to lie that we actually become terrified of telling the truth - to be honest when a friend asks us what is wrong (especially if what is wrong is that we are mad at them!), or to say what’s really happening with us when our husband asks if we’re upset.We all go around pretending to be something we are not, denying the feelings that we are authentically having, and perpetuating the need to go unconscious just to survive the disconnect.It doesn’t have to be this way. When we learn to tell the truth we create a portal for magic to occur.When we become radically honest - first, and most importantly, with ourselves and then with others - an amazing thing happens. It is called FREEDOM.By exposing the things we’ve been avoiding, we air out the energetic dust bunnies in our dar

  • Why can't I get what I want?

    06/08/2014 Duration: 01h10min

    I meet you today from a space of potent creation and aliveness. I am in the midst of birthing a revolutionary, new paradigm experience for some of the biggest leaders of our time; I am preparing my home for a powerful weekend intensive with several of my private clients in a few weeks; I am visioning into the unveiling of my flagstone course, Magik School - in a couple of months; remodeling my guest house to create a healing and creation space for myself, my friends and clients; and preparing for a multitude of mama tasks like supporting my daughter as she shows her horse at the county fair next week, preparing for the start of school, and embracing my role as a soccer mom of two highly active kids.It's a full life.Part of my Soul Medicine Path is to call in a lot of activity. My lessons are around METABOLIZING that activity.It's not always a graceful dance, but I am learning so much.A while back during a kitchen table talk with my shaman, I was inquiring about the nature of Essence and Will within our creat

  • Relationship Medicine

    30/07/2014 Duration: 01h49s

    I trust you found just the right medicine for you in our show from last week. It struck a nerve with so many of our sisters. "Should I stay or should I go" is the mind loop we get stuck in when our spiritual lessons present themselves in our relationships. We get lost in thinking there is a "right" relationship for us and we'd be safer, better, happier if only we could discern whether THIS is it.In reality, the only safer, better, happier space is the one we create within ourselves. When we excavate the truth of who and what we are, our relationships show up as magical reflections of our Essence and become beautiful dances of Divinity in motion. It is from that space we can operate as conscious creators expressing the love that IS us.This inquiry is fertile ground for us to continue the exploration of using our relationships as portals to freedom. In this episode, I served your expansion in this area by receiving calls the whole show. I helped you see through your blind spots related to your current partnersh

  • Should I Stay or Should I Go

    23/07/2014 Duration: 57min

    Hello Beautiful,Once again, we gathered around the fire of remembering. This time entertaining inquiry around the place of our greatest spiritual teachings... our intimate relationships.So many of my personal clients and friends are deep in the struggle of navigating relationships that feel stuck, lifeless, dysfunctional, and painful. They are lost trying to figure out whose fault it is and who needs to change in order to make things right.I've been there many times myself, and I've learned A LOT in the 17 years I've been married to my Soul Mate, Lance. (It certainly has not always been sunshine and roses.)This week I shared the wisdom I've gleaned from sticking it out, leaning in, and doing the deep work required to cultivate a conscious spiritual partnership. A few highlights include: 6:32 It's not him, it's YOU - embracing Radical Self-Responsibility12:51 Is divorce the answer for you?19:32 How can I stay if my partner is not evolving with me?31:49 Your triggers are portals to Freedom!40:13 The su

  • Experiencing Iconic Essence

    16/07/2014 Duration: 55min

    Hello Love,It was another powerful Wild Soul Medicine Radio Show as I shared my recent 5 day adventure and intensive Essence work at the filming of the Nu Icon experience with Laura Hollick in Toronto. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Starting with a beautiful energetic presencing I experienced there that I brought back and led our listeners through on this week's show.I also shared some of the gems of awakening I received in the Nu Icon container as well as my navigation of the bumpy parts.Here are a few fun highlights to check out: 4:16 Going Inward - A new way to begin11:32 Essence - the Life Force behind everything22:22 The magic of Essence... it sounds like angels singing27:53 Evolving isn't easy. Sticky places from my Nu Icon experience33:03 Problems as Portals39:31 Nature is the Best Teacher of Essence Come join the conversation over in the Tribe! (www.facebook.com/groups/wildsoulmedicineradiotribe) It's like a backstage pass to all of our continued evolution... one step at a t

  • Excavating Essence

    09/07/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    Hello, Essence!I hope you are heading into your weekend with presence and peace. I am here in Toronto with the other Nu Iconic Essences and am having the time of my life. It is nourishment for my Soul to get to play with these gorgeous, alive women who are committed to fully excavating their Essence and leaning into the next corner of their evolution ready to be revealed.I can’t wait to share what we are creating with you. (The movie will be coming out in October.)In the meantime, some support for the becoming of YOUR Essence. Our show this week was about this very topic. Leaning in to the places where we’d rather stay safe or hide out, and gently coaxing them into the open - toward freedom and alignment.We received medicine from a couple of courageous listeners and championed the return of their Essence. I’m sure you’ll find resonance with their inquiry.Here were some highlights to listen for:6:02 A sneak peak into the next edge of the expression of my Essence I’ll be playing with at the Nu Icon shoot thi

  • Embodied Essence

    02/07/2014 Duration: 01h35s

    It is with so much love and vibrancy that I share this episode with you today - fully present, embodied and integrated in my heart, body, and soul.It hasn’t always been this way with me. It’s only been a matter of days that I have been luxuriating in the completeness of finally, FINALLY landing within myself.Before now, I was a ghost in my own life. At various times I was flighty, frustrated, anxious, angry, alone, in despair, and lost. My body felt like a carcass that my spirit had to drag around with it. Everything felt hard because I was so afraid to be all the way here.This excerpt from “What to Remember when Waking" by David Whyte speaks so truly about the awkwardness and pain of this human journey."To be human is to become visiblewhile carrying what is hidden as a gift to others.To remember the other world in this worldis to live in your true inheritance.You are not a troubled guest on this earth,you are not an accident amidst other accidentsyou were invited from another and greater nightthan the one fr

  • Returning to the Light

    18/06/2014 Duration: 01h18min

    Yesterday was a gift. After a couple weeks of wrestling with myself and feeling disconnected from purpose, my path and my Essence… I showed up yesterday celebrating the feeling of having broken through the surface and riding the wave of breakthrough.In gratitude for each of you who’ve stood by me and shared your own fears and tears and resonance with my journey these last weeks, I opened the lines to receive you in your stuck places.There was beautiful medicine delivered by the brave women who stepped forward to ask for help - Championing the cause of their own becoming. Miracles occurred. Breakthroughs abounded.Here were some of the highlights:7:41 Moving out of the darkness - honoring the Summer Solstice and embracing enlightenmentMedicine from our Listeners:11:32 Brandi's courageous query, "Is he the One?!"18:47 The emotional reaction that happens when she gets present with what she's been avoiding30:15 Energy Healing - filling yourself with your Self41:19 Brandi answers her own question... "So IS h

  • The Heretic's Path

    11/06/2014 Duration: 01h10min

    "Your moment of decision is inevitable and it is shared by all: you must bear witness to the Truth or silently consent to the perpetration of a lie.” - The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, by Alan CohenA listener posted this excerpt in the Tribe (www.facebook.com/groups/wildsoulmedicineradio.com) after listening to this episode. It felt like the perfect punctuation to the story I shared about my Heretic’s journey.It was a tough show for me to get through - filled with a quaking voice and a lake of tears. Not all of us are courageous at every moment of our journey. It felt like leaping into the abyss to share my vulnerability of letting go of some big strategic partnerships in my business, to own the places my ego has been running the show, and to candidly share the misalignments from behind the scenes of the prevailing paradigm.I called bullshit on myself and on the prostitution of the High Priestess. I claimed my truth and stepped back into alignment with my Soul and the path that Divinity would have me wal

  • Mama Medicine

    04/06/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    This week's show is already creating some buzz in the Tribe! Parenting - the good, the bad, the ugly - brings up our stuff in deep ways, and we all have work to do to heal our limiting patterns and stories. As we discussed on the show, we have to be fierce about making the time for this clearing work to happen ... for ourselves, for our children, for our planet.Our Goddess Mama guest, Jolette Jai, is committed to leading the shift to a new parenting paradigm, and shared some juicy nuggets with our Tribe. She describes her parent coaching programs as being "for those who want to shift into a Soul connection with their child like nothing you've ever experienced. It's about the gift of transformation - for parents, for coaches of parents, for the children. It's for people who really are on the journey to have purposeful lives, making a huge difference in bringing out the Souls of children."Here are some of the highlights you can listen for when you tune in to the replay: 4:16 Why we give our power away to "th

  • Surrendering to the Divine

    28/05/2014 Duration: 39min

    I Surrender. Completely. With my forehead on the floor, humbly allowing the Divine to speak to and through me. On Wednesday, I had a plan, with everything lined up to go exactly as I thought it should, and then it all fell apart. Minutes before this week's show, I was on my knees in meditation, surrendering, knowing that what Source had to share was much simpler, much more powerful, much greater than what I had planned.There are no words to explain the message for this week's show. As you feel ready, I invite you to listen in to the replay and experience the Grace that unfolds. From my heart to yours. Jody

  • Notes from the Path

    21/05/2014 Duration: 58min

    "So beautiful to hear your energies dance together, all the love, respect and trust between you two. Medicine Woman was an amazing surprise guest! Thank you *all* for your courage, wisdom and vulnerability... truly inspiring. That final poem got the tears flowing!! Beautiful and timely as usual."- posted in The Tribe by a WSMR Sister If you haven't yet listened to this week's show, you're in for a juicy behind-the-scenes look at how Untamed You really runs! Yesterday, I introduced our Tribe to Viv - my friend, most trusted advisor, Untamed Coach, and go-to girl. We showed up unrehearsed, without an agenda, and with three (well, really five or ten!) questions for each other. It was as candid a reveal about this "new paradigm" business approach as you can imagine. And yes - Viv completely unraveled me with her last question!Over the past five years, Viv has evolved from a regular woman working in corporate America with a rocky marriage and two children ... to an energy reading, open-hearted healer who works

  • Hovering Above our Lives

    14/05/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Haaaahhhhh..... vulnerability is such a beautiful thing. Today was my most embodied (and least perfect) show yet. And... miracles abounded. That's what happens when we get truly present. I shared some recent insights I've had about "hovering above my life" and the effects it has had on my happiness, my outcomes, and my Soul.This week's show was about landing - for me and our listeners. We were blessed with the medicine of three courageous callers who helped us see more of ourselves by revealing themselves.•How do I know if I'm following my purpose?•Is it safe to be fully IN my relationship?•My business is going pretty well. Am I hovering above it?When you listen, you'll fall in love with the Essence of these women, just as I did. There is healing for each of us when we stand for another Soul's Truth. Here are some of the highlights you can listen for when you tune in to the replay: 2:20 The difference between me and a "talking head" 4:04 If only 4% of the mind is conscious, then what is actually running

  • The Lady of Gifts

    07/05/2014 Duration: 01h13min

    We are finding our stride! We're only a month into this journey and we have been playing with different formats for our time together. Leaning in and trusting where the Divine leads. Letting go of agendas and expectations. Opening to miracles.Yesterday's show was a space of magic, a session filled with aha's and healings for the courageous Souls who called in to the show and for those of us witnessing the shifts in their energy. There is medicine for you everywhere when you wake up to what is presenting itself.You may have some matches to the women who shared their vulnerability with us yesterday:•Healing a broken heart after a break-up•Why am I so exhausted all the time?•Why can't I let my life be easy?Any of those resonate with you? They sure did for me and many of our listeners. I am continually gladdened by the freedom in recognizing we are not alone in our struggles and the validation of seeing ourselves in others.Here are some of the highlights you can listen for when you tune in to the replay: 2

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