The New Stack Makers



With new interviews thrice-weekly, The New Stack Makers stream of featured speakers and interviews is all about the new software stacks that change the way we development and deploy software. For The New Stack Analysts podcast, please see The New Stack @ Scale podcast, please see to TNS on YouTube at:


  • A New Relic Tale About Migrating to AWS w/ Wendy Shepperd

    21/01/2021 Duration: 27min

    New Relic sponsored this podcast. In this The New Stack Makers podcast, Wendy Shepperd, general vice president of engineering, New Relic, describes the challenges of migrating New Relic’s telemetry platform to a cloud native environment on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Hosted by TNS founder and publisher Alex Williams, Shepperd discussed key lessons learned about New Relic’s shift to AWS, as well as implications for observability following the move.

  • What is Data Management in the Kubernetes Age?

    19/01/2021 Duration: 48min

    In this episode of The New Stack Analysts podcast, TNS founder and publisher Alex Williams virtually shared pancakes and syrup with guests to discuss how Apache Cassandra, gRPC and, other tools and platforms play a role in managing data on Kubernetes. Mya Pitzeruse, software engineer and OSS contributor from effx; Sam Ramji, chief strategy officer at Datastax; and Tom Offermann, a lead software engineer at New Relic were the guests. They offered deep perspectives about the evolution of data management on Kubernetes and the work that remains to be done.

  • Infrastructure as Code is a Movement Ready to Boom

    13/01/2021 Duration: 29min

    Prisma Cloud from Palo Alto Networks sponsored this podcast. Infrastructure as code is a movement ready to boom. It’s also emerging as one of the three pillars in cloud security that are bringing DevOps and security together in the evolving DevSecOps market, said Varun Badhwar, senior vice president, Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks, in this episode of The New Stack Makers hosted by TNS Founder and Publisher Alex Williams. Infrastructure as code is also a major component of the DevOps’ trend to shift left. “Shift left security now means application security, it means software composition analysis and it means infrastructure as code scanning — and all of that now is available for DevOps teams to do in the pipeline,” Badhwar explained. “And in an ideal situation,” he continued, “you want to tie all of that to the tools that your infosec teams want to use in runtime in production, such that you have one set of policies globally recognized in your enterprise. And you’re working against the same standards — it’s

  • Scaling New Heights EP #8 - Making a Difference at Airbnb, the Story of a Reliability Engineer

    05/01/2021 Duration: 14min

    Welcome to The New Stack Makers: Scaling New Heights, a series of interviews, conducted by Scalyr CEO Christine Heckart, that cover the challenges engineering managers have faced when scaling architectures to support the demands of the business. Uber. Recall the company in 2017, the management, the scale, and the post by Susan Fowler, who detailed experiences that speak to the hopes and terrible realities at the company. That’s the scenario that faced Donald Sumbry, who now heads reliability engineering at Airbnb in this interview with Heckart. He was not aware of the issues internally at Uber due, he says, to the work and all the technical problems that needed resolving. "In early 2017, we had the Susan Fowler blog post, and one of the things I remember the most was that some of what was what had happened was actually a surprise to me," Sumbry said, "And I realized that I was so knee-deep in the work that I was doing, that there were so many problems to solve. And we attracted the type of peop

  • Is Hindsight Still 2020? Reviewing the Year in Tech

    28/12/2020 Duration: 47min

    On the last The New Stack Analysts of the year, the gang got together — remotely, obviously — to reflect on this year. And oh what a year! But for a year in tech, 2020 still had a lot of hits — and some misses. Publisher Alex Williams was joined by Libby Clark, Joab Jackson, Bruce Gain, Steven Vaughan-Nichols, and Jennifer Riggins. We looked back on the year that saw millions die, no one fly, and a lot of jobs in turmoil. It was also a year that, while many things screeched to a halt, much of the tech industry had to keep going more than ever.

  • The AWS Viewpoint on Open Source and Kubernetes

    22/12/2020 Duration: 49min

    KubeCon+CloudNativeCon sponsored this podcast. Kubernetes is certainly evolving, but it will be some time before organizations deploy and run applications seamlessly in cloud native environments without today’s associated challenges of its adoption and maintenance. Amazon Web Services (AWS), of course, is both an early proponent of Kubernetes and a leading provider of cloud native services and support, and has thus been implicitly involved with its changes over the past few years. In this The New Stack Makers podcast, AWS’ Bob Wise, general manager of Kubernetes, and Peder Ulander, head of product marketing for enterprise, developer and open source initiatives, described AWS’ role in Kubernetes and how cloud native plays into the company’s open source strategy. They also discussed how Kubernetes is evolving in the market, including in terms of how customer needs are changing, and why open source technologies are critical to fill in gaps in order for cloud native to realize its full potential. Alex Williams, f

  • New Relic’s OpenTelemetry and Open Source Commitment

    21/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    New Relic sponsored this podcast. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF) OpenTelemetry project was created to help foster the adoption of observability by helping to improve interoperability among the different observability toolsets through a vendor-neutral framework. In this way, OpenTelemetry should help to provide a single set of APIs, libraries, agents and collector services to capture distributed traces, metrics and other information from an application for improved observability. In this The New Stack Makers podcast, hosted by TNS Founder and Publisher Alex Williams, Ben Evans, principal engineer and JVM technologies architect, New Relic, discussed OpenTelemetry and New Relic’s contributions to OpenTelemetry and other open source projects. The genesis of OpenTelemtry was not to create a technology for its own sake in anticipation of what observability users might need, but to serve as a common framework to meet palpable challenges organizations already face.

  • Why IAM is a Pain Point in Kubernetes

    18/12/2020 Duration: 43min

    Prisma Cloud from Palo Alto Networks sponsored this podcast. Identity and access management (IAM) was previously relatively straightforward. Often delegated as a low-level management task to the local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) admin, the process of setting permissions for tiered data access was definitely not one of the more challenging security-related duties. However, in today’s highly distributed and relatively complex computing environments, network and associated IAM are exponentially more complex. As application creation and deployment become more distributed, often among multicloud containerized environments, the resulting dependencies, as well as vulnerabilities, continue to proliferate as well, thus widening the scope of potential attack surfaces. How to manage IAM in this context was the main topic of this episode of The New Stack Analysts podcast, as KubeCon + CloudNativeCon attendees joined TNS Founder and Publisher Alex Williams and guests live for the latest “Virtual Pancake

  • On the Tech Radar: Database Storage

    16/12/2020 Duration: 51min

    KubeCon+CloudNativeCon sponsored this podcast. How to manage database storage in cloud native environments continues to be a major challenge for many organizations. Database storage also came to the fore as the issue to explore in the latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Tech Radar report. In this edition of The New Stack Analysts podcast, host Alex Williams, founder and publisher of The New Stack and co-hosts Cheryl Hung, vice president of ecosystem at Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and Dave Zolotusky, senior staff engineer at Spotify discuss stateless database storage, recent results of the report findings and perspectives from the user community. The podcast guests — who both contributed to the CNCF Tech Radar report and hail from the database storage user community — were Jackie Fong, engineering leader, Kubernetes and developer experience for Ticketmaster, and Mya Pitzeruse, software engineer, OSS contributor, effx.

  • Why K8 Cluster Management Is Not Expected to Become Boring Anytime Soon

    15/12/2020 Duration: 41min

    In this The New Stack Makers podcast featured during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America, Eric Sorenson, technical product manager for Relay at Puppet and Dave Lindquist, general manager and vice president engineering, hybrid cloud management, Red Hat, discuss the state of Kubernetes cluster configuration management, associated DevOps challenges and how problems can be solved in the future. TNS correspondent B. Cameron Gain hosted the episode.

  • Scaling New Heights EP #7 - Glassdoor: Performance Matters

    14/12/2020 Duration: 12min

    Welcome to The New Stack Makers: Scaling New Heights, a series of interviews with engineering managers who talk about the problems they have faced and the resolutions they sought, conducted by guest host Scalyr CEO Christine Heckart. Bhawna Singh had two mandates at Glassdoor when she started as senior vice president of engineering and CTO: open an office in San Francisco to access the region’s talent pool, and rebuild the search vertical for job results. Glassdoor is a job and recruiting site that offers services that allow people to see information such as company reviews, salary reviews, and benefits that a potential employer offers. To improve the quality of search, the team had to set metrics that the team trusted. Performance challenges surfaced when the team focused its efforts on the tactical aspects of architecting the platform. The Glassdoor team had tuned the system for quality; building out the deployment infrastructure and adding machine learning models. The work made the system heavier and less

  • Teleport, a Unified Access Plane, Built on Google’s Crypto

    09/12/2020 Duration: 39min

    In this The New Stack Makers podcast, Alex Williams, publisher and founder of The New Stack, spoke with Ev Kontsevoy, co-founder and CEO of Teleport, about what the shift to a widely distributed architecture means for engineers and developers and how Teleport accommodates their needs in this new dynamic. Teleport was formerly known as Gravitational until just recently when it rebranded itself after the name of its flagship unified access plane platform. Built with Go on Google’s cryptography, Teleport allows engineers, among other things, to bypass layers of legacy architecture in order to securely take advantage of cloud resources from any location worldwide with an Internet connection.

  • Why Kubernetes and Kafka are the Combo for DataOps Success

    08/12/2020 Duration: 41min

    What is DataOps? Why is a real-time data platform essential to the use cases driving it? How can you build data pipelines with open source complexity? In this episode of The New Stack Makers live — yet from our respective sofas — from KubeCon North America, we talk to Andrew Stevenson, chief technical officer and co-founder of Lenses, about how Apache Kafka and Kubernetes can together dramatically increase the agility, efficiency and security of building real-time data applications.

  • What Happens to SaltStack Now Under VMware

    30/11/2020 Duration: 45min

    VMware sponsored this podcast. SaltStack’s Salt is a leading automation and security platform for configuration management for on premises and cloud native environments. Created with Python, Salt is in use among Juniper, Cisco, Cloudflare, Nutanix, SUSE and Tieto, as well as a number of other Fortune 500 technology companies, as well as banks. Saltstack also offers a suite of tools, including SaltStack Enterprise for Salt, Plugin Oriented Programming (POP) and Tiamat, SaltStack’s portfolio has also been merged with VMware’s suite of offerings, following VMware’s purchase of SaltStack earlier this year. In this The New Stack Makers podcast, SaltStack’s Thomas Hatch, founder and CTO and Salt’s creator, and Janae Andrus, community manager for Salt, discuss SaltStack’s roots, evolution and integration with VMware’ platforms and technologies. The future of SaltStack’s open source projects were also discussed. Alex Williams, founder and publisher of The New Stack, hosted this podcast.

  • Pancakes Are Hot and So is Immutable Security

    24/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    Accurics sponsored this podcast. Who doesn’t love hotcakes? And to make them right, you need to wait until the batter starts to bubble up before you flip them. Immutable infrastructure management and related security challenges are also “bubbling up” these days, as many organizations make the shift to cloud native environments, with containerized, serverless and other layers. In this The New Stack Analysts podcast, TNS founder and publisher Alex Williams asked served up pancakes with KubeCon attendees who joined him for a “stack” at the “Virtual Pancake Breakfast and Podcast” while they offered their deep perspectives on what is at stake as immutable infrastructure security and other related concerns take hold. The guests joining the virtual breakfast were Om Moolchandani, co-founder and CTO for Accurics, Rosemary Wang, developer advocate for HashiCorp, Krishna Bhagavathula, CTO, for the NBA (who also brought his own L.A. Lakers-branded spatula), Chenxi Wang, Ph.D., managing general partner of Rain Capital,

  • Scaling New Heights Ep # 6 - From Rack and Stack to SaaS

    16/11/2020 Duration: 15min

    Welcome to The New Stack Makers: Scaling New Heights, a series of interviews, conducted by Scalyr CEO Christine Heckart, that cover the challenges engineering managers have faced when scaling architectures to support the demands of the business. Rack and stack memories often come up when enterprise engineers talk about building an SaaS. There is respect there when people recall the work that others did. It’s something that is oftentimes lost, circa 2011-12, when startups rushed into the enterprise space. Social tech was hip. Cloud was fascinating. APIs, webhooks, the evolution of RSS into social technologies — it was like this sudden excitement, the intoxicating rush of services — loosely coupled technologies changing the world! Nicolas Fischbach, CTO of Forcepoint, provides a view that is often heard from enterprise managers at technology companies. The legacy technologies are there to stay but there is an excitement that comes from building a new SaaS.

  • How CERN Accelerates with Kubernetes, Helm, Prometheus and CoreDNS

    11/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    KubeCon+CloudNativeCon sponsored this podcast. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is known for its particle accelerator and experiments and analysis of the properties of subatomic particles, anti-matter and other particle physics-related research. CERN is also considered to be where the World Wide Web (WWW) was created. Research and experiments conducted at the largest particle physics research center consisting of a 27-km long tunnel generate massive amounts of data to manage and store. All told, CERN now manages over 500 petabytes — over half of one exabyte — which, in a decade's time, is expected to total 5,000 petabytes, said Ricardo Rocha, a staff researcher at CERN. In this episode of The New Stack Analysts, we learn from Rocha how CERN is adapting as a new accelerator goes online in the next few years with the ability to manage 10x the data it manages now.

  • Scaling New Heights Ep # 5 - Platform Resilience, a New Driver for a Roadside Assistance Company

    09/11/2020 Duration: 16min

    Welcome to The New Stack Makers: Scaling New Heights, a series of interviews, conducted by Scalyr CEO Christine Heckart, that cover the challenges engineering managers have faced when scaling architectures to support the demands of the business. Roadside service. The car breaks down, the driver makes a call, an agent answers and help is on the way. Turn to the past few years and the agent is no longer central to the experience. The app is the roadside assistant. The change in the market has turned a company like Agero from a B2B company into one that deals directly with the consumer. Bernie Gracy is chief digital officer for Agero, a white label roadside assistance platform that provides support for 12 million roadside events per year through its digital assistance platform. Agero built its business on empathy as a foundation for its service. Its empathetic agents were tasked with getting travelers through often stressful experiences. Moving to a digital experience put a load on the platform that could not be

  • The Status of Cloud Native and Kubernetes Today

    06/11/2020 Duration: 41min

    In this The New Stack Makers livestream podcast recorded ahead of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, Founder and Publisher Alex Williams and Managing Editor Joab Jackson hosted a roundtable discussion covering the status of cloud native adoption and its near- and long-term outlook. The guests were Rachel Stephens, an analyst for RedMonk, Steven Vaughan-Nichols, a long-time journalist for ZDNet and well-recognized Linux professional and Katie Gamanji, a cloud platform engineer for American Express and member of the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee.

  • One Bank's Path for Moving Deep Legacy Infrastructure into Cloud Native Operations

    04/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    Some legacy infrastructures are certainly more difficult to manage than others when organizations make the shift to cloud native. In the case of the heavily regulated financial services industry and the deep legacy infrastructure involved when banks transition to the cloud, challenges inherent in the sector abound. Regulatory and compliance and data-management challenges are also usually amplified when the bank has an especially large international presence. In this edition of The New Stack Analysts podcast, as part of The New Stack’s recent coverage of end-use Kubernetes, Michael Lieberman, senior innovation engineer, vice president, of Tokyo-based MUFG, discusses his company’s journey to scale out architectures in a microservice and Kubernetes environment in the world of financial services. Alex Williams, founder and publisher of The New Stack hosted the podcast with co-hosts Cheryl Hung, vice president of ecosystem at Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and Dave Zolotusky, senior staff engineer at Spo

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